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Potensi Ekstrak Oligosakarida Ubi Jalar Sebagai Prebiotik Bakteri Probiotik Akuakultur (The Potential of Sweet Potato Oligosaccharide Extract as Aquaculture Probiotic Bacteria Prebiotic) Wida Lesmanawati; Widanarni Widanarni; Sukenda Sukenda; Wahyu Purbiantoro
Jurnal Sains Terapan : Wahana Informasi dan Alih Teknologi Pertanian Vol. 3 No. 1 (2013): Jurnal Sains Terapan, Volume 3, Nomor 1, Tahun 2013
Publisher : IPB University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (442.178 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/jstsv.3.1.16-20


Sweet potato contains non digestible oligosaccharides that functions as prebiotics. The processing will affect the chemical composition of sweet potato. This study aimed to find the best preparation method of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) that can produce the highest oligosaccharide extract and test the prebiotic potential of the extract to support the growth of bacteria SKT-b which has been shown to act as a probiotic for shrimp. Trial I: test the preparation method of sweet potato to obtain the best oligosaccharides extract. The treatment consisted of three different preparation methods, raw potato flour, raw potato flour steamed, and steamed potato flour. Oligosaccharides from potato flour of each preparation method was then extracted and analyzed using High Performance Liquid Chromatography. Potato oligosaccharides extract from best preparation method, was dried in freeze dryer and used for later experiments. Trial II: test the potato oligosaccharides extract as prebiotic in supporting the growth of probiotic bacteria SKT-b (in vitro). This experiment was conducted to determine the combinations of prebiotic dose with inoculants concentrations that result the best growth of bacteria SKT-b. Liquid culture bacteria SKT-b concentrations of 107, 108, 109, and 1010 cfu ml-1 were cultured in sterile sea water mixed with prebiotics concentrations of 0, 1, 2 and 3% v/v. The extract of steamed potato flour contains the highest oligosaccharides, and may act as prebiotics to support the growth of probiotic bacteria SKT-b. Prebiotics 3% and probiotics SKT-b 1010 cfu ml-1 was the best sinbiotic combination, which showed the highest growth of probiotic bacteria.Keywords: oligosaccharides, probiotics SKT-b, sinbiotic, sweet potato
Aplikasi Sinbiotik Untuk Meningkatkan Performa Pertumbuhan Udang Vaname (Litopenaeus vannamei): Synbiotic Application To Improve Growth Performance Of Vanammei Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) Wida Lesmanawati; Widanarni; Sukenda
Jurnal Sains Terapan : Wahana Informasi dan Alih Teknologi Pertanian Vol. 6 No. 1 (2016): Jurnal Sains Terapan, Volume 6 Nomor 1, Tahun 2016
Publisher : IPB University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (514.982 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/jstsv.6.1.83-93


Synbiotic application shows better results compared to the single use of probiotics or prebiotics. SKT-b bacteria have been shown to act as probiotics for aquatic animals, as well as sweet potatoes that are known to act as prebiotics. This study aims to examine the synbiotic potential of SKT-b probiotic bacteria and oligosaccharide extract from sweet potato in improving the growth performance of vaname shrimp. Shrimp were treated with synbiotic feed with different prebiotic concentrations of 1% (Pro + Pre 1%), 2% (Pro + Pre 2%) and 3% (Pro + Pre 3%). The treated food was given to shrimp (weight ± 1.9 g) for 30 days. Oligosaccharides extracted from sweet potato can act as a prebiotic which increases the bacterial population in vaname shrimp’s intestine. The application of synbiotics can improve the growth performance of vaname shrimp including the addition of body weight, feed efficiency, digestive enzyme activity, protein retention and body fat of shrimp. The treatment of Pro + Pre 2% and Pro + Pre 3% shows better growth performance of vaname shrimp.
Penambahan Konsentrasi Molase Berbeda Untuk Perbaikan Kualitas Air dan Produksi Udang Vaname (Litopeneus vannamei) (Boone 1931): The Addition of Different Molases Concentrations for Improving Water Quality and Production of Vaname Shrimp (Litopeneus vannamei) (Boone 1931) Andri Hendriana; Wiyoto; Wida Lesmanawati
Jurnal Sains Terapan : Wahana Informasi dan Alih Teknologi Pertanian Vol. 10 No. 1 (2020): Jurnal Sains Terapan, Volume 10 Nomor 1, Tahun 2020
Publisher : IPB University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (301.92 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/jstsv.10.1.60-68


