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Review Analisa Kondisi Optimum Dalam Proses Pembuatan Biogas Kurniati, Yuni; Rahmat, Anni; Malianto, Bilal Ivandra; Nandayani, Dita; Pratiwi, Wiwit Sri Werdi
Rekayasa Vol 14, No 2: Agustus 2021
Publisher : Universitas Trunojoyo Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/rekayasa.v14i2.11305


Biogas is a gas produced by anaerobic activity with the process of decomposition (degradation) of organic materials. Biogas can be produced from several sources of methane, including domestic (household) waste, biodegradable waste, animal waste, or organic wastes that can be decomposed under anaerobic conditions. This study aims to determine the effect of various conditions (time, pH, stirring time and the type and concentration of inoculum) on biogas production and to analyze the optimum conditions in the biogas production process. This research was conducted with the factors that influence the process of making biogas. Based on the analysis results obtained several processes in the production of biogas, among others, hydrolysis, acetogenesis, asedogenesis, and methanogenesis. The results of the previous experiment were the optimal biogas research from tofu liquid waste, biogas produced with a volume of 26,700 ml, within 36 days and was obtained using an operating temperature of 35-40ᵒC and using cow dung inoculum, and using a 36 liter digester.
Metode Freeze Drying untuk Pengolahan Produk Kefir di Puri Farm Living, Kabupaten Tuban Eka Lutfi Septiani; Qurrotin Arifianti; Anni Rahmat
Agrokreatif: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol. 6 No. 3 (2020): Agrokreatif Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/agrokreatif.6.3.281-288


Kefir is a food made from fermented milk of cows or goats which are believed to have many benefits including as a source of probiotics, maintaining bone health, and reducing cholesterol. Puri Farm Living is a kefir-producing business unit located in Tuban District which often faced the problem of declining of kefir liquid quality during the shipping process. Kefir liquid suffered damage caused by bacterial growth activities which can continuously press the container. Thus, the container is not able to accommodate it. In addition, kefir products have a fairly short expiration period if they are exposed in ambient temperature for more than 6 hours. Freeze drying is a method of drying food products at low temperatures to maintain the function of bacteria in kefir. The community service program aims to provide the partner member skills in operating the freeze drying device. The stages of the program includes: 1) problem survey and needs analysis, 2) design of freeze drying equipment, 3) testing and installation, 4) training, 5) monitoring and evaluation. The results indicate that partners are able to use the freeze drying device, both in the process of preparing raw materials, production, and packaging. In addition, the partner has succeeded to produce 150 capsules containing dried kefir that have not been damaged after more than 6 hours. Moreover, there are business units from other regions that highly want to apply this method in kefir processing. Therefore, this method has been considered quite effective to overcome the problem of distributing kefir products.
Sorghum Crackers (Sorghum bicolor L.) as an Effort in Utilizing Food Material of Local Wisdom in Lamongan City Irvan Adhin Cholilie; Anni Rahmat; Azmi Alvian Gabriel; Yunita Siti Mardhiyyah; Yulia Nur Rohmawati; Ahmad Musonnif Dzulfikri; Eka Nur Fadilah; Anisah Firdausiah Oktarilivyana; Hans Febrianto Setyo
Gontor AGROTECH Science Journal Vol 6, No 3 (2020): Special issue Seminar Nasional Sains dan Teknologi (SNST) 2020
Publisher : University of Darussalam Gontor, Ponorogo, East Java Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/agrotech.v6i3.4942


In an effort to meet the growing needs for food, feed and industrial materials, as well as to increase the income of farmers in dry climates, sorghum development is one of the alternatives that can be selected. This research uses sorghum to become three types of food processing, namely crackers, popped and sorghum sugar. However, at this stage only crackers are processed. The research was conducted in several stages, namely (i) making crackers, (ii) chemical analysis of crackers and (iii) organoleptic crackers testing. The independent variable which is the subject of the study is the type of shorgum used. This study used three types of sorghum, namely KD4, Kawali, and Samurai. From the results of the tests carried out for the sorghum crackers sample, it was found that this product could still be said to be balanced, even though the amount of energy from the fat was at the maximum threshold, namely in the range of 29-31%. Products with this category are not recommended for someone who is on a fat diet. As a snack category, this product can be good declared. Based on the organoleptic (sensory) test results also indicate that the product can be accepted by consumers.
Analisa Tegangan Panas Housing Batang Kendali Reaktor Nuklir Dalam Batas Desain SA403X Anni Rahmat; Yuni Kurniati; Fahmi Alfa Muslimu
Journal of Chemical Process Engineering Vol 7, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Muslim Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (558.059 KB) | DOI: 10.33536/jcpe.v7i1.995


