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Etika Kesehatan pada Persalinan Melalui Sectio Caesarea Tanpa Indikasi Medis dumilah ayuningtyas; Ratih Oktarina; Misnaniarti Misnaniarti; Ni Nyoman Dwi Sutrisnawati
Media Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia Vol. 14 No. 1: MARET 2018
Publisher : Faculty of Public Health, Hasanuddin University, Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (307.243 KB) | DOI: 10.30597/mkmi.v14i1.2110


The rate sectio caesarea in Indonesia is quite high. World Health Organization states that the number sectiocaesarea maximum of about 10 to 15%. Therefore, it is necessary to study the decision-making action sectiocaesarea based on the principles of bioethics. This study used a qualitative approach with descriptive and analyticanalysis, conducted in 2014 in hospitals and maternity clinics in Jakarta. Data collection through interviews oninterviewees such as functional medical workers, midwives and hospital managers. Results showed the trend ofsectio caesarea very high reaching 70%. Sectio caesarea is almost entirely due to medical indications. Trend sectiocaesarea very high does not necessarily indicate that there are things that are contrary to the ethics of health care.Many factors beyond medical indications, both in the mother and baby, which causes sectio caesarea been, amongothers: the maternal psychological, medical equipment that is not ready for normal delivery, the right of patients tochoose medical treatment to do, weak regulation in controlling hospital offers a package sectio caesarea, as wellas regulation is deemed damaging medical services system is already working well so as to encourage moral hazardof the doctors to let their demand for childbirth through sectio caesarea without adequate medical indications.
Indonesia’s readiness to implement the HPV vaccine mandatory for school age Dumilah Ayuningtyas; Ni Nyoman Dwi Sutrisnawati
Health Science Journal of Indonesia Vol 9 No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Sekretariat Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22435/hsji.v9i2.910


