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Sistem Pengolahan Air Laut Menjadi Air Minum Menggunakan Tenaga Matahari Iswadi Iswadi; Aisyah Aisyah
Al-Kimia Vol 1 No 2 (2013): December
Publisher : Study Program of Chemistry - Alauddin State Islamic University of Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (523.602 KB) | DOI: 10.24252/al-kimia.v1i2.1632


Has done research about the system of purification of sea water into drinking water using solar energy. Utilization of solar energy as power naturally adopts the system of evaporation that occurs in a siklur water. Design and construction of tools created in the shape of a pyramid so that the absorption of thermal energy from the Sun can be maximum. Methods of work of the system is very simple, namely the souls imprisoned in the air that the pyramid would experience an increase in temperature significantly along with the searing Sun. The temperature of the hot air in the space pyramid is causing sea water which is at the bottom (floor) pyramid will evaporate and stick on the wall side of the inside of the pyramid. With the help of gravity, the water vapour will fall in the form of green ears water down the wall of the pyramid. The water will flow through the channel leading into the shelter is. This water is not already contain salt and pure water is so that it can be consumed directly. The results showed that the pyramid with size 160 cm x 160 cm 3 mm fiberglass-wall capable of producing fresh water as much as 2,100 mL. These results have been tested in the laboratory with a result salinity = 0,0 at T = 29,4 °C; TDS = 11 mg/L, 22.2 ms/cm conductivity, at T = 29.3 °C, no taste and no smell.
Pengaruh Kandungan Senyawa pada Ekstrak Daun Ketapang n-Heksan, Etil Asetat, Metanol dan Campuran Terhadap Nilai Efisiensi Dye Sensitized Solar Cell (DSSC) Aisyah Aisyah; Kurnia Arini Putri; Suriani Suriani; Iswadi Iswadi
Al-Kimia Vol 5 No 2 (2017): December
Publisher : Study Program of Chemistry - Alauddin State Islamic University of Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/al-kimia.v5i2.3856


The needs of electrical energy that increase year by year cause electrical energy crisis. Alternative energy sources which are potential to be developed as a substitute of fossil fuels are organic solar cells or DSSC (Dye Sensitized Solar Cell). The purpose of this study is to determine the value of efficiency resulting from Ketapang leaf extract and to determine the effect of compound content in Ketapang leaf extract toward the value of DSSC efficiency. This study investigate the efficiency value of the DSSC which are senzitized by the N-hexane, ethyl acetate, methanol extract of the Ketapang leaf and the mixture extract. The compounds from each axtract are characterized used UV-Vis and FTIR. The measurement results of the efficiency value from n-hexane of Ketapang leaf extract, ethyl acetate, methanol and the mixture were respectively 0.0051%, 0.09%, 0.12% and 0.22%. The results of UV-Vis characterization with maximum wavelength were respectively 667 nm, 665.9 nm, 665.9  nm and 209 nm. The FTIR identified an auxchrome group such as -OH,  C-N, -NH, and C-O as well as chromophore groups such as C=O and C=C. These data support that the existence of flavonoid and alcaloid compound in the mixture extract generate significant efficiency value.
A Natural Dye-Sensitized from Pare (Bitter Gourd) Leaves Extracts for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell (Dssc) Wahidah Febriya Ramadhani; Suriani S Suriani S; Aisyah A Aisyah A; Iswadi I Iswadi I
Al-Kimia Vol 7 No 1 (2019): JUNE
Publisher : Study Program of Chemistry - Alauddin State Islamic University of Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/al-kimia.v7i1.6309


The availability of energy sources is dwindling so a renewable energy which has a  potential chance to be developed, such as solar panels, is needed.  The use of solar panels is still quite expensive in terms of manufacturing process. For this reason, a cheap solar panel based is developed, and it is called DSSC (Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell). The use of DSSC is developed in Indonesia, a country which is famous for its biological richness. In this study, pare leaves were used as photosensitizers obtained from the extraction process of maceration by various solvents. The DSSC test was done on four extracts including N-hexane extract, Ethyl Acetate, Methanol, and Combination of the three extracts. The highest value of efficiency obtained from each extract respectively are 0,03%, 0,04%, 0,14% and 0,30%. Characterization was done by examining the UV-Vis and FTIR spectral data. The result of UV-Vis analysis shows that wavelength for N-hexane, Ethyl Acetate, Methanol, and Combined extracts are 269,1 nm, 668,0 nm, 663,9 nm, and 6631 nm, respectively. FTIR results found that the chromophore and auxochrome groups were identified on all four tested extracts, namely; C = C, C = O, -OH, and -C-H groups.  
Teknosains Vol 13 No 1 (2019): JANUARI
Publisher : Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/teknosains.v13i1.9615


