Lusianawaty Tana
Pusat Teknologi Terapan Kesehatan dan Epidemiologi Klinik, Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan, Jl. Percetakan Negara 29 Jakarta

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Media Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan Vol 23, No 1 Mar (2013)
Publisher : Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan

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Abstrak Nyeri pinggang merupakan gangguan otot rangka yang paling sering di antara gangguan otot rangka, dan masih merupakan masalah bagi paramedis.Penelitian ini bertujuan mendapatkan gambaran nyeri pinggang pada paramedis di beberapa rumah sakit di Jakarta. Disain penelitian adalah belah lintang pada paramedis di bagian perawatan dari 3 rumah sakit di Jakarta. Diagnosis nyeri pinggang berdasarkan anamnesis dan pemeriksaan fisik oleh dokter. Kriteria inklusi adalah berusia 20-45 tahun dan masa kerja minimal 1 tahun. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan proporsi nyeri pinggang dalam 1 tahun terakhir pada paramedis 28,5% (n=382 orang). Nyeri pinggang terjadi saat memindahkan pasien di tempat tidur 55% dan saat memindahkan pasien ke/dari kursi roda 23,9%. Nyeri pinggang yang mengalami kekambuhan lebih dari 1 kali/tahun 90,8%, yang mengalami rasa nyeri lebih buruk dari sebelumnya 11%, dan yang mencari pengobatan ke dokter 43,1%. Persentase nyeri pinggang lebih tinggi pada umur 40 tahun ke atas dibandingkan umur kurang dari 40 tahun, pada lama kerja lebih dari 15 tahun dibandingkan lama kerja 15 tahun ke bawah (p<0,05). Persentase nyeri pinggang tidak berbeda berdasarkan jenis kelamin, status pegawai, dan lokasi kerja (p>0,05). Paramedis sebaiknya mengangkat dan menangani pasien dengan cara yang benar untuk mencegah nyeri pinggang. Kata kunci:  nyeri pinggang, paramedis, rumah sakit Abstract Back pain is the most frequent musculosceletal diorders and still be a  problem in paramedics.The objective of this study was to identify back pain among paramedics who work in several hospitals in Jakarta. A cross sectional study was conducted to paramedics who were working at care unit of three hospitals in Jakarta. Back pain was diagnosed by anamnesis and physical examination by physicians. The inclusion criteria were aged 20 – 45 years old and had been working in the hospitals for more than 1 year. The percentage of back pain in the last one year  was 28.5 % (N=382). Fifty five percents of the back pain occurred when moving patients in bed, 23.9 % when moving patients to or from wheel chair. Almost all paramedics with back pain (90.8 %) experienced recurrent back pain more than once in a year, 11 % had been worse back pain than before, and 43.1 % went to see a physician. The percentage of back pain was higher in paramedics aged 40 years old and above and also in paramedics with working period more than 15 years (p<0.05). Back pain was not significantly different between sex, employment status, and workplace. (p>0.05). Paramedics should  follow the correct method for lifting  and handling patients to prevent back pain. Key words:  back pain, paramedics, hospital
Besaran Masalah Low Vision dan Kebutaan di Indonesia Serta Berbagai Faktor Risiko Riset Kesehatan Dasar 2007 Berskala Nasional Yekti, Rabea P.; Tana, Lusianawaty
Jurnal Biotek Medisiana Indonesia Vol 1, No 1 (2009)
Publisher : Pusat BTDK

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Objectives: To assess the magnitude of low vision and blindness problems in Indonesia generally, and specifically, to get low vision and blindness proportions, tracing the trend of problems magnitude, and inventarizing the suspected causes of those visual impairments. Methods: This study analyzed the secondary data collected in the national scope Basic Health Research (BHR) 2007. Enumerators peiformed questionnaires based interview for demographic characteristics, cataract, glaucoma, diabetes mellitus (DM), and hypertension histories, and also measured visual acuity without refractive error correction and calculated the body mass index. Pterygium, lens opacity, corneal scar, and strabismus were identified by enumerators using penlight assistance. Results: We analyzed 765,650 respondents data (6 years old and above). The low vision proportion among those people is 4.8% and the blindness proportion is 0.9%. Those severe visual impairment proportions are higher on females (low vision 5.4%:4,1%; blindness 1.3%:0.9%). All tested independent variables increase the visual impairment risks. Age is the most potential factor increasing the risk to get a visual impairment, followed by the lens opacity. Cataract history and lens opacity are the leading causes of visual impairments among people (30 years old and above). Conclusions: The low vision and blindness proportions due to correctable causes are still high in Indonesia. Those severe visual impairments maybe influenced by multi-factors. Further investigation to identify the definitive causes for severe visual impairment should be peiformed, especially in provinces with higher severe visual impairment proportion compared to the national proportion.   Key words: Blindness, Low Vision, Basic Health Research, Cataract, Refractive Error.
Praktek Pencegahan Penyakit Menular dan Faktor yang Berperan Pada Pekerja Laboratorium Puskesmas di Tiga Provinsi di Indonesia, Tahun 2012 Tana, Lusianawaty; Delima, Delima
Media Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan Vol 25, No 4 Des (2015)
Publisher : Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan

