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ETNOREFLIKA: Jurnal Sosial dan Budaya Vol 11 No 1 (2022): Volume 11, Nomor 1, Februari 2022
Publisher : Laboratorium Jurusan Antropologi, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Halu Oleo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33772/etnoreflika.v11i1.1078


Several Malay cultures resulted from the interactional pattern of community activities. Such Malay culture becomes an identity for the people adhering to it. This identity is its adherents’ different from other cultural adherents. However, corresponding to current demand and cultural dynamic from time to time, Malay cultural identity as this identity cannot always be understood by the younger generation partially or even entirely. Especially, young generation today has been heavily involved in technological developments. This community service aims to foster awareness of Malay culture, and to instill the character of Malay culture to the young generation. The methods used in this activity were dialogue and lecture, and interview methods with a socio-cultural approach. These method and approach were expected to raise awareness of the preservation of Malay culture among young generation which is not only abstract and embodied into ideas, but can also be expressed in behavior reflected by the young generation that will shape its cultural character.
Seloko Adat Melayu dalam Membangun Masyarakat Jambi yang Berkarakter dan Multikultural Nelly Indrayani; Siti Syuhada
Criksetra: Jurnal Pendidikan Sejarah Vol 9, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Sriwijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36706/jc.v9i2.11870


Abstrak:. Heterogenitas tidak jarang berpengaruh kepada perbedaan yang berujung konflik. Akan tetapi daerah yang menjadi tujuan perpindahan sering kali memiliki sejumlah aturan atau hukum adat untuk mengatur heterogenitas masyarakatnya. Penduduk yang mendiami daerah Jambi berasal dari berbagai wilayah sehingga didiami suku dan etnik yang beraneka ragam. Seperti Minangkabau, Pelembang, Melayu Riau dan Jawa. Jambi sebagai daerah tujuan perpindahan masyarakat itu, memiliki seloko Adat Melayu yang memiliki pesan makna sosial terhadap masyarakat heterogenitas itu. Masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana perkembangan adat Seloko di Jambi dan apa nilai-nilai dari adat Seloko. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendapatkan gambaran perkembangan adat Seloko dan nilai-nilai yang dikandungnya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode historis yakni mengumpulkan sumber-sumber yang berkaitan Seloko. Kemudian mengungkapkan pesan-pesan nilai seloko adat, dan menginterpretasikan serta mengintegrasikannya dengan kultur masyarakat Jambi yang heterogen. Melalui metode ini menunujukkan bahwa budaya Melayu menjadi pandangan hidup yang tercermin dalam sejumlah aturan yang berlaku di daerah Jambi. Sejumlah aturan, hukum-hukum adat yang berlaku di dalam masyarakat suku bangsa Melayu Jambi hampir semuanya disampaikan melalui seloko adat Melayu. Seloko berupa patatah-petitih dan pandangan hidup yang berisi pesan nilai untuk seluruh warga Jambi yang heterogen. Seloko adat memiliki nilai pesan moral, pertama pesan dalam bidang keagamaan, kedua pesan bidang sosial, dan ketiga pesan bidang pendidikan karakter. Nilai pesan ini memberikan makna dalam masyarakat yang multi etnik, sehingga tertanam pembentukan nilai-nilai karakter Melayu dalam konteks masyarakat heterogen. Kata Kunci: Seloko Adat Melayu Jambi, Nilai Karakter, Multikultural.Kata Kunci: Seloko Adat Melayu Jambi, Nilai Karakter, MultikulturalAbstract: Heterogeneity often affects differences that lead to conflict. However, the areas that are the destination of displacement often have a number of customary rules or laws to regulate the heterogenity of their communities. The people who live in Jambi, come from various regions such as Minangkabau, Palembang, Riau Malay and Javanese. Jambi as a destination for the movement of the community has traditional Malay Seloko which has a message of social meaning for this heterogeneous society. The problem in this research is how to development of Seloko custom in Jambi and what the values of Seloko. The purpose of this research is to get an overview of the development and value of Seloko. The research method used is a hisorical method , namely collecting sources related Seloko. Then express messages of traditional Seloko values, and interpret and integrate them with the heterogeneous culture of Jambi society. Through this method, its shows that Malay culture is a way of life which is reflected in a number of regulations that apply in Jambi. Almost all of the rules and customary laws that apply in Jambi Malay ethnic community are conveyed through the Malay custom Seloko. Seloko is in the form of paths and vies of life which is contain messages of value for all heterogeneous Jambi residents. Seloko adat has a moral values, firs messages in the religious field, second in the social field, and third in the field of character education. The value of this message gives meaning in a multi-ethnic society, so that it is embedded in the formation of Malay character values in the context of a heterogeneous society. Key Words: Seloko Adat of Jambi Malay, Character Value, Multicultural.
Revitalisasi Museum Siginjei Sebagai Wahana Interaksi Budaya Di Tengah Pandemi Covid-19 Nelly Indrayani; Suparmi Suparmi
Criksetra: Jurnal Pendidikan Sejarah Vol 10, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Sriwijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36706/jc.v10i1.13667


