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The Indonesian Journal of Public Administration (IJPA) Vol 8, No 1 (2022): THE INDONESIAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION (IJPA) | JANUARI - JUNI 2022
Publisher : Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Social and Political Science, Universitas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52447/ijpa.v8i1.5246


Penularan virus yang sangat masif melalui kontak antar manusia memerlukan adanya pencegahan yang lebih intensif, terutama untuk wilayah-wilayah yang rentan seperti di kawasan perbatasan antara negara. Tujuan penelitian ini menganalisis proses implementasi kebijakan pencegahan Covid-19 kawasan perbatasan Indonesia-Malaysia Di PLBN Aruk Kecamatan Sajingan Besar Kabupaten Sambas. Penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif, dengan pengambilan data melalui observasi, wawancara,  dan dokumentasi. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa pencegahan Covid-19 di kawasan perbatasan Aruk belum berjalan efektif. Kondisi ini tercermin dari belum optimalnya dukungan organisasi yaitu alat pendeteksian dini yang akurat melalui alat swab pcr. Sementara dari segi SDM, PLBN masih kekurangan tenaga medis untuk pelaksanaan pengecekan orang-orang yang masuk dari Malaysia. Dari aspek interpretasi, dalam upaya pencegahan,  sudah terdapat protokol covid 19 belum tersosialisasi dengan baik kepada masyarakat. Pada tahap aplikasi, pelaksanaan pencegahan Covid-19 sudah sesuai protokol, akan tetapi belum dilakukan pemeriksaan melalui swab pcr untuk mendeteksi lebih cepat kondisi para pelintas. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, diperlukan pembenahan sumber daya melalui peningkatan SDM, pendanaan dan pengadaan alat tes swab pcr yang lebih akurat. Di samping itu, diperlukan sosialisasi intensif dan massif dengan jangkauan yang lebih luas kepada masyarakat di kawasan perbatasan.
Marketing Politik Pasangan Milton Crosby Dan Boyman Harun Pada Pemilihan Gubernur Provinsi Kalimantan Barat Tahun 2018 Herri Junius Nge
Proyeksi: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora Vol 24, No 2 (2019): PROYEKSI, Jurnal Ilmu Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora
Publisher : FISIP Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (249.376 KB) | DOI: 10.26418/proyeksi.v24i2.2461


Abstrak Marketing politik merupakan aspek penting untuk memenangkan kontestasi politik sejak pemilihan Kepala Daerah dilaksanakan secara langsung. Melalui metode kualitatif dengan teknik wawancara dan studi dokumentasi, tulisan ini ingin menganalisis marketing politik pasangan Milton Crosby Dan Boyman Harun Pada Pemilihan Gubernur Provinsi Kalimantan Barat Tahun 2018. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa marketing politik pasangan Milton-Boyman pada pemilihan Gubernur-Wakil Gubernur Kalbar tahun 2018 dilakukan melalui 4 (empat) kegiatan yaitu produk, promosi, harga dan penempatan. Marketing politik yang dilakukan oleh pasangan ini sudah cukup baik, karena baik produk, promosi dan harga yang ditawarkan sangat rasional. Namun demikian, marketing politik tersebut tidak berhasil menghantarkan pasangan ini untuk memperoleh suara maksimal. Marketing politik yang ditawarkan melalui jargon pasangan nasionalis dan mendukung pemekaran Provinsi Kapuas Raya, tidak mampu mendongkrak perolehan suara secara signifikan, karena diperhadapkan dengan aspek penempatan (place) yang tidak kondusif yaitu mayoritas masyarakat Kalbar adalah pemilih sosiologis yang telah menetapkan calon gubernur dan wakil gubernurnya berdasarkan pertimbangan primordial yaitu suku dan agama. Kata Kunci : Marketing Politik, Pemilukada, Demokrasi Lokal.         AbstractPolitical marketing is an important aspect to win political contestation since the Regional Head election is held directly. Through qualitative methods with interview techniques and documentation studies, this paper wants to analyze the political marketing of Milton Crosby and Boyman Harun couples in the 2018 West Kalimantan Provincial Governor Election. The results of the research show that the political marketing of the Milton-Boyman pair in the 2018 West Kalimantan Governor election was conducted through 4 (four) activities, namely product, promotion, price and placement. Political marketing carried out by this couple is good enough, because the products, promotions and prices offered are very rational. However, political marketing failed to deliver the pair to get maximum votes. Political marketing offered through nationalist pair jargon and supporting the expansion of the Kapuas Raya Province, was not able to significantly boost votes, because it was confronted with a place aspect that was not conducive because the majority of West Kalimantan people were sociological voters who had set their candidates for governor and deputy governor based on primordial considerations namely ethnicity and religion.  Keywords: Political Marketing, Local Election, Local Democracy
Threat of Abstention as a Form of Community Political Criticism Case Study in Rather Village, Sebangki District, Landak Regency: Studi Kasus di Desa Agak Kecamatan Sebangki Kabupaten Landak Herri Junius Nge
Indonesian Journal of Advanced Research Vol. 3 No. 1 (2024): January, 2024

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/ijar.v3i1.7725


The phenomenon of the threat of abstention is an indication that there is public disappointment with the government. Even though abstaining from voting is a citizen's right, the existence of a collective movement not to vote is a warning to the government regarding the quality of democratic life. The aim of this research is to analyze the emergence of the threat of abstention as a form of political criticism in the community in Punyanget Hamlet, Agak Village, Sebangki District, Landak Regency. The method used to achieve the research objectives is qualitative, with a case study type of research.. The results of the research show that the threat of abstention from the residents of Punyanget Hamlet as a form of social movement is caused by the alienation of residents who are lagging behind in terms of development compared to other hamlets. This has raised the collective awareness of the hamlet residents, involving community leaders, to carry out action in the form of an abstention movement in the 2024 elections. Community social movements as a form of collective action are able to provide reactions to related parties, because the actions taken take advantage of the political moment related to the event. general elections. Even though this movement tends to be incidental and not designed with a clear movement structure, it is able to build the collective spirit of citizens to carry out protests with the threat of abstaining from voting in the 2024 elections, by using social media as a platform for the movement to gain public support.
Actor Collaboration in Implementing Stunting Handling Policy in Landak District Dedi Kusnadi; Herri Junius Nge
Indonesian Journal of Advanced Research Vol. 3 No. 1 (2024): January, 2024

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/ijar.v3i1.7834


The purpose of this study was to find out and analyze the collaboration of actors in the implementation of stunting handling policies in Landak Regency. This research was conducted with qualitative methods, with the type of descriptive research. The results of the study indicate that the collaboration of actors in the implementation of stunting handling policies in Landak Regency has not run effectively, there was still sectoral ego and there is no willingness by the authorities and interested parties to cooperate with each other in handling stunting problems. Actors involved in handling stunting still seem to give the responsibility for handling stunting to the Health Office, while other agencies tend to be passive, while it is known that the problem of stunting is not only related to nutrition, but also relates to the behavior and awareness of the village community towards a healthy lifestyle, especially in rural areas. with high stunting rates. So far, the handling of stunting by related parties has been echoed more at the bureaucratic level, but has not been conveyed conceptually and operationally in the field, especially with the village government and village communities, so that village officials have not been able to actively participate in it. The community in collaboration is still positioned as an object and not a subject, so that the community still has a strong dependence on directives, instructions or socialization from the government.