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Penentuan Temperatur Optimal Pembakaran Boiler untuk Karbonisasi Hidrotermal Sampah Organik Melalui Model Semi-Analitik Perpindahan Panas Dewanti, Dian Purwitasari; Sulaiman, Albert
Jurnal Teknologi Lingkungan Vol. 20 No. 2 (2019)
Publisher : Center for Environmental Technology - Agency for Assessment and Application of Technology

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1120.768 KB) | DOI: 10.29122/jtl.v20i2.3484


ABSTRACTBoiler is the one of the importance main equipment in the hydrothermal carbonization process. Steam produced from boiler is used to hydrothermal carbonization of organic waste in the reactor. This steam is produced due to the thermal displacement resulting from fuel combustion. The effectiveness of thermal displacement affects the amount of the fuel consumed and the air emissions produced by the combustion process. The study of the thermal transfer in a water tube typed boiler through Rayleigh-Benard convection semi-analytic modeling was carried out in this study. The boiler is modeled as a cylinder of two-dimensions with degrees of freedom of radius and height of the cylinder. Semi-analytic solutions are obtained by applying the Galerkin method where ordinary nonlinear differential equation systems are solved using the 4th order Runge-Kutta method. The results show that the amplitude that is function of the stream and thermal dispersion will oscillate sharply at the start of the heating process and then periodically oscillate with small variability as quasi patterns. Simulation shows that the rolling condition starts with a large rolling radius and then shrinks that is followed by uniformly distributed rolling and thermal spread throughout the boiler. The simulation results show the optimal temperature is around 300 oC. At this temperature, steam meets the conditions needed during the hydrothermal carbonization process of organic waste and fuel consumption can be adjusted to reduce air emissions resulting from combustion.Key words: boiler, convective, heat transfer, hydrothermal carbonization, Rayleigh-Benard.ABSTRAKBoiler atau ketel uap merupakan salah satu peralatan utama yang sangat penting pada proses karbonisasi hidrotermal. Uap air (steam) yang dihasilkan dari boiler dibutuhkan untuk proses karbonisasi hidrotermal sampah organik dalam reaktor. Produksi uap disebabkan oleh perpindahan panas yang dihasilkan dari pembakaran bahan bakar. Efektifitas perpindahan panas mempengaruhi jumlah bahan bakar yang dibutuhkan dan emisi udara yang dihasilkan oleh proses pembakaran tersebut. Kajian perpindahan panas dalam boiler bertipe water tube melalui pemodelan semi analitik konveksi Rayleigh-Benard dilakukan dalam penelitian ini. Boiler dimodelkan sebagai silinder dua dimensi dengan derajat kebebasan jari jari dan tinggi silinder. Solusi semi analitik diperoleh dengan menerapkan metode Galerkin dimana sistem persamaan diferensial biasa nonlinier model dipecahkan menggunaan metode Runge-Kutta orde 4. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa amplitude yang merupakan fungsi aliran (stream) dan dispersi panas akan berosilasi secara tajam pada awal waktu proses pemanasan dan kemudian secara periodik berosilasi dengan variabilitas yang kecil mengikuti pola kuasi. Simulasi menunjukkan bahwa kondisi rolling dimulai dengan jari jari rolling yang besar dan kemudian mengempis yang diikuti dengan tersebar meratanya rolling dan panas secara seragam di seluruh boiler. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan suhu optimal adalah sekitar 300oC. Pada suhu tersebut, steam memenuhi kondisi yang dibutuhkan selama proses karbonisasi hidrotermal sampah organik dan konsumsi bahan bakar bisa diatur untuk mengurangi emisi udara yang dihasilkan dari pembakaran.Kata kunci: boiler, karbonisasi hidrotermal, konvektif, perpindahan panas, Rayleigh-Benard.
Jurnal Teknologi Lingkungan Vol. 15 No. 2 (2014)
Publisher : Center for Environmental Technology - Agency for Assessment and Application of Technology

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (5034.187 KB) | DOI: 10.29122/jtl.v15i2.1597


Dispersi polutan disekitar pabrik akan diselidiki dengan model dispersi Gaussian. Persamaan adveksidifusi yang memberikan sebaral polusi udara dengan sumber banyak cerobong pabrik akandiselesaikan dengan metode transformasi laplace dan simulasi hasil akan diintegrasikan denganGoogle Earth. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa koefisien difusi yang merepresentasikan lebardari sebaranpolutan akan melebar sejalan dengan semakin jauh dari sumber. Simulasi juga menunjukkan bahwasemakin tinggi sumber maka polutan akan semakin menyebar ke area yang lebih luas. Integrasi hasilsimulasi dengan Google Earth menghasilkan informasi yang lebih mudah diinterpretasikan danmenarik.
Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis Vol. 4 No. 1 (2012): Elektronik Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis
Publisher : Department of Marine Science and Technology, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, IPB University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (775.769 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/jitkt.v4i1.7801


We developed a conceptual coupled atmosphere-ocean-ecosystem model for the South Java seas to investigate interaction between marine biota and SST variability due to monsoon-forced. Ocean and atmosphere are represented by a box model for one dimensional water column. The equation of motions of the zonal wind stress and SST are represented in term of nonlinear oscillator model. Marine biota are represented by three components (nutrient, phytoplankton and zooplankton) of NPZ Edward-Brindley model. The marine ocean-atmosphere coupling mechanism is done through the absorption of blue light by phytoplankton. The system of nonlinear dynamical equation is solved by using Matlab ODE solvers. Monthly SST data is used to compare the model. Result showed that the period and amplitude of oscillation of SST and ecosystem component strongly depend on the parameter choice which describes the dynamical characteristic of the system. The SST and ecosystem variability will strongly correlate with monsoonal wind if we choose the parameter of light attenuation by water 0.2 m-1. Strong seasonal variations associated with monsoonal winds were observed for SST, phytoplankton and zooplankton concentration. On the other hand, the nutrient concentration shows a weak seasonal variationKeywords: SST, NPZ, monsoon, delayed oscillator