Abstrak: Pandemi Covid 19 mengubah tatanan kehidupan normal menjadi new normal. Berbagai aktivitas sektor kehidupan mulai dari pemakaian masker, cuci tangan, peraturan jarak jauh menjadikan Museum siginjei merevitalisasi aktivitasnya dalam pelayanan terhadap masyarakat dari normal menjadi new normal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui revitalisasi Museum Siginjei sebagai wahana interaksi budaya di tengah pandemi Covid-19. Metode yang digunakan yaitu metode sejarah yang melalui empat tahapan, yaitu heuristik, kritik sumber, interpretasi, historiografi. Sumber yang dipakai berupa sumber primer yang berasal dari buku, jurnal, berita dan wawancara yang berkenaan dengan judul. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Museum Siginjei mengalihkan pelayanan konvensionalnya kelayanan dalam bentuk digital seperti pelayanan online lewat facebook, instagram, dan youtube. Museum Siginjei juga melakukan re-inventarisasi dan re-registrasi koleksi yaitu berupa nomor yang rusak karena pengaruh udara dan juga keterangan koleksi yang masih berubah. Berbagai koleksi yang telah di inventarisasi dan dimasukkan dalam data base. Selanjutnya palayanan dilaksanakan melalui virtual, sehingga masyarakat dapat menikmati berbagai koleksi museum Siginjei sebagai bentuk produk budaya lokal lokal Jambi. Revitalisasi pemanfaatan museum melalui digitalisasi era pandemi ini, menjadi wahana interaksi budaya. Melalui digitalisasi tidak hanya menjangkau pengunjung yang berada di daerah lokal tetapi juga dari berbagai wilayah diluar Provinsi Jambi. Kata Kunci: Museum, Wahana Interaksi Budaya, Covid-19Abstrak: The Covid 19 pandemic has changed the order of normal life into a new normal. Various activities in the life sector ranging from wearing masks, washing hands, remote regulations make the Siginjei Museum revitalize its activities in service to the community from normal to new normal. This research aims to know the revitalization of the Siginjei Museum as a wagon of cultural interaction in the covid-19 pandemic. The method uses historical method. There are four steps to historical methode heuristi, source criticism. Interpretation, historiography. The resource used is a primary source that comes from books, journals, news and interview related to the title. Studies have shown that the Siginjei Museum transfers conventional services to digital services such as facebook, instagram, youtube and other services. The siginjei museum also re-catalogued and re-registration collections consisting of falling Numbers, broken (air effects) and also a collection of references. Various collections that have been inventoried and entered in the database. Furthermore, services are carried out via virtual, so that people can enjoy various collections of the Siginjei museum as a form of local Jambi cultural products. Revitalizing the use of museums through the digitalization era, becomes a vehicle for cultural interaction. Through digitization, it does not only reach visitors who are in the local area but also from the region.Keywords: Museum, Wagon of Cultural Interaction, Covid-19 
Pelabuhan Udara Paal Merah Dalam Agresi Militer Belanda Di Jambi tahun 1947-1950 Wahyu Zamzami; Nelly Indrayani
Jurnal Siginjai Vol 1 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Siginjai (Jurnal Sejarah)
Publisher : Prodi Ilmu Sejarah, Jurusan Sejarah, Seni dan Arkeologi, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Jambi, bekerja sama dengan Masyarakat Sejarawan Indonesia, Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (537.839 KB) | DOI: 10.22437/js.v1i1.11880


