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Syiar Hukum Vol 13, No 2 (2011): Syiar Hukum
Publisher : LPPM Unisba

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Indonesia is former Dutch colony in which its legal system is heavily influenced by the Continental European Legal System. Geographically located in the continent of  Europe which was colonized by France, Holland has traditionally followed the Continental European Legal System. This System is formally and substantially adopted by Indonesia. The Continental European Legal System is based on a system of law that has been created by Parliament. Conversely, cultural-customs differences among the Indonesian communities have led to the conflict between the existing law and  law cultural. It is therefore that effort is urgently needed to adjust both the system and reconstruction of the law faculty curriculum in order to accommodate the clash between one law cultural and another one.
Rekonstruksi Budaya Hukum Nasional yang Berbasis Nilai-nilai Budaya Hukum Bangsa Indonesia Toto Tohir
Syiar Hukum Volume 13, No 2 (2011) : Syiar Hukum : Jurnal Ilmu Hukum
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Islam Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29313/sh.v13i2.653


Indonesia is former Dutch colony in which its legal system is heavily influenced by the Continental European Legal System. Geographically located in the continent of  Europe which was colonized by France, Holland has traditionally followed the Continental European Legal System. This System is formally and substantially adopted by Indonesia. The Continental European Legal System is based on a system of law that has been created by Parliament. Conversely, cultural-customs differences among the Indonesian communities have led to the conflict between the existing law and  law cultural. It is therefore that effort is urgently needed to adjust both the system and reconstruction of the law faculty curriculum in order to accommodate the clash between one law cultural and another one.
JURNAL LITIGASI (e-Journal) Vol 16 No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Pasundan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (235.476 KB) | DOI: 10.23969/litigasi.v16i2.45


A person can be called or categorized as patient based on the definition of Medical Practice Act if meeting the elements: undergoing the health consultation; with the purpose to get medical service; consultation and medical service to doctors or dentists. Clearly that individual taken the consultation and or treatment from the paramedics is not categorized as patient; in other word, only doctors or dentists deal with the patient; or only doctors and dentists who have patients. Other than that, they cannot be called patients. For this, the writer is interested in analyzing the what to call those who meet the first and second elements but not to the doctor, for example, to midwife or nurse. It needs clear answer to protect the patient under a clear legal basis. The importance of the answers is to assure that individuals can be called patient based on the existing definition, consequently, it makes individuals, consulting or asking for medical service from paramedics other than doctors and dentists, are not patients. This statement is supported with the provision under Health Act that does not at all define the term patient. In fact, hierarchically the Health Act is the umbrella law regarding health issues in Indonesia.Keyword: Medical dispute; patient; paramedicsABSTRAKSeseorang dapat disebut atau dikatagorikan sebagai pasien berdasarkan Rumusan Undang-Undang Praktik Kedokteran, apabila memenuhi  unsur-unsur : melakukan konsultasi kesehatan; dengan maksud memperoleh pelayanan kesehatan; konsultasi dan layanan kesehatan tersebut kepada dokter atau dokter gigi. Jelaslah bahwa seseorang yang melakukan konsultasi dan atau pengobatan kepada tenaga kesehatan yang bukan dokter atau dokter gigi tidak termasuk katagori pasien; dengan perkataan lain yang berhadapan dengan pasien hanya dokter atau dokter gigi atau hanya dokter dan dokter gigi yang mempunyai pasien. Di luar dari itu, tidak dapat disebut pasien. Terhadap hal ini penulis tertarik untuk menganalisa, apa sebutan bagi mereka yang memenuhi unsur ke satu dan kedua tetapi bukan kepada dokter, misalnya kepada bidan atau perawat. Hal ini  perlu mendapat jawaban  yang jelas agar perlindungan terhadap pasien mempunyai landasan hukum yang jelas. Kepentingan jawaban atas pertanyaan tersebut untuk memastikan bahwa seseorang dapat disebut pasien karena dari definisi yang ada menyebabkan seseorang yang berkonsultasi atau meminta layanan kesehatan kepada tenga kesehatan di luar dokter dan dokter gigi bukan pasien. Hal ini diperkuat dengan isi Undang-Undang Kesehatan yang sama sekali tidak memberikan pengertian tentang pasien. Padahal secara hirarki Undang-Undang Kesehatan merupakan payung bagi undang-undang lainnya yang berhubungan dengan urusan kesehatan di Indonesia.Kata Kunci: Sengketa Medik; Pasien; Tenaga Kesehatan
Ulil Amri dan Ketaatan Kepada-Nya Toto Tohir
MIMBAR (Jurnal Sosial dan Pembangunan) Volume 18, No. 3, Tahun 2002
Publisher : Universitas Islam Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (829.952 KB) | DOI: 10.29313/mimbar.v18i3.75


