I Wayan Agus Wiratama
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Media Pembelajaran Pengenalan Rupa Dan Karakter Tokoh Wayang Purwa Berbasis Android Candra Ahmadi; Erma Sulistyo Rini; I Wayan Agus Wiratama
Jurnal Eksplora Informatika Vol 4 No 2 (2015): Jurnal Eksplora Informatika
Publisher : Bagian Perpustakaan dan Publikasi Ilmiah - Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis STIKOM Bali

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (339.658 KB)


Wayang purwa merupakan wayang kulit yang membawakan cerita yang bersumber dari kitab Mahabharata dan Ramayana. Tokoh-tokoh yang ada dalam pewayangan tersebut memiliki rupa dan karakter masing-masing. Dari karakter itulah kita dapat melihat sifat baik maupun buruk yang dapat digunakan sebagai pedoman hidup. Untuk memperkenalkan rupa dan karakter tokoh wayang purwa, maka dibuatlah suatu aplikasi media pembelajaran pengenalan rupa dan karakter tokoh wayang purwa berbasis Android. Dengan dibuatnya aplikasi ini dapat memperkenalkan rupa dan karakter tokoh wayang purwa. Dalam aplikasi tersebut terdapat materi wayang purwa yang menampilkan penjelasan cerita dan gambar dari tokoh-tokoh wayang purwa. Pada pembuatan aplikasi tersebut, konsep perencanaan dan perancangannya melalui pengumpulan data dari literatur aplikasi wayang purwa, Unified Modeling Language (UML), Data Flow Diagram (DFD) dan selanjutnya mengimplementasikannya. Perekayasaan ini memfokuskan pada penyampaian materi rupa dan karakter wayang purwa serta menjawab quiz berdasarkan materi yang dibahas pada aplikasi pengenalan rupa dan karakter tokoh wayang purwa.
Upaya Meningkatkan Kemampuan Memahami Gagasan dan Fakta dalam Teks Eksposisi dengan Menerapkan Metode Discovery Learning I Gede Gita Wiastra; I Wayan Agus Wiratama
Wacana : Majalah Ilmiah Tentang Bahasa, Sastra Dan Pembelajarannya Vol 22 No 2 (2022): Wacana Saraswati

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46444/wacanasaraswati.v22i2.500


Learning to understand ideas and facts in an exposition text of one of the materials taught in class VIII C of the State Junior High School 2 Tabanan. Based on the results of the initial research, it was found that students had difficulty in distinguishing ideas and facts in the exposition text. Students seem to pay less attention to the teacher's explanation and are busy doing other activities while the learning process is in progress. The learning process in the classroom takes place in one direction without involving students to ask questions, find out, and learn. In addition, the activities of ideas and facts in the exposition text are too book and theoretical so that learning does not seem to be able to encourage students to actively think to solve problems. This study aims to describe theability to understand ideas and facts in theexposition text of class VIII C students of StateJunior High School 2 Tabanan in the 2021/2022 academic year before and before applying the discovery learning method. Data collection methods used, namely the observation method and the test method. The observation method used to obtain data about student attitudes and behavior. The test method used to determine the ability to understand the ideas and facts in the exposition text. The data analysis method used is descriptive analysis method. Based on the data analysis, the results showed that the average value of students in the pre-cycle was 64.87, then in the first cycle it increased to 70.00 with the percentage increase from the pre-cycle to the first cycle of 8.91%. Furthermore, the average value of the class in the second cycle increased to 82.05 with the percentage increase from the first cycle to the second cycle of 18.21%. Thus, if it is rejected by the action hypothesis, the ability to understand and fact in the exposition text by applying the discovery learning Wacana - Volume XXII Edisi Oktober 2022 P a g e 57method of class VIII C students of State Junior HighSchool 2 Tabanan in the 2021/2022 academic year will increase.
Upaya Meningkatkan Kemampuan Memahami Struktur dan Kebahasaan Teks Iklan dengan Menerapkan Metode Inkuiri Siswa I Wayan Agus Wiratama; Ni Putu Ayu Kartika Sari Dewi
Wacana : Majalah Ilmiah Tentang Bahasa, Sastra Dan Pembelajarannya Vol 23 No 1 (2023): Wacana Saraswati

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46444/wacanasaraswati.v23i1.522


The low learning ability of students in understanding the structure and language of advertising is influenced by the not optimal implementation of learning structure and language of advertising texts. In addition, teachers are not optimal in utilizing learning methods in improving students' ability to understand the structure and language of advertising texts. The purpose of this study was to determine the increase in students' ability in understanding the structure and language of advertisement text. This research is a classroom action research consisting of two cycles with 30 students. The data collection method used is the observation method and the test method. The observation method is used to obtain data about students' attitudes and behavior. The test was used to determine students' ability to understand the structure and language of the advertisement text for class VIII C students of SMP Negeri 3 Tabanan for the 2021/2022 academic year after applying the inquiry method it has increased. This can be seen in the completeness of the students obtained in the pre-cycle, namely 36.66% with an average score of 62.33, the first cycle of students completed with a percentage of 26.66% with an average score of 68.66. The increase from cycle I to cycle II was 9.40%, in cycle II all students had passed (100%) with an average score of 80. Based on the results of data analysis, it can be concluded that by applying the inquiry method students' abilities have increased.