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Gamatika Vol 2, No 1: Jurnal Gagasan Matematika Dan Informatika
Publisher : Gamatika

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Abstrak Perambatan panas konduksi pada katagori sistem dengan bentuk fisik bola adalah perambatan satu dimensi bilamana suhu benda hanya merupakan fungsi jarak radial dan tidak bergantung dari sudut azimut. Perambatan panas dipengaruhi sifat-sifat fisik medium yang dilalui  diantaranya konduktivitas panas k, panas spesifik c dan kepadatan massa m yang dibangun dengan menganggap bahwa panas mengalir/merambat secara kontinu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan kajian tentang model perambatan panas pada benda-benda dengan bentuk fisik bola dengan memandang sebagai persoalan konduksi satu dimensi. Langkah pertama yaitu metode penyelesaian numerik yang digunakan adalah metode volume hingga (Finite Volume Method) teknik diskritisasi QUICK (Quadratic Upwind Interpolation Conective Kinematic dengan beda maju pusat (foward  central difference). Tahap berikutnya yaitu melakukan analisa uji stabilitas dan konvergensi dan akhirnya pembuatan program disain model dengan  bantuan Matlab. Verifikasi hasil simulasi dengan komputer dan  validasi hasil perhitungan disain model yang dihasilkan ternyata dapat merefleksikan perambatan panas pada benda-benda bola. Kata kunci: konduksi panas, benda bola, metode volume hingga Abstract Propagation of heat conduction in the category of physical systems with the ball is the propagation of one-dimensional objects only when the temperature is a function of radial distance and is independent of the azimuth angle. Heat propagation affected the physical properties of the medium through which the thermal conductivity k of them, specific heat c and density m constructed by assuming that the heat  flow / propagate continuously.  This study aims to conduct a study on the model heat propagation in objects with physical ball looked as one-dimensional conduction problems. The first step is the completion of the numerical method used is the finite volume  method  (Finite Volume Method) discretization technique QUICK (Quadratic Upwind Interpolation Conective Kinematic with different advanced center (foward central difference.) Next phase is to analyze the stability and convergence test and eventually manufacture the design program model with the help of Matlab. Verify results simulation with  computer  and validation of the  results of the design  model calculations resulting was able to reflect heat propagation in objects ball. Keywords: heat conduction, the object ball,  finite volume method
Gamatika Vol 2, No 1 (2011): Jurnal Gagasan Matematika Dan Informatika
Publisher : Gamatika

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Abstrak Perambatan panas konduksi pada katagori sistem dengan bentuk fisik bola adalah perambatan satu dimensi bilamana suhu benda hanya merupakan fungsi jarak radial dan tidak bergantung dari sudut azimut. Perambatan panas dipengaruhi sifat-sifat fisik medium yang dilalui  diantaranya konduktivitas panas k, panas spesifik c dan kepadatan massa m yang dibangun dengan menganggap bahwa panas mengalir/merambat secara kontinu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan kajian tentang model perambatan panas pada benda-benda dengan bentuk fisik bola dengan memandang sebagai persoalan konduksi satu dimensi. Langkah pertama yaitu metode penyelesaian numerik yang digunakan adalah metode volume hingga (Finite Volume Method) teknik diskritisasi QUICK (Quadratic Upwind Interpolation Conective Kinematic dengan beda maju pusat (foward  central difference). Tahap berikutnya yaitu melakukan analisa uji stabilitas dan konvergensi dan akhirnya pembuatan program disain model dengan  bantuan Matlab. Verifikasi hasil simulasi dengan komputer dan  validasi hasil perhitungan disain model yang dihasilkan ternyata dapat merefleksikan perambatan panas pada benda-benda bola. Kata kunci: konduksi panas, benda bola, metode volume hingga Abstract Propagation of heat conduction in the category of physical systems with the ball is the propagation of one-dimensional objects only when the temperature is a function of radial distance and is independent of the azimuth angle. Heat propagation affected the physical properties of the medium through which the thermal conductivity k of them, specific heat c and density m constructed by assuming that the heat  flow / propagate continuously.  This study aims to conduct a study on the model heat propagation in objects with physical ball looked as one-dimensional conduction problems. The first step is the completion of the numerical method used is the finite volume  method  (Finite Volume Method) discretization technique QUICK (Quadratic Upwind Interpolation Conective Kinematic with different advanced center (foward central difference.) Next phase is to analyze the stability and convergence test and eventually manufacture the design program model with the help of Matlab. Verify results simulation with  computer  and validation of the  results of the design  model calculations resulting was able to reflect heat propagation in objects ball. Keywords: heat conduction, the object ball,  finite volume method
Studi Tundaan Perjalanan Kendaraan Di Simpang Bersinyal Yang Terintegrasi Dengan Palang Pintu Kereta Api Tristono, Tomi