ABSTRACTThe research was conducted to determine the most optimal concentration of molasses in maintaining the quality of water and increasing the production performance of vannamei shrimp. The study used 4 different molasses concentration treatments with 4 replications, consisted of (A) 50% molasses concentration of the total feed, (B) 100% of the total feed, (C) 150% of the total feed, and (K) 0% of the total feed (control). Molasses was given every day for 40 days by mixing it directly into the test shrimp’s rearing media (PL 12). Throughout the rearing, the treatment of various concentrations of molasses did not affect temperature, DO, pH and water salinity parameters, but had a tendency to improve water quality by reducing TAN and nitrite values. Molasses can also significantly improve production performance. The best concentration of molasses is 150% of the total feed (treatment C), which resulted in a biomass weight of 293.05 ± 5.57 g with an LPS value of 6,08 ± 0,03%/day and an FCR of 2,23 ± 0,05. ABSTRAKPenelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui konsentrasi molase yang paling optimal dalam mempertahankan kualitas air pemeliharaan dan meningkatkan kinerja produksi udang vaname. Penelitian terdiri dari 4 perlakuan konsentrasi molase berbeda dengan 4 ulangan yaitu (A) konsentrasi molase 50% dari jumlah jumlah pakan, (B) 100% jumlah pakan, (C) 150% jumlah pakan, dan (K) 0% jumlah pakan (kontrol). Molase diberikan setiap hari selama 40 hari dengan cara dicampurkan langsung ke media pemeliharaan udang uji (PL 12). Perlakuan pemberian molase berbagai konsentrasi tidak mempengaruhi parameter suhu, DO, pH dan salinitas air selama pemeliharaan udang namun memiliki kecenderungan memperbaiki kualitas air dengan menurunkan nilai TAN dan nitrit. Pemberian molase secara nyata mampu meningkatkan kinerja produksi. Pada perlakuan tanpa pemberian molase (Kontrol) dihasilkan bobot biomasa sebesar 149,36±20,36 g dengan nilai LPS sebesar 4,87±0,19 dan FCR sebesar 3,40±0,55. Konsentrasi molase terbaik yaitu 150% dari jumlah pakan (perlakuan C) menghasilkan bobot biomasa sebesar 293,05±5,57 g dengan nilai LPS sebesar 6,08±0,03% dan FCR sebesar 2,23±0,05. Kata kunci : kinerja produksi, kualitas air, molase, udang vaname Litopeneus vannamei
Aplikasi Sinbiotik Untuk Resistensi Udang Vaname Litopenaeus vannamei Terhadap Virus Infectious Myonecrosis: Synbiotic Application For Resistance Of Vanammei Shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei On Infectious Myonecrosis Virus Wida Lesmanawati; Widanarni; Sukenda
Jurnal Sains Terapan : Wahana Informasi dan Alih Teknologi Pertanian Vol. 7 No. 1 (2017): Jurnal Sains Terapan, Volume 7 Nomor 1, Tahun 2017
Publisher : IPB University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (302.525 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/jstsv.7.1.85-97


