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Decision Support System for Raskin Recipients Recommendation Using Simple Multi Attribute Rating Technique Exploiting Ranks Method Pandi Barita Nauli Simangunsong
Jurnal Mantik Vol. 4 No. 2 (2020): Augustus: Manajemen, Teknologi Informatika dan Komunikasi (Mantik)
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

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City parks are the main resource in improving the quality of the environment, therefore a good and quality city park is needed to improve the quality and quality of health. One of the efforts to get a quality and good park location is to choose the location of the opening of the park properly. The decision support system carried out at the Medan City Park Service is still conventional which is only based on certain elements so that the assessment is still subjective. Based on these problems, in this study a decision support system was developed using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method for determining the location of urban park development. This system uses user-defined criteria and intensity, processed with AHP calculations, and produce a list of assessments for each city park location that will be selected. The results of testing this decision support system state that the system has been running correctly, so this system can be used to assist leaders in making more objective decisions on choosing the location of city parks.
Program Upskilling Kompetensi Guru SMK Multimedia di BBPPMPV-BBL Medan syahril; Pandi Barita Nauli Simangunsong; Syarifah Fadillah Rezky; Dewi Wahyuni
Jurnal Masyarakat Indonesia (Jumas) Vol. 1 No. 01 (2022): Jumas : Jurnal Masyarakat Indonesia
Publisher : Cattleya Darmaya Fortuna

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (325.379 KB) | DOI: 10.54209/jumas.v1i01.24


Guru dapat meningkatkan keterampilan mereka dalam berbagai cara, termasuk latar belakang pendidikan, pendidikan dan pelatihan, ujian sertifikasi, dan pemberian kesempatan untuk meningkatkan pembelajaran yang inovatif. Upskilling Kompetensi guru merupakan program kompetensi yang dilaksanakan oleh BBPPMPV-BBL Medan dengan cara pelatihan bahan ajar, sertifikasi kompetensi guru, pembekalan teknologi dalam dunia pendidikan. Upskilling dilaksanakan selama 1,5 bulan di BBPPMPV-BBL Medan, guru mendapatkan pelatihan multimedia dari praktisi dibidang multimedia, dan pengembangan karakter diri guna memotivasi guru dalam meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran. Program Upskilling dibidang multimedia yang diberikan kepada guru terdiri dari pelatihan animasi, pelatihan desain grafis, pelatihan konsep desain, dan pembekalan leadership serta motivasi didunia pendidikan.
INFOKUM Vol. 10 No. 02 (2022): Juni, Data Mining, Image Processing, and artificial intelligence
Publisher : Sean Institute

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Animation is a moving image in the form of a set of objects (images) arranged in an orderly manner following a predetermined flow of movement at each additional count of time that occurs. The image can be in the form of images of living things, inanimate objects, or writing. The North Sumatran Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) desperately needs an attractive promotional media, so that people know and know about the North Sumatran Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin). In the process of making animation, a story idea, scenario, and storyboard are needed. This animation provides and explains what the North Sumatran Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) is and explains the history of the North Sumatran Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin). The process of making this animation uses Adobe After Effects CS6 and Adobe Illustrator CS6 software so that making this animation more interesting and understandable by the public. The North Sumatra Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) is a company engaged in services and industry, therefore this introduction animation is needed by the North Sumatran Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) in order to become a company that continues to grow and is well known throughout the world. Animation is a moving image in the form of a set of objects (images) arranged in an orderly manner following a predetermined flow of movement at each additional count of time that occurs. The image can be in the form of images of living things, inanimate objects, or writing. The North Sumatran Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) desperately needs an attractive promotional media, so that people know and know about the North Sumatran Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin). In the process of making animation, a story idea, scenario, and storyboard are needed. This animation provides and explains what the North Sumatran Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) is and explains the history of the North Sumatran Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin). The process of making this animation uses Adobe After Effects CS6 and Adobe Illustrator CS6 software so that making this animation more interesting and understandable by the public. The North Sumatra Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) is a company engaged in services and industry.
Jurnal Armada Informatika Vol 5 No 2 (2021): JURNAL ARMADA INFORMATIKA
Publisher : STMIK Methodist Binjai

