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Perhitungan Laba Rugi Model Bagi Hasil Usaha Peternakan Sapi pada Bumdes Banna Lhokseumawe Dasmi Husin; Hilmi; Azhar
Dinamisia : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 5 No. 2 (2021): April 2021, Dinamisia: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Universitas Lancang Kuning

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31849/dinamisia.v5i2.5319


This community service activity was carried out at Bumdes (village community owned company) of Banna in Paya Punteut Village, Muara Dua District - Lhokseumawe, Aceh. This village-owned company is known to be engaged in cattle fattening. The motivation and enthusiasm to develop from the management of BUMDes Banna is very high, but the managerial ability of Bumdes management is still very limited. Bumdes, who were expected to grow forward, turned out to be suffering from many problems. One of the problems is when the profit sharing is not proportional. The operating costs incurred are not appropriate. Livestock care work is given to a group of people on the condition that Bumdes bears all operational costs. Profit sharing is based on the revenue sharing system where Bumdes gets a 40% portion of the sales of cows. The service method used in the dedication of the application of science and technology is a participatory method, namely by making continuous observations, speeches, and direct demonstration (demonstration) methods. This activity is capacity building assistance for six months. The focus is on strengthening productivity and management such as compiling financial reports, business visibility, and strengthening archives management. The results of community service activities indicate that the profit sharing system has not fully met the standard accounting standard format, especially in the preparation of the income statement. In order for Bumdes to no longer feel that it is making a profit, but in fact it is a loss, the formulation of the AD-ART (regulation of company village) needs to be revised with the approval of Bumdes stakeholders through village meetings. Furthermore, the preparation of financial statements must be based on applicable accounting standards.
Jurnal Informatika dan Teknologi Komputer (J-ICOM) Vol 1 No 1 (2020): Jurnal Informatika dan Teknologi Komputer (JICOM)
Publisher : E-Jurnal Universitas Samudra

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The matrix is the composition of a mathematical system that can assist all forms of calculations and is directly related to numbers or exact values that are large or small. The effectiveness of solving matrix problems that occur in everyday life can affect the profit side of a company, the Hungarian method is one way to solve this problem. The implementation of the Hungarian method is related to the matrix which is usually used for the case of placing an object or subject in a company. The assignment case that occurred at Bengkel Buyung Tambon-baroh relates to cost optimization for workers with their respective abilities and skills. The problem of cost optimization is very necessary considering the work schedule and the income of the workers depending on the circumstances of the institution or company concerned. Matrix calculation application using web-based Hungarian method can produce values that are considered effective for solving the problem. Based on the test results, the application produces a final value in the form of optimal costs for workers at the Buyung Tambon Baroh Workshop with their respective abilities and skills.
Jurnal Informatika dan Teknologi Komputer (J-ICOM) Vol 1 No 2 (2020): Jurnal Informatika dan Teknologi Komputer (JICOM)
Publisher : E-Jurnal Universitas Samudra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33059/j-icom.v1i2.5684


Kejaksaan adalah bagian integral dari sistem ketatanegaraan (sistem hukum), sebagai aparatur yang mempunyai tugas dan tanggung jawab dibidang penegakkan hukum di Indonesia. Bagian tindak pidana khusus merupakan bagian yang melaksanakan dan mengendalikan penanganan perkara tindak pidana khusus yang meliputi prapenuntutan, pemeriksaan, penuntutan, penetapan hakim dan putusan pengadilan, pengawasan terhadap pelaksanaan pidana bersyarat, dan pengawasan terhadap pelaksanaan putusan lepas bersyarat dan tindakan hukum lainnya. Dosir adalah sekumpulan dokumen mengenai suatu perkara. Proses kerja manajemen berkas masih sangat manual, seperti bagian staff pidana khusus, saat mencari berkas-berkas perkara harus secara manual pada lemari dosir untuk dapat menyelesaikan permasalahan dari setiap data terdakwa, sehingga petugas pidana khusus banyak membuang. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah membuat sistem berbasis web untuk membantu petugas menginput, menyimpan, dan mencari dokumen. Hasil dari sistem akan memberikan sebuah QR Code, QR Code tersebut akan menunjukan letak surat yang diperlukan petugas dan mengeluarkan data yang berkaitan dengan isi surat tersebut.Kata kunci: kata kunci dituliskan dalam 5 kata yang sebaiknya merupakan subset dari judul makalah, ditulis dengan menggunakan huruf kecil kecuali untuk singkatan, dan dipisahkan dengan tanda baca koma untuk antar kata.
Jurnal Informatika dan Teknologi Komputer (J-ICOM) Vol 1 No 2 (2020): Jurnal Informatika dan Teknologi Komputer (JICOM)
Publisher : E-Jurnal Universitas Samudra

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Voice recognition is a part of sound processing that can be used to recognize music. The use of music based on the genres contained in it has been used in everyday life. However, analyzing the genre of a music on a computer is a difficult thing to do. This study describes the results of the study of the genre classification system on a song. This research is to create a system that can detect the genres contained in the music. Literature study was carried out on each part of the system, then the approach that was considered the best in this design was formulated. This study used the Discreat Transform Fourier method. As a signal processing process, it is useful to find the features of the sound. For the classification process using the Naive Bayes method. Results of all tested genres that are recognizable 66%.
Decision Support System Group Of Learning Evaluation At SMA Negeri Lhokseumawe Mulyadi; Azhar; Zulfan Khairil Simbolon; Hendrawati; Amirullah
INFOKUM Vol. 10 No. 5 (2022): December, Computer and Communication
Publisher : Sean Institute

