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HUKUM PELAKSANAAN PELUNASAN HUTANG PIUTANG DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN TENAGA MENURUT IMAM MALIK (Studi Kasus Di Kelurahan Langga Payung Kecamatan Sungai Kanan Kabupaten Labuhan Batu Selatan) Lisma Yanti Harahap; Sahmiar Pulungan; Sahliah Sahliah
ISLAMIC BUSSINESS LAW REVIEW Vol 2, No 1 (2019): Juli-Desember 2019
Publisher : Fakultas Syari'ah dan Hukum UIN Sumatera Utara

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Beragam cara untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup manusia dan semakin beragam pula kebutuhan dan menciptakan lapangan kerja baru dan usaha-usaha yang bisa dilakukan oleh setiap manusia. Kendala yang sering digaungkan adalah berkaitan dengan modal sebagai uang awal untuk memulai usaha, bagi mereka yang ingin melakukan usaha, Terdapat juga masyarakat yang harus berkutat untuk bisa memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-harinya saja. Salah satu yang menjadi kebiasaan untuk mendapatkan modal adalah dengan cara berhutang, karena berhutang bagi sebagian kalangan masih dianggap mulia apabila dibandingkan dengan meminta-minta. Tidak semua manusia mempunyai kemampuan dan rezeky yang sama, sehingga dalam bermu’amalah  kepada satu orang kepada orang lainnya, dengan adanya status yang tetap mengenai kepemilikan, yakni peminjam harus mengembalikan benda atau uang yang dipinjam sesuai dengan jangka waktu yang telah ditentukan. Di Kelurahan Langga Payung Kecamatan Sungai Kanan Kabupaten Labuhan Batu Selatan terdapat satu kebiasaan tentang pengembalian uang yang dipinjam, yakni apabila peminjam tidak sanggup mengembalikan sejumlah uang yang bdipinjam, maka ia diharuskan untuk mengembaikannya dengan cara beekrja atau memberikan tenaga kepada kepada pemberi pinjaman. Menurut Imam Maiki, praktik yang terjadi tersebut hukumnya haram, karena dianggap bagian dari riba, karena mengambil keuntungan dari orang lain, meskipun secara kasat mata ini adalah cara untuk menyelesaikan masalah, tapi bagi Imam Malik itu merupakan perbuatan yang terlarang dalam pangdangan agama Islam, pola transaksi seperti ini bisa menimbulkan penzhaliman antara sesama muslim.
Proceeding International Seminar of Islamic Studies INSIS 2 (January 2021)
Publisher : Proceeding International Seminar of Islamic Studies

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An honest is an attitude that must be possessed by every human being, especially for every Muslim. Without an honest, it will be difficult to be trusted by the community. Corruption, collusions and nepotism (CCN) is known as KKN in Indonesia. It is an immoral act by abusing an authority based on a form of agreement with close people regardless of quality to get profit. CCN is a form of treason that is very large and is strictly forbidden in Islam, because this act is very dangerous. The purpose of this research was to know the form and punishment explanation of CCN values in islamic perspective. This research focused on the discussion of CCN based on Islamic perspective. The method of this research was qualitative using library research. The data used was the Qur'an and books, papers and journals related to the object of this study. then the data were analyzed using content analysis by using descriptive analytic approach to produce a comprehensive conclusion. The result of this study was the mechanism of punishment from CCN based on Islamic perspective.Keywords:Islamic Law; Corruption, Collusions; Nepotisms
Monopoly In Islamic Perspective And Its Application In Life Sahmiar Pulungan
Proceeding International Seminar of Islamic Studies INSIS 1 (December 2019)
Publisher : Proceeding International Seminar of Islamic Studies

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Monopoly in muamalat means al-Ihtikar, in etymology is the act of hoarding, collecting (goods) or a place to hoard. Ulama has different perspective of hoarding objects. Shafi'i and al-Gazali mahzab argued that hoarding was only found in the primary material according to the Hanafi Mahzab found by and other opinions ihtikar is generally applicable, namely hoarding all goods human needs, both primary and secondary, which become 'illat for this school are the affluence that afflicts many people, encompassing all the products that people need as a whole. In the principles of Islamic law, whatever is permissible by Allah to have it, then halal is used as an object of trade. Likewise all forms which are forbidden to have it are forbidden to be traded. But in Islam in principle the item is lawful, but because the attitudes and actions of the perpetrators are contrary to the shari'ah, the goods from the critical side turn into haram. In this paper, a qualitative method is used. To avoid monopoly in the society, it is needed the role of government to avoid monopoly practices. 
Tinjauan Fiqh terhadap Wakaf Produktif Menuju Kesejahteran Umat Sahmiar Pulungan
DIKTUM: Jurnal Syariah dan Hukum Vol 20 No 2 (2022): DIKTUM: Jurnal Syariah dan Hukum
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah dan Hukum Islam Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Parepare

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In Indonesia, waqf does plays a role and function in tide of worship. Waqf is expected to help the people economy. The purpose of this study is to explain the productive waqf of Ustman Bin Affan model as a reference in the current implementation of productive waqf. This research is a qualitative descriptive research with a library research approach which is studied using a philosophical approach. This study uses primary data sources, namely data which is the main source of literature research by searching various literatures (books) and as secondary data are journals related to this research. Data collection techniques use the documentation method, namely studying and searching for data in the form of notes, documents, transcripts, books, magazines, and so on. Data analysis is carried out by giving meaning and studied by comparing it with previous research on phenomena that occur in society. The result of the study is hoped tobe a pilot project for the development of productive waqf in Indonesia.
Penyelesaian Sengketa Terhadap Marhun Yang Masih Berstatus Kredit Ditinjau Menurut Fatwa DSN-MUI Nomor: 25/DSN-MUI/III/2002 Lisa Dewi Rafika Br. Siregar; Sahmiar Pulungan
Nagari Law Review Vol 7 No 2 (2023): Nagari Law Review
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Andalas University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/nalrev.v.7.i.2.p.227-240.2023


This research aims to determine the implementation of pawning on marhun who still have credit status and dispute resolution that occurred in Bangun Sari Village, Silo Laut District, Asahan Regency according to DSN MUI Fatwa number: 25/DSN-MUI/III/2002. This type of research method uses qualitative methods with a field approach (field research). The data sources in this research use two data sources, namely, primary data obtained through interviews, observations of the problem objects raised and secondary data to complement primary data obtained from books, articles, written documents, journals and other related secondary data. with the problems in this research. Meanwhile, the data collection techniques used were interviews, observation and existing literature. The location of this research is in Bangun Sari Village, Silo Laut District, Asahan Regency. The problem of this research is through DSN-MUI Fatwa Number: 25/DSN-MUI/III/2002 concerning Rahn, namely that marhun cannot be used by murtahin unless the murtahin has permission. However, looking at cases in the field, Murtahin is still taking advantage of the marhun by selling it to other parties without Rahin's permission. If the maturity date has passed, Murtahin must warn Rahin to immediately pay off his debt. However, in this case the murtahin did not remind the rahin when the debt was due. If Rahin cannot pay off his debt, Marhun will be forced to sell/execute at auction in accordance with sharia. The results of the research show that the implementation of pawning and dispute resolution for marhun with credit status in terms of the DSN MUI Fatwa in Silo Laut village, Silo Laut District, Asahan Regency is invalid because it does not comply with the provisions contained in the DSN-MUI Fatwa. Meanwhile, according to Islamic law, the implementation of pawning that occurred in Bangun Sari village, Silo Laut subdistrict, Asahan district, was not in accordance with the pillars and conditions of pawning.