ABSTRACTThe culture of vaname shrimp can not be separated from various outbreaks of diseases, especially by viral infections including Infectious Myonecrosis (IMN) which has caused the cumulative death of vaname shrimp up to 70%. One effort to prevent diseases in shrimp is by applying synbiotics. This study aims to evaluate the synergistic effects of probiotic bacteria SKT-b and oligosaccharides extracted from sweet potatoes, in increasing resistance to IMN disease. Shrimp are treated with synbiotic feed with different prebiotic concentrations of 1% (Pro + Pre 1%), 2% (Pro + Pre 2%) and 3% (Pro + Pre 3%). Feed treatment was given to the shrimp (weight ± 1.9 g) for 30 days. Then the shrimp were infected with the IMN virus and carried out observations for 10 days including survival parameters, clinical symptoms, total hemocytes and phenoloxidase activity. Application of synbiotic can increase vaname shrimp resistance to IMN virus infection. This increase is indicated by the increase in survival of shrimp and the decrease in the rate of infection from IMN, observed through clinical symptoms. One of the improvements in shrimp immune response was due to an increase in total leukocytes and phenoloxidase activity. In general, the treatment of Pro + Pre 2% and Pro + Pre 3% showed a better response to the increase in resistance of vaname shrimp compared to other treatments. ABSTRAKBudidaya udang vaname tidak lepas dari berbagai wabah penyakit yang menyerang, terutama oleh infeksi virus diantaranya Infectious Myonecrosis (IMN) yang telah menyebabkan kematian kumulatif udang vaname hingga 70%. Salah satu upaya pencegahan penyakit pada udang adalah dengan aplikasi sinbiotik. Penelitian in bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi efek sinergis dari bakteri probiotik SKT-b dan oligosakarida hasil ekstraksi dari ubi jalar, dalam meningkatkan resistensi terhadap penyakit IMN. Udang diberi perlakuan pakan sinbiotik dengan konsentrasi prebiotik berbeda yaitu 1% (Pro+Pre 1%), 2% (Pro+Pre 2%) dan 3% (Pro+Pre 3%). Pakan perlakuan diberikan ke udang uji (bobot ± 1.9 g) selama 30 hari. Selanjutnya udang uji diinfeksi dengan virus IMN dan dilakukan pengamatan selama 10 hari meliputi parameter sintasan, gejala klinis, total hemosit dan aktifitas phenoloksidase. Aplikasi pemberian sinbiotik mampu meningkatkan resistensi udang vaname terhadap infeksi virus IMN. Peningkatan resistensi ini ditandai dengan meningkatnya sintasan udang dan menurunnya tingkat infeksi dari IMN yang diamati melalui gejala klinis. Peningkatan respon imun udang salah satunya dikarenakan peningkatan total leukosit dan aktivitas phenoloksidase. Secara umum, perlakuan Pro+Pre 2% dan Pro+Pre 3% menunjukkan respon yang lebih baik terhadap peningkatan resistensi udang vaname dibandingkan dengan perlakuan lainnya.
PENGELOLAAN DAN ANALISA FINANSIAL PRODUKSI PEMBESARAN UDANG VANAME Litopenaeus vannamei Andri Iskandar; Y Trianto; Andri Hendriana; Wida Lesmanawati; Bio Prasetyo; M. Muslim
Jurnal Perikanan Vol 12 No 2 (2022): JURNAL PERIKANAN
Publisher : Program Studi Budidaya Perairan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jp.v12i2.303


Udang vaname Litopenaeus vannamei merupakan salah satu produk andalan ekspor Indonesia, dan Amerika Serikat merupakan negara terbesar yang mengimpor udang vaname dari Indonesia dengan jumlah 77.000 ton. Volume ekspor udang pada tahun 2015-2017 mengalami peningkatan, pada tahun 2015 sebanyak 124.000 ton, tahun 2016 sebanyak 131.000 ton, dan tahun 2017 sejumlah 138.000 ton, sementara permintaan udang dunia pada tahun 2018 tercatat mencapai 4.000.000 ton. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sistem pengelolaan dan analisa finansial kegiatan pembesaran udang vaname, sehingga diperoleh gambaran menyeluruh dalam rangka optimalisasi produksi yang sedang dijalankan.  Metode studi yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dengan mengumpulkan data primer serta data sekunder.  Dalam studi pembesaran udang vaname, proses pemeliharaan dimulai dari penebaran benur stadia post larva 8-10 di tambak pemeliharaan.  Pemeliharaan dilakukan selama 90 hari dengan rata-rata padat tebar 168 ekor m-1, survival rate (SR) rata-rata sebesar 95 % dan pertumbuhan harian sekitar 0,31 g hari-1.  Berdasarkan hasil studi, bahwa kegiatan pembesaran udang vaname selama satu tahun dapat mencapai 3 siklus, dan dalam satu tahun menghasilkan total panen sebesar 243.977,4 kg. Hasil analisa finansial dalam kegiatan pembesaran selama satu tahun, diperoleh keuntungan sejumlah Rp 6.651.731.962, RC-1 rasio 1,72, PP 4,9, HPP Rp 37.736, BEP produksi sebanyak 46.431 kg dan BEP rupiah sebesar Rp 4.964.246.351.