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Konsep Kebebasan di Mata Generasi Muda Muslim di Daerah Bandung dan Jakarta: Sebuah Studi Fenomenologi Irianti Usman; Riyanda Utari; Firdaus Dwi Suwandi; Isman Rahmani Yusron
Jaqfi: Jurnal Aqidah dan Filsafat Islam Vol 7, No 1 (2022): JAQFI VOL.7 NO. 1, 2022
Publisher : Jurusan Aqidah dan Filsafat Islam Universitas Negri Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (322.868 KB) | DOI: 10.15575/jaqfi.v7i1.17549


This phenomenological study investigated the way three authentic Indonesian Muslims who live in Bandung and Jakarta gave meaning to the word freedom. Three informants were purposively selected to participate in the study: a 34-year-old Muslim businesswoman; married; and lives in Jakarta; a Muslim man, 36 years old, single, a lawyer who lives in Bandung; and a 21-year-old single man who is a sophomore at a private university in Bandung. In-depth interview was administered to obtain detailed and more comprehensive information about the participants’ thoughts and experiences.  IPA (Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis) and Domain Analyses were utilized to analyze the data gathered. The study found that birth order, parenting styles, exposure to collectivist or individualistic value systems as well as Western concept of freedom, repentance or “Tawbah”, and increased knowledge about Islam were strongly related to their meaning construction of the word freedom.
Hubungan Antara Mindful Parenting dengan Literasi Baca-Tulis Remaja di Kampung Cisanggarung Kecamatan Cimenyan Kabupaten Bandung Jawa Barat Irianti Usman; Nurlaela Hamidah; Riyanda Utari; Aliza Nur Muhammad; Bunga Alodia Isfara; Yudi Hadiana Hidayat
Transformasi Manageria:   Journal of Islamic Education Management Vol 3 No 2 (2023): Transformasi Manageria: Journal of Islamic Education Management
Publisher : PKP Fakultas Syariah LPPM IAI Nasional Laa Roiba

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1337.777 KB) | DOI: 10.47467/manageria.v3i2.2476


Literacy is an inseparable part of human civilization that can help measure societal strata and how the society in a nation interpretes time development as well as how far they can survive in it. In this study, we specifically wanted to look at the relationship between Kabat-Zin mindful parenting (a conscious parenting style) and the reading and writing literacy of teenagers in Kampung Cisanggarung, Cimenyan District, Bandung Regency, West Java. This study used a quantitative research method with a correlational design. From a total population of 488, 24 adolescents aged 10-19 years old were purposively chosen from 24 families who have teenage children. The reading and writing literacy of Kampung Cisanggarung youths was measured by using the Ministry of Education and Culture literacy scale . Meanwhile, the mindful parenting pattern was investigated by using a scale derived from Duncan and Zinn’s 5 dimensions of mindful parenting. Pearson Product Moment formula was implemented to determine the magnitude of the correlation coefficient between the two variables: whether or not the relationship is significant. The correlation coefficient found was r = 0.450 with a significance probability value of 0.027 indicating that there is a significant positive correlation between mindful parenting and literacy (r = 0.450; p <0.5). Several factors were assumed to be the influential reasons for such a medium correlation level category. Parent’s low level of education may prevent adequate knowledge in parenting. Another possible cause found was lack of example given by parents to their children in the literacy aspect.
Pelatihan “Asah Asih Asuh” untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Mindful Parenting pada Guru-Guru TK ‘Aisyiyah Busthanul Athfal (ABA) di Lingkungan Pimpinan Daerah ‘Aisyiyah (PDA) Kabupaten Bandung Nurlaela Hamidah; Riyanda Utari,; Irianti Usman; Achmad Farin; Azwar Ghozin; Adisty Sheyra Muchyi
Transformasi Manageria:   Journal of Islamic Education Management Vol 3 No 2 (2023): Transformasi Manageria: Journal of Islamic Education Management
Publisher : PKP Fakultas Syariah LPPM IAI Nasional Laa Roiba

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1220.821 KB) | DOI: 10.47467/manageria.v3i2.2480