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Wajah merupakan identitas yang sangat penting perannya dan unik saat ini dalam kehidupan manusia, sehingga kajian dan penelitian tentang wajah menjadi topik yang menarik dengan menghadirkan berbagai metode. Menangkap atau mengambil gambar melalui perangkat teknologi seperti kamera adalah proses pengolahan yang terjadi pada foto digital. Dalam tulisan ini, klasifikasi menggunakan dua metode: Pertama, metode pengklasifikasi haar-cascade digunakan untuk deteksi wajah dari foto digital dengan tingkat akurasi sebesar 90%, untuk presisi sebesar 96% dan recall sebesar 93%. Kedua, metode jaringan saraf konvolusional (convolutional neural network) digunakan untuk melatih dan memvalidasi dataset dari hasil ekstraksi wajah sebanyak 500 epoch, tingkat akurasi yang diperoleh sebesar 0,66% Face is an identity that has a very important and unique role in human life, so that studies and research on the face become an interesting topic by presenting various methods. Capturing or taking pictures through technological devices such as cameras is a processing process that occurs in digital photos. In this paper, the classification uses two methods: First, the haar-cascade classifier method is used for face detection from digital photos with an accuracy rate of 90%, for precision of 96% and recall of 93%. Second, the convolutional neural network method was used to train and validate the dataset from the 500 epoch face extraction, with an accuracy rate of 0.66%
Implementation of Question Bank Applications for Website-Based Students Pandi Barita Nauli Simangunsong; Satria Yudha Prayogi; Sony Bahagia Sinaga
INFOKUM Vol. 10 No. 5 (2022): December, Computer and Communication
Publisher : Sean Institute

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Every tertiary institution, both private and public, has students with high and low scores. This also happened at the Catholic University of Santo Thomas, a private university in Medan, North Sumatra. So a solution is needed that can help students improve their grades, and one way is to make the previous year's questions a reference for student learning. So, a service or application is also needed that accommodates all the questions that exist at a university such as a question bank that can be accessed easily. The Waterfall method is used for the process of developing system engineering and software in an orderly and systematic manner. This method is taken with a systematic approach starting from needs analysis, system and software design, implementation, unit testing and development. In this application, users can upload questions they have, look for questions as references, mark questions that are considered important and download questions that are needed. Where is the purpose of making this application, students no longer have to bother looking for material references through the questions that were tested before. Where is the purpose of making this application, students no longer have to bother looking for material references through the questions that were tested before. The Waterfall method is used for the process of developing system engineering and software in an orderly and systematic manner. This method is taken with a systematic approach starting from needs analysis, system and software design, implementation, unit testing and development. In this application, users can upload questions they have, look for questions as references, mark questions that are considered important and download questions that are needed. Where is the purpose of making this application, students no longer have to bother looking for material references through the questions that were tested before. In this application, users can upload questions they have, look for questions as references, mark questions that are considered important and download questions that are needed. Where is the purpose of making this application, students no longer have to bother looking for material references through the questions that were tested before. In this application, users can upload questions they have, look for questions as references, mark questions that are considered important and download questions that are needed. Where is the purpose of making this application, students no longer have to bother looking for material references through the questions that were tested before.
INFOKUM Vol. 10 No. 5 (2022): December, Computer and Communication
Publisher : Sean Institute

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All these digital products can be downloaded easily. And can be exchanged with services such as e-mail. One way to protect multimedia copyrights is to embed information into the multimedia data (watermarking) as a digital signature of the legal owner of the multimedia product. Thus, the embedded watermark does not damage the protected digital data. So that the person who opens the multimedia product knows about the ownership of the maker. Digital data that will be applied in this research is only data in the form of digital images. Currently there are several watermarking methods that can be applied to digital images, such as: Least Significant Bit Coding, Patchwork (introduced by Bender), Pitas and Kaskalis, Caroni, Cox, Randomly Sequenced Pulse Position Modulated Code (RSPPMC), and others. However, the authors are interested in methods that utilize the characteristics of the Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT).
Sosialisasi Panduan Tugas Akhir Tahun 2022 dan Implementasi Mendeley Pada Tugas Akhir Program Studi Teknik Komputer Pandi Barita Nauli Simangunsong; Ekatri Ayuningsih
Jurnal Masyarakat Indonesia (Jumas) Vol. 2 No. 01 (2023): Jumas : Jurnal Masyarakat Indonesia
Publisher : Cattleya Darmaya Fortuna

