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Journal : Jurnal Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia

Jurnal Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia Vol 2, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36722/jpm.v2i1.358


Abstrak Pengabdian masyarakat berjudul Pelatihan dan Pendampingan Kader Posyandu Lansia di Desa Cimuning Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Cimuning bertujuan untuk membangun kesadaran masyarakat mengenai kesehatan pada usia lanjut. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian ini yaitu pendekatan persuasive dengan tahapan-tahapan pelaksanaan yaitu (1) melakukan pendekatan persuasive kepada masyarakat sebagai kader posyandu, (2) Penyuluhan kesehatan/ceranah interaktif, diskusi kelompok, tanya jawab, dan simulasi, (3) pemeriksaan fisik (4) serta pencatatan dan pelaporan hasil pemeriksaan isik kesehatan masyarakat lanjut usia. Di kelurahan Cimuning baru terbentuk 8 Posyandu Lansia dari 26 RW yang ada, sehingga perlu dibentuk lagi posyandu lansia pada RW yang belum memiliki posyandu lansia. Dengan demikian Program Kerja Sama Mitra (PKM) dalam pengabdian masyarakat menawarkan solusi antara lain dengan pelatihan dan pendampingan kader posyandu lansia. Kegiatannya antara lain: Sosialisasi pentingnya posyandu lansia melalui Forum Kelurahan/RW, rekrutmen dan pelatihan kader posyandu lansia, layanan posyandu lansia, penyuluhan kesehatan, PMT, penimbangan, vitamin dan permainan-permainan yg menyenagkan dan menyehatkan, peningkatan kesehatan, komunikasi interpersonal yang bekerjasama dengan masyarakat sekitar. Kesimpulan bahwa pelatihan dan pendampingan kader posyandu lansia kelurahan Cimuning sangat bermanfaat dalam meningkatkan status kesehatan dan kualitas hidup lansia pelayanan kesehatan lansia di posyandu.Kata kunci : Lansia, Pengabdian, Posyandu AbstractCommunity service titled Training and Assistance for Elderly Posyandu Cadres in Cimuning Village Cimuning Health Center Work Area aims to build public awareness about health in old age. The method of implementing this community service activity is a persuasive approach with stages of implementation, namely (1) carrying out a persuasive approach to the community as a posyandu cadre, (2) health education / interactive stories, group discussions, questions and answers, and simulations, (3) physical examinations ( 4) as well as recording and reporting the results of health examinations for the elderly. The elderly posyandu services emphasize promotive and preventive services without ignoring curative and rehabilitative efforts. In Cimuning Village, only 8 Elderly Integrated Healthcare Center was formed from 26 existing RWs, so it is necessary to re-establish elderly Integrated Healthcare Center for RWs that do not yet have elderly Integrated Healthcare Center. Therefore the Partnership Cooperation Program in community service offers solutions including, among others, training and mentoring for elderly Integrated Healthcare Center cadres. The activities socialization of the importance of Integrated Healthcare Center for the elderly through the Village Office Forum, recruitment and training of elderly Integrated Healthcare Center cadres, elderly Integrated Healthcare Center services, health counseling, supplementary feeding, weighing, vitamins and games that are fun and healthy, improving health, interpersonal communication in collaboration with surrounding communities. The Conclusion that the training and assistance of elderly Integrated Healthcare Center cadres in Cimuning Village are very useful in improving the health status and quality of life of elderly health services in the Integrated Healthcare Center.Keywords: Integrated Healthcare Center, Elderly, Devotion