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SYARIAH: Journal of Islamic Law Vol 2, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : STIS Nahdlatul Ulama Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55721/sy.v2i2.132


Scientists share several periods of the development of Islamic law from time to time. The periodization of Fiqh is divided into 6, namely; Minutes period, khulafaurrasyidin period, fiqh growth period, golden period, period of review and debate, and period of decline. However, the main focus of this article is tasyri 'in the period of the Prophet. There are three formulations of the problem in this research, namely: How is the history of the development of Islamic law during the period of the Prophet? What was the method of establishing Islamic Law during the Prophet's period? Did the Prophet have ijtihad ?. The purpose of this research is to find out the history of the development of Islamic law during the Prophet's period, to find out what the method of establishing Islamic law in the Prophet's period was, to find out whether the Prophet had ijtihad. The research method used was the library research method. By using normative and socio-historical approaches. The results showed that the history of the development of Islamic law during the Prophet's period was twofold, namely the Mecca period, namely before the Prophet's migration to Medina. The Medina period, which is after the Messenger of Allah moved to Medina. Meanwhile, there are three methods of determining Islamic law at the time of the Prophet, namely gradual, making laws more efficient and providing convenience and relief. As for the Prophet's ijtihad, there are two groups of opinion: the Asy'ariyah group and the majority of the Mu'tazilah saying there is no Prophet's ijtihad. The majority of ushul scholars say there is the Prophet's ijtihad.
BERCADAR DI KAMPUS SAAT PROSES PEMBELAJARAN Menurut Perspektif Mazāhib al-Arba‘ah Muhazzir Budiman
Kalam: Jurnal Agama dan Sosial Humaniora Vol. 6 No. 1 (2018): Jurnal Kalam (Januari-Juni 2018)
Publisher : Lembaga Studi Agama dan Masyarakat Aceh (LSAMA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Menutup aurat bagi perempuan sangat dianjurkan dalam Islam. Mengenai batasan aurat perempuan telah terjadi kontroversi mujtahid mazâhib al-arba‘ah. Menurut mazhab Hanâbilah seluruh badan perempuan aurat, termasuk kuku dan mata. Namun menurut mazhab Hanafiyyah, Mâlikiyyah dan Shâfi’iyyah wajah dan dua telapak tangan bukan aurat. Maka menurut Hanâbilah perempuan wajib bercadar. Ini hanya sebatas hukum asal belum terkaitkan lagi dengan realitanya di lingkungan. Karena itu, hukum bercadar perlu dikaji ulang ketika di pakai dalam kampus saat proses pembelajaran berdasarkan mazâhib al-arba‘ah. Jika merujuk kepada mazhab Hanafî, Mâlikî dan Shâfi‘î, perempuan tidak dianjurkan bercadar dalam ruang saat proses pembelajaran. Hanya jika merujuk kepada mazhab hanbalî saja anjuran bercadar. Namun kewajiban bercadar ini pun tidak tetap ketika dikaitkan dengan aturan pembelajaran di kampus atau ketika ada hâjat (kebutuhan). Metode pembelajaran merupakan hâjat manfa‘at yang mendapat legitimasi dari Islam. Mazâhib al-arba‘ah membolehkan buka cadar saat pembelajaran di kampus karena hâjat manfa‘at itu. Apalagi jika bercadar dapat menimbulkan asumsi negatif dari dosen atau mahasiswa lain, maka tidak dibolehkan bercadar karena ia menjadi penyebab dosa orang lain.