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54209/jumas.v2i01.33


Pandemi covid sangat berdampak bagi dunia pendidikan karena menyebabkan terbatasnya interaksi dosen dan mahasiswa. Kegiatan belajar dan mengajar terhambat sehingga kegiatan mengajar offline beralih menjadi online baik perkuliahan, seminar dan tugas akhir. Pandemi juga berdampak pada kualitas karya ilmiah mahasiswa. Mahasiswa harus mengecek plagiasi dari karya ilmiah agar terciptanya karya tulis yang berkualitas. Mahasiswa yang akan menghadapi Tugas Akhir mengalami kesulitan dalam penulisan daftar rujukan karena masih dilakukan secara manual dan mahasiswa juga belum mengenal aplikasi Referensi. Salah satu aplikasi referensi yang banyak digunakan adalah aplikasi Mendeley. Aplikasi Mendeley digunakan pada sosialisasi untuk mengatur kutipan penelitian, pustaka digital pribadi, mengatur dan membuat anotasi dokumen serta saling berkolaborasi dan berbagi dengan kolega secara online. Aplikasi Mendeley sebagai platform yang mendukung MS Windows, Mc, dan linux digunakan dalam sosialisai panduan Tugas Akhir Tahun 2022 dan Implementasi Mendeley pada Tugas Akhir Program Studi Teknik Komputer.
Customer Data Search Application System at PT. Indonesian Islamic Bank Langsa Web-Based Branch Novriadi Antonious Siagian; Pandi Barita Nauli Simangunsong; Muhammad Verdiansyah
INFOKUM Vol. 10 No. 5 (2022): December, Computer and Communication
Publisher : Sean Institute

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This study aims to determine the role of Islamic banks in empowering MSMEs through murabaha financing in the city of Langsa, and to find out what obstacles Islamic banks face in providing financing. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method. The data sources are primary data and secondary data. Data collection techniques include observation, interviews and documentation. The results of this study indicate that Islamic banks have played a role in providing financing to micro, small and medium enterprises in the city of Bengkulu. Even though what is given by Islamic Banks is not a direct role because Islamic Banks only provide financing, not assisting directly.
Pattern Recognition in Medical Images Through Innovative Edge Detection with Robert's Method Pandi Barita Nauli Simangunsong; Paska Marto Hasugian
Jurnal Info Sains : Informatika dan Sains Vol. 14 No. 01 (2024): Informatika dan Sains , Edition January - March 2024
Publisher : SEAN Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54209/infosains.v14i01.4080


This research introduces an innovative approach for pattern recognition in medical images through the application of Robert's edge detection method. Pattern recognition in medical images has great significance in disease diagnosis and patient care management. Edge detection is an important stage in image processing which aims to determine the boundaries of objects in the image. Robert's edge detection method is one of the classic methods that has been used in image processing. However, improving edge detection performance is needed to improve accuracy in pattern recognition in medical images. In this study, we propose a modified variation of Robert's method to increase the accuracy in finding edges in medical images. The proposed innovative approach is tested using a large and diverse medical image dataset. Evaluation is carried out by comparing the edge detection results using the conventional Robert method with the results using the proposed modified method. Quantitative analysis is carried out to measure the performance improvements achieved. Experimental results show that the modified Robert edge detection method produces significant improvements in precision and accuracy in finding edges in medical images. These results indicate that the proposed innovative approach has the potential to improve pattern recognition in medical images and can make valuable contributions in the diagnosis and management of diseases.