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Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer vol. 1 no. 4 Oktober-Desember 2012
Publisher : Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer

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Knowledge sharing activity has been considered as the key activity in knowledge management. This study aims at exploring and conceptualizing knowledge sharing process and behaviors of the members of Warung Tegal (Warteg) business supply chain network. The study specifically examines the role of Warteg in the knowledge sharing process. Using informal interviews to five selected Warteg owners, value chain, supply chain network, and knowledge sharing process are explored. Knowledge sharing behavior among the actors in the network is then analyzed. The study found that most of the Warteg owners chose similar source of suppliers which shared similar certain knowledge to the Warteg owners. Suppliers play a significant role in owners’ decision making. The difference lies on the decisions taken by owners after knowledge have been transferred. Keywords: knowledge sharing, supply chain, warteg, decision making
Indentifikasi Prioritas Kegagalan Pelayanan Jasa Transportasi Transjakarta dengan Pendekatan Fuzzy Failure Mode and Effect Analysis Sunardi, Oki; Linatan, Robin
Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer Vol. 03 No. 10 April-Juni 2014
Publisher : Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer

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Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer vol. 1 no. 4 Oktober-Desember 2012
Publisher : Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


AbstractKnowledge sharing activity has been considered as the key activity in knowledge management. This study aims at exploring and conceptualizing knowledge sharing process and behaviors of the members of Warung Tegal (Warteg) business supply chain network. The study specifically examines the role of Warteg in the knowledge sharing process. Using informal interviews to five selected Warteg owners, value chain, supply chain network, and knowledge sharing process are explored. Knowledge sharing behavior among the actors in the network is then analyzed. The study found that most of the Warteg owners chose similar source of suppliers which shared similar certain knowledge to the Warteg owners. Suppliers play a significant role in owners’ decision making. The difference lies on the decisions taken by owners after knowledge have been transferred. Keywords: knowledge sharing, supply chain, warteg, decision making  AbstrakKnowledge sharing merupakan aktivitas kunci dalam konteks manajemen pengetahuan. Studi ini bertujuan menggali dan menterjemahkan proses knowledge sharing dan perilaku para anggota dalam suatu jaringan rantai pasok. Subjek studi adalah lima Warung Tegal (Warteg), yang dipilih dari berbagai area di Bandung. Warteg dinilai sebagai suatu bisnis berskala kecil, namun dianggap mampu survive saat krisis ekonomi. Informasi mengenai rantai nilai, rantai pasokan, dan proses knowledge sharing diperoleh melalui wawancara informal dengan para pemilik Warteg. Perilaku para aktor dalam proses knowledge sharing kemudian dianalisis. Studi menemukan fakta bahwa meskipun para pemilik Warteg tidak saling mengenal, mereka memilih pemasok bahan baku yang sama, dan juga memilih strategi operasional yang relatif serupa. Pemasok memegang peranan penting dalam proses pengambilan keputusan yang dilakukan para pemilik Warteg. Perbedaan nampak pada keputusan akhir para pemilik Warteg, setelah knowledge diterima dan diolah oleh para pemilik tersebut. Kata Kunci: knowledge sharing, rantai pasok, warteg, pengambilan keputusan
Implementasi Digital Factory pada Industri Manufaktur Skala Menengah: Studi Pendahuluan Sunardi, Oki; Saputra, Kevin Joy
Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi Vol 15, No 3 (2016)
Publisher : SBM ITB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (7779.469 KB) | DOI: 10.12695/jmt.2016.15.3.2


