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MEMBANGUN DESA DENGAN DENGAN PENERAPAN LITERASI BERBASIS DIGITAL GOVERNANCE Aldi Wijaya Kusuma; Hana Setyaningsih; Regi Refian Garis; Mega Rena Sari; Mira Meriyani; Nungki Sururi Puji Astuti; Maman Suryaman
JE (Journal of Empowerment) Vol 3, No 1 (2022): JUNI
Publisher : Uiversitas Suryakancana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35194/je.v3i1.2266


ABSTRAKDi era modern dengan banyaknya pengguna internet merupakan suatu peluang tersendiri bagi pemerintah dalam meningkatkan pelayanan yang efektif dan efisien. Berdasarkan hasil observasi awal yang dilakukan, didapatkan permasalahan yaitu belum adanya operator khusus sehingga informasi yang ditampilkan di website kurang update selain itu masyarakat juga belum banyak yang mengetahui aplikasi Sistem Informasi Desa Melek IT (SIDEMIT). Metode yang digunakan meliputi survey atau observasi, Focus Group Discussion (FGD), ceramah dan pendampingan. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk membantu desa dalam pendigitalisasian pelayanan publik . Hasil dari kegiatan ini yaitu terbentuknya operator untuk website desa yang berasal dari karang taruna yang sebelumnya telah mendapat pelatihan, sehingga dari hal tersebut informasi yang ditampilkan di website desa dapat terupdate, selain itu adanya  video tutorial pelayanan pada aplikasi SIDEMIT, dan sosialisasi juga dilakukan kepada kepada masyarakat Desa Mangkubumi sehingga perwakilan dari beberapa elemen masyarakat yang hadir dapat mengetahui dan menyebarluaskan informasi terkait dengan website dan aplikasi SIDEMIT.  ABSTRACTIn the modern era with the large number of internet users, it is an opportunity for the government to improve services that are effective and efficient. Based on the results of initial observations made, it was found that the problem was that there was no special operator so that the information displayed on the website was not updated. In addition, not many people knew about the IT Literacy Village Information System (SIDEMIT) application. The methods used include surveys or observations, Focus Group Discussions (FGD), lectures and mentoring. This activity aims to assist villages in digitizing public services. The result of this activity is the formation of operators for village websites who come from youth organizations who have previously received training, so that from this the information displayed on the village website can be updated, besides that there are video tutorials on services on the SIDEMIT application, and socialization is also carried out to Mangkubumi Village community so that representatives from several elements of the community present can find out and disseminate information related to the SIDEMIT website and application.
JGSRD: Journal of Government Science and Rural Development Vol 4 No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Faculty of Social and Political Science Universitas Galuh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25157/jgsrd.v4i2.3525


This research is motivated by the not yet optimal implementation of the policy for the management of the Kampung Turis parking lot by the Youth Organizations in Wonoharjo Village, Pangandaran District, Pangandaran Regency withInadequate parking facilities and infrastructure where there is no adequate parking space, there is no marking line for parking vehicles or Parking Space Units (SRP), Lack of discipline of parking officers in the collection of parking taxes in the Tourist Village, Wonoharjo Village, Pangandaran District, Pangandaran Regency, and has not there is guidance for parking officers from the Pangandaran Regency Transportation Service. Based on the research results that the implementation of the policy for managing the parking lot of the Kampung Turis by Karang Taruna, Wonoharjo Village, Pangandaran District, Pangandaran Regency, has not been optimal, with many problems in its implementation such as inadequate facilities and infrastructure in policy implementation, lack of understanding of officers on the contents of the policy, and no clear delegation of authority. from the government to officers in implementing policies, policy information has not been conveyed clearly by officers to the public regarding policy implementation, there is no integrated and consistent communication between officers and the community, organizations and related agencies, there is no adequate budget support in implementing the policy and there is no regulatory support in implementing the policy for the management of the Kampung Turis parking lot.