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English Review: Journal of English Education Vol 3, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : University of Kuningan

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Abstract: Translation is undoubtedly an important but at the same time difficult work. Metaphors are among the potential areas of translation problem. This study aimed at describing how metaphors in the novel Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets are translated from English to Indonesian, and evaluating the appropriateness of the translation results. Findings showed certain strategies were applicable and determinant to the appropriateness of the English metaphor translation to Indonesian: adoption or reproduction, adaptation or replacement with Indonesian metaphors, conversion to simile, adoption plus sense, conversion to sense, and deletion. Metaphor translation appropriateness shall be arrived if it qualifies referential and contextual accuracy. Missing one or either two of the accuracy kinds may result in less and inappropriate metaphor translation respectively. Keywords: translation, metaphorical expression, translation appropriateness, metaphor translation strategies.
Reading and writing invention and evolution: A learning model for beginning readers Eny Kusumawati; Khairuddin Khairuddin
Proceedings of AICS - Social Sciences Vol 1 (2013)
Publisher : Proceedings of AICS - Social Sciences

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Reading and writing play important parts in human lives in this world both for adults and children, either in academic or non-academic setting. These literacy activities have brought about massive impacts on human cultural and biological nature. Because they are too fabricated in our lives, we tend to neglect how difficult are they for children to acquire in the first place, especially for children with certain dyslexic conditions. And because we merely take them for granted, few people, even language instructors or teachers, know how reading and writing systems were created and evolved, and how they are processed in the brain as opposed to verbal skills of listening and speaking, how first language and foreign language reading are differently processed and acquired in bilingual brain, how pictographic or sign-based writing system like the Chinese characters and syllabic or phoneme-based writing system like the Roman alphabets are (not) differently processed in our brain. Knowing how reading and writing were invented, evolved, and processed in the brain would tell us how to most effectively acquire these skills. This article employs a library research in the fields and literature of reading and writing system invention and evolution, and in neurolinguistics in order to satisfy the curiosity raised above. The article also suggests as the implication of their invention, evolution and neural process a model of literacy instruction that is based on phonics-reading approach as opposed to whole-word reading approach for both early first and second language reading instruction.Keyword: Literacy skills, neurolinguistics, bilingual brain, phonic-reading approach, whole-word reading approach, sign-based writing system, phoneme-based writing system
Mothers Unhealthy behaviors as Risk Factors of ISPA Pneumonia occurrence in Toddlers Siti Sundari; Pratiwi Pratiwi; Khairudin Khairudin
Jurnal Pendidikan Sains Vol 2, No 3: September 2014
Publisher : Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Malang (UM)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (53.336 KB) | DOI: 10.17977/jps.v2i3.4507


Perilaku Tidak Sehat Ibu yang Menjadi Faktor Resiko Terjadinya ISPA Pneumonia pada Balita Abstract: The research aims to explore the healthy life behavior as dominant factors of ISPA on tod-dlers. This control cased-epidemiologic study observes the affect of mother’s unhealthy behavior on ISPA incidents. There are 54 samples consisting of 24 mothers of toddles with ISPA as the case while another 30 people as the control group. The data collection uses questioners for risk factor analysis by means of Relative Ratio (RR). As a result, 18 of 20 unhealthy factors (RR>1) are categorized as ISPA risk factors. These results clearly show that ISPA may easily occur on toddlers with insanitary mothers. Key Words: risks, mothers behavior, pneumonia on toddlers  Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perilaku tidak sehat ibu yang menjadi faktor dominan terjadinya ISPA pneumonia pada Balita. Desain penelitian menggunakan studi epidemiologi dengan rancangan kasus kontrol mempelajari pengaruh paparan perilaku tidak sehat ibu terhadap kejadian ISPA Pneumonia Balita. Besar sampel 54 orang, yaitui 24 Ibu Balita penderita ISPA Pneumonia (kelompok kasus) dan 30 ibu Balita Sehat (kelompok kontrol). Pengambilan data menggunakan kuesio-ner, untuk menganalisis besarnya faktor resiko digunakan perhitungan Rasio Relatif (RR). Terdapat 18 perilaku tidak sehat ibu yang menjadi faktor resiko terjadinya ISPA pneumonia Balita. Hasil tersebut menunjukkan bahwa, ISPA akan lebih mudah terjadi  pada balita yang ibunya berperilaku tidak sehat.Kata kunci:  resiko, perilaku ibu, pneumonia balita
Criterion-referenced Testing and Its Problematic Estimate of Reliability Khairuddin Khairuddin
Sintuwu Maroso Journal of English Teaching Vol 2, No 1 (2016): Sintuwu Maroso Journal of English Teaching
Publisher : Sintuwu Maroso Journal of English Teaching

