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JTERA (Jurnal Teknologi Rekayasa) Vol 5, No 1: June 2020
Publisher : Politeknik Sukabumi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1085.487 KB) | DOI: 10.31544/jtera.v5.i1.2019.151-158


Ban merupakan salah satu komponen penting dari sebuah kendaraan. Bahan dasar sebuah ban adalah kompon yang ditambahkan dengan bahan kimia yang lainnya sehingga menjadi sebuah karet. Kompon yang telah dibuat akan digunakan sebagai campuran bahan pembuat tapak ban atau lebih dikenal dengan tread. Pada proses pembuatan tread di mesin ekstruder, terdapat beberapa permasalahan yang menyebabkan hasilnya tidak sesuai dengan standar. Salah satu bagian tread yang biasanya tidak sesuai standar adalah pada marking. Kesalahan marking yang terjadi pada saat ini adalah hasil yang tidak lurus dan garisnya yang putus-putus. Hal tersebut menyebabkan ban tidak lolos proses pemeriksaan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah memodifikasi alat marking pada mesin ekstruder untuk mengurangi tread yang tidak sesuai spesifikasi. Modifikasi alat marking dilakukan menggunakan komponen dasar pressure tank, linear guideway, dan pipa kapiler. Hasil realisasi alat membuktikan bahwa alat marking dengan pressure tank mampu mengurangi tread yang tidak sesuai dengan spesifikasi sebesar 14%.
ELECTRANS Vol 13, No 2 (2014): Volume 13, Nomor 2, Tahun 2014
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Makalah ini menjelaskan tentang perancangan antena waveguide 6 slot yang digunakan untuk aplikasi LTETDD pada frekuensi 2,3 GHz. Bahan dasar antena ini adalah kuningan dengan ketebalan 0,8 mm. Antena waveguide slot ini memiliki dimensi 113 mm x 58,67 mm x 628 mm dengan impendansi masukan 50 Ω. Antena ini beroperasi pada frekuensi 2,3 GHz sampai 2,4 GHz dengan return loss kurang dari -10 dB. Gain yang diperoleh dari hasil simulasi sebesar 14,2 dBi dengan pola radiasi directional.
Modifikasi Alat Marking Menggunakan Paint Pressure Tank pada Mesin Ekstruder Nurul Fahmi Arief Hakim; Prio Aji Widiantoro; Riko Fredianto
JTERA (Jurnal Teknologi Rekayasa) Vol 5, No 1: June 2020
Publisher : Politeknik Sukabumi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31544/jtera.v5.i1.2019.151-158


Ban merupakan salah satu komponen penting dari sebuah kendaraan. Bahan dasar sebuah ban adalah kompon yang ditambahkan dengan bahan kimia yang lainnya sehingga menjadi sebuah karet. Kompon yang telah dibuat akan digunakan sebagai campuran bahan pembuat tapak ban atau lebih dikenal dengan tread. Pada proses pembuatan tread di mesin ekstruder, terdapat beberapa permasalahan yang menyebabkan hasilnya tidak sesuai dengan standar. Salah satu bagian tread yang biasanya tidak sesuai standar adalah pada marking. Kesalahan marking yang terjadi pada saat ini adalah hasil yang tidak lurus dan garisnya yang putus-putus. Hal tersebut menyebabkan ban tidak lolos proses pemeriksaan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah memodifikasi alat marking pada mesin ekstruder untuk mengurangi tread yang tidak sesuai spesifikasi. Modifikasi alat marking dilakukan menggunakan komponen dasar pressure tank, linear guideway, dan pipa kapiler. Hasil realisasi alat membuktikan bahwa alat marking dengan pressure tank mampu mengurangi tread yang tidak sesuai dengan spesifikasi sebesar 14%.
Hybrid Machine Learning Model untuk memprediksi Penyakit Jantung dengan Metode Logistic Regression dan Random Forest Silmi Ath Thahirah Al Azhima; Dwicky Darmawan; Nurul Fahmi Arief Hakim; Iwan Kustiawan; Mariya Al Qibtiya; Nendi Suhendi Syafei
Jurnal Teknologi Terpadu Vol. 8 No. 1: July, 2022
Publisher : LPPM STT Terpadu Nurul Fikri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54914/jtt.v8i1.539


The heart is the main organ that must work properly and regularly. If there is interference, it will be fatal, namely the onset of a heart attack. Heart attack is included in the 10 diseases with a high risk of death. This is caused by stress factors, blood pressure, excessive work, blood sugar, and others. The purpose of this study is to predict heart disease using Machine Learning (ML) algorithms as an early preventive measure on desktop-based information systems. With Machine Learning models, the hybrid model can increase the accuracy value of an ML method that is added to other ML methods. The accuracy value obtained from the Hybrid Model Machine Learning using the Random Forest and Logistic Regression methods is 84.48%, which is an increase of 1.32%.  
Microsoft Office Spesialist, Met PELATIHAN MICROSOFT OFFICE SPECIALIST (MOS) POWER POINT DALAM UPAYA PENINGKATAN KOMPETENSI GURU SMK PADA ERA DISRUPSI INDUSTRI 4.0 Resa Pramudita; Roer Eka Pawinanto; Muhammad Adli Rizqulloh; Nurul Fahmi Arief Hakiem; Mariya Al Qibtiya; Silmi Ath Thahirah Al Azhima
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Infomasi Terapan Vol. 8 No. 3 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Widyatama

