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Komunikasi Massa Pada Khalayak (Penggunaan New Media Dalam Membentuk Perilaku Physical Distancing) I Gede Titah Pratyaksa; Niluh Wiwik Eka Putri
Maha Widya Duta : Jurnal Penerangan Agama, Pariwisata Budaya, dan Ilmu Komunikasi Vol 5, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Hindu Negeri Mpu Kuturan Singaraja

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55115/duta.v5i2.1695


Physical distancing is an effective strategy to keep people connected. The corona virus is known to spread mainly through respiratory droplets, especially when an infected person coughs or sneezes. Maintaining a safe physical distance is recommended to reduce transmission. WHO recommends keeping a distance of more than 1 meter from other people. Meanwhile, some health experts recommend keeping a distance of at least two meters from other people. A number of steps can be taken to increase the physical space between people, including staying at home more, working from home if possible, limiting guests at home, avoiding large gatherings and public transportation. The use of social media to support physical distancing can also be said to be efficient. The public can still interact with other people and get information related to corona quickly and easily. This can be seen from the actively asking social media about physical distancing or related to the corona virus in Indonesia in particular.Keywords: Mass Communication, Social Media, Physical Distancing
Strategi Komunikasi Penyuluh Agama Hindu Kabupaten Bulengleng pada Masa New Normal Niluh Wiwik Eka Putri; I Gede Titah Pratyaksa; Komang Agus Widiantara
Jurnal Nomosleca Vol 8, No 2 (2022): Oktober, 2022
Publisher : Universitas Merdeka Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26905/nomosleca.v8i2.8840


The Hindu Religious Counselor in Buleleng Regency coordinated by the Buleleng Regency Ministry of Religion has an important role in providing spiritual guidance to the Buleleng community. The right communication strategy is needed so that the messages conveyed can hit the hearts of the people so that the various problems above can be handled properly. This study uses a qualitative method and a phenomenological approach. In carrying out Hindu religious counseling, the Buleleng Regency Hindu instructor carries out communication planning which includes Analysis of Audience and Community Needs of Buleleng Regency, Determination of Communication Targets, message design, channels, and recipients, Implementation of planning that includes funds, human resources, and time. The communication strategies of Hindu Religious Instructors used in the New Normal Period include Intrapersonal Communications for Hindu Religion Instructors, Interpersonal Communications for Hindu Religion Instructors, Group Communications for Hindu Religious Instructors, Mass Communication for Hindu Religion InstructorsKeywords: Communication Strategy, Hindu Religion Counselor, Buleleng, New Normal
Widya Duta: Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Sosial Budaya Vol 16 No 1 (2021): WIDYA DUTA MARET 2021
Publisher : UHN IGB Sugriwa Denpasar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1186.472 KB) | DOI: 10.25078/wd.v16i1.387


One of the Balih-balihan arts is bondres. Bondres is often performedin ritual activities in Bali. Bondres is used as a communication medium thatcan educate the public with unique packaging such as displaying funnycharacters, as well as fresh humor. The implementation of ceremonialtraditions and arts for Balinese Hindus is inherent. Bondres DangdangKetekung still exists in the midst of the development of communicationtechnology, it can be proven by the fact that they often fill events in variousactivities in Buleleng Regency. With still active Dangdang Ketekung, itindicates if the community is entertained by his jokes. In addition,Dangdang Ketekung also uses social media such as Facebook, Instagramand YouTube to be better known by the wider community, especially theyounger generation. The communication of education implemented in theDangdang Ketekung bondres mask performance is expected to be able tomake an important contribution in understanding and practicing theinteractions and actions of all individuals involved. In their performances,they understand communication models such as dialogic, persuasive andeducative. So that the teachings of education can be conveyed to thepublic. One of them is about the teachings of Tri Kaya Parisudha, Tri KitaKarana, and topics that are currently trand.
Analisis Isi Pesan Pro-Kontra Pengguna Instagram terhadap Berita Hak Merek Citayam Fashion Week Niluh Wiwik Eka Putri; I Gede Titah Pratyaksa
Calathu: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Vol. 4 No. 2 (2022): Calathu: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi
Publisher : School of Communication Science and Media Business

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37715/calathu.v4i2.3126


One of the social media that is widely used by the public is Instagram. Recently, the Citayam Fashion Week phenomenon has become a public conversation so that it becomes a trend. Starting from viral videos circulating on social media such as Instagram. But behind the emergence of this phenomenon caused a polemic for one artist named Baim Wong where Citayam Fashion Week is registered to the Ministry of Law and Human Rights by Baim Wong to be patented. The pros and cons of this incident were not only carried out by some community leaders. Social media facilitates the audience to express satisfaction or dissatisfaction through the comment’s column. The method used is a qualitative method that produces descriptive data in the form of written or spoken words from people and observable behavior. The results obtained in this analysis include (1) pro Instagram user comments on Citayam Fashion Week brand rights news. Several accounts are pro or do agree with Baim Wong's actions such as the @tianaazza41 and @annymarissa6669 accounts with educative message content analysis, then @randika_prawira and @sofaiz1010 with the results of the analysis of the message content being persuasive. Meanwhile, (2) contra Instagram user comments on Citayam Fashion Week brand rights news on the @rekomsahamritel and @bukenglim accounts, it was found that the results of the analysis of the message content were persuasive with the technique of compiling messages filled with emotion appeal. Then on the accounts @alyoudee and @beta_9186 found the results of the analysis of the content of messages that are persuasive. Keywords: message content analysis, pro and con, Instagram, Citayam Fashion Week, brand right
Peran Psikologi Komunikasi dalam Mengatasi Permasalahan Peserta Didik: Studi Kasus Proses Bimbingan Konseling di SMK Kesehatan Widya Dharma Bali Niluh Wiwik Eka Putri
Calathu: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Vol. 1 No. 1 (2019)
Publisher : School of Communication Science and Media Business

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37715/calathu.v1i1.776


Peran psikologi komunikasi sangat penting dalam memberikan saran dan masukan terkait permasalahan yang dialami oleh peserta didik. Mereka berasal dari latar belakang keluarga kurang mampu, broken home, ataupun ketidaksempurnaan secara fisik. Kondisi inilah yang mem-buat siswa mengalami gangguan mental, kesulitan beradaptasi, cenderung menunjukkan perilaku yang kurang baik untuk mencari perhatian, serta sulit untuk mengikuti proses pembelajaran di sekolah. Adapun metode yang digunakan menggunakan metode kualitatif yang menghasilkan data deskriptif berupa kata tertulis atau lisan dari orang dan prilaku yang dapat diamati. Adapun hasil yang diperoleh antara lain untuk mengatasi permasalah peserta didik diperlukan komunikasi yang efektif yakni mengemas komunikasi secara efektif dengan perhatian, minat, hasrat, keputusan, aksi/tindakan, dan kepuasan. Peran psikologi komunikasi juga bisa mengubah opini siswa yang mengalami permasalahan terhadap sesuatu hal, mengubah sikap siswa yang mengalami permasa-lahan terhadap obyek atau subyek tertentu, serta mengubah perilaku yang mengalami permasala-han terkait dengan pengetahuan, persepsi, dan sikapnya.