Mohamad Syafri
Universitas Islam Negeri Datokarama Palu, Indonesia

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Albani Inconsistency in Assessing The Quality of Rawi Hadith in The Book Irwā' Al-Galīl Muhammad Rafi'iy Rahim; Mohamad Syafri
Al-Bukhari : Jurnal Ilmu Hadis Vol 5 No 1 (2022): Januari - Juni
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Hadis Fakultas Ushuluddin Adab dan Dakwah IAIN Langsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32505/al-bukhari.v5i1.4029


Many figures in the field of Hadith science, including contemporary hadith figures, who tries to do an in-depth study. One who is considered as a prominent hadith figure in this modern age is al-Albani. In several of his books, al-Albani applies several methods that are considered by some to be new methods. One of Al-Albani's phenomenal books, Irwā al-Galīl fī Manār al-Sabīl, has become a reference for scholars who studies him. This study focuses on Al-Albani's method in determining status of rawi in the book Irwā al-Galīl fī Manār al-Sabīl. Using the qualitative method, within the framework of the design of the critique of Al-Albani's work. This study examines 2,707 hadiths contained in the book. This study finds that Al-Albani in the book often shows an inconsistent attitude in determining the status of a hadith rawi. The form of this inconsistency is found in the changing attitudes of Al-Albani in determining the status of several narrators, including Al-Sa'q bin Hazn, 'Aqil bin Mudrik, Mujja'ah bin Al-Zubair, Harun bin Antarah, 'Amr bin Malik, and 'Amr bin Abd Al-Rahman. From the results of the research found, a general conclusion can be drawn, that Al-Albani at Irwā al-Galīl fī Manār al-Sabīl still shows an inconsistent attitude, especially in determining the status of a narrator.
KONSEP PEMBINAAN ANAK DALAM PERSFEKTIF ALQURAN Sitti Musyahidah; Muhammad Rafiiy Rahim; Mohamad Syafri; Muhammad Arman; Muhammad Patri Arifin
Jurnal Adabiyah: Humanities and Islamic Studies Vol 22 No 2 (2022): Islamic Humanities
Publisher : Faculty of Adab and Humanities - Alauddin State Islamic University of Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/jad.v22i2a7


This research aims to examine how the Qur'an gives humans an idea of the procedures for educating children according to the classification of the child's condition and growing up period. This research is a library research. This research is a research of the Qur’an that focuses on a theme, then explicitly the object of the research are the verses on the cultivation of the morals of the child and at the same time the terms of the child in the Qur’an and subsequently the verses along with it. So the method of this approach used is the approach of interpretation science as one of the parts of several approaches known in religious research. The results of this research show that the nature of child moral development in the Qur'an should be firmly carried out through two stages, namely, first, the moral development of children in the womb. The second, the cultivation of the child's moral after birth, is a continuation of the child's moral coaching in the womb. الملخص تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى فحص كيفية قيام القرآن بتقديم لمحة عامة للإنسان عن إجراءات تعليم الأطفال حسب تصنيف حالة الطفل وفترة نموه وتطوره. هذا البحث هو بحث مكتبة. هذا البحث عبارة عن دراسة للقرآن تركز على موضوع معين ، ثم صراحة موضوع البحث آيات عن غرس أخلاق الأبناء ومصطلح طفل في القرآن ثم الآيات المصاحبة له. لذا فإن طريقة المنهج المستخدمة هي منهج علم التفسير كجزء من عدة مناهج معروفة في البحث الديني. تشير نتائج هذه الدراسة إلى أن طبيعة تنمية أخلاق الأطفال في القرآن يجب أن تتم بشكل صارم من خلال مرحلتين ، أولًا ، تنمية أخلاق الأطفال من الرحم. ثانيًا ، النمو الأخلاقي للأطفال بعد الولادة هو استمرار للنمو الأخلاقي للأطفال من الرحم الكلمات المفتاحية: أخلاق; أطفال; تربية; تفسي Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji bagaimana Al-Qur'an memberikan gambaran kepada manusia tentang tata cara mendidik anak menurut klasifikasi kondisi anak dan masa tumbuh kembangnya. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kepustakaan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian Al-Qur'an yang berfokus pada suatu tema, kemudian secara eksplisit objek penelitiannya adalah ayat-ayat tentang penanaman akhlak anak sekaligus istilah anak dalam Al-Qur'an dan selanjutnya ayat-ayat yang menyertainya. Maka metode pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan ilmu tafsir sebagai salah satu bagian dari beberapa pendekatan yang dikenal dalam penelitian agama. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa fitrah pembinaan akhlak anak dalam al-Qur'an harus tegas dilakukan melalui dua tahapan, yaitu pertama, pembinaan akhlak anak sejak dalam kandungan. Kedua, pembinaan akhlak anak setelah lahir, merupakan kelanjutan dari pembinaan akhlak anak sejak dalam kandungan. Kata Kunci : Akhlak; Anak; Pengasuhan; Tafsir