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (516.088 KB) | DOI: 10.33197/jitter.vol8.iss3.2022.910


Era disrupsi Industri membawa banyak pengaruh dalam kehidupan manusia, hal ini juga yang mempengaruhi dunia pendidikan, Salah satu cara meningkatkan kompetensi guru di era revolusi industry 4.0 ini adalah membekali guru dengan kemampuan skala global yaitu Microsoft Office Specialist atau MOS. Dari permasalahan tersebut kami berinisiatif untuk mengadakan Kegiatan pelatihan Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Power Point bagi guru SMK/SMA di kota Bandung. Pelatihan ini mengadaptasi model pelatihan Goad, yaitu Model ini terdiri atas beberapa siklus diantaranya adalah: (1) analisis kebutuhan pelatihan; (2)desain pendekatan pelatihan; (3) pengembangan materi pelatihan; (4) pelaksanaan pelatihan; (5) evaluasi dan pemutakhiran pelatihan.
Jurnal Dharma Bhakti Ekuitas Vol 7 No 1 (2022): Jurnal Dharma Bhakti Ekuitas
Publisher : STIE Ekuitas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52250/p3m.v7i1.551


Electrical energy is a vital issue in everyday life since it is ubiquitous. The utilization of electrical energy is increasingly a widespread issue in society, particularly in schools. The school's electrical bill is rather significant. If electronic devices are utilized only when necessary, electrical energy in the educational environment may be managed to be more efficient. This will have an effect on lowering energy use. This article addresses energy-efficient electrical training at Bandung 4 Vocational High School. Conditions in the school setting that necessitate electrical equipment counseling. Teachers are given direction or training based on this circumstance. Lectures, discussions, and exercises are employed in community service activities at SMK N 4 Bandung. Following a discussion and questions and answers, the lecturer teaches content concerning the usage of technological devices. Meanwhile, implementation may be carried out by teaching teams at their particular schools, who can confer with DPTE lecturers regarding energy conservation. Teachers will be able to comprehend the importance of electrical energy and how to use it efficiently as a consequence of this training. Furthermore, teachers may save power in the school and adjacent regions, lowering electricity expenditures. The implementation of electrical energy-saving measures must also include the comfort and safety of the educational environment. Keywords: Energy, Electricity, Training, Vocational School. ABSTRAK Energi listrik menjadi bahasan yang penting dalam kehidupan, karena selalu digunakan setiap waktu. Penggunaan energi listrik saat ini telah menjadi topik yang umum di masyarakat, khususnya di lingkungan sekolah. Tagihan listik yang dibayar oleh sekolah cukup besar. Energi listrik di lingkungan sekolah dapat diatur menjadi lebih efisien jika peranti elektronika digunakan sesuai kebutuhan. Hal ini akan berdampak pada pengurangan konsumsi energi listrik. Tulisan ini membahas tentang pelatihan penggunaan listrik hemat energi di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Negeri 4 Bandung. Kondisi lingkungan sekolah yang memerlukan penyuluhan tentang penggunaan peralatan listrik. Berdasarkan kondisi ini, maka dilakukan bimbingan atau pelatihan kepada para guru. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat di SMK N 4 Bandung yaitu ceramah, diskusi dan latihan. Instruktur menjelaskan materi tentang penggunaan perangkat elektronik dilanjutkan dengan diskusi dan tanya jawab. Sedangkan penerapannya dapat dilakukan oleh tim pengajar di sekolahnya masing-masing yang dapat dikonsultasikan dengan dosen DPTE tentang penghematan energi listrik. Hasil dari pelatihan ini, para guru dapat memahami pentingnya energi listrik dan cara memanfaatkan energi listrik secara efisien. Selain itu, para guru juga mampu melakukan penghematan energi listrik di lingkungan sekolah dan sekitarnya sehingga tagihan listrik dapat berkurang. Proses penerapan kegiatan hemat energi listrik juga perlu memperhatikan kenyamanan dan keamanan terhadap lingkungan sekolah. Kata kunci: Energi, Listrik, Pelatihan, SMK.
Sistem Informasi Rekam Medis Berbasis Aplikasi Desktop untuk Daerah Pedesaan Dwicky Darmawan; Silmi Ath Thahirah Al Azhima; Nurul Fahmi Arief Hakim
EPSILON: Journal of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology Vol 20 No 2 (2022): EPSILON: Journal of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
Publisher : Department of Electrical Engineering, UNJANI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55893/epsilon.v20i2.89


