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The Descriptive Analysis of Palaeolithic Stone Tools from Sulawesi, Collected by the Indonesian-Dutch Expedition in 1970 Gerrit Alink; Shinatria Adhityatama; Truman Simanjuntak
AMERTA Vol. 35 No. 2 (2017)
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian Arkeologi Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24832/amt.v35i2.252


Abstrak. Analisis Deskriptif Alat Batu Palaeolithik dari Sulawesi, Hasil Ekspedisi Indonesia-Belanda pada tahun 1970.Studi ini menganalisis artefak temuan ekspedisi Indonesia-Belanda di tahun 1970 di Marale di hulu dan Beru di hilir Sungai Wallanae; termasuk menguji hipotesis bahwa penghalusan material kasar di hilir terjadi pada artefak kecil. Batu gamping, kersikan, dan rijang merupakan bahan yang dominan. Artefak umumnya mengalami abrasi dan pembundaran dari tingkat moderat hingga kuat. Hampir semua artefak terpatinasi. Teknik ‘crushing’ merupakan tipe dominan dari persiapan bidang dorsal dekat dataran pukul. Dataran pukul umumnya datar dan ujung distal tipis. Himpunan serpih Marale yang umumnya lebih lebar dan panjang dibandingkan himpunan serpih Beru mendukung hipotesis tersebut. Kebanyakan alat serpih merupakan serut samping. Sebagai tambahan, berdasarkan klasifikasi morfologi yang baru diperkenalkan, umumnya batu inti (70%) memiliki platform tunggal, berbentuk pyramidal atau polihedral, walaupun ada yang double platform. Perkiraan pertanggalan van Heekeren dari 200 dan 100 ka agaknya tepat, sebagaimana publikasi van den Bergh yang mempertanggal artefak in situ dari ekskavasi di daerah yang sama di antara 194 dan 118 ka.Abstract.This study analysis lithic artefacts collected by the Indonesian-Dutch expedition to Sulawesi in 1970. In addition, the hypothesis was tested that downstream fining of coarse material results in smaller artefacts. The artefacts were collected by surveying in Marale (upstream) and Beru (downstream) along the Walanae River. Most artefacts were abraded and rounded. Almost all artefacts were patinated. Silificied limestone and chert were the predominant raw materials for making stone tools. Crushing was the predominant type of dorsal face preparation near the striking platform. The dominant platform type was plain and the dominant distal end feather. The width and the maximal length of the flakes of Marale were significantly larger than those of Beru, confirming the above hypothesis. Most flake tools were side scrapers. In addition to the functional standard classification also a new morphological classification was introduced. Most cores (70%) were single platformed, pyramidal or polyhedral, but also double platformed cores were present. Dating of the stone tools between 200 and 100 ka as earlier suggested by van Heekeren might be plausible based on a recently published study by van den Bergh (2016) who dated in situ artefacts excavated in the same region between 194 and 118 ka.
Geological Approach In Order to Distinguish the Preference Source of the Raw Material from the Megalithic Tombs in East Sumba, Indonesia Unggul P Wibowo; Retno Handini; Truman Simanjuntak; Harry Octavianus Sofian; Sandy Maulana
AMERTA Vol. 36 No. 2 (2018)
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian Arkeologi Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24832/amt.v36i2.101-114


Pulau Sumba sudah lama dikenal dengan tradisi makam megalitiknya yang dijumpai tersebar hampir di semua area di Sumba. Makam megalitik ini dibangun dari potongan-potongan batuan berukuran besar. Berdasarkan aspek geologi, penelitian ini mencoba untuk mencari tahu asal batuan bahan pembuat makam megalitik dan apa yang menjadi alasan untuk memilih suatu batuan untuk bahan makam megalitik. Metode yang digunakan meliputi beberapa tahap. Tahap pertama merupakan pendeskripsian sampel di lapangan. Tahap kedua, analisis geologi digunakan untuk memetakan titik-titik observasi dan singkapan batuan di lapangan. Tahap ketiga, variabel hasil pengamatan kemudian dianalisa menggunakan metode Principle Components Analysis (PCA). Empat variabel digunakan dalam penelitian ini, yaitu: variabel jarak dari sumber, variabel litologi, variabel tekstur dan variabel tingkat kekerasan. Hasil penelitian mengindikasikan bahwa tekstur batuan merupakan pertimbangan utama dalam memilih jenis batuan untuk bahan makam megalitik. Jarak dan tingat kekerasan batuannya juga menjadi alasan penting lainnya dalam mengambil bahan material untuk makam megalitik terlepas apapun jenis batunya. Secara geologi bahan batuan berasal dari batugamping Formasi Kaliangga dan batupasir Formasi Kananggar. Sumba is well known for its megalithic tradition, surviving evidence for which can be observed throughout the island in the form of tombs built from enormous stone slabs. The current study is aimed at identifying the sources of the raw material used to manufacture megalithic tombs and factors underlying the choice of raw material based on geological properties. We report the results of our field observations and geological analysis, including mapping of megalithic tomb sites and geological outcrops. Concerning the latter, field-datasets were analyzed using a Principle Components Analysis (PCA). Based on a sample of 11 megalithic tombs from several different locations, four variables were employed to distinguish the preferred source of the raw material used in tomb construction: 1) distance from the source; 2) lithology; 3) rock texture; and 4) rock hardness. Analytical results indicate that raw material texture was the key factor in the construction of megalithic tombs, followed by distance from source and hardness of the stone selected for making this structures. Finally, we establish that raw materials used for constructing sampled megalithic tomb sites on Sumba included Kaliangga Formation limestone and Kananggar Formation sandstone.
SITUS LAMBANAPU: DIASPORA AUSTRONESIA DI SUMBA TIMUR Retno Handini; Truman Simanjuntak; Harry Octavianus Sofian; Bagyo Prasetyo; Myrtati Dyah Artaria; Unggul Prasetyo Wibowo; I Made Geria
AMERTA Vol. 36 No. 2 (2018)
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian Arkeologi Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24832/amt.v36i2.67-80