Abstrak. Industri manufaktur skala menengah di Indonesia dihadapkan pada beberapa tantangan, seperti: ekonomi biaya tinggi, perubahan teknologi informasi yang pesat, serta perubahan permintaan dan pasar yang sangat dinamis. Tantangan-tantangan tersebut secara langsung maupun tidak langsung mempengaruhi keberlangsungan hidup perusahaan. Studi pendahuluan ini bertujuan untuk memperkenalkan manfaat implementasi Digital Factory dalam mengatasi beberapa tantangan tersebut. Penelitian-penelitian sebelumnya mengidentifikasikan bahwa penerapan digital factory pada perusahaan skala besar berbasis teknologi telah mampu meningkatkan efisiensi proses pengembangan produk dan proses produksi, dari segi waktu dan biaya. Studi ini mencoba mengidentifikasi beberapa prasyarat utama implementasi digital factory dalam industri manufaktur skala menengah di Indonesia. Sebagai studi pendahuluan, penelitian dilakukan pada usaha pengolahan plastik skala menengah di Tangerang, yang telah menerapkan teknologi digital dalam proses produksinya. Terdapat tiga prasyarat mendasar yang dibutuhkan agar implementasi digital factory dapat berjalan: kelengkapan data dan informasi tentang urutan produksi, desain produk, desain bangunan dan data pekerja; ketersediaan perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak simulasi; serta tingkat ketrampilan dan pengalaman operator dalam penggunaan software simulasi. Hubungan antar variabel dalam penelitian ini dimodelkan dan diolah dengan SmartPLS. Penelitian awal ini menemukan bahwa kelengkapan data dan informasi, ketersediaan perangkat keras dan lunak simulasi, serta kemampuan dan pengalaman pekerja dalam bidang simulasi virtual, secara bersama-sama memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap implementasi digital factory dan keberlangsungan perusahaan (pengembangan dan desain produk yang lebih baik (inovasi), perancangan dan simulasi proses produksi yang lebih efisien (efisiensi), dan kemampuan menyesuaikan diri terhadap perubahan permintaan yang lebih baik (adaptasi)).Kata kunci: usaha manufaktur skala menengah, digital factory, inovasi, efisiensi, adaptasi.Abstract. Medium-sized manufacturing industry in Indonesia is overwhelmed by certain challenges: high-cost economy, significant changes in information technology, and dynamic market and demand. All of these challenges affect gradually or directly to the sustainability of the industry. This preliminary study aims to conceptualize the importance of 'digital factory' implementation to dealing with sustainability issues. Previous studies showed that the implementation of digital factory, in the context of large-sized technological-based manufacturing enterprises, has been proved to increase the efficiency of product development process and production process, in term of time and cost. This study tries to identify several key issues to support the implementation of digital factory: data and information completeness, hardware and software availability, and operators' skill and experience in conducting simulation. The relationships of the variables are modelled and analyzed using SmartPLS. This preliminary study found that, concurrently, data and information completeness, hardware and software availability, and operators' skill and experience in conducting simulation have significant effect to digital factory implementation, as well as the enterprise's sustainability (better product design and improvement (innovativeness), more efficient in design and simulation of production process (efficiency), and better capability to deal with dynamic demand (adaptiveness)).Keywords: medium-sized manufacturing enterprise, digital factory, innovativeness, efficiency, adaptiveness.
Peran Dependency, Commitment, Trust dan Communication terhadap Kolaborasi Rantai Pasok dan Kinerja Perusahaan: Studi Pendahuluan Stefani, Venska; Sunardi, Oki
Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi Vol 13, No 3 (2014)
Publisher : SBM ITB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1905.616 KB) | DOI: 10.12695/jmt.2014.13.3.6


Abstrak. Kolaborasi rantai pasok memegang peranan penting dalam efektivitas organisasi. Penelitian pendahuluan ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor psikologi sosial yang dapat mempengaruhi hubungan kolaboratif dalam suatu rantai pasok, dalam konteks usaha pengolahan makanan skala menengah. Praktek kolaborasi rantai pasok dan dampak penerapannya terhadap kinerja perusahaan, baik operasional maupun finansial, juga ikut ditelaah. Berdasarkan tujuan ini, 'pendekatan survei dalam studi kasus' digunakan. Data dikumpulkan dari sebuah perusahaan pengolahan makanan skala menengah. Model partial least squares-path modeling diajukan untuk mengkonseptualisasi dan mengukur pengaruh dari ketergantungan, komitmen, kepercayaan dan komunikasi pada kolaborasi rantai pasok. Efek dari kolaborasi rantai pasok pada kinerja perusahaan juga diukur. Dengan menggunakan sudut pandang buyer, hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa komitmen dan kepercayaan berpengaruh positif pada kolaborasi rantai pasok, dan kolaborasi rantai pasok memiliki pengaruh yang berarti pada kinerja perusahaan. Sementara itu, ketergantungan mempengaruhi kolaborasi secara tidak langsung melalui komitmen, dan komunikasi mempengaruhi kolaborasi secara tidak langsung melalui kepercayaan.Kata kunci: Rantai pasok, Kolaborasi, Manufaktur, Partial least squares, Faktor psikologi sosialAbstract. Supply Chain Collaboration plays a significant role to the effectiveness of organizations. This preliminary study aims to identify social psychology factors that might influence collaborative relationship within a supply chain network, in the context of medium-sized food manufacturing enterprise. The supply chain collaboration practice and its impact of implementation on firm's performance, both operational and financial, were investigated. Based on this purposes, a survey within a case study approach was conducted. The data were collected from one medium scale food manufacturing enterprise. A partial least squares-path modeling (PLS-PM) was proposed for conceptualizing and measuring the effects of dependence, commitment, trust, and communication on supply chain collaboration. The effect of supply chain collaboration on firm's performance was also measured and quantified. From buyer's perspective, the study reveals that commitment and trust positively affect supply chain collaboration and that supply chain collaboration has a considerable effect on firm's performance. Meanwhile, dependence influences the collaboration indirectly through commitment, while communication influences the collaboration indirectly through trust.Keywords: Supply chain, Collaboration, Manufacturing, Partial least squares, Social psychology factors
Socio-distribution Network Analysis: an Exploratory Study of Indonesian Magazine Distribution Channel Sunardi, Oki; Tjakraatmadja, Jann Hidajat
Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi Vol 11, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : SBM ITB

