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Journal : Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat

J-ABDI: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 9: Februari 2022
Publisher : Bajang Institute

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Pregnancy stress is one of the phenomena experienced by every mother, especially mothers who experience pregnancy for the first time (primigravida) which is triggered by a bad event that will happen to them. Psychological factors that occur in pregnant women are influenced by various things, namely the presence of both internal and external stress, family support, substance abuse and partner abuse. (Jatnika et al., 2016). Results Based on research that the proposer has done at the Bojong Menteng Health Center and several studies prove that pregnant women experience stress during many pregnancies. This stress has a negative impact on the unborn baby and also has a negative impact on pregnant women. The impact of stress can be in the form of heart palpitations, increased blood pressure, increased stomach acid, heavy breathing and shortness of breath, emotional changes that can even cause early contractions during pregnancy, hyperemesis gravidarum, abortion, and eclampsia which are very life-threatening for pregnant women and can even cause death. Thus the LPPM UHAMKA Partner Cooperation Program (PKM) in community service offers solutions, including stress management and relaxation training for pregnant women through the Pregnant Women Class at the Bojong Menteng Health Center. stress during pregnancy. The method is coordinated with the Head of the Bojong Menteng Health Center, early detection of mental health of pregnant women through interviews, and counseling "Stress Management in Pregnant Women with interactive lecture methods, question and answer, brainstorming and relaxation practices to overcome stress. After completing learning, learning evaluation is carried out, and recording reports The results of early detection of 45 pregnant women found 14 pregnant women (31.1%). pregnant
Pelatihan Pijat Bayi Untuk Orangtua Di Klinik Rumah Sehat Keluarga Mustika Jaya Kota Bekasi Handayani; Tati Nuryati
J-ABDI: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 9: Februari 2022
Publisher : Bajang Institute

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Pijat telah digunakan untuk pengobatan dan menjadi bagian rutin perawatan bayi selama ratusan tahun di banyak kebudayaan dan salah satu teknik terapi tertua di dunia. Pijat bayi sebagai bentuk pengobatan alternatif menjadi semakin popular karena kesederhanaan, efektifitas biaya, mudah dipelajari dan dapat dilakukan di rumah oleh keluarga (Pitre, 2012) Untuk itu perlu dilakukan pemberdayaan orang tua dapat melakukan pijat bayi di rumah sehingga mampu menjadikan stimulasi tumbuh kembang bayi dengan terjadinya peningkatan berat badan dan kualitas tidur bayi yang baik. Tujuan pelaksanaan kegiatan ini adalah meningkatkan pemberdayaan orangtua secara pengetahuan dan keterampilan dalam melakukan pijat bayi sebagai stimulasi tumbuh kembang bayi dan sebaik uapaya meningkatkan herb imunity apa bayi dan balita. Metodologi : kegiatan ini menggunakan eksperimen dengan design quasi exsperiment pre dan post tes. Populasi kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini 18 orang yaitu ibu yang memiliki bayi dan balita. Hasil dari kegiatan pelatihan pijat bayi menunjukan terjadinya peningkatan pengetahuan orangtua sebesar 83 % dan keterampilan piajt bayi 73.08 % setelah diajarkan bagaimana melakukan pemijatan pada bayi sebagai upaya stimulasi tumbuh kembang bayi dan herb munity. Simpulan dan saran : Adanya pengaruh pelatihan pijat bayi untuk orangtua terhadap pengetahuan dan ketrampilan orangtua dalam melakukan pemijatan bayi dan balita , pengetahuan dan ketrampilan pijat bayi sangat penting dikuasi oleh orangtua sebagai suatu pemberdayaan orangtua dalam melakukan stimulasi tumbuh kembang bayi dan balita serta pembentukan herb imunity pada bayi dan balita.
J-ABDI: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol. 2 No. 10: Maret 2023
Publisher : Bajang Institute

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Based on the results of Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) in 2013 the prevalence of stunting under five (height per age) in Indonesia reached 37.2%, while the World Health Organization (WHO) limit was less than 20% (Ministry of Health RI, 2017)(Dewina, 2021) . Whereas in Panangkatan Village, Banjarharjo District, Brebes Regency, in 2021 there will be 636 toddlers with stunting cases, 105 toddlers (16.6%) below the national figure, while in 2021 the number of toddlers is 655 toddlers with stunting cases 73 toddlers, (11.1%) ) malnutrition 14 toddlers, malnutrition 56 toddlers (Nuryati & Hanna, 2022). Based on the preliminary survey, most mothers who have children under two years old in Panangkatan Village, Banjarharjo District, Brebes Regency, provide unhealthy snacks as complementary food to breast milk (MP-ASI). Meanwhile, when they come to Posyandu every month they get additional food in the form of eggs, bananas, sometimes peanut porridge, etc. To change the behavior of mothers under five regarding MP-ASI, they have never been given counseling on healthy snacks to accompany ASI with the EMO-DEMO method. The problem of stunting, one of the disorders of malnutrition in toddlers, is still a concern of the government. Thus the LPPM UHAMKA Partner Cooperation Program (PKM) in community service offers a solution for MP-ASI Education to Prevent Stunting with the EMO_DEMO Method of Random Snacks at Posyandu Mawar 2 Panangkatan Village, Banjarharjo District, Brebes Regency. The purpose of this community service is to increase the knowledge, attitudes and behavior of mothers under five in providing complementary foods for breastfeeding. The MP-ASI education method that will be carried out with EMO-DEMO with the following stages: Coordinating with the head of Panangkatan Village, Dera Asyifa Hospital Banjarharjo, and the Bandungsari Health Center, identifying the nutritional status of toddlers, counseling on the impact of stunting on toddler health and the CONTENTS OF PIRINGKU, MP-ASI Education process using the EMO-DEMO method of random snacks, evaluating and recording reporting. The results of community service through the pretest and posttest, it turns out that the results show that there is a difference between the respondent's knowledge score before education with a score of 66 and after being given education with a score of 80.3. Apart from going through the pretest posttest also by asking questions about the material that has been presented, where participants who can answer get prizes from the committee, and it turns out that almost all participants can answer all the quiz questions with prizes