Rural areas have several challenges that must be resolved. The availability of internet connections in the rural area is also one of the facilities that until now has not been evenly distributed. The clinical administration system is still conventional which has many weaknesses such as data processing, time management, and requires document storage space. So that the conventional system reduces the quality of clinical health services in the area. Therefore, this research was made with the method used is the waterfall model which aims to solve the challenges in making information systems. The advantage of using this method is that it is easy to use, directed, structured, and good for optimization. In this research, the information system created is in the form of a desktop application and is made using the Python programming language and MySQL database as a data storage area. This system is able to store personal data and patient history data according to the required information. In addition, this clinical information system is able to process data quickly and accurately, minimize lost data, search for the required data quickly, make patient data reports quickly and neatly, the system can be accessed by users even though there is no internet signal, and can reduce use of paper and reduce the use of space for patient data document storage.
Abdi Dosen : Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat Vol 7 No 3 (2023): SEPTEMBER 2023
Publisher : LPPM Univ. Ibn Khaldun Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32832/abdidos.v7i3.1717


Merdeka Belajar program was launched as a government effort to improve the quality of education in Indonesia and face increasingly complex and dynamic global challenges. The educational problems at SDN 143 Kopo are the lack of optimal literacy and numeracy activities for students and the limited human resources to deal with a large number of students. The method used in this activity is the direct learning assistance method, where Kampus Mengajar (KM) students act as facilitators in helping students deal with difficulties encountered in learning. Each step taken will be explained descriptively. The flow of an implementation of activities made using 4 stages, namely observation, preparation, implementation, and evaluation has been going well. In practice, the planned work program for elementary school students includes the “Gerakan Literasi dan Numerasi” (GLS), creating reading corners, reciting activities, and teaching English. The result obtained is an increase in students' enthusiasm for learning, especially in literacy and numeracy skills. Students begin to be able to recognize letters, read and count with the help KM5 students. The planned work program can run with the help of KM5 students. The existence of KM5 students makes students more enthusiastic and enthusiastic in teaching and learning activities.
Compact Coplanar Waveguide Antenna Using Arm Patch for Software Defined Radio Nurul Fahmi Arief Hakim; Silmi Ath Thahirah Al Azhima; Mariya Al Qibtiya
Jurnal Elektronika dan Telekomunikasi Vol 23, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : National Research and Innovation Agency

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55981/jet.524


This article proposes a compact coplanar waveguide (CPW) antenna with a semicircular patch and patch arm above the feed line. The method used in this antenna research is experimental, with antenna parameter optimization, fabrication, and measurement steps. The antenna was 40 mm × 46 mm × 0.8 mm and was printed on an FR4 substrate. Antenna optimization was carried out with CST Studio Suite to obtain optimal results. Based on return loss measurement results, the proposed antenna has an operational frequency of 2 GHz–7 GHz. The antenna arm has a significant effect on the operational frequency of the antenna, as proven by a parameter study of the antenna arm. Parametric studies were carried out on the antenna by investigating the influence of geometric parameters on the frequency characteristics. Optimization results were printed then measured by a Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) and a spectrum analyzer. The fabricated CPW antenna has a wider operating frequency than the simulation. An omnidirectional radiation pattern was observed at 2 GHz–4 GHz. The antenna has been used as a transmitter and receiver at 2.4 GHz, 3 GHz, and 4 GHz. The antenna is able to receive the signal emitted from the signal generator.
Pengembangan Sistem Prediksi Waktu Penyiraman Optimal pada Perkebunan: Pendekatan Machine Learning untuk Peningkatan Produktivitas Pertanian Mohammad F Anggarda; Iwan Kustiawan; Deasy R Nurjanah; Nurul F A Hakim
JURNAL BUDIDAYA PERTANIAN Vol 19 No 2 (2023): Jurnal Budidaya Pertanian
Publisher : Universitas Pattimura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30598/jbdp.2023.19.2.124


Modern agriculture relies heavily on technology, especially in irrigation management and crop watering. Several previous studies have applied field data-based predictive techniques to improve crop yields. This research aims to develop a prediction system for optimal watering time in plantations and agriculture using a machine learning approach. The rigorous methodology includes data capture, pre-processing, model evaluation and testing, validation, and visualization. High accuracy demonstrates the system's reliability in determining optimal watering needs to improve resource efficiency and crop yields in agriculture. The data obtained from the automatic weather station (AWS) via thingsboard is processed sequentially, starting from data retrieval in json format using postman to transformation into csv files with proper timestamp adjustment. The pre-processing stage includes data cleaning, variable selection, data integration, and generating a clean dataset. In the evaluation stage, the dataset is divided into training data and test data, with the application and comparison of logistic regression, random forest and decision tree models applied as classifiers. Furthermore, the validation and results stage includes prediction, performance testing using the confusion matrix, and visualization of prediction results in the form of text and icons that aim to increase interpetability for users through Google Collaboratory. The results of this research provide an overview of the optimal watering time based on the dataset from the automatic weather station. Further analysis shows that the implementation of machine learning models significantly improves the prediction accuracy, proving the effectiveness of the system in providing more precise watering time recommendations to increase agricultural productivity. The main objective is to develop a machine learning-based watering time prediction system using data from the automatic weather station and evaluate various classifier algorithms to select the best model.