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Teachers as educators who have the main task of educating the nation's children to become the next generation who are intelligent and knowledgeable. Teachers can develop students' potential and motivate students to excel. The quality of teachers is influenced by the level of teacher performance in providing knowledge to students and the way of providing clear and appropriate material when teaching. Students must also be involved in the process of assessing the quality of the performance of teachers who have been teaching. Based on these problems, input from students about teacher performance is generally done manually by filling out a satisfaction questionnaire on the teaching and learning process. As a result, we require an assessment system and a model for the quality of learning, particularly in the core school subjects. The evaluation in teacher assessment uses the AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) method and group borda. The AHP model process is used to evaluate and improve the quality of student learning so that it can provide objective results. The stages of research using research and development include the first stage, namely the preliminary study stage, theoretical study, and planning stage. The variables measured included attendance, accuracy, ease of capturing material, and the ability to manage classes and formulate problems. The second stage is to test and revise the AHP and Borda models. The third stage is the feasibility test of the decision model with AHP and Borda. The result of the group model is to get the ranking value of each variable, and this value will be entered into the AHP model and the Borda group model. The Borda results are given by the school principal, vice principal, and policy makers. The results of the AHP Model value of K1 (Teaching Attendance Rate) with a priority weight value of 0.280, rank 2, K2 (Accuracy of Starting and Ending Study Hours) of 0.207, and ranking 4, K3 (Ease of Submission of Materials to Be Understood) of 0.295. 1, K4 (Ability to Manage Class Interaction) 0.217, ranking 3. The results of the board for selecting the best teacher: alternative A1 with a value of 0.24 ranking 3. Alternative A2 with a ranking value of 0.20; Alternative A3 with a value of 0.28 ranking 1. Alternative A4 with a value of 0.27 and a rating of 2. The results of this study are the assessment of students and each teacher from the AHP model. Furthermore, the results of the Borda group are in the form of rankings from policy makers. The results of the research are more objective because of the decision-making on the part of students and groups/policy-makers.
Journal of Embedded Systems, Security and Intelligent Systems Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): Vol 1, No 2 (2020): November 2020
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Komputer

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Pemilihan Umum Gubernur Jurusan merupakan kegiatan wajib tahunan di setiap kampus. Pada pemilihan suara secara manual menggunakan kertas, masih sering terjadi kecurangan, seperti pemilihan ganda dimana pemilih dapat memperoleh kertas lebih dari satu dan melakukan pemilihan lebih dari sekali, penyalahgunaan suara yang tidak terpakai oleh petugas yang tidak adil. Permasalahan tersebut akan mengundang kericuhan dari pihak mahasiswa yang merasa dirugikan dan akan membuat ricuh keadaan dalam pemilihan gubernur jurusan. Pada penelitian ini dibahas tentang rancangan dan pembuatan sistem epemilu berbasis website. Sistem ini dapat digunakan sebagai pengganti sistem pemilihan secara manual. Pada tahap pendataan mahasiswa, pemilihan gubernur, perhitungan suara, dan perolehan hasil akhir dari pemilihan gubernur, semua akan dilakukan oleh sistem. Dari hasil pengujian sistem e-pemilu ini, data yang tampil serta hasil perolehan hasil akhir sudah sesuai dengan banyaknya pemilihan yang telah dilakukan oleh mahasiswa berdasarkan masing-masing pilihan
Analysis of Long-Term Evolution (LTE) Propagation Pathloss Calculation and Pathloss Simulation in Lubuk Minturun Urban Village, Koto Tangah Sub-District, Padang Syaza Ibra Harlin; Nadita Wijayani Putri; Nasrul; Siska Aulia; Azhar
International Journal of Wireless And Multimedia Communications Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): International Journal of Wireless And Multimedia Communications
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Padang

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Good signal quality is characterized by the small amount of propagation path loss or path loss that occurs. These propagation path losses can be caused by the distance between the site and the receiver (mobile station), transmitter frequency, natural conditions, and weather conditions. The farther between the site and the receiver (mobile station), the greater the propagation path loss. The use of propagation models in planning a site development in an area can predict or consider the value of propagation path losses, such as the Okumura-Hatta and COST-231 propagation models. Measurement of signal quality received by the receiver (mobile station) in the making of this final project using the drive test method. Determination of site coordinates in the measurement makes it easier to calculate the distance between the site and the mobile station. The calculation of the Okumura-Hatta propagation model and the COST-231 propagation model will produce a better-received power level value compared to the received power level value in the measurement. This is because the calculation only considers the distance between the site and the receiver (mobile station) without any obstacles or barriers, while the value generated during measurement will be influenced by distance, obstacles or barriers, earth contours, and weather conditions. One of them is Lubuk Minturun Village where the measurement of propagation path loss (Pathloss) is carried out due to the poor quality of the 4G Long Term Evolution (LTE) network.