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Analisis tingkat literasi sains siswa pada aspek konteks, konten, dan kompetensi dengan rasch Roisyah Ashshaddiqah Suwandi; Ayuk Adiana Supriyanti
Bio-Pedagogi: Jurnal Pembelajaran Biologi Vol 10, No 1 (2021): Bio-Pedagogi: Jurnal Pembelajaran Biologi
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/bio-pedagogi.v10i1.51648


Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif yang bertujuan untuk menganalisis tingkat literasi sains siswa SMA ditinjau dari aspek konteks, isi, dan kompetensi materi viral. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan tes literasi sains materi viral via google form sebanyak 15 soal. Tes literasi IPA materi virus telah diuji reliabilitas, validitas, daya beda, tingkat kesukaran instrumen, dan deteksi bias berdasarkan jenis kelamin (DIF). Sampel diperoleh melalui rumus Taro Yamane atau Slovin sebanyak 137 siswa dari salah satu SMA di Sragen. Analisis data menggunakan analisis model Rasch dengan Winstep versi 3.73. Reliabilitas instrumen menunjukkan angka logit sebesar 0,98 (sangat baik), validitas instrumen menunjukkan rata-rata outfit MNSQ (Mean Square) sebesar 1,02 dan rata-rata outfit ZSTD (Z-standard) -0,3 (valid). Tingkat kesulitan instrumen 1 soal tergolong mudah, 3 soal tergolong sukar, 11 soal tergolong sangat sulit. Selisih daya instrumen menunjukkan nilai H sebesar 9,56 dibulatkan menjadi 10, sehingga terdapat 10 kelompok instrumen (sangat baik). Nilai rata-rata literasi sains siswa SMA adalah 18,81 dari total skor 37 yang relatif rendah. Persentase aspek konteks, isi, dan kompetensi literasi sains siswa adalah 31,205%, 40,48%, dan 51,02%. Rata-rata persentase tingkat literasi sains total siswa SMA sebesar 50,48% yang tergolong rendah. Analysis of students' scientific literacy level on aspects of context, content, and competence with Rasch Model. This research aims to analyze the level of scientific literacy of high school students in terms of context, content, and viral material competence aspects. The data collection technique used a science literacy test about virus via google form. The science literacy test has been tested for reliability, validity, difference power, difficulty level of the instrument, and bias detection based on gender (DIF). The sample was obtained through the Taro Yamane or Slovin formula as many as 137 students from one of the high schools in Sragen. Data analysis used Rasch model analysis with Winstep version 3.73. Instrument reliability shows a logit number of 0.98 (very good), the validity of the instrument shows the average MNSQ outfit (Mean Square) of 1.02 and the average outfit ZSTD (Z-standard) -0.3 (valid). The difficulty level of the instrument 1 question is classified as easy, 3 questions are classified as difficult, 11 questions are classified as very difficult. The difference power of the instrument shows the H value of 9.56 rounded to 10, so there are 10 groups of instruments (very good). The average score of high school students 'scientific literacy was 18.81 out of a total score of 37relatively low. The percentage aspects of context, content, and students' scientific literacy competencies were 31.205%, 40.48%, and 51.02%. The average percentage of the total science literacy level of high school students is 50.48% which is classified as low.