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This paper talked about model of scheduling trip to vehicle traffic at a signalized intersection. There is a train track on one arm. Construct the model of schedulling trips at signalized intersection integrated with train door stop. The methods of scheduling trips transition used fuzzy logic. The result of simulation represented time scheduling trips transition model of vehicle traffic flow. The scheduling had significant time result although the jamming problem can?t be solved directly. Degree of Saturation of traffic would decrease slowdown step by step at some regular cyclus after transition cyclus. Finally the degree of saturation would be limited to normal degree.Keywoords scheduling trip, vehicle traffic train track and intersection integrated
Korelasi Wabah “Demam Berdarah Dengue/ DBD” dengan Tingkat Curah Hujan Rata – Rata Tristono, Tomi; Aji, Seno
JURNAL DAYA-MAS Vol 5, No 2 (2020): DAYA MAS
Publisher : Universitas Merdeka Madiun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33319/dymas.v5i2.49


Abstract— Along with the arrival of the rainy season in October 2018 - April 2019, the awareness of the emergence of Dengue Fever needs to be improved. Several methods for anticipation have been carried out, including by improving environmental cleanliness and holding mosquito spray or Fogging. These methods are considered to be ineffective in breaking the growth chain of Aedes Aegypti, which is the type of mosquito that most spreads Dengue Fever. To prevent infection, the World Health Organization (WHO) has also suggested controlling mosquito populations and protecting people from mosquito bites. This research uses the comparative method of Dengue Fever data in 2015, 2016, and 2017 of Jombang Regency. The data is correlated with average rainfall. Based on observations, the cases of Dengue Fever are repeated every year. The health office must socialize what dengue fever is, what are the symptoms, how to treat it if infected, and how to prevent it. The community needs to improve the cleanliness of the environment and be aware of water reservoirs or puddles if the rainy season. The presence of Jumantik cadres is very urgent and needed. Keywords—: Dengue Fever; rainy season; Aedes Aegypti; cleanliness of the environment.
Abu Ampas Tebu Pengurang Semen Dalam Paving Jawara, Kholiddien Tyas; Winalda Purnama, Pramudya Fathoni; Prasetyo, Olga Donny; Tristono, Tomi
JURNAL PILAR TEKNOLOGI : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Ilmu Teknik Vol 3, No 2 (2018): JURNAL PILAR TEKNOLOGI
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Merdeka Madiun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33319/piltek.v3i2.17