Secara derajat “ulil amri” merupakan derajat ketiga dalam penyebutan yaitu setelah Allah SWT dan Rosululloh Saw. Dengan demikian bukan sesuatu yang berlebihan apabila ulil amri diberi derajat yang tinggi karena memang telah disebut dalam derajat yang demikian.Ulil amri secara etimologi berarti pemimpin dalam suatu negara. Istilah ini terdapat dalam pembahasan tafsir dan fiqh siyasah (politik). Para ulama tafsir dan fiqh siyasi mengemukakan empat definisi ulil amri yaitu: (1) raja dan kepala pemerintahan yang patuh dan taat kepada Allah SWT dan rasululloh Saw; (2) raja dan ulama; (3) amir di zaman Rosululloh Saw setelah Rosululloh wafat, jabatan itu berpindah kepada kadi (hakim), komandan militer, an mereka yang meminta anggota masyarakat untuk taat atas dasar kebenaran, dan; (4) para mujtahid atau yang dikenal dengan sebutan ahl al-hall wa al-‘aqad (yang memiliki otoritas dalam menetapkan hukum). Secara umum dalam wacana Islam dikenal beberapa sebutan untuk kepala pemerintahan yaitu : Kholifah, Imam, Sultan dan amir.  Indonesia secara konstitusional bukan negara Islam tetapi mayoritas penduduknya beragama Islam, dipimpin oleh seorang muslimat tetapi parlemen tidak dikuasai kekuatan politik Islam.Disarankan perlu adanya kesiapan kita untuk memulai membuka wacana yang lebih luas tentang pemaknaan ulil amri sehingga tidak terjebak dalam pengertian yang sempit yang menyebabkan kita hidup dalam alam cemerlang tetapi dalam kezumudan.
Development E-Insurance Based on the Provisions of the Insurance Policy for the Certainty of Evidentiary Civil Procedural Law in Indonesia Lukman Ilman Nurhakim; Erni Rohaini; Toto Tohir Suriatmadja
International Journal of Science and Society Vol 4 No 1 (2022): International Journal of Science and Society (IJSOC)
Publisher : GoAcademica Research & Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (423.578 KB) | DOI: 10.54783/ijsoc.v4i1.417


The development of E-Insurance in its match was a development of the Electronic Insurance Policy Agreement or Jo. E-Polis. The insurance agreement or written policy as stipulated by OJK Regulation on Insurance Products and Insurance Product Marketing as an rationing of the Code of Commercial as a special norm of the understanding of Insurance Policy. Unlike the Electronic Insurance Policy Agreement or E-Polis was accommodated by OJK Regulation on Insurance in 2015, E-Insurance developed as a result of insurance needs for electronic or e-commerce trading transactions that do not yet had special arrangements. This was because in E-Insurance, the business’ person did not make hardcopy either the Insurance Policy Agreement or the policy agreement to be further conveyed to the customer or the insured. Furthermore, the Evidentiary Power E-Insurance in the Civil Procedural Law could not be equated: as a means of proof of letter because the parties in the proof cannot show the original (hardcopy). At least judges under Article 10 of the Court of Justice Power Act could categorize E-Insurance as a means of proof of guessing, because the parties in the evidence could not show the original (hardcopy). Thus, a law-level rule was required a law that can accommodate E-Insurance related to proof of civil justice.