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AbstrakLaboratorium merupakan salah satu lokasi kerja di pelayanan kesehatan yang memberikan risiko lebih tinggi untuk terpapar kuman TB lebih tinggi dibandingkan ruang kerja lainnya. Kewaspadaan dan perilaku pencegahan penyakit menular terutama TB pada pekerja laboratorium sangat perlu diperhatikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi praktek pencegahan penyakit menular dan faktor yang berperan pada pekerja laboratorium di tiga provinsi di Indonesia. Penelitian dilakukan secara potong lintang, pada 60 pekerja laboratorium yang bertugas di 50 Puskesmas (Puskesmas rujukan mikroskopis/PRM dan Puskesmas pelaksana mandiri/PPM) di Provinsi Banten, Provinsi Gorontalo, dan Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara dengan menggunakan kuesioner terstruktur dan observasi, pada tahun 2012. Praktek pencegahan penyakit menular ditentukan berdasarkan 14 pertanyaan. Hanya 40% dari 60 pekerja laboratorium yang baik dalam praktek pencegahan penyakit menular saat bekerja di laboratorium. Pekerja dari Puskesmas di Provinsi Banten berpeluang 4,2 kali lebih banyak untuk baik dalam praktek pencegahan penyakit menular dibandingkan dengan pekerjadari Puskesmas di Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan (p=0,03 OR 4,21; 95%CI 1,14-15,47). Pekerja dari Puskesmas di Provinsi Gorontalo tidak berbeda dengan pekerja dari Puskesmas di Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan dalam praktek pencegahan penyakit menular (p=0,08 OR 5,51; 95%CI 0,83-36,73). Faktor lama kerja dan jenis Puskesmas merupakan faktor perancu terhadap hubungan antara lokasi provinsi pekerja laboratorium dengan praktek pencegahan penyakit menular (p>0,05). Lokasi provinsi dimana Puskesmas berada merupakan faktor yang berhubungan secara signifikan terhadap praktek pencegahan penyakit menular.Kata Kunci : pekerja laboratorium, Puskesmas, pencegahan penyakit menular AbstractLaboratory is one of the health care locations with higher risk for tuberculose infection (TB) than other workplaces. Awareness and infectious disease prevention practice of the laboratory workers should be encouraged. This study aimed to identify the infectious disease prevention practice and related factors of laboratory workers, in three provinces in Indonesia. A cross sectional study was conducted in Banten Province, Gorontalo Province, and South Kalimantan Province in 2012. Data were collected by interviewing 60 laboratory workers from 50 Primary Health Centers (PHC) using structuredquestionnaires and observation. The infectious disease prevention practice was assessed by scoring 14 questions. Only 40% of the 60 laboratory workers were good in practising infectious disease prevention while working in the laboratory. Laboratory workers from PHC in Banten Province were 4.2 times higher in good infectious disease prevention practice than workers from PHC in South Kalimantan Province (p=0.03 OR 4.21; 95%CI 1.14-15.47). Laboratory workers from PHC in Gorontalo Province were not significantly different in good infectious disease prevention practice than workers from PHC in SouthKalimantan Province (p=0.08 OR 5.51; 95%CI 0.83-36.73). The length of work and type of PHC were not significantly associated with infectious disease prevention practice (p> 0.05) but became confounders to the association of province location with infectious disease prevention practice. Infectious disease prevention practice was associated with the province where PHC located.Keywords: laboratory worker, primary health center, infectious disease prevention
Impact of smoking and obesity on rheumatic disease in persons of productive age Tana, Lusianawaty; Mutiatikum, Daroham
Universa Medicina Vol 29, No 2 (2010)
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine, Trisakti University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18051/UnivMed.2010.v29.96-103