Latar Belakang: Menurut WHO, dua dari 10.000 wanita di Indonesia hidup dengan kanker serviks dandiperkirakan 26 wanita meninggal setiap hari akibat kanker serviks. Berdasarkan kondisi ini, pemerintahIndonesia berencana menambahkan vaksin HPV ke dalam program imunisasi nasional. Tujuan penelitianadalah untuk menilai kemungkinan kesiapan Indonesia untuk menerapkan vaksin HPV wajib untuk usiasekolah dan faktor-faktor yang dapat mempengaruhinya. Metode: Metode yang digunakan adalah systematic review. Melalui artikel terkait vaksin HPV yang terbitdi jurnal terakreditasi dan scopus-indeks selama 10 tahun terakhir dengan kata kunci “Implementasiuntuk Imunisasi HPV”, ditemukan sebanyak 17.000 hasil pencarian. Setelah itu, penilaian kritis padaartikel yang dipilih dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode PRISMA. Hasil: Ditemukan bahwa kesadaran masyarakat, terutama orang tua, tentang vaksin HPV masih kurang, namunpenerimaan mereka terhadap vaksin ini cukup positif. Ada beberapa faktor lain yang menjadi keberatan mereka terhadap vaksin, seperti harga tinggi, ketakutan akan efek samping, seksualitas, gender, dan sistem perawatan kesehatan. Saat ini di Indonesia vaksin HPV harus dibeli atas inisiatif mereka sendiri dan bukan merupakan program wajib dari pemerintah pusat dan juga tidak diberikan secara gratis melalui program JKN. Namun demikian, Kementerian Kesehatan telah memulai proyek percontohan untuk menyediakan vaksinasi HPV gratis di beberapa daerah dalam Program Bulan Imunisasi untuk Usia Sekolah menggunakan kombinasi sumber daya pusat dan daerah. Kesimpulan: Telah ada peraturan dan pedoman teknis untuk pelaksanaan proyek percontohan vaksinasiHPV gratis, namun masih perlu penyesuaian dan dukungan dari Pemerintah jika akan dilaksanakan secaranasional dan disesuaikan dengan kondisi di daerah dengan fasilitas dan akses terbatas. Dibutuhkan peranpemerintah dalam memberikan informasi yang baik tentang vaksin HPV bagi masyarakat.(Health Science Journal of Indonesia 2018;9(2):107-18) Keywords: Vaksin HPV, Kesiapan Implementasi, Program Imunisasi Nasional Abstract Background: According to WHO, two out of 10,000 women in Indonesia live with cervical cancer and anestimated 26 women die each day from cervical cancer. Indonesian government is planning to add the HPVvaccine into the national immunization program. The objective is to assess the possibility of Indonesia’sreadiness to implement the HPV vaccine mandatory for school age and factors that may affect it. Methods: The method was a systematic review through articles related to HPV vaccine which have beenpublished in accredited and scopus-indexed journals for the last 10 years. With keywords “Implementationfor HPV Immunization”, founded 17,000 search results. Afterwards, a critical appraisal on the selectedarticles is conducted using PRISMA method. Results: It is found that the awareness of community, especially parents, about HPV vaccine is stilllacking, but their acceptance of this vaccine is quite positive. There are other factors into their objection tovaccines, such as the high price, fear of the side effects, sexuality, gender, and healthcare systems. Currentlyin Indonesia HPV vaccine must be purchased on their own initiative and is not a mandatory program ofthe central government. Neither has it been given free of charge through JKN program. Nevertheless,The Ministry of Health has begun a pilot project to provide free HPV vaccination in some areas withinImmunization Month for School Age program using a combination of central and regional resources. Conclusion: Although there have been regulations and technical guidelines for the implementation of thepilot project of free HPV vaccination, it still needs adjustment and support from the Government if it willbe implemented nationally and adapted to conditions in areas with limited facilities and access. The roleof the government is needed in providing good knowledge about the HPV vaccine for the community.(Health Science Journal of Indonesia 2018;9(2):107-18) Keywords: HPV Vaccine, Implementation Readiness, National Immunization Program
Local Initiatives In Preventing Coronavirus Based On Health Policy Perceptive Dumilah Ayuningtyas; Misnaniarti Misnaniarti; Siti Khodijah Parinduri; Fitria Aryani Susanti; Ni Nyoman Dwi Sutrisnawati; Sayyidatul Munawaroh
Journal of Indonesian Health Policy and Administration Vol 5, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Faculty of Public Health Universitas Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.7454/ihpa.v5i2.4057


Abstract. World Health Organization (WHO) has declared Coronavirus 2019-2020 as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). Local transmission of this disease occurs in almost every country around the world. Likewise, in Indonesia, Covid-19 cases have spread to all 34 provinces. This study aims to analyze the local initiative in handling Covid-19 based on the public health perspective in Indonesia. It is based on time, the form of activity, the type of response, and the contribution of local initiatives. This study used secondary data from various media sources and articles on the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia and community assistance as the keywords. The study used 31 news found in media sources from 34 provinces in Indonesia. Handling Covid-19 has become a concern for the government and the public. The government is implementing physical distancing as a way to handle Coronavirus. For the local community, it is in the form of local initiatives by educating the community, fulfilling PPE, supporting infrastructure facilities, crowdfunding carried out personally or in groups, and doing prevention by wearing masks and doing self-quarantine. Various elements of society have played a role and participated in the movement to eradicate the Coronavirus. Cross-sectoral coordination needs to be intensified for the implementation of comprehensive efforts.
The Needs Fulfillment of Medical and Specialist Doctors in West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia Ayuningtyas, Dumilah; Fachry, Anwar; Barinda, Sandra; Windiarti, Sri; Rahmadhani, Nurul Saptorini; Hadi, Muhammad Sapoan; Misnaniarti, M; Sutrisnawati, Ni Nyoman Dwi
Jurnal Aisyah : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Vol 6, No 3: September 2021
Publisher : Universitas Aisyah Pringsewu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (655.449 KB) | DOI: 10.30604/jika.v6i3.508