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Two different families of test criterion-referenced and norm-referenced tests have been around for use of decision-making bases in education. One kind can be better explained by comparison with the other. The article does so here and there along the way in its attempts of presenting and discussing about criterion-referenced test in language testing, especially the contrastive practices within this test family as opposed to the other kind, which has so close a relationship to classroom teachers on a daily basis. The article describes its purpose, hence several kinds of CRT as a result of different purposes of testing, what is measured and how measuring is done, how is test results interpreted, and how reliability as one of the quality of good testing is estimated. Discussion of validity as another test quality indicator is purposely put aside here since in this area the contrastive practice is only slimly found.Keywords: double entry diaries, strategy, reading comprehension.
INOVISH JOURNAL Vol 3, No 2 (2018): INOVISH JOURNAL, Vol 3, No 2 - 2018
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (207.172 KB) | DOI: 10.35314/inovish.v3i2.757


One of the main jobs of an English teacher teaching speaking skill is to develop and administer a speaking test in order to measure how much or little the students have achieved the instructional objectives and materials upon completion of a language program. Through the test results, the teacher is enabled to make decisions such as deciding the effectiveness of the language program and passing or advancing the students to the next level of the program.To qualify herself in developing a valid and realiable speaking test, both conceptual and practical knowledges are needed. The article presents the needed knowledge about speaking test covering the concepts of  speaking skill construct, criterion-referenced test, analytic approach, criteria setup, and scoring and grading. The article also reports the implementation of the teaher-made speaking test to testing the speaking skills achievement of the students in Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Malang. Key words: speaking test, achievement test, criterion-referenced test, analytic approach, scoring, grading
The Connection of Thought, Culture and Language: Revoking Myth Unveiling Truth: Keterkaitan antara Pikir, Budaya dan Bahasa: Menyingkap Mitos Mengungkap Kebenaran Khairuddin Khairuddin
NIVEDANA : Jurnal Komunikasi dan Bahasa Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021): NIVEDANA: Jurnal Komunikasi & Bahasa
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Buddha Negeri Raden Wijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53565/nivedana.v2i2.320


Scholars and laymen alike are interested in understanding how thought, culture and language are related. Misunderstanding of this relatedness may have serious consequences: legislators make misleading constitutions, judges impose wrong legal rulings and imprisonment on the innocent, and educators apply ineffective pedagogy. Relativism and mentalism, the two leading linguistic schools of thought, have been around in sharp differences explaining about the relation between thought, culture and language. Relativism believes that language precedes, determines, and influence or shapes though, whereas mentalism hypothesizes the contrary that it is thought that creates and changes language. This article describes the theoretical concepts and empirical proofs underlying the two views of linguistic views. By using literature comparative analysis, this study has found that mentalism has strong standpoints in comparison with relativism’s which have weak standpoints. This study also presents implications for language learning that are rooted in the mentalism conception.
Vlog Task Accompanied with Individualized Pronunciation and Grammar Feedbacks Improve Speaking Ability Khairuddin Khairuddin
EDUKATIF : JURNAL ILMU PENDIDIKAN Vol 4, No 3 (2022): June Pages 3201-5000
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/edukatif.v4i3.3061


Speaking plays both roles as process and objective of learning in language classroom aimed at preparing future communication competence of students. Using Vlog as speaking activities to demonstrate ideas and knowledge can be recreational for the millennial generation. However, grammatical forms and pronunciation accuracy are often neglected areas in such tasks, hence students’ grammatical competence and pronunciation accuracy are not as well developed as their fluency in speaking. The current study innovated to combine Vlog-speaking activities with  individualized pronunciation and grammar feedbacks from the teacher in order to not just elevate the millennial students’ Vlog talk performance, but also increase wellness of grammatical forms, accuracy of pronunciation, and clarity of content, hence boost higher confidence. The study measured the effectiveness of this holistic instruction in improving students’ English public speaking skill, and investigated how the students perceived the Vlog task, the individualized grammar feedback, and pronunciation feedback from the teacher. Sixty-two students of health from two equal intact classes at Politeknik Kesehatan Malang were involved as experimental and control groups in the quasi-experiment study. The result of statistical analysis showed that the speech performance of the experimental students was significantly higher than the conventional lecture-treatment control group. In addition, the experimental students’ products of speech seemed to be very creative, fun, and attractive. The results also showed that students had very positive perspectives towards Vlog task although challenging because they felt it could develop their English communication skills
Manajemen Protokol Kesehatan Selama Pandemi COVID-19 bagi Penjual Mie Ayam di RT 13 RW 02 Kelurahan Tunjungsekar Kota Malang Puguh Yudho Trisnanto; Achmad Zani Pitoyo; Rizki Fadila; Avid Wijaya; Khairuddin Khairuddin; Rahmadyo Yudhi Prabowo
Jurnal Abdi Masyarakat Indonesia Vol 2 No 3 (2022): JAMSI - Mei 2022
Publisher : CV Firmos