Inti SariBatang kendali reaktor Nuklir adalah satu komponen yang digunakan untuk mengendalikan populasi netron yang beredar dalam teras reaktor nuklir. Untuk memenuhi desain PLTN tipe PWR perlu dibuat sebuah prototype housing batang kendali. Oleh karena itu dalam rangka pembuatan prototype housing batang kendali di perlukan sebuah pradesain yaitu berupa pemodelan integritas housing batang kendali dengan mmenggunakan metode element hingga. Simulasi perpindahan panas dan mekanik  pada housing batang kendali reaktor nuklir tipe PWR telah dilakukan menggunakan metode elemen hingga dengan bantuan perangkat lunak Ansys. Simulasi ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui distribusi temperatur selama operasi dan distribusi tegangan vonmisses pada kondisi tegangan panas yang terjadi pada housing batang kendali reaktor dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui integritas strukturnya. Simulasi dilakukan dengan kondisi temperatur operasi 280 ºC dan tekanan 15 MPa dan adanya faktor konveksi pada temperatur 60 ºC serta pada kondisi unsteady state. Dalam simulasi di dapatkan hasil bahwa distribusi temperatur pada housing batang kendali berada pada range 170 ºC – 280 ºC dengan distribusi tegangan Vonmises pada tegangan panas paling rendah adalah 2 MPa dan tegangan Vonmises pada tegangan panas  tertinggi  sebesar 217 MPa. Dengan menggunakan teori kegagalan tegangan luluh dan distorsi energi maka tegangan panas (dalan vonmises) yang ada pada housing batang kendali masih dalam batas aman karena tegangan yang terjadi masih di bawah tegangan luluh dari bahan SA403X. AbstractControl rod nuclear reactor is one of part for control of netron population in core reactor. To fulfill the  requirement PWR type nuclear power plant design, it is necessary to make a prototype control rod housing. Therefore, in order to manufacture a control rod housing prototype, a pre-design is needed, namely modeling the integrity of the control rod housing using the finite element method. Simulation of heat transfer and mechanics on the control rod housing of the PWR type nuclear reactor has been carried out using the finite element method with the help of Ansys software. This simulation was carried out to determine the temperature distribution during operation and the distribution of the Vonmisses stress in thermal stress condition that occurred in the reactor control rod housing in order to determine the structural integrity. Simulationswere carried out with operating temperature conditions of 280 ºC and pressure of 15 MPa and the presence of a convection factor at a temperature of 60 C and in unsteady state conditions. In the simulation, it is found that the temperature distribution in the control rod housing is in the range of 170 ºC – 280 ºC with the lowest Vonmises stress in thermal stress condition distribution is 2 MPa and the highest Vonmises stress is 217 MPa. By using the failure theory of yield stress and energy distortion, the stress on the control rod housing is still within safe limits because the stress that occurs is still below the yield stress of the SA403X material.
Pengembangan Peternakan dan Pemanfaatannya Sebagai Hewan Kurban Desa Mangli Kediri Yuni Kurniati; Anni Rahmat; Roostikasari Nugraheni; Ahmad Dahlan Malik
Jurnal Ilmiah Pangabdhi Vol 8, No 2: Oktober 2022
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Trunojoyo Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/pangabdhi.v8i2.15828