This training aims to improve the mindful parenting skills of 'Aisyiyah Busthanul Athfal (ABA) Kindergarten teachers in the 'Aisyiyah Regional Leadership (PDA) Bandung Regency. The Asah, Asih, Asuh training program related to Mindful Parenting in teaching consists of five sessions, including Lecturing, Role Plays, FGD, Reflection, and Skill Review sessions. These changes can be seen from the results of the Pre-Test and Post-Test which were held at the beginning of the training and at the end of the training, which aims to see how far the changes have occurred after participating in the Asah, Asih, Asuh training. With the implementation of the Asah, Asih, Foster Training, it is hoped that participants will be able to apply all of the understanding or skills acquired during the training into the actual teaching system in schools. Keywords: Training; Mindful Parenting; Kindergarten teacher ‘Aisyiyah Busthanul Athfal ABSTRAK. Pelatihan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan mindful parenting pada guru-guru TK ‘Aisyiyah Busthanul Athfal (ABA) di Lingkungan Pimpinan Daerah ‘Aisyiyah (PDA) Kabupaten Bandung. Program pelatihan Asah, Asih, Asuh yang berkaitan dengan mindful parenting dalam pengajaran terdiri dari lima sesi, diantaranya sesi Lecturing, Role Plays, FGD, Reflection, dan Skill Review. Perubahan tersebut terlihat dari hasil Pre-Test dan Post-Test yang di adakan di awal pelatihan dan akhir pelatihan, yang bertujuan untuk melihat seberapa jauh perubahan yang terjadi setelah mengikuti pelatihan Asah, Asih, Asuh ini. Dengan telah terlaksananya kegiatan Pelatihan Asah, Asih, Asuh ini diharapkan peserta dapat mengaplikasikan seluruh pemahaman ataupun keterampilan-keterampilan yang di dapatkan pada saat pelatihan ke dalam sistem pengajaran sesungguhnya di sekolah.
Jurnal Terapan Abdimas Vol 8, No 2 (2023)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25273/jta.v8i2.15419


Abstract. The purpose of this Community Service activity (PKM) is to provide enlightenment and deeper understanding for posyandu (Integrated Healthcare Center) cadres regarding the handling of stunting through preventing child marriage and implementing the purpose of life principles based on maqashid sharia (reasons behind the prohibitions and obligations stated in Islamic sharia). The activities were carried out in Margasari Village, at Jalan Cipagalo Girang Number 09, Buah Batu District, Bandung City. The implementation of this PKM activity was done through conducting lecture method given by two resource persons, followed by having a discussion as well as questions and answers sessions with the participants. The community service activities administered by the Muhammadiyah University of Bandung PKM team resulted in two conclusions, namely 1) Establishment of friendly relations with posyandu cadres and related cadres as the spearhead of stunting management. This condition makes it easier for the Muhammadiyah University of Bandung PKM team to understand and know the characteristics and behavioral patterns of cadres and people at risk of stunting in the effort to improve future stunting mitigation activities and programs. 2) Some of the participants were familiar with stunting, how ever did not know the ways to handle the condition properly. They did not have sufficient pre-marriage trainings such as best parenting practices; how to deal with household matters according to the true nature of life's purposes in accordance with the Maqashid sharia. Through the enlightenment delivered by the resource persons from the Muhammadiyah University of Bandung PKM Team, it is expected that the posyandu cadres possess sufficient knowledge in the purposes of life concept according to maqashid sharia to help create better and more effective future stunting prevention programs. Abstrak. Tujuan kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) ini yakni untuk memberikan pencerahan dan pemahaman yang lebih mendalam kepada para kader posyandu, terkait penanganan stunting melalui pencegahan perkawinan anak dan penerapan maqashid syariah. Kegiatan PKM dilaksanakan di Keluarahan Margasari, Jalan Cipagalo Girang Nomor 09, Kecamatan Buah Batu, Kota Bandung. Pelaksanaan kegiatan PKM ini menggunakan metode ceramah atau penyampaian materi oleh dua orang narasumber, dan diskusi serta tanya jawab dengan para peserta. Kegiatan PKM yang dilaksanakan oleh Tim pengabdian Universitas Muhammdiyah ini menghasilkan dua simpulan, yaitu 1) Terjalinnya silaturahmi dengan para kader posyandu dan kader-kader terkait sebagai ujung tombak penanganan stunting. Kondisi ini memudahkan Tim PKM UMBandung dalam memahami dan mengetahui karakter serta perilaku kader dan masyarakat berisiko stunting guna melanjutkan kegiatan berikutnya. 2) Sebagian peserta telah mengenal stunting, namun belum mengetahui secara detail dan belum memahami cara penanganan secara tepat sejak pra nikah sampai penerapan berumah tangga dan mengasuh anak yang sesuai hakekat tujuan hidup sesungguhnya (Maqashid syariah). Melalui pencerahan yang disampaikan oleh narasumber dari Tim PKM UMBandung, pengetahuan para kader posyandu semakin meningkat, lebih terarah, dan efektif dalam membuat berbagai program penanggulangan stunting