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Pengukuran Kualitas Perangkat Lunak Sistem Manajemen Pelaporan Kegiatan Berbasis Web Peringatan Berbasis Email Ritzkal Ritzkal; Moh Subchan
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknoka Vol 2 (2017): Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknoka ke - 2
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka, Jakarta

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Pentingnya kualitas perangkat lunak memang masih diperhadapkan pada banyaknya standar kualitas yang ada. Para ahli rekayasa perangkat lunak tampaknya masih memerlukan sedikit waktu untuk menetapkan sebuah standar tunggal yang dapat menggugurkan standar-standar kualitas yang banyak ini. Di sisi lain, pencapaian kualitas perangkat lunak tidak bisa menunggu sampai standar tunggal itu ditetapkan. Tujuan dari penelitian yaitu mendapatkan nilai kualitas perangkat lunak sistem manajemen pelaporan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan teknik kuantitatif. Penelitian ini adalah penerapan dari teori-teori mengenai kualitas perangkat lunak, dan dilakukan sebagai pembuktian teori-teori tersebut. Secara skematik,Metode penelitian dilakukan dengan beberapa tahapan kumpulan data,komputasi numerik (metric) dan komputasi numerik (indikator). Hasil yang diperoleh berupa pengumpulan data pada perangkat lunak, perhitungan komputasi numerik dan perhitungan indicator kualitas ISO 9126 yang meliputi indkator kualitas fungsional, indicator kualitas reliabilitas, indicator kualitas usabilitas, indicator kualitas effisiensi, indicator kualitas maintainabilitas, dan indicator kualitas portabilitas. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut, maka ditarik kesimpulan sesuai tujuan penelitian dengan hasil pengujian indikator kualitas ISO 9126 yang terdiri dari hasil 0.1435 fungsionalitas, hasil 988 reliable, hasil 0.4429 usability, hasil 11.5316 person-month, 2.33 Pemeliharaan, hasil 5 portabilitas dan persentase pencapaian kualitas 83.3%.
Information System For Sale Of Muslim Clothes Based On E-Commerce Technology: Information System For Sale Of Muslim Clothes Based On E-Commerce Technology M. Subchan; Dedi Setiadi
Jurnal Mantik Vol. 4 No. 1 (2020): May: Manajemen, Teknologi Informatika dan Komunikasi (Mantik)
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

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The evolution that occurs on the internet is one of the most interesting phenomena in technological advancements that are happening now. One aspect that is arguably the main one in this evolution is the emergence of electronic commerce (e-commerce) in the business environment. E-commerce changes almost all the functions of the business area and every activity, from buying and selling to advertising. With the birth of E-commerce, it is easier for consumers to make buying and selling transactions without having to come to their place. Muslim clothes shop ayu fashion shops, established in 2012, is a shop that provides a variety of Muslim clothing. Muslim clothing that is sold in the ayu fashion shops stores includes several categories including Muslim, hijab, robe, and couple. The formulation of the problem in this study are (i) how to create information systems for selling Muslim clothing information systems assisted by e-commerce technology, (ii) How to test web-based ordering information media at ayu fashion Muslim clothing stores. The purpose of this study is (i) to create an information system for selling Muslim clothing information systems assisted by e-commerce technology, (ii) can produce web-based ordering information media testing at ayu fashion Muslim clothing stores. The research method used is a waterfall. Some conclusions that can be drawn from Muslim clothing stores and application of the system to the problems that exist in the design of e-commerce Information Systems at Muslim clothing stores ayu fashion shop are as follows: (i) Consumers can order products at these Muslim clothing stores anywhere that are connected with the internet network, consumers only need to register, log in, choose products and place an order, (ii) Designing an e-commerce in a Muslim clothing store ayu fashion shop can provide solutions to the problems faced by the ayu fashion shop Muslim fashion shop in the product sales process as well as product marketing solutions for companies, (iii) Testing of e-commerce information systems in Muslim clothing stores with results according to the needs or designs created.
Small Cash Information Systems And Web-Based Bank Transactions At PT. Sky Alloys International: Small Cash Information Systems And Web-Based Bank Transactions At PT. Sky Alloys International Dedi Setiadi; Mohamad Subchan
Jurnal Mantik Vol. 4 No. 2 (2020): Augustus: Manajemen, Teknologi Informatika dan Komunikasi (Mantik)
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35335/mantik.Vol4.2020.914.pp1130-1132


Currently, the entry of financial transaction data that is taking place at PT. Sky Alloys International is done manually by financial staff. Financial transactions can only be done on a computer at PT. Sky Alloys International only, so if the financial staff or the person concerned is outside PT. Sky Alloys International, so it cannot make transactions. This is an obstacle for managers, because these data are very important to know the current financial situation at PT. Sky Alloys International. Seeing the problems that occur, it is necessary to make petty cash accounting applications and bank transactions that can help the work of the finance department and managers in viewing financial information. In this application there are accounting logics used to calculate transactions and balances of the account used. The results of this application are financial reports shown to the manager. In the end, this application can help the work of the finance department in entering transactions and managers in viewing financial reports.
Fire Alarm Application with Short Message Service (SMS) and Arduino FOR Reminder Information Display System in Puri Permai Tbk Housing M. Subchan; Aza Azhari
Jurnal Mantik Vol. 5 No. 2 (2021): Augustus: Manajemen, Teknologi Informatika dan Komunikasi (Mantik)
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35335/jurnalmantik.Vol5.2021.1444.pp1030-1033