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54082/jamsi.353


Protokol kesehatan di masa pandemi COVID-19 sebagi bentuk informasi kesehatan belum dapat dilaksanakan dengan maksimal oleh mitra penjual mie ayam di lingkungan RT 13 RW 02 Kelurahan Tunjungsekar Kota Malang. Faktor utama penyampaian informasi kesehatan dari fasilitas tingkat pertama secara berkala belum maksimal di laksanakan bagi penjual mie ayam di lingkungan RT 12 secara tidak langsung berdampak pada sosial masyarakat, dengan menurunya pendapatan penjualan mie ayam setiap harinya. Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah untuk membantu Pedagang Mie Ayam di RT 13 RW 02 Kelurahan Tunjungsekar Kota Malang untuk melakukan manajemen kesehatan dalam berjualan mie ayam dan berinteraksi dengan ayam pembeli mie secara langsung. Melalui metode sistem pakar yang dibagi kedalam lingkunang konsultasi dan lingkungan program kesehatan, hasil kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat menunjukkan 100% pedagang mie ayam menggunakan Prokes. Pada saat menjual mie ayam, 100% pembeli menggunakan Prokes saat membeli mie ayam dan 100% kelompok mie ayam dicuci bersih setelah menjual mie ayam. Memantau manajemen kesehatan menggunakan Aplikasi Web APPS secara berkala.
NIVEDANA : Jurnal Komunikasi dan Bahasa Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): NIVEDANA: Jurnal Komunikasi & Bahasa
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Buddha Negeri Raden Wijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53565/nivedana.v3i2.417


Ability to speak well in social and professional settings is desired by EFL learners. However, very view have achieved high speaking skill. Hesitation, idea loss, mother tongue interference, word-recalling problems, and low fluency are noticeable stains in their speaking performance. The problems are caused by low self-confidence, reluctant to take risks to speak, and fear of making mistakes and fool of themselves in front of others. In Indonesia context, English speaking practices are mostly done in classroom-based speaking instruction (CBSI). However, CBSI cannot adequately solve those problems. This article aims to reveal the constraints of CBSI through literature analysis. The results showed that CBSI: (1) unable to increase students’ speaking frequency: so many students but so little time, and the teacher takes the biggest portion of the talk; (2) asymmetrical teacher-student interaction: the teacher is more authoritative for his knowledge or status superiority; (3) lack of meaningful communication: the students do not have opportunities to interpret, express, and negotiate meaning in spontaneous oral expression; (4) lack of authentic communication: the purpose of communication is not real but decided by the teacher, not what the students really want to talk about; (5) not promoting autonomous learning. To address the CBSI constraints, English teaching institutions must consider the potential role of ICT such as zoom, Skype, Google meet, podcast, etc., which offer a multitude of ways to engage in communicative activities. The utilization of ICT should be purposed to creating optimal conditions of language learning environment, i.e. opportunities to interact and negotiate meaning, interacting in the target language with authentic audience, involving in authentic tasks, exposure and encouragement to produce varied and creative language, enough time and feedback; guidance to attend mindfully to the learning process, work in an atmosphere with an ideal stress/anxiety level, supporting autonomy.
Organoleptic and Antioxidant Activities of Tomato, Pontianak Orange, and Carrot Juice for Cancer Patients Nur Rahman; Khairuddin Khairuddin; Ajeng Fasha Shaninditha; Ni Putu Ayuningtyas Mirah Pradnya Dewi; Ary Dwi Ayu Faradina
Indonesian Journal of Human Nutrition Vol. 10 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : Department of Nutrition, Faculty of Health Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.ijhn.2023.010.01.10


Cancer has become a leading cause of mortality worldwide, with approximately 8.2 million deaths attributed to the disease in 2012. Antioxidants have demonstrated potential in combating cancer, and natural sources rich in vitamins, such as fruits and vegetables, are believed to be beneficial. This study aims to assess the chemical and organoleptic qualities of fruit and vegetable juice (tomatoes, Pontianak oranges, and carrots) as functional food for cancer patients. The study used an experimental design with a Complete Randomized Design (CRD) approach, with distinct processing techniques for each treatment level, and three replications were conducted. Data collection involved hedonic scale tests by 20 panelists to evaluate organoleptic quality, spectrophotometric tests to measure vitamin C levels, and DPPH tests to assess antioxidant activity. The results show that the processing of fruit and vegetable juice does not significantly influence vitamin C levels, aroma, or texture (p = 0.50). However, it has a significant effect on antioxidant levels, color, and taste of the juice (p=0.007).