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Analisis Strategi Sosial Pengembangan Model Usaha Integrasi Kelapa Sawit dan Sapi di Kecamatan Muara Wahau Kabupaten Kutai Timur Yajis Paggasa; Al Hibnu Abdillah
Jurnal Ekonomi Pertanian dan Agribisnis Vol 6, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Department of Agricultural Social Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, Brawijaya University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jepa.2022.006.02.35


Sistem integrasi sapi dan kelapa sawit memiliki potensi usaha yang baik untuk dikembangkan. Simbiosis mutualisme bisa terjalin dengan baik. Tujuan penelitan ini untuk menganalisis usaha integrasi sawit-ternak sapi dan benefit yang diperoleh, serta mengevaluasi pola yang diterapkan saat ini dan menganalisis potensi pengembangan peternakan sapi potong di Kecamatan Muara Wahau. Penelitian dilaksanakan dari bulan Februari hingga Mei 2020. Berlokasi di Kecamatan Muara Wahau, Kabupaten Kutai Timur, Provinsi Kalimantan Timur. Metode yang digunakan adalah analisis pendapatan dan analisis SWOT. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa estimasi pendapatan antara petani sawit non integrasi dengan integrasi sawit-ternak sapi, lebih tinggi pada usaha tani integrasi sawit-ternak sapi sekitar 12,9%-15,7%, hal ini disebabkan oleh: (1) adanya penghematan biaya pengendalian gulma, (2) adanya keuntungan dari hasil penjualan sapi. Hasil Matriks Evaluasi Faktor Internal (EFI) sebesar 3,19 dan Matriks evaluasi faktor eksternal (EFE) sebesar 3,2. Potensi pengembangan peternakan sapi potong di Kecamatan Muara Wahau berada di tahap Grow and Build. Faktor yang menunjang Kelebihan dan Peluang lebih banyak dibandingkan Kelemahan dan Tantangan.
ANALISIS FINANSIAL USAHA TERNAK SAPI BALI (Bos sondaicus) DI P4S CAHAYA PURNAMA KABUPATEN KUTAI TIMUR Al Hibnu Abdillah; Juraemi Juraemi; Taufan Purwokusumaning Daru
Publisher : Pusat Publikasi Jurnal Universitas Islam Kalimantan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31602/zmip.v44i2.1768


Since it was established in 2010 until 2016, Bali cattle farming and its byproduct of the Agricultural and Rural Training Center (P4S = Pusat Pelatihan Pertanian dan Pedesaan Swadaya) had never been evaluated for its financial analysis. This research aimed to evaluate the financial analysis of Bali cattle farming and its byproduct in the P4S of Cahaya Purnama. This research was conducted from September to December 2016 in the P4S of Cahaya Purnama, Tepian Baru Village, Bengalon Sub-district, East Kutai District. The sample was taken by using purposive sampling method with the criterion that the cattle were 8 to 24 months old. The instruments used to analyze the data were Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Net Benefit/Cost Ratio, Payback Period and Return of Investment (ROI). Bali cattle farming business consisted of the development of Bali beef cattle as the main business and manure processing as the byproduct. Manure processing business was the attempt of the manager to utilize the waste of cattle and it was expected that it was able to add income for the farmers. The model of Bali cattle development was the integration between oil palm plantation and Bali cattle farming. The research findings showed that the NPV was 9%, indicating that the business was minus with the amount of Rp. 19,393,858, so that the value of IRR was not known. The value of Net B/C Ratio was 0.97; the value of payback period was 0.83 or 9 years; and the value of ROI was minus with the percentage of 19%. Therefore, the Bali cattle farming business was not feasible to continue and there should be some improvements needed to make it better.