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Keanekaragaman Jenis Capung (Ordo Odonata) Pada Berbagai Tipe Habitat Di Kecamatan Leuwiliang Kabupaten Bogor Raja Rhamdany Harahap; Insan Kurnia; Gatot Widodo
Quagga : Jurnal Pendidikan dan Biologi Vol 14, No 2 (2022): QUAGGA : Jurnal Pendidikan dan Biologi
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi, FKIP Universitas Kuningan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25134/quagga.v14i2.5704


Dragonflies and damselflies (Odonata) are insects with an important role for biological control and environmental quality indicators. Odonata are scattered in various types of habitats, especially those associated with freshwater ecosystems. The aim of this research is to study the diversity of odonata in various habitat types in Leuwiliang District, Bogor Regency. The study was conducted on 10 habitat types with a total of 1289 observation lines. In total found 23 species of odonatan from eight families and two sub-orders. The highest species richness was found in stream water habitats (22 species) and the lowest in field habitats (five species). The chi-square test for the number of species and the number of individuals differed significantly between habitat types. The species diversity index ranged from 1.23-2.24 and the similarity index ranged from 0.39-0.71. The highest community similarity index was between lakes habitats and field habitats. The results of the MDS analysis resulted in three groups of odonata communities according to their habitat type.
EKSISTENSI BUDAYA MASYARAKAT LOKAL DI KAWASAN EKOWISATA BOPUNJUR, JAWA BARAT: The Existence of Local Community’s Culture in Bopunjur Ecotourism Area, West Java Gatot Widodo; Ricky Avenzora; Elly Malihah; Tutut Sunarminto
Jurnal Sains Terapan : Wahana Informasi dan Alih Teknologi Pertanian Vol. 12 No. Khusus (2022): Jurnal Sains Terapan : Wahana Informasi dan Alih Teknologi Pertanian, Vol
Publisher : IPB University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/jstsv.12.Khusus.119-132


In addition to providing multiplier economy benefits, the tourism sector also has the potential to cause several latent and massive social negative impacts Based on this, it is important to map local community perceptions. This research on the existence of local community culture in the Bopunjur ecotourism area aims to analyze the existence of local community culture in Bopunjur, West Java with research respondents from five stakeholder groups, namely traditional leaders, religious leaders, educational leaders, community leaders, and tourism actors in seven ecotourism destinations. The exploratory–phenomenology approach was used to collect data on socio-cultural dynamics by purposive sampling using a questionnaire designed with a closed pattern (close-ended) to be distributed to informants and respondents, which was then processed using a score-one indicator scoring system. The polarization of stakeholder perceptions of cultural values is identified from two categories, namely: direction polarization and scale polarization. The results show the Bopunjur’s culture still exists quite well because there is a polarization of stakeholder orientation on various aspects and assessment criteria regarding various cultural elements with a positive direction and a polarization scale that is categorized as aligned, except for the cultural elements of the art system and the language system which tend to be positive and not aligned so that development Ecotourism in the Bopunjur area has not been fully achieved, but there is a great opportunity to build productive collaboration between stakeholders in the context of developing ecotourism in the area. ABSTRAKSelain memberikan berbagai manfaat ekonomi, sektor Pariwisata juga berpotensi menyebabkan beberapa dampak sosial negatif yang bersifat laten dan masif, yang salah satunya adalah terjadinya polarisasi persepsi sosial masyarakat lokal, suatu pemisahan persepsi masyarakat yang muncul karena adanya ketidaksetaraan dan ketimpangan yang mengarah kepada timbulnya diferensiasi kelompok, yang apabila tidak diakomodasi dengan baik maka akan menjadi gangguan atau hambatan pembangunan pariwisata. Atas dasar hal itu maka upaya pemetaan persepsi masyarakat lokal menjadi penting untuk dilakukan. Penelitian tentang eksistensi budaya masyarakat lokal di kawasan ekowisata Bopunjur ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis keberadaan budaya masyarakat lokal di tengah-tengah dinamika sosial budaya dalam pembangunan ekowisata Bopunjur, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat dengan responden penelitian 5 (lima) kelompok stakeholder yaitu tokoh adat, tokoh agama, tokoh pendidikan, tokoh masyarakat, dan pelaku pariwisata di 7 (tujuh) destinasi ekowisata. Pendekatan exploratory-phenomenology digunakan untuk melakukan pengambilan data dinamika sosial budaya secara purposive sampling dengan menggunakan kuesioner yang didesain dengan pola tertutup (close ended) untuk didistribusikan kepada para informan dan responden yang selanjutnya diolah dengan menggunakan panduan one score one indicator scoring system. Polarisasi persepsi stakeholder terhadap tata nilai budaya diidentifikasi dari dua kategori yaitu: polarisasi arah dan polarisasi skala. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa budaya Bopunjur masih ada dalam kondisi cukup baik karena polarisasi orientasi pemangku kepentingan pada berbagai aspek dan kriteria penilaian tentang berbagai unsur budaya dengan arah yang positif dan skala polarisasi yang terkategori selaras, kecuali pada unsur budaya sistem kesenian dan sistem bahasa yang cenderung ke arah positif dan tidak selaras sehingga pembangunan ekowisata di kawasan Bopunjur belum sepenuhnya tercapai akan tetapi terdapat peluang yang besar untuk membangun kolaborasi produktif antar pemangku kepentingan dalam rangka pembangunan ekowisata di kawasan tersebut.
Indonesian Journal of Forestry Research Vol 10, No 1 (2023): Indonesian Journal of Forestry Research
Publisher : Secretariat of Agency for Standardization of Environment and Forestry Instruments

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59465/ijfr.2023.10.1.113-134


In addition to providing multiplier economic benefits, the tourism sector also has the potential to cause some latent and massive negative social impacts. For this reason, it is important to map out the orientation of the local community. This study analyzes the polarization of the local community's perceptions of sociocultural dynamics in the ecotourism development area. The local community that became the focus of the research consisted of five groups of respondents: traditional leaders, religious leaders, educational leaders, community leaders, and tourism actors. This research was conducted in the Bopunjur Ecotourism Area, Bogor Regency, West Java, precisely in seven ecotourism destinations, namely Ciawi, Caringin, Cibogo, Cipayung, Megamendung, Cisarua, and Tugu. This study used mixed methods, qualitative and quantitative approach. Data collection on social and cultural dynamics was done by distributing questionnaires to the respondents. The research instrument was a questionnaire designed closed-ended with guidance on one score-one indicator scoring system. The results showed that positive social situations, namely conducive situations, associations, cooperative situations, and productive collaborations were still more dominant than negative social situations: war, conflict, and dissociation. The polarization of the local community on sociocultural dynamics has a positive direction with a polarization scale that is aligned with each other so that there is an excellent opportunity to build productive collaboration among stakeholders in this area