Cement is a basic requirement that is always needed in the construction work. Every year the price of cement has increased. In this experimental study using ash waste bagasse to reduce the amount  of cement in paving by substituting it. Variations in the composition of the addition of bagasse ash are 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25% of cement volume and with a ratio of 1: 4, i.e., 1 cement and 4 sand. Based from the results of compressive strength analysis, water absorption, and density, the paving with a mixture of ash-bagasse gain of 5% is the best when compared to other mixtures. The result are a compressive strength of 34.63 MPa, the water retention capacity of 2.12% and the density of 1.39 gr / cm3. The paving with a mixture of 10% bagasse ash yielded a compressive strength of 33.84 Mpa, the water retention capacity of 2.23% and the density of 1.37 g / cm3, indicating that 10% ash addition had the same paving test results without the addition of ash bagasse. In SNI 03-0691-1996, paving with the addition of bagasse ash by 5% and 10% including as the paving of quality B. Keywords : ash of waste bagasse, paving, pozzolan.
Profetika: Jurnal Studi Islam Vol. 21, No. 2, Desember 2020
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/profetika.v21i2.13083


Specific postural gestures at one rak'ah in Muslim prayer (Shalat) include standing, bowing once, and two prostrations. This phenomenon is a full round of movement. This study is aimed to analyze the mathematical concepts, especially based on the root characteristics of a full round (rotation) of one rak'ah of Muslim prayer (Shalat). This study was conducted with a qualitative approach. It was the liberary research. It compared between the specific postural gestures of  Muslim prayer (Shalat) to the round of Thawaf at the Kaaba. This method was used. Then furthermore, the mathematical concepts were analyzed based on their equilibrium points, their characteristic roots, and their orbitals. Muslim prayer (Shalat) is a manifestation of rotation at a single equilibrium point, its characteristic roots are purely imaginary, and it always pass through certain orbitals as long as the parameters do not change. In general, it is said, specific postural gestures at one rak'ah in Muslim prayer (shalat) is the core of the recognition of monotheism to Allah SWT (Al-Ahad) and the faith in Allah SWT as the Unseen (Al-Ghaib).
Gamatika Vol 2, No 1 (2011): Jurnal Gagasan Matematika Dan Informatika
Publisher : Gamatika

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Abstrak Perambatan panas konduksi pada katagori sistem dengan bentuk fisik bola adalah perambatan satu dimensi bilamana suhu benda hanya merupakan fungsi jarak radial dan tidak bergantung dari sudut azimut. Perambatan panas dipengaruhi sifat-sifat fisik medium yang dilalui  diantaranya konduktivitas panas k, panas spesifik c dan kepadatan massa m yang dibangun dengan menganggap bahwa panas mengalir/merambat secara kontinu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan kajian tentang model perambatan panas pada benda-benda dengan bentuk fisik bola dengan memandang sebagai persoalan konduksi satu dimensi. Langkah pertama yaitu metode penyelesaian numerik yang digunakan adalah metode volume hingga (Finite Volume Method) teknik diskritisasi QUICK (Quadratic Upwind Interpolation Conective Kinematic dengan beda maju pusat (foward  central difference). Tahap berikutnya yaitu melakukan analisa uji stabilitas dan konvergensi dan akhirnya pembuatan program disain model dengan  bantuan Matlab. Verifikasi hasil simulasi dengan komputer dan  validasi hasil perhitungan disain model yang dihasilkan ternyata dapat merefleksikan perambatan panas pada benda-benda bola. Kata kunci: konduksi panas, benda bola, metode volume hingga Abstract Propagation of heat conduction in the category of physical systems with the ball is the propagation of one-dimensional objects only when the temperature is a function of radial distance and is independent of the azimuth angle. Heat propagation affected the physical properties of the medium through which the thermal conductivity k of them, specific heat c and density m constructed by assuming that the heat  flow / propagate continuously.  This study aims to conduct a study on the model heat propagation in objects with physical ball looked as one-dimensional conduction problems. The first step is the completion of the numerical method used is the finite volume  method  (Finite Volume Method) discretization technique QUICK (Quadratic Upwind Interpolation Conective Kinematic with different advanced center (foward central difference.) Next phase is to analyze the stability and convergence test and eventually manufacture the design program model with the help of Matlab. Verify results simulation with  computer  and validation of the  results of the design  model calculations resulting was able to reflect heat propagation in objects ball. Keywords: heat conduction, the object ball,  finite volume method