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Pengukuran Gaya, Energi, dan Daya Biomekanik Pada Gerakan Tangan Menggunakan Sensor Wiimote Basuki Rahmat; Safira Fegi Nisrina; Fredrick Sutjiady
Publisher : RELE (Rekayasa Elektrikal dan Energi) : Jurnal Teknik Elektro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2700.248 KB) | DOI: 10.30596/rele.v3i2.6480


Abstrak—Pergerakan lengan pada saat mengayun akan menghasilkan beberapa besaran yaitu energy, gaya, dan daya. Besaran-besaran inilah yang banyak diteliti, terutama untuk dunia olah raga dan dunia kesehatan. Penelitian pergerakan lengan di dunia olah raga dilakukan untuk meningkatkan performa atlet sehingga bisa mendapatkan prestasi yang optimal. Masalah yang timbul pada penelitian di bidang biomekanik adalah menyangkut bagaimana cara pengukuran dan pengolahan data hasil penelitian. Tujuan dari penelitian yang sedang dilakukan adalah mengukur Gaya, Energy dan Daya pada lengan saat melakukan aktivitas gerakan tangan. Metode pengukurun yang digunakan adalah dengan mengukur arah vektor sensor wiimote yang dipasang pada telapak tangan kemudian pada saat lengan kita bergerak direkam menggunakan kamera, hasil dari rekaman pergerakan tangan kemudian diolah menggunakan program Mathlab. Ada dua subyek dengan berat badan yang berbeda pada percobaan yang diukur dalam penelitian ini.Hasil dari pengukuran gaya, energi,dan daya pada subyek pertama adalah gaya terukur 44,644 Newton, energi terukur 419 Joule, daya terukur 1323,14 Kg.M2.S-3.  Hasil dari pengukuran gaya, energi,dan daya pada subyek kedua adalah gaya terukur 44,644 Newton, energi terukur 456 Joule, daya terukur 793,04 Kg.M2.S-3.Kata kunci:  biomekanik, gaya, energi, dayaAbstract—The movement of the arm when swinging will produce several quantities, namely energy, force and power. This magnitude has been widely researched, especially for the world of sports and the world of health. Research on arm movements in sports is carried out to improve athlete performance so that they can get optimal performance. Problems that arise in research in the field of biomechanics are related to how to measure and process research data. The aim of the research being carried out is to measure the Force, Energy and Power on the arm during hand movement activities. The measurement method used is to measure the vector direction of the wiimote sensor attached to the palm of the hand, then when our arms move it is recorded using a camera, the results of the recorded hand movements are then processed using the Mathlab program. There were two subjects with different weight in the experiment measured in this study. The results of the measurement of force, energy, and power in the first subject are the measured force 44.644 Newtons, the measured energy 419 Joules, the measured power 1323.14 Kg.M2.S-3. The results of the measurement of force, energy and power in the second subject are the measured force 44.644 Newton, the measured energy 456 Joules, the measured power 793.04 Kg.M2.S-3.Keywords:     biomechanics, force, energy, power 
Sterilization Container using UV-C Safira Fegi Nisrina; Rinayati Rinayati
Indonesian Journal of Global Health Research Vol 4 No 4 (2022): Indonesian Journal of Global Health Research

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (167.412 KB) | DOI: 10.37287/ijghr.v4i4.1120


The condition of human health can change overtime. It can be affected by lifestyle and daily diet, as well as attacks from mutated viruses and bacteria. The emerging problem is the lack of healthy living behavior practiced by Indonesia people, so that viruses, bacteria and microorganisms can stick to the human body. The purpose of this research is to design a sterilization container to sterilize items that are used daily. A sterilizer to eradicate germs by utilizing UV-C lighting and a disinfectant that can be used. An important factor to raise the public awareness about the importance of cleanliness is the necessity to pay attention to aspects affecting the public hygiene, namely access to adequate sanitation, habit of washing hands, and sterilizing goods. An attempt to sterilize goods after we use them is by using Sterilization Container. This medical device has the objective of sterilizing goods, either directly or indirectly. In this case, the container is very useful as a preventive measure and maintains cleanliness from bacteria and viruses that could stick to human body and clothes. Sterilization Container can be defined as a space that is expected to eliminate microorganisms. In this research, entitled ‘Sterilization Container Using UV-C’, UV-C lamp was used to modify the container with additional disinfectant spray by pressing the button according to the needs.
Sterilization Container using UV-C Safira Fegi Nisrina; Rinayati Rinayati
Indonesian Journal of Global Health Research Vol 4 No 4 (2022): Indonesian Journal of Global Health Research