Arthritis is a disease of the joints that causes pain and musculoskeletal stiffness, and may cause limitation of joint movement. Age, obesity, smoking behavior, and occupation are risk factors for rheumatic diseases. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the role of body mass index (BMI), smoking behavior, and occupation on rheumatic disease among persons of productive age in Indonesia. A cross-sectional study was conducted using National Basic Health Research data. The inclusion criterion was age 15-64 years. Rheumatic disease diagnosis was based on interview results and was defined as the presence of a history of rheumatic disease diagnosed by health professionals and/or rheumatic symptoms in the past 12 months. The study sample consisted of 609.097 persons who fulfilled the inclusion criterion. Compared to persons with normal BMI, rheumatic disease was more prevalent in the overweight (OR 1.25; 95%CI 1.21—1.29) and the obese (OR 1.52; 95%CI 1.47—1.56), but less prevalent in the underweight (OR 0.91; 95%CI 0.88—0.93). Compared to non-smokers, rheumatic disease was more prevalent in every day smokers (OR 1.65; 95%CI 1.60—1.70), occasional smokers (OR 1.41; 95%CI 1.35—1.47), and ex-smokers (OR 1.85; 95%CI 1.76—1.95). Measures for prevention of rheumatic disease are needed, e.g. through education to increase knowledge about the impact of smoking and obesity on rheumatic disease.
Merokok dan usia sebagai faktor risiko katarak pada pekerja berusia ³ 30 tahun di bidang pertanian Tana, Lusianawaty; Mihardja, Laurentia; Rif’ati, Lutfah
Universa Medicina Vol 26, No 3 (2007)
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine, Trisakti University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18051/UnivMed.2007.v26.120-128


LATAR BELAKANGRuang lingkup penelitian ini adalah peranan faktor merokok dan katarak pada pekerja di bidang pertanian di Kabupaten Karawang. Katarak adalah kelainan mata berupa kekeruhan lensa, yang dapat mengganggu penglihatan bahkan sampai buta. 16% dari jumlah buta katarak di Indonesia terjadi di usia produktif. Salah satu tujuan penelitian adalah mendapatkan hubungan antara faktor merokok dengan katarak dalam rangka memperlambat katarak. METODERancangan adalah belah lintang. Sampel penelitian adalah petani dan keluarganya di Kecamatan Teluk Jambe Barat Kabupaten Karawang, dengan usia 30 tahun ke atas, yang terpilih secara purposive random sampling. Data diperoleh dengan wawancara, pemeriksaan dan pengukuran. Diagnosis katarak ditentukan oleh dokter spesialis mata dengan ophthalmoscope tanpa midriatika.Hasil Di samping faktor usia, faktor merokok mempunyai hubungan positif dengan katarak. Katarak berhubungan positip dengan merokok. Semakin berat derajat merokok maka semakin tinggi katarak.KesimpulanUsia dan merokok merupakan faktor risiko yang berhubungan positif dengan katarak pada pekerja di bidang pertanian.
Cataract surgical coverage rate among adults aged 40 years and older Tana, Lusianawaty
Universa Medicina Vol 28, No 3 (2009)
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine, Trisakti University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18051/UnivMed.2009.v28.161-169


Cataract is a leading cause of curable blindness. Hence, in its global declaration of ‘Vision 2020 Right to Sight’, the World Health Organization (WHO) encouraged its member countries to address the problem of incident cataract. Many factors are related to the cataract surgical coverage rate, such as gender and diabetes mellitus. The objective of this study was to determine the cataract surgical coverage rate and investigate the determinants factors of cataract surgical coverage rate among adults 40 years old and above with cataract. A cross sectional study was conducted using National Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) 2007 data. Cataract surgery was defined as surgery conducted within the last 12 months before the survey was performed. There were 6939 subjects (3105 male, 3834 female) who fulfilled the study criteria. The cataract surgical coverage rate was 19.3%. The cataract surgical coverage rate was lower in subjects with low education, in the group of farmers/fishermen/laborers, in the 40-49 years age group, in rural areas, and in subjects of low socioeconomic status (p<0.05). The cataract surgical coverage rate was not different between gender and diabetes mellitus (p>0.05). Determinants that were related to cataract surgical coverage rate were age, type of area of residence, socioeconomic status, and region of residence (p<0.001). The implementation of educational programs and reforms to local ophthalmic health services may improve the cataract surgical coverage rate.
GIZI INDONESIA Vol 31, No 2 (2008): September 2008