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Indonesian magazine business is characterized by high distribution cost, which constitutes of 60%-70% of the overall enterprise cost. This study aims to investigate the key agents who play significant roles to the distribution coverage in Indonesian magazine market, using social network analysis perspective. Data of 90 agents were collected from five respected publishers of four different major cities. Using ‘roster recalls method’, within 16 months period, 90 agents were interviewed by six field researchers, concerning their social relationship, family relationship, professional/working relationship with other agents. The study found that there are six key agents whose networks will be able to penetrate the Indonesian magazine market. By using only the identified key agents, publishers estimate that 31%-41% of distribution cost could be saved. Future related researches are also suggested in the final conclusion. Keywords: magazine, distribution channel, social network analysis, key agents   
Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi Vol 19, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : SBM ITB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12695/jmt.2020.19.1.6


Abstract. Knowledge and innovation have become critical aspects of gaining competitive advantage and success in organizations. This study aims to uncover the role of multiple knowledge networks in the formation of innovative behavior and its relationship with supply chain collaboration in Indonesian startup companies. The survey involved 100 employees from the top five Indonesian digital startup companies as respondents. Model testing utilized SEM PLS, followed by triangulation through semi-structured interviews. The result showed that multiple knowledge networks and supply chain collaboration were positively related to innovative behavior. However, the work culture in Indonesian startups was somehow low in terms of exchanging knowledge and information. The lack of collaboration between the actors of the supply chain network has caused the knowledge network not to form correctly in Indonesian startup companies.Keywords: Multiple knowledge networks, supply chain collaboration, innovative behavior, startups, IndonesiaAbstrak. Pengetahuan dan inovasi merupakan aspek-aspek penting dalam membentuk keunggulan kompetitif dan keberhasilan perusahaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami lebih dalam mengenai peran multiple knowledge networks terhadap pembentukan perilaku inovatif serta hubungannya dengan kolaborasi rantai pasok di perusahaan startup Indonesia. Survei dilakukan kepada 100 karyawan dari lima perusahaan startup terbesar di Indonesia sebagai responden. Uji model dilakukan dengan menggunakan SEM PLS, dilanjutkan dengan triangulasi melalui wawancara semi terstruktur. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa multiple knowledge networks dan kolaborasi rantai pasok berhubungan positif terhadap perilaku inovatif. Namun demikian, budaya kerja di perusahaan startup Indonesia tergolong masih rendah dalam hal bertukar pengetahuan dan informasi. Rendahnya kolaborasi antar actor dalam jaringan rantai pasok turut berperan tidak terbentuknya jaringan pengetahuan yang baik di perusahaan startup Indonesia.Kata kunci: Multiple knowledge networks, kolaborasi rantai pasok, perilaku inovatif, startups, Indonesia
Publisher : FIA UB

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Job satisfaction and job quality refer to the achievement level of employee wellbeing and organizational performance. Job quality and psychological empowerment encourage innovation within many business organizations. Previous studies argue that job quality and psychological empowerment are related only to job satisfaction, not innovation especially in service industries and public sector. Thus, this study conceptualized how job quality and psychological empowerment contribute to innovation. As a basis for conceptualization in term of job quality, psychological empowerment, and innovation, this study employed a case study on Indonesian digital startup companies. The conceptual framework performs as the basis for developing further studies.
Factors Affecting Personal Knowledge Management Effectiveness: A Case Study of Automotive Sales Officers in Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta Conggo, Georgina Afrilia; Sunardi, Oki; Widyarini, Maria
Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi Vol 20, No 3 (2021)
Publisher : SBM ITB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12695/jmt.2021.20.3.6