Abstract, Lambanapu Site: Diaspora Austronesia In East Sumba. The research at Lambanapu Site aims to determine the position of Lambanapu in the distribution and development of Austronesian ancestors and their culture in Sumba. The method used is survey, excavation, analysis, and interpretation. The results of the research are skeletal findings and urn burial also artifacts which are pottery, beads, metal jewelry, and stone tools.  From the dating result it is known that Lambanapu Site was inhabited at least 2.000 years ago and from paleantropology analysis, it is estimated that the individuals found from primary and secondary burial in Lambanapu are a mixture of Mongoloid and Australomelanesoid. Genetic mixing is very possible, given the history of the archipelago's occupation which was filled by several waves of great migration in the past. The Lambanapu site has provided an overview of Sumba's ancestral life in the context of the archipelago. The Lamabanapu research results show us, how Lambanapu and Sumba in general rich with historical and cultural values of the past that are very useful for today's life. The wealth of historical and cultural values is not only for local interests, but also to fill the rich history and culture of the archipelago, and even contribute to global history. Keywords: Lambanapu, prehistoric, Austronesian  Abstrak, Penelitian di Situs Lambanapu bertujuan untuk mengetahui posisi Lambanapu dalam persebaran dan perkembangan leluhur Austronesia dan budayanya di Sumba.  Metode yang dilakukan adalah survei, ekskavasi, analisis, dan interpretasi. Hasil penelitian berupa temuan rangka dan kubur tempayan serta artefak berupa gerabah, manik-manik, perhiasan logam, dan alat batu.  Dari hasil pertanggalan diketahui bahwa setidaknya Situs Lambanapu telah dihuni 2.000 tahun yang lalu. Hasil analisis paleoantropologi diperkirakan individu yang ditemukan di Lambanapu, baik kubur primer maupun sekunder, merupakan percampuran antara Mongoloid dan Australomelanesoid. Percampuran genetika memang sangat memungkinkan terjadi mengingat sejarah hunian Nusantara yang terisi oleh beberapa gelombang migrasi besar pada  masa lampau. Situs Lambanapu telah memberikan gambaran kehidupan leluhur Sumba dalam konteks Nusantara. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan betapa Lambanapu dan Sumba pada umumnya memiliki kekayaan nilai sejarah dan budaya masa lampau yang sangat bermanfaat bagi kehidupan masa kini. Kekayaan nilai sejarah dan budayanya tidak hanya untuk kepentingan lokal, tetapi juga untuk mengisi kekayaan sejarah dan budaya Nusantara, bahkan kontribusi bagi sejarah global.  Kata kunci : Lambanapu, prasejarah, Austronesia
AMERTA Vol. 34 No. 2 (2016)
Publisher : Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