Abstrak        Dye Sensitized Solar Cell (DSSC) merupakan salah satu sumber energi alternatif yang berkelanjutan dan ramah lingkungan. Beberapa zat warna dari tumbuhan lokal Indonesia diketahui berpotensi sebagai sensitizer. Penelitian ini mengevaluasi kemampuan komponen zat warna dari daun jati berikatan dengan semikonduktor TiO2 untuk mengkonversi energi matahari menjadi energi listrik. Daun jati diekstrak dengan maserasi menggunakan pelarut  n-heksan etil asetat dan metanol. Nilai efisiensi DSSC diukur dari ketiga ekstrak ditambah dengan campuran dari ketiga ekstrak tersebut. Data spektrum zat warna dimonitor menggunakan spektrofotometer FTIR dan UV-VIS. Data spektrum menunjukkan adanya senyawa flavonoid, alkaloid dan terpenoid dalam ekstrak campuran yang menghasilkan serapan panjang gelombang maksimal khas pada daerah 500-650 nm dan 269 nm. Nilai efisiensi DSSC diukur dari ketiga ekstrak dan campuran dari ketiga ekstrak tersebut. Nilai efisiensi dari ke empat sampel berturut-turut yaitu 0.0068%, 0.03%, 0.06%, dan 0.34%. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa semakin banyak kandungan zat warna yang terikat pada TiO2 semakin tinggi nilai efisiensi DSSC.
Potensi Energi Listrik dari Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC) Menggunakan Substrat Molase dan Bakteri Pseudomonas sp. Ilmi Wahyuni; Heri Heriyono; Aisyah Aisyah; Maswati Baharuddin; Iswadi Ibrahim Patunrengi
ALCHEMY:Journal of Chemistry Vol 10, No 1 (2022): ALCHEMY: Journal of Chemistry
Publisher : Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Technology UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18860/al.v10i1.12154


Sugarcane molasses have been reported as potential biomass to produce electricity from its metabolic processes through the microbial fuel cell (MFC) system. However, it is important to improve electrical generation by using both appropriate and readily available substrates and microorganisms. This study aimed to determine the current and potential difference as well as the power density generated from the metabolic process of the molasses substrate. A dual-chamber of MFC was arranged in series to generate electrical current. The anode chamber contained a mixture of molasses substrate, potassium phosphate buffer pH 7, and Pseudomonas sp. The cathode chamber contained 0.2 M KMnO4 electrolyte solution. Measurement of current and potential differences was conducted every 4 hours for 36 hours. The results showed that the maximum current, potential difference, and power density were 1656 mV, 1582 µA, and 1794.37 mW/m2, respectively.Keywords: dual chamber, microbial fuel cell, molasses, Pseudomonas sp.  Molase telah banyak dilaporkan sebagai salah satu sumber energi listrik yang potensial dengan menggunakan sistem microbial fuel cell (MFC). Namun demikian, produksi energi listriknya perlu ditingkatkan dengan menggunakan substrat dan mikroorganisme yang tepat dan mudah diperoleh. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui arus dan beda potensial serta nilai kerapatan daya yang dihasilkan dari proses metabolisme substrat molase menggunakan bakteri Pseudomonas sp. Penelitian ini menggunakan sistem MFC kompartemen ganda sebanyak dua sel yang dirangkai seri. Ruang anoda berisi campuran substrat molase, buffer kalium fosfat pH 7 dan bakteri Pseudomonas sp. Adapun ruang katoda berisi larutan elektrolit KMnO4 0,2 M. Pengukuran arus dan beda potensial dilakukan setiap 4 jam selama 36 jam. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan didapatkan nilai arus, beda potensial maksimum dan kerapatan daya masing-masing sebesar 1656 mV, 1582 µA dan 1794,37 mW/m2.Kata kunci: dua sel, microbial fuel cell, molase, Pseudomonas sp