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Jurnal Biologi Tropis Vol. 19 No. 2 (2019): Juli - Desember
Publisher : Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (943.542 KB) | DOI: 10.29303/jbt.v19i2.1367


Abstrak : Pemupukan anorganik pada sistem budidaya pertanian menimbulkan beberapa masalah, antara lain biaya produksi meningkat, pendapatan petani menurun, tanah menjadi keras dan tidak subur, serta mencemari lingkungan. Karena itu, perlu ada upaya untuk menemukan sumber bahan baku pupuk yang mudah didapat, murah dn ramah lingkungan. Beberapa peneliti sebelumnya melaporkan bahwa rumput laut mengandung fitohormon dan elemen essensial yang dapat merangsang pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman. Artikel ini melaporkan pengaruh ekstrak cair dan padat Sargassum aquifolium terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman mentimun. Ekstrak cair dan padat alga tersebut diperoleh dengan metode Godlewska et al., 2016. Ekstrak cair (10%) disemprotkan satu kali seminggu selama pertumbuhan vegetatif. Ekstrak padat (5%) diberikan pada media tanah saat tanam. Ekstrak cair secara signifikan mempengaruhi sebagian besar parameter pertumbuhan (tinggi tanaman, jumlah cabang dan berat kering tunas) dan pertumbuhan generatif (jumlah dan berat buah per tanaman), namun ekstrak cair tersebut tidak secara signifikan mempengaruhi berat kering akar. Fenomena serupa juga ditemukan pada pengaruh ekstrak padat terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman mentimun. Hasil penelitian ini memberikan indikasi bahwa ekstrak cair yang dilaporkan mengandung fitohormon, dan ekstrak padat yang mengandung elemen essensial dapat dikembangkan sebagai “biostimulan” dan “biofertlizer” organik yang dapat memacu pertumbuhan dan produksi tanaman.Kata kunci : ekstrak cair, ekstrak padat, Sargassum quifolium, pertumbuhan, hasil, tanaman mentimun.Abstract : Aplication of inorganic fertilizer in agriculture cultivation system causes some disadventages, such as increase cost production, reduce farmer’s income and soil fertility, and hqrm our environment. Therefore, it is needed to find out raw materials for fertilizer which easy to obtain, cheap and adaptive to our environment. Previous researchres reported that seaweed contained plant growth hormones and essential elements stimuliting growth and yield of plants. This article reports effect of liquid and solid extracts of Sargassum aquifolium on growth and yield of cucumber plants. Liquid and solid extracts were obtained according to modified Godlewska method (2016). Liquid extract (10%) was sprayed once a week during vegetative growth. Moreover, solid extract (5%) was applied in plant media. Liquid extract influenced significantly most growth parameters, such as plant height, branch number, shoot dry weight and yield parameters like fruit number and fruit weight per plant, but liquid extract did not significantly affect root dry weight. Similar phenomena was also found on the effect of solid extract on growth and yield of cucumber plants. The results suggest that liquid and solid extracts containg plant growth hormones and essential element respectively, could be developed as organic biostimulant and biofertilizer inducing growth and plant production.Keywords : liquid extract, solid extract, Sargassum quifolium, growth, yield, cucumber plants. 
EDUKASI RESIKO PENGGUNAAN PUPUK CAIR PADA EKOSISTEM BUDIDAYA RUMPUT LAUT DI DESA KOJA DOI, SIKKA, MAUMERE Wanda Qoriasmadillah; Baiq Tri Khairina Ilhami; Nirwana Haqiqi; Eka Sunarwidhi Prasedya; Sri Widyastuti
Jurnal Abdi Insani Vol 11 No 2 (2024): Jurnal Abdi Insani
Publisher : Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/abdiinsani.v11i2.1371


Seaweed cultivation is one of the superior aquatic commodities in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) Province. In Sikka Regency, the majority of coastal communities work as seaweed cultivators. There are several efforts made by the community to increase seaweed production, one of which is by using Green Tonik (GT) liquid fertilizer. However, the use of GT fertilizer can cause macronutrient accumulation in the sea. This accumulation causes the bloom of unwanted microorganisms, thus damaging the stability of the marine ecosystem. The aim of this service activity is to hope that the people of Koja Doi, Sikka Regency, Maumere understand the impacts and risks of using GT liquid fertilizer so that it is not reused in seaweed cultivation or other cultivation in the future. The method used in this service is direct education and outreach by visiting the homes of several seaweed farmers who are affected by the use of GT liquid fertilizer. Apart from that, a discussion session was held between the service team and the community as a step to exchange information. The result of this activity was that information was obtained that the use of GT liquid fertilizer was initiated by the community based on the use of GT fertilizer on land which was able to increase crop production. As a result of the use of this fertilizer, no cultivated seaweed can live in these waters. Scientific research has not been carried out regarding the levels of macronutrient content found in Koja Doi waters so the current consequences are only based on assumptions from the community. Through this research, the community understands the impacts and risks of using GT liquid fertilizer so that people will not use the same or different liquid fertilizer in seaweed cultivation in the future.