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (167.412 KB) | DOI: 10.37287/ijghr.v4i4.1120


The condition of human health can change overtime. It can be affected by lifestyle and daily diet, as well as attacks from mutated viruses and bacteria. The emerging problem is the lack of healthy living behavior practiced by Indonesia people, so that viruses, bacteria and microorganisms can stick to the human body. The purpose of this research is to design a sterilization container to sterilize items that are used daily. A sterilizer to eradicate germs by utilizing UV-C lighting and a disinfectant that can be used. An important factor to raise the public awareness about the importance of cleanliness is the necessity to pay attention to aspects affecting the public hygiene, namely access to adequate sanitation, habit of washing hands, and sterilizing goods. An attempt to sterilize goods after we use them is by using Sterilization Container. This medical device has the objective of sterilizing goods, either directly or indirectly. In this case, the container is very useful as a preventive measure and maintains cleanliness from bacteria and viruses that could stick to human body and clothes. Sterilization Container can be defined as a space that is expected to eliminate microorganisms. In this research, entitled ‘Sterilization Container Using UV-C’, UV-C lamp was used to modify the container with additional disinfectant spray by pressing the button according to the needs.
PkM Penerapan Panel Surya Untuk Penghematan Daya Operasional Agar Masyarakat Mendapatkan Harga Lebih Terjangkau Di Bandarjo, Ungaran Barat Safira Fegi Nisrina; Cempaka Kumala Sari; Lawrence Adi Supriyono; Prasetyo Hartanto
Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Nusantara Vol. 5 No. 2 (2024): Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Nusantara (JPkMN)
Publisher : Sistem Informasi dan Teknologi (Sisfokomtek)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55338/jpkmn.v5i2.3263


Kelompok Pelaksanaan kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Widya Husada mengembangkan pemanfaatan panel surya untuk penghematan daya operasional terhadap peternakan ikan di Bandarjo, Ungaran Barat, di Bandarjo, Ungaran Barat masih mengandalkan suplai energi listrik dari PLN untuk pengairan di kolam. Olehitu, karena kelompok Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Widya Husada telah membuat dan memasang sistem panel surya untuk menggerakkan pompa sirkulasi air, yang mana panel surya ini sebagai energi alternatif pengganti listrik dari PLN. Pada kegiatan pengabdian ini menggunakan Panel surya berkapasits 200WP dengan baterai kapasitas 12,6Volt, 24000maH yang digunakan untuk mensuplai pompa air 12 Volt 22 Watt. Selain itu produk yang dihasilkan juga dilengkapi dengan sistem pengatur penyalaan relay berbasis Arduino Uno. SIstem Arduino Uno ini digunakan untuk menangkap sensor suhu. Hasil rata-rata dari pengukuran daya panel surya setiap 30 menit sekali yaitu 24,48Watt per hari, kondisi tersebut saat dilakukan pengujian saat cuaca tidak cerah. Namun dalam hal tersebut masih dapat berubah-ubah untuk mendapatkan daya yang maksimal bergantung pada kondisi cuacanya terutama saat matahari terik. Pada kegatan pengabdia ini telah menghasilkan kesimpulan menghemat biaya listrik jika dibandingkan dengan penggunaan energi listrik yang berasal dari PLN, hal ini sangat menguntungkan untuk petani ikan diantara keuntungannya adalah mengurangi tagihan listrik secara signifikan, sehingga harga jual ikan dapat lebih terjangkau, meningkatkan produksi ikan, dapat meningkatkan taraf hidup kesejahteraan para petani ikan dan memberikan inspirasi, ilmu dan contoh nyata bagi wilayah-wilayah disekitarnya dalam memanfaatkan teknologi energi terbarukan untuk mendukung kegiatan perekonomian.