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Peningkatan pemahaman hukum bagi masyarakat dalam pengendalian kebakaran hutan dan lahan di Desa Petapahan Kecamatan Tapung Kabupaten Kampar Syaifullah Yophi Ardiyanto; Setia Putra; Tengku Arif Hidayat; Muhammad A. Rauf; Samariadi Samariadi
Unri Conference Series: Community Engagement Vol 2 (2020): Seminar Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31258/unricsce.2.393-401


Riau Province is one of the provinces in Indonesia with the problem of forest and land fires that always occur every year. There is a need for understanding and participation from various parties, not only the government but also the community in controlling land forest fires so that land forest fires no longer occur in Riau Province according to Presidential Instruction No.3 of 2020 concerning Forest and Land Fire Management. Therefore, there is a need for activities to increase the role and understanding of the law for the community in controlling forest and land fires in Riau Province, especially in Petapahan Village, Tapung District, Kampar Regency. The service method is carried out using the waterfall model with eight stages of activity: (1) Problem Analysis; (2) Problem Identification; (3) Problem Formulation; (4) Development of Alternative Solutions; (5) Selection of the best alternative, (6) Application design, (7) Implementation; and (8) Testing. From these service activities, it was obtained as the result of an increase in the knowledge and understanding of the law of the community service participants regarding the control and handling of forest and land fires. This activity is carried out by evaluating the service participants by asking questions related to the service material that has been carried out. From an economic point of view, this activity is useful for communities around the forest so that they can enjoy the forest products they manage in the hope that there will be a stable economic increase and create jobs for future generations.
Riau Law Journal Vol 1, No 1 (2017): Riau Law Journal
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (346.583 KB) | DOI: 10.30652/rlj.v1i1.4179


AbstrakMasyarakat Suku Sakai menangkap ikan di sungai dengan menombak dan mengail, serta menangkap udang dengan menggunakan tangguk. Di rawa-rawa atau di sungai-sungai kecil mereka menangkap ikan dengan menggunakan lukah dan jaring.  Mereka memasang lukah dari jaring pada sore hari menjelang malam dan pada pagi hari dapat dilihat hasil tangkapannya. Ada larangan menangkap ikan dengan putas,  pukat, sentrum dan racun bisa didenda adat berupa uang adat yang disepakati Pengurus Bathin (Kepala, Manti, Mangku). Dilarang menebang hutan dekat sungai dan danau, bila dilakukan maka didenda adat untuk memulihkan kerusakan dan disuruh menanam pohon 7 kali lebih banyak.Kata Kunci: kearifan lokal, perairan, Sakai AbstractThe Sakai tribe catches fish in the river by using the spear and hook, and using tangguk for shrimp. In swamps or small rivers they used a fish trap and netting to catch the fish. They put on the fish trap nets on the afternoon or before the night and they take the catch out in the morning. There is a ban on fishing with putas, gillnets, centrum and toxins and it can be fined by indigenous customary pecuniary who agreed by Bathin Board (Chief, Manti, Mangku). It is forbidden to cut down the forests near the rivers and the lakes, and the indigenous fined to recover the damage is to plant the tree seven times more.Keywords : local wisdom, water, Sakai
Hukum Waris Adat Melayu Riau di Kecamatan Pasir Penyu Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu setia putra
Jurnal Ilmu Hukum Vol 11, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30652/jih.v11i2.8385


Hukum waris suatu golongan masyarakat sangat dipengaruhi oleh bentuk kekerabatan dari masyarakat itu sendiri, setiap kekerabatan atau kekeluargaan memiliki sistem hukum waris sendiri-sendiri. Secara teoritis sistem kekerabatan di Indonesia dapat dibedakan atas tiga corak, yaitu sistem patrilineal, sistem matrilineal, dan sistem parental atau bilateral. Sebagai salah satu bentuk hukum waris yang memiliki ciri khas, ada di dalam masyarakat adat melayu di wilayah Kecamatan Pasir Penyu Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian sosiologis. Adapun yang menjadi tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui ahli  waris  dan harta waris pada  masyarakat adat melayu di Kecamatan Pasir Penyu Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu  dan bagaimana proses pembagian warisan pada para ahli waris yang berhak pada di Kecamatan Pasir Penyu Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu. Hukum waris adat melayu di Kecamatan Pasir Penyu Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu dipengaruhi oleh sistem kekerabatan partilineal. Sistem hukum waris adat yang digunakan lebih kepada Hukum Islam di mana bagian laki-laki lebih banyak dua kali lipat dari perempuan. Pembagian warisan dilakukan oleh tokoh adat/agama dan dihadiri oleh ahli waris dalam musyawarah keluarga. Dengan tetap memisahkan antara harta pusaka tinggi, harta pusaka rendah dengan harta bawaan suami-istri (orang tua), setelah itu baru pembagian harta warisan ini dapat dibagikan kepada ahli warisnya berdasarkan hukum Islam. Namun, setelah mengetahui bahagian masing-masing warisan. Ada kearifan adat dari sistem kewarisan yang diajarkan dengan sedikit menggunakan sistem kewarisan kolektif. Dengan tetap mempertahankan rumah peninggalan ahli waris dan tetap menjaga salah satu orang tua yang masih hidup dan lebih membantu saudara yang membutuhkan atau kurang mampu.
Customary Settlement of Certain Criminal Cases in the Indigenous Community of Kenegerian Benai, Kuantan Singingi Erdianto Effendi; Setia Putra
Al-Risalah Vol 22 No 2 (2022): December 2022
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30631/alrisalah.v22i2.1242


This study analyzed the resolution of specific criminal cases within the indigenous peoples of Kuantan Singingi, Riau. The shift in customary laws towards a modern legal system has caused various problems, including accumulating case files and overcapacity in prisons. This occurred because the community has also lost its grip on solving problems with the existing customary laws. Therefore, this study involved interviews with chairpersons, secondary leaders, customs on conflict resolution among indigenous peoples, and the use of primary data. The results highlighted that the customary settlement of criminal cases can sufficiently resolve conflicts in the community. Furthermore, it overcame the accumulation of case files in the courts and overcapacity in penitentiary institutions.
Perkembangan Prostitusi Online di Kota Pekanbaru Pasca Pembuburan lokalisasi Prostitusi Teleju Mukhlis R.; Davit Rahmadan; Setia Putra
Jurnal Ilmu Hukum Vol 12, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30652/jih.v12i1.8431


This study aims to see whether the development of online prostitution activities in Pekanbaru City after the dissolution of teleju localization and what policies will be taken by the Pekanbaru City Government in the future. The approach used is sociological legal research, by conducting searches of various existing forms of social media, and conducting in-depth interviews with various components of society, the results are then analyzed qualitatively. Pekanbaru, the capital of Riau Province, is famous for its Malay community based on traditional values coded as sara' sara' coded as Kitabullah. At the end of the late H. Herman Abdullah's tenure as mayor of Pekanbaru, there was a policy of closing the Teleju prostitution localization in Pekanbaru City. Technological developments on the one hand have a positive impact on the progress and welfare of society, especially in Pekanbaru. However, on the other hand, mobile communication technology can be misused by the public, one of which is to facilitate online prostitution transactions. Indications of online prostitution in Pekanbaru, some of the social media used are Facebook, Intragram, Twitter and Me Chatt. this is a concern for every stakeholder in Pekanbaru so that future regional legal policies are one of the efforts to prevent and deal with online prostitution activities.