The existence of air transportation cannot be separated from human life that supports politics and defense and security. The Paal Merah Jambi airport has been around since 1933 and is a symbol of the transportation revolution of the Jambi area. Dutch military aggression I and II helped drag Paal Merah into conflict by using it as one of the entrances to control Jambi and as an important transportation asset. On the other hand, during military aggression the Jambi government had planned to build an airline but failed. This study aims to determine the history and role of the Paal Merah Jambi airport during the Dutch military aggression. The research method used in this research is historical methods, consisting of heuristics, source criticism, interpretation and historiography. Through this method, it shows that the construction of Paal Merah Jambi airport is influenced by the need for efficient transportation for communication and defense. However, over time it has begun to penetrate the economic sector through commercial flights. The construction of the Paal Merah Jambi airport is indeed influenced by economic, social and political backgrounds. In its historical development, Paal Merah Jambi airport is an important aircraft transit place for domestic and international flights. In addition, this place also provides aircraft refueling, which is no longer found.
Nilai-Nilai Kepribadian Oei Tjoe Tat Sebagai Nasionalis Etnis Tionghoa di Indonesia Ari Hermawan; Budi Purnomo; Nelly Indrayani
Jurnal Siginjai Vol 1 No 2 (2021): Siginjai: Jurnal Sejarah
Publisher : Prodi Ilmu Sejarah, Jurusan Sejarah, Seni dan Arkeologi, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Jambi, bekerja sama dengan Masyarakat Sejarawan Indonesia, Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (278.738 KB) | DOI: 10.22437/js.v1i2.16347


This research is entitled "Oei Tjoe Tat's Personality Values ​​as a Chinese Ethnic Nationalist in Indonesia". The author focuses on a theme of personality analysis of the character Oei Tjoe Tat who holds idealism based on the ideals so that Indonesia becomes a place to unite all levels of society by not giving treatment that distingu is hes between ethnicity, nation, religion and race and up holds justice and fosters a sense of kinship in every community. An individual self. This study aims to describe and get a detailed and detailed picture regarding the position of the Chinese ethnicity in Indonesia which has become an inseparable part of the Indonesian nation itself. In this article, the author uses the historical research method with a literature study approach. As for what can be drawn from a conclusion in this study that during colonialism many ethnic Chinese communities participated in the world of the national movement. They have a considerable role in the independence of Indonesia. Likewise, after independence, many ethnic Chinese communities participated in the wheels of government, including Oei Tjoe Tat who became one of the big names among the political elite during the Soekarno government and what he had contributed should also be used as an example and role model in fighting for national ideals
Gaung Dance as a Form of Merangin Community Cultural Identity Nelly Indrayani; Ari Hermawan
Proceeding International Conference on Malay Identity Vol. 1 (2020): Desember 2020
Publisher : Jurusan Sejarah, Seni, dan Arkeologi, FKIP, Universitas Jambi

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Echo dance is a Merangin folk dance that reflects the culture and daily life of the people of Merangin Regency. This study aims to describe the cultural identity of the people of Merangin Regency through the background of the creation of echo dance. This research method uses qualitative research in a phenomenological approach where data is obtained through observation through watching traditional events that the author has done before the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as conducting modest interviews, and the author uses literature review in compiling this article. The results show that echo dance describes the cultural identity of the people of Merangin Regency, especially through the background of the creation of echo dance. In every movement of the echo dance, it shows a picture of the identity of the women's lives in Merangin Regency. This can be seen through the characteristics of the echo dance movement which depicts strong, strong and independent women. Keywords: echo dance, identity, culture
Menelusuri Sejarah Kuliner Jambi sebagai Inventarisasi Aset dan Promosi Wisata Kuliner di Provinsi Jambi Nirwan Il Yasin; Nelly Indrayani; Fatonah Nurdin
Ideas: Jurnal Pendidikan, Sosial dan Budaya Vol 8 No 4 (2022): Ideas: Pendidikan, Sosial, dan Budaya (November)
Publisher : Ideas Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32884/ideas.v8i4.1046