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RISK OF CATARACT ASSOCIATED WITH FRUIT AND VEGETABLE INTAKE AMONG FARMERS OF WEST JAVARisk for cataract increases with age, but also has been associated with exposure to sunlight, andfactors such as smoking, and diet. We explored the risk of cataract in West Java, and found a strongassociation with diet, and a higher risk among malnourished adults. The aim of the study was to knowthe relationship between risk of c ataract and consumption of fruit and vegetables intake among farmersof West Java. This study using cross sectional design which was conducted among farmers and theirfamilies in West Teluk Jambe subdistrict, Karawang West Java, Indonesia. Randomly sampledindividual 30 years and older in the population and identified 1223 subjecs to participated in the study.Each subject was interviewed about vegetables and fruit consumption per day and per week previouslyand historical quantity of intake by use of questionnaire and food models. Anthropometry measurement(weight and height) were also undertaken. Ocular examinations were carried out by opthalmologist.The results showed that risk of cataract increases by age. The subjects for >55 years vs 30 – 54 yearsold give an odds ratio of 30.6.( 95% CI: 22.04- 42.5, p= 0.0001). Consumption of vegetables < 5serving vs = 5 serving perday had a significant odds ratio for cataract risks of 1.74 ( 95% CI: 1.04-2.91, p= 0.031). Intake of colourfull fruits had a similar odds ratio for < 1 serving vs = 1 serving per daywith an odds ratio for cataracts risks of 1.74 (95% CI: 1.26 – 2.4, p=0.001). Underweight (body massindex < 18.5) vs with > or = normal body weight was also very important with an odds ratio of 4 ( 95%CI: 3.2 – 5.8, p= 0.0001). Using binary logistic regression only ages, and nutritional status showed asignificant relationship with cataract risk. This study demonstrates that consumption of vegetables andfruits >5 serving per day, intake colourfull fruits >1 serving per day and having good nutrition withstatus BMI normal can reduce the risk for cataracs. To prevent cataracts it is important to promote theconsumption of vegetables and fruits, colourful fruit and to promote good nutritional status.Key words: cataract, fruit, vegetable, underweight
GIZI INDONESIA Vol 31, No 2 (2008): September 2008

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36457/gizindo.v31i2.57


RISK OF CATARACT ASSOCIATED WITH FRUIT AND VEGETABLE INTAKE AMONG FARMERS OF WEST JAVARisk for cataract increases with age, but also has been associated with exposure to sunlight, andfactors such as smoking, and diet. We explored the risk of cataract in West Java, and found a strongassociation with diet, and a higher risk among malnourished adults. The aim of the study was to knowthe relationship between risk of c ataract and consumption of fruit and vegetables intake among farmersof West Java. This study using cross sectional design which was conducted among farmers and theirfamilies in West Teluk Jambe subdistrict, Karawang West Java, Indonesia. Randomly sampledindividual 30 years and older in the population and identified 1223 subjecs to participated in the study.Each subject was interviewed about vegetables and fruit consumption per day and per week previouslyand historical quantity of intake by use of questionnaire and food models. Anthropometry measurement(weight and height) were also undertaken. Ocular examinations were carried out by opthalmologist.The results showed that risk of cataract increases by age. The subjects for 55 years vs 30 – 54 yearsold give an odds ratio of 30.6.( 95% CI: 22.04- 42.5, p= 0.0001). Consumption of vegetables 5serving vs = 5 serving perday had a significant odds ratio for cataract risks of 1.74 ( 95% CI: 1.04-2.91, p= 0.031). Intake of colourfull fruits had a similar odds ratio for 1 serving vs = 1 serving per daywith an odds ratio for cataracts risks of 1.74 (95% CI: 1.26 – 2.4, p=0.001). Underweight (body massindex 18.5) vs with or = normal body weight was also very important with an odds ratio of 4 ( 95%CI: 3.2 – 5.8, p= 0.0001). Using binary logistic regression only ages, and nutritional status showed asignificant relationship with cataract risk. This study demonstrates that consumption of vegetables andfruits 5 serving per day, intake colourfull fruits 1 serving per day and having good nutrition withstatus BMI normal can reduce the risk for cataracs. To prevent cataracts it is important to promote theconsumption of vegetables and fruits, colourful fruit and to promote good nutritional status.Key words: cataract, fruit, vegetable, underweight