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Abstrak. Trinil: Masa lalu, Sekarang dan Masa Depan Sebuah Situs Bersejarah. Dusun Trinil menjadi terkenal dengan ditemukannya Pithecanthropus erectus, sekarang Homo erectus, oleh Dubois pada tahun 1891. Setelah ekskavasi Dubois, pada tahun 1907 sebuah ekspedisi besar-besaran dipimpin oleh E. Selenka berlangsung di lokasi yang sama. Selain fosil-fosil sisa manusia, puluhan ribu fosil vertebrata lain dan moluska ditemukan dalam ekskavasi Dubois dan Selenka antara tahun 1891 dan 1907. Koleksi ini sekarang disimpan di Naturalis di Leiden (Belanda) dan di Museum für Naturkunde di Berlin (Jerman). Studi yang berlangsung saat ini terhadap koleksi-koleksi itu mendorong perlunya penelitian baru di lapangan. Tujuannya selain untuk mengetahui potensi situs juga untuk menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang muncul dalam studi koleksi. Parit penggalian Dubois dan ekspedisi Selenka dikontekstualisasikan dalam peta geografi modern berdasarkan data historis, bahan fotografi yang masih ada, dan peninjauan lapangan 2014/2015. Potensi untuk menemukan tinggalan pada ‘Hauptknochenschicht’ (HK) cukup besar di tepi kiri sungai Solo, di selatan penggalian Dubois yang asli, termasuk di tepi kiri disebelah timur lokasi yang digali. Pertanyaan yang masih tersisa, antara lain menyangkut stratigrafi situs, umur fauna Trinil dan Homo erectus, dan homogenitas himpunan HK, diharapkan dapat terjawab melalui penelitian baru yang akan dilaksanakan di situs ini. Kata Kunci: Trinil, Arkeologi, Paleoantropologi, Dubois, Selenka Abstract. Trinil became famous through the discovery of Pithecanthropus erectus, now Homo erectus, by Dubois in 1891. After Dubois’ excavations it was the expedition led by E. Selenka in 1907 performing large scale fieldwork at the location. Apart from the hominin remains, thousands of other vertebrate and molluscan fossils were excavated by both Dubois and Selenka between 1891 and 1908. These collections are currently housed at Naturalis in Leiden (The Netherlands) and the Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin (Germany). Ongoing studies of these collections have raised questions that warrant new fieldwork. This study aimed to establish the site‘s present potential to solve extant research questions. The excavation trenches of Dubois and the Selenka expedition were contextualized within a modern geographical map, based on historical data, extant photographic material and a 2014/2015 field trip. The potential to reach the find bearing Hauptknochenschicht (HK) is high at the left bank of the Solo river, south of Dubois’ original excavations. Also the left bank directly east of the former excavation pits has a good potential. Still remaining questions concerning the site stratigraphy, the age of the Trinil fauna, including the Homo erectus finds, and the homogeneity of the HK assemblage, might be resolved by new fieldwork. Keywords: Trinil, Archaeology, Paleoanthropology, Dubois, Selenka
AMERTA Vol. 35 No. 2 (2017)
Publisher : Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

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Abstrak. Analisis Deskriptif Alat Batu Palaeolithik dari Sulawesi, Hasil Ekspedisi IndonesiaBelanda pada tahun 1970. Studi ini menganalisis artefak temuan ekspedisi Indonesia-Belanda di tahun 1970 di Marale di hulu dan Beru di hilir Sungai Wallanae; termasuk menguji hipotesis bahwa penghalusan material kasar di hilir terjadi pada artefak kecil. Batu gamping, kersikan, dan rijang merupakan bahan yang dominan. Artefak umumnya mengalami abrasi dan pembundaran dari tingkat moderat hingga kuat. Hampir semua artefak terpatinasi. Teknik ‘crushing’ merupakan tipe dominan dari persiapan bidang dorsal dekat dataran pukul. Dataran pukul umumnya datar dan ujung distal tipis. Himpunan serpih Marale yang umumnya lebih lebar dan panjang dibandingkan himpunan serpih Beru mendukung hipotesis tersebut. Kebanyakan alat serpih merupakan serut samping. Sebagai tambahan, berdasarkan klasifikasi morfologi yang baru diperkenalkan, umumnya batu inti (70%) memiliki platform tunggal, berbentuk pyramidal atau polihedral, walaupun ada yang double platform. Perkiraan pertanggalan van Heekeren dari 200 dan 100 ka agaknya tepat, sebagaimana publikasi van den Bergh yang mempertanggal artefak in situ dari ekskavasi di daerah yang sama di antara 194 dan 118 ka. Kata Kunci: Sulawesi, Walanae, Palaeolithic, Alat-alat batu, Survei Abstract. This study analysis lithic artefacts collected by the Indonesian-Dutch expedition to Sulawesi in 1970. In addition, the hypothesis was tested that downstream fining of coarse material results in smaller artefacts. The artefacts were collected by surveying in Marale (upstream) and Beru (downstream) along the Walanae River. Most artefacts were abraded and rounded. Almost all artefacts were patinated. Silificied limestone and chert were the predominant raw materials for making stone tools. Crushing was the predominant type of dorsal face preparation near the striking platform. The dominant platform type was plain and the dominant distal end feather. The width and the maximal length of the flakes of Marale were significantly larger than those of Beru, confirming the above hypothesis. Most flake tools were side scrapers. In addition to the functional standard classification also a new morphological classification was introduced. Most cores (70%) were single platformed, pyramidal or polyhedral, but also double platformed cores were present. Dating of the stone tools between 200 and 100 ka as earlier suggested by van Heekeren might be plausible based on a recently published study by van den Bergh (2016) who dated in situ artefacts excavated in the same region between 194 and 118 ka. Keywords: Sulawesi, Walanae, Palaeolithic, Stone tools, Surveying