Abstract. Shifting the economy toward a knowledge-based one that requires skilled workers encourages the implementation of personal knowledge management. The automotive industry is closely related to knowledge-based activities and its technological developments require skilled employees. This study aimed to identify factors that can increase the effectiveness of personal knowledge management among sales officers in automotive companies. A survey was distributed to 115 employees at automotive dealers that implemented knowledge management at the head office level but not at their branch offices or dealerships. The studied effectiveness factors included trust, extrinsic rewards, technology application, knowledge sharing, and learning behavior. The collected data passed validity tests, reliability tests, model tests, and hypothesis testing. Thus, data triangulation was conducted via semi-structured interviews. This study found that trust affects knowledge sharing. Moreover, it was found that extrinsic rewards do not affect knowledge sharing and that the application of technology affects learning behavior. Notably, both knowledge sharing and learning behavior were found to affect personal knowledge management effectiveness. Another impactful factor was leadership. Intrinsic rewards make sales officers feel happier and more rewarded for sharing knowledge than financial benefits. Leadership is an aspect that must be considered since good leaders can encourage and create a positive learning environment.Keywords: Extrinsic rewards, knowledge sharing, learning behavior, personal knowledge management, technology use, trustAbstrak. Pergeseran ekonomi menuju ekonomi berbasis pengetahuan yang membutuhkan pekerja terampil mendorong penerapan manajemen pengetahuan pribadi. Industri otomotif erat kaitannya dengan kegiatan berbasis pengetahuan dan perkembangan teknologinya membutuhkan tenaga kerja yang terampil. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang dapat meningkatkan efektivitas manajemen pengetahuan pribadi pada tenaga penjualan di perusahaan otomotif. Survei dilakukan kepada 115 karyawan di dealer otomotif yang menerapkan manajemen pengetahuan di tingkat kantor pusat tetapi tidak di kantor cabang atau diler. Faktor efektivitas yang diteliti meliputi kepercayaan, penghargaan ekstrinsik, penerapan teknologi, berbagi pengetahuan, dan perilaku belajar. Data yang terkumpul lolos uji validitas, uji reliabilitas, uji model, dan uji hipotesis. Dengan demikian, triangulasi data dilakukan melalui wawancara semi terstruktur. Studi ini menemukan bahwa kepercayaan mempengaruhi berbagi pengetahuan. Selain itu, ditemukan bahwa penghargaan ekstrinsik tidak mempengaruhi berbagi pengetahuan dan penerapan teknologi mempengaruhi perilaku belajar. Khususnya, baik berbagi pengetahuan dan perilaku belajar ditemukan mempengaruhi efektivitas manajemen pengetahuan pribadi. Faktor lain yang berpengaruh adalah kepemimpinan. Penghargaan intrinsik membuat tenaga penjualan merasa lebih bahagia dan lebih dihargai karena berbagi pengetahuan daripada keuntungan finansial. Kepemimpinan merupakan aspek yang harus diperhatikan karena pemimpin yang baik dapat mendorong dan menciptakan lingkungan belajar yang positif.Kata kunci: Penghargaan ekstrinsik, berbagi pengetahuan, perilaku belajar, manajemen pengetahuan pribadi, penggunaan teknologi, kepercayaan
Perancangan Ulang Fasilitas Tata Letak Perpustakaan Universitas XYZ Oki Sunardi; Yansen W. Winata; Daniel Daniel
JIEMS (Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management Systems) Vol 2, No 2 (2009): Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management Systems (JIEMS)
Publisher : Universitas Bunda Mulia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30813/jiems.v2i2.64


The Library is one of the most important media for students. But this time the library The access often encounter obstacles in the process of borrowing books. The access constraint is to wait their turn to borrow books if the number of borrowers more than the number of operators and operators often can not find the book to be borrowed, but the book is available at the library. From the results of these interviews is known that in the process of borrowing constraints caused by the ability to book the service and the current library system, library system is closed. From the initial interview is also known that the university also has plans to improve the service system of the closed library systems (closed system) into an open library system (opened system). Activity Relationship Chart (ARC) is a working relationship map used to plan the inter-group relations in terms of relations activities is method being used in this research. ARC is an ideal technique in planning for linkages between each group of related activities.Keywords: Service Evaluation, Quality Function Deployment