Security disturbances do not only come from people who will do bad things but from other factors as well, for example the occurrence of fires which is a threat to us. Fire disasters can occur at any time regardless of time or place. The fire disaster will definitely cause damage, loss, maybe even casualties. If this happens in a government agency / office, then the loss incurred is the loss of important / valuable documents, thus affecting the implementation of daily tasks. So fire prevention and control is important. This prototyping method will produce a system prototype as an intermediary for developers and users in order to interact in the process of information system development activities. In order for the prototype making process to be successful, it is by defining the rules at an early stage, namely the developer and the user must have an understanding that the prototype was built to define initial requirements. When mQ2 detects smoke and the flame sensor detects a fire, then the buzzer turns on. Sim800l successfully sends a message when mQ2 detects smoke and the flame sensor detects a fire.
Prediction Model of Eligibility of Lending in Credit Banks Using The C4.5 Algorithm and Naive Bayes Method Indra Maulana; Mohamad Subchan
Jurnal Mantik Vol. 5 No. 3 (2021): November: Manajemen, Teknologi Informatika dan Komunikasi (Mantik)
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

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People's credit banks are financial institutions that collect funds from savings and channel them back in the form of credit. One form of credit owned by Rural Banks is installment credit which is intended for customers who want to increase business capital or other needs. To determine quickly and reduce the risk of non-performing loans in lending, To prevent bad loans, accurate forecasting is needed, one of which uses technology in the field of data mining. Naive Bayes predicts future probabilities based on previous experience by studying the correlation of hypotheses which are the class labels that are the target of mapping in the classification and evidence which is the features that are input in the classification model. Data processing based on data mining is expected to be used as a tool in predicting creditworthiness which estimates whether or not an applicant or customer is eligible for credit.
Car Service Services Information System and Website-Based Sparepart Sales in the Company PT. Azka Gilang Mandiri Ritzkal; Willy Mandela; Alief Juan Aprian; Moh Subchan; Moh Risnandar; Hersanto Fajri; Bayu Adhi Prakosa
Jurnal Mantik Vol. 6 No. 3 (2022): November: Manajemen, Teknologi Informatika dan Komunikasi (Mantik)
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35335/mantik.v6i3.3011


The development of the website today is not a difficult thing for students and students to learn because there are many references on the internet to support learning. The formulation of the problem in this study is 1. How to automatically set up service and spare parts data on invoices?. 2) How to manage good service and spare parts data management?. The purposes of this research are: 1. Manage the inventory of spare parts data stock, service income, and manage all reports and transactions at the company. 2. Facilitate the administration of the company in the process of providing services and data collection of spare parts, because the website has been managed properly and the company is more organized for use in data collection services and spare parts data. The research method used in this study using Waterfall. The waterfall method is one of the SDLC models that is often used in the development of information systems or software. The waterfall model uses a systematic and sequential approach. The stages of the waterfall model include requirements, design, implementation, verification, and maintenance. Based on the results and discussion, the following conclusions can be drawn: (i) Information systems for services and sales of spare parts can be used as an answer to problems that occur in the management of the workshop, with this system the management of the workshop can be more easily carried out and much faster and the quality of information is more manageable. well. (ii) Development of an information system website for services and spare parts sales for customers of PT. Azka Gilang Mandiri has been carried out and implemented from the results of the designs that have been made in Context Diagrams, System Actors (List Actors), Use Case Diagrams, Activity Diagrams, and Class Diagrams.
A Decision Support System Using a Simple Additive Weighting Method to Make the Production Division of PT. Indofood Fortuna Makmur's Employee Selection Process More Simple Moh Subchan; Partono Siswosuharjo.; Rizky Yulia
INOVA-TIF Vol 6 No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Department of Informatics Engineering

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32832/inova-tif.v6i1.10682


At PT Indofood Fortuna Makmur, the information system still runs manually, especially when it comes to the program for choosing exceptional staff. Results of the examination are less precise and effective. The system must be developed by switching to a computer-based information system in order to prevent errors. With a calculation utilizing the SAW technique, an application that uses the PHP programming language and a MySQL database are used to design and build a decision-support system for choosing exceptional personnel. This application is in accordance with the issues at PT. Indofood Fortuna Makmur; the results are accurate because they are based on field assessments rather than biased assessments, and as a result of this assessment, employees at PT. Indofood Fortuna Makmur will be motivated to compete to become model workers.
Decision Support System for Permanent Employee Appointment With the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) Method at PT Pumas Rotua Gemilang Tangerang M. Subchan; Partono Siswosuharjo; Gerardus Antonius Aryesam
Jurnal Inovatif : Inovasi Teknologi Informasi dan Informatika Vol. 6 No. 2 (2023): IN PRESS
Publisher : Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor

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As time goes by PT Pumas Rotua Gemilang has experienced a lot of development with increasing production, it requires more labor, in the early days there were 200 workers until now it has reached approximately 400 workers, so the need for employee performance appraisal is needed according to company standards aims to carry out the process of assessing the feasibility of appointing employees to permanent employee status. However, the assessment is still conventional, seems slow and inaccurate, so it is necessary to have an employee appointment decision support system designed with PHP programming and mySQL as the database. The application of research using the AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) method the criteria used are Attendance, Knowledge, Cooperation, Work Quality and Discipline, the process begins by determining the criteria, eigenvalue. The final result of the AHP method shows the transparency of the feasibility of appointing employees with their respective values and has a certain weight according to the priorities of the company.