Puncu District is one of the 26 sub-districts in Kediri Regency. The majority of the residents' livelihoods are farmers, farm laborers, and ranchers. Residents who have livestock as a source of income other than the agricultural business sector, on average, still apply conventional maintenance patterns. Sacrifice is a teaching that is almost unified in terms of the time of its implementation with the pilgrimage. However, it differs in terms of the place and the perpetrators. Sacrifice is usually performed during Eid al-Adha. The celebration of Eid al-Adha is accompanied by the slaughter of sacrificial animals which are carried out simultaneously. There are several problems in the management of livestock, one of which is regarding the management of livestock which is still not good and the livestock production is not optimal. Livestock management in this case is all aspects that affect livestock business, such as: nutrition for animal feed, cage construction, cage sanitation, maintenance methods, vaccination or treatment programs, seed selection, to livestock production and reproduction factors. This activity is carried out in the form of a fostered village with several activities such as counseling, survey of livestock, and distribution of sacrificial animals. With this service activity in the form of a guided village, it is hoped that it will be able to develop management of goat farm management, starting from livestock seeds to the process of selling and distributing livestock as sacrificial animals. 
Sorghum Crackers (Sorghum bicolor L.) as an Effort in Utilizing Food Material of Local Wisdom in Lamongan City Irvan Adhin Cholilie; Anni Rahmat; Azmi Alvian Gabriel; Yunita Siti Mardhiyyah; Yulia Nur Rohmawati; Ahmad Musonnif Dzulfikri; Eka Nur Fadilah; Anisah Firdausiah Oktarilivyana; Hans Febrianto Setyo
Gontor AGROTECH Science Journal Vol 6, No 3 (2020): Special issue Seminar Nasional Sains dan Teknologi (SNST) 2020
Publisher : University of Darussalam Gontor, Ponorogo, East Java Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/agrotech.v6i3.4942


In an effort to meet the growing needs for food, feed and industrial materials, as well as to increase the income of farmers in dry climates, sorghum development is one of the alternatives that can be selected. This research uses sorghum to become three types of food processing, namely crackers, popped and sorghum sugar. However, at this stage only crackers are processed. The research was conducted in several stages, namely (i) making crackers, (ii) chemical analysis of crackers and (iii) organoleptic crackers testing. The independent variable which is the subject of the study is the type of shorgum used. This study used three types of sorghum, namely KD4, Kawali, and Samurai. From the results of the tests carried out for the sorghum crackers sample, it was found that this product could still be said to be balanced, even though the amount of energy from the fat was at the maximum threshold, namely in the range of 29-31%. Products with this category are not recommended for someone who is on a fat diet. As a snack category, this product can be good declared. Based on the organoleptic (sensory) test results also indicate that the product can be accepted by consumers.
Analisa Tegangan Panas Housing Batang Kendali Reaktor Nuklir Dalam Batas Desain SA403X Anni Rahmat; Yuni Kurniati; Fahmi Alfa Muslimu
Journal of Chemical Process Engineering Vol. 7 No. 1 (2022): Journal of Chemical Process Engineering
Publisher : Fakultas Teknologi Industri - Universitas Muslim Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33096/jcpe.v7i1.797


Batang kendali reaktor Nuklir adalah satu komponen yang digunakan untuk mengendalikan populasi netron yang beredar dalam teras reaktor nuklir. Untuk memenuhi desain PLTN tipe PWR perlu dibuat sebuah prototype housing batang kendali. Oleh karena itu dalam rangka pembuatan prototype housing batang kendali di perlukan sebuah pradesain yaitu berupa pemodelan integritas housing batang kendali dengan mmenggunakan metode element hingga. Simulasi perpindahan panas dan mekanik pada housing batang kendali reaktor nuklir tipe PWR telah dilakukan menggunakan metode elemen hingga dengan bantuan perangkat lunak Ansys. Simulasi ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui distribusi temperatur selama operasi dan distribusi tegangan vonmisses pada kondisi tegangan panas yang terjadi pada housing batang kendali reaktor dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui integritas strukturnya. Simulasi dilakukan dengan kondisi temperatur operasi 280 ºC dan tekanan 15 MPa dan adanya faktor konveksi pada temperatur 60 ºC serta pada kondisi unsteady state. Dalam simulasi di dapatkan hasil bahwa distribusi temperatur pada housing batang kendali berada pada range 170 ºC – 280 ºC dengan distribusi tegangan Vonmises pada tegangan panas paling rendah adalah 2 MPa dan tegangan Vonmises pada tegangan panas tertinggi sebesar 217 MPa. Dengan menggunakan teori kegagalan tegangan luluh dan distorsi energi maka tegangan panas (dalan vonmises) yang ada pada housing batang kendali masih dalam batas aman karena tegangan yang terjadi masih di bawah tegangan luluh dari bahan SA403X.