One of the challenges in improving health services in Indonesia is the uneven number and distribution of health workers in some areas, especially doctors and specialist doctors. Therefore, the aim of this study was to review the conduciveness and support of the policy environment towards meeting the needs of specialist doctors in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Province, Indonesia. This study was the narrative review method. Keywords used are environmental policy, specialist doctor, and remote area. Critical appraisal was performed by utilizing the PRISMA method. This study showed that there is political support from the Central and Regional Governments. However, several aspects are still recognized negatively, aspects of national policies related to incentives and facilities. Regional Government Policies are considered not sufficiently significant to improve the availability of doctors and specialist doctors, especially in terms of the advocacy mechanisms. This matter impacts the lack of doctors and specialist doctors’ interest to be placed in remote areas. The policy environment towards meeting the needs of a specialist doctors in West Nusantara Tenggara (NTB) was enough conducive and supportive. It still needs improving coordination mechanisms among institutions and providing advocacy channels, which are crucial to support the effectiveness of meeting the needs of specialist doctors’ policies.Abstrak: Salah satu tantangan dalam meningkatkan pelayanan kesehatan di Indonesia adalah belum meratanya jumlah dan distribusi tenaga kesehatan di beberapa daerah, terutama dokter dan dokter spesialis. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji kondusifitas dan dukungan lingkungan kebijakan terhadap pemenuhan kebutuhan dokter spesialis di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB), Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode review naratif. Kata kunci yang digunakan adalah kebijakan lingkungan, dokter spesialis, dan daerah terpencil. Critical appraisal dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode PRISMA. Studi ini menunjukkan adanya dukungan politik dari Pemerintah Pusat dan Daerah. Namun demikian, beberapa aspek masih diakui secara negatif, aspek kebijakan nasional terkait insentif dan fasilitas. Kebijakan Pemerintah Daerah dinilai belum cukup signifikan untuk meningkatkan ketersediaan dokter dan dokter spesialis, terutama dari sisi mekanisme advokasi. Hal ini berdampak pada minimnya minat dokter dan dokter spesialis untuk ditempatkan di daerah terpencil. Lingkungan kebijakan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dokter spesialis di Nusantara Tenggara Barat (NTB) cukup kondusif dan mendukung. Masih perlu perbaikan mekanisme koordinasi antarlembaga dan penyediaan jalur advokasi yang sangat penting untuk mendukung efektivitas pemenuhan kebutuhan kebijakan dokter spesialis.
Standar Pelayanan Keperawatan Pada Penilaian Akreditasi Rumah Sakit Versi 2012 Di Rumah Sakit “X” Tahun 2016 Ni Nyoman Dwi Sutrisnawati; Dumilah Ayuningtyas
BULLET : Jurnal Multidisiplin Ilmu Vol. 2 No. 5 (2023): BULLET : Jurnal Multidisiplin Ilmu
Publisher : CV. Multi Kreasi Media

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Hospitals are required to carry out accreditation periodically, at least once every three years. The development of hospital accreditation standards in Indonesia has undergone adjustments in 2016 referring to the 2012 version of accreditation standards which focus on patients. Hospital "X" has been accredited with five basic services in the 2007 version of the accreditation assessment. The aim of this research is to analyze the gap between the existing service standards applied at Hospital "X" and the assessment elements included in the three standards in 2012 version of National Hospital Accreditation related to nursing services. This research uses a case study method with a descriptive analytical design. Data collection was carried out by interviews, observation and document review. This research was conducted in February - April 2016. The research found that the service standards for Patient and Family Rights and Patient and Family Education were still not optimal, there were policies and documents that did not officially exist. Infection Prevention and Control (PPI) service are not yet optimal due to the unsustainable function of the committee and lack of facilities and infrastructure, while the Accreditation team organization has gone quite well, even though with limited members. The fulfillment at Hospital "X" still needs to be improved. It is recommended that the documents and policies be coordinated and socialized immediately, so that they can be implemented. Regular assistance and evaluation by management is still needed to achieve the target.