Tracing the history of Jambi culinary as an inventory of assets and promotion of culinary tourism in Jambi Province is very important, lifting the identity of the Jambi region. This research aims to find out the development of Jambi culinary. In addition, taking steps, making a legal umbrella so that Jambi culinary is not lost from the next generation. The method used in this research is qualitative method and field interview with descriptive form. The results of this study indicate that the potential in developing culinary tourism in the Jambi region such as the Jambi Muaro Temple festival, Kerinci Lake festival, Lake Sipin festival. Promotional activities by forming a calendar of scheduled tourism activities, thus attracting tourism interest from inside and outside who want to know about Jambi culinary.
Nilai Karakter Kepedulian Sosial Tokoh Mohammad Hatta Ahmad Fathoni; Budi Purnomo; Nelly Indrayani
JEJAK : Jurnal Pendidikan Sejarah & Sejarah Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): JULI 2021
Publisher : Jambi University, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Prodi Pendidikan Sejarah

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Nilai karakter kepedulian sosial tokoh Mohammad Hatta. Di dalam penelitian ini terdapat 2 rumusan masalah yaitu bagaimana kepedulian sosial tokoh Mohammad Hatta, bagaimana nilai-nilai karakter kepedulian sosial Mohammad Hatta sebagai sumber belajar sejarah siswa di SMA. Tujuan bagaimana nilai-nilai karakter tokoh Mohammad Hatta dijadikan sebagai sumber belajar sejarah siswa di SMA. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi pustaka. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah sumber data sekunder dengan teknik analisis data berupa analisis induksi melalui tahapan pengumpulan data, reduksi data, display data dan pengambilan kesimpulan. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SMAN 11 Kota Jambi, Perpustakaan Universitas Jambi, Perpustakaan wilayah Provinsi Jambi.. Kata Kunci : Karakter, Kepedulian Sosial Mohammad Hatta
JEJAK : Jurnal Pendidikan Sejarah & Sejarah Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): JULI 2021
Publisher : Jambi University, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Prodi Pendidikan Sejarah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (246.402 KB)


Kemerdekaan Indonesia adalah peristiwa yang sangat bersejarah bagi bangsa Indonesia. Indonesia bisa mencapai kemerdekaan karena hasil jerih payah yang dilakukan oleh para pahlawan. Para pahlawan ini tidak hanya yang terjun langsung ke medan perang tetapi dalam dunia intelektual seperti sastra pun juga dikatakan sebagai pahlawan. Seperti yang dilakukan oleh seorang sastrawan Indonesia bernama Pramoedya Ananta Toer. Pramoedya ialah sastrawan terkenal dan ternama karena banyak karya-karya yang dihasilkannya terlebih untuk memperjuangkan kemerdekaan Indonesia walaupun ia dalam kondisi tertekan sekalipun. Pramoedya memiliki nilai karakter jujur, patriotisme, toleran, dan humanis. Ini sangat patut dijadikan teladan bagi generasi muda sekarang ini.
JEJAK : Jurnal Pendidikan Sejarah & Sejarah Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): DESEMBER 2021
Publisher : Jambi University, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Prodi Pendidikan Sejarah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (351.348 KB)


Transmigrasi bertujuan meningkatkan taraf kehidupan masyarakat Jawa telah dimulai sejak masa Kolonial. Tahun 1957 Jambi menjadi awal transmigrasi Jawa karena letak geografisnya diperairan sungai sehingga memiliki tanah yang subur dan berpotensi memperbaiki ekonomi masyarakat Jawa. Berbeda pada umumnya Desa Pulung Rejo salah satu daerah tujuan transmigrasi. Transmigrasi bedol desa dari pemerintah menjadi alasan menampung penduduk Wonogiri yang dipindahkan sebagai akibat dibangunya waduk serbaguna Waduk Gajah Mungkur. Metode yang digunakan dalam kajian ini yakni metode historis, dimulai dari heuristik, kritik sumber, intepretasi dan historiografi. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa transmigrasi masyarakat Jawa di desa Pulung Rejo bermula dari pembangunan waduk gajah mungkur tahun 1976. Hal ini berdampak pengadaaan transmigrasi pemerintah Bedol Desa. Dinamika pola kehidupan masyarakat terlihat kemampuan produktivitas dan kemandirian masyarakat, tidak hanya bagi masyarakat transmigrasi Jawa tetapi juga masyarakat lokal Desa Pulung Rejo. Hal ini memperlihatkan integritas dan sinergitas wilayah pemukiman transmigrasi Pulung Rejo, sehingga sosial, ekonomi, budaya dan pendidikan tumbuh dan berkembang