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Klausul Akad Pembiayaan Murabahah di Perbankan Syariah Susi Aryani Manangin
SIGn Jurnal Hukum Vol 3 No 2: Oktober 2021 - Maret 2022
Publisher : CV. Social Politic Genius (SIGn)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37276/sjh.v3i2.160


This study describes the standard clauses in the murabahah financing agreement. This study uses a normative juridical research method. The data was collected using literature study techniques on primary, secondary, and tertiary legal materials. The collected legal material is then analyzed using qualitative data analysis methods, which will conclude the research’s object. The results show that there are 17 standard clauses and a prohibition of inclusion of the exclusion clause in the murabahah financing agreement. Therefore, it is recommended that the Bank and the Customer apply the standard clauses in the murabahah financing agreement. In this case, the Bank and the Customer get guarantees, comfort, and legal protection during the murabahah financing period.
Hak-Hak Tersangka dalam Proses Penyidikan: Studi Kasus di Polda Sulawesi Selatan Susi Aryani Manangin; Abd. Rasjak
Al-Ishlah: Jurnal Ilmiah Hukum Vol 25 No 1: Desember 2021 - Mei 2022
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Muslim Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56087/aijih.v25i1.361


This study aims to analyze the position of the suspect forgery of documentary instruments of evidence of land rights in the investigation process at the Directorate of the General Criminal Investigation of South Sulawesi Regional Police. This research combines normative juridical and empirical research methods. The primary data were collected using direct interviews, while the secondary data was collected using literature study techniques. The data obtained in this research were then analyzed qualitatively to describe problems and answer study purposes. The results show that the suspect forgery of documentary instruments of evidence of land rights still gets human rights protection in the investigation process. Investigators still prioritize humanitarian action by upholding the dignity of the suspects. The rights fulfilled by the Directorate of the General Criminal Investigation, South Sulawesi Regional Police, against suspects at each stage of an investigation include: the right to be examined promptly; self-defense; freely provide information; obtain an interpreter; obtain assistance from lawyers or legal advisers; and maintain physical and psychological health. Therefore, it is recommended that all Police investigators continue to implement investigative procedures for all criminal cases while upholding the dignity of suspects as legal subjects. On the other hand, a suspect must be cooperative and use the right to freely provide information to prove their innocence in the investigation process. In this case, the Directorate of the General Criminal Investigation of South Sulawesi Regional Police has applied the accusatory principle to realize a balanced investigation as regulated in Law No. 8 of 1981.
Penyidikan terhadap Tersangka Pemalsuan Surat-Surat: Studi Kasus di Polda Sulawesi Selatan Susi Aryani Manangin; La Ode Husen; Abd. Kahar Muzakkir; Abd. Rasjak
Al-Ishlah: Jurnal Ilmiah Hukum Vol 25 No 2: Juni - November 2022
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Muslim Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56087/aijih.v25i2.367


This study aims to analyze the effectiveness and obstacles of investigations on suspect forgery of documentary evidence instruments of land rights at the Directorate of the General Criminal Investigation of South Sulawesi Regional Police. This research combines normative juridical and empirical research methods. The primary data were collected using direct interviews, while the secondary data was collected using literature study techniques. The data obtained in this research were then analyzed qualitatively to describe problems and answer study purposes. The results show that the effectiveness of investigations on suspect forgery of documentary evidence instruments of land rights at the Directorate of the General Criminal Investigation of South Sulawesi Regional Police consists of the investigator's role, the document's validity, and the facilities. In contrast, inhibiting factors of investigations on suspect forgery of documentary evidence instruments of land rights at the Directorate of the General Criminal Investigation of South Sulawesi Regional Police consist of the factor of witness testimony and the legal culture of the community. Therefore, it is recommended that the Government conduct legal counseling to the public to create legal awareness to obey and comply with the laws and regulations that have been in force for the realization of legal purposes in the future.
Pengembangan Soal Pemecahan Masalah untuk Siswa Sekolah Menengah Pertama Menggunakan Pendekatan Pendidikan Matematika Realistik Indonesia Ichdar Domu; Susi Aryani Manangin; Kinzie Feliciano Pinontoan
Journal Focus Action of Research Mathematic (Factor M) Vol. 5 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : IAIN Kediri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (364.669 KB) | DOI: 10.30762/f_m.v5i1.605


Kemampuan siswa Indonesia dalam memecahkan masalah matematik belum optimal sehingga perlu upaya perbaikan dengan mengoptimalkan tersedianya soal pemecahan masalah yang dapat merangsang siswa untuk berpikir matematis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan soal pemecahan masalah siswa SMP dengan menggunakan pendekatan PMRI yang valid dan praktis. Metode penelitian pengembangan dipilih sebagai metode untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut. Prosedur penelitian dilakukan dengan dua tahapan yaitu tahap preliminary dan tahap formative evaluation. Selain itu, Siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 2 Tondano diambil sebagai subjek pada penelitian ini. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik tes, wawancara, dokumentasi, dan walk through. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah prototipe sebanyak 5 soal dari 5 materi (PLDV, Perbandingan, Bangun Ruang Sisi Datar, Lingkaran dan Peluang) yang valid dan praktis. Kevalidan diperoleh berdasarkan validasi ahli, sedangkan kepraktisan didasarkan pada fakta bahwa prototipe soal yang dikembangkan dapat digunakan dengan baik oleh siswa, Selain itu, prototipe soal yang dikembangkan memiliki efek potensial untuk meningkatkan berpikir matematis siswa serta memacu semangat belajar siswa. Hal ini terlihat bahwa terdapat 80,1% siswa yang menggunakan berbagai strategi pemecahan masalah dalam menyelesaikan prototipe soal yang ada.The ability of Indonesian students in solving mathematical problems is not optimal, so it needs improvement efforts by optimizing the availability of problem-solving problems that can stimulate students to think mathematically. This study aims to produce problem-solving problems for junior high school students using a valid and practical PMRI approach. The development research method was chosen as the method to achieve this goal. The research procedure was carried out in two stages, namely the preliminary stage and the formative evaluation stage. In addition, grade VIII students of SMP Negeri 2 Tondano were taken as subjects in this study. Data collection techniques were carried out using test, interview, documentation, and walk-through techniques. The results obtained are prototypes of 5 questions from 5 materials (PLDV, Comparison, Construct Flat Side Space, Circles and Opportunities) that are valid and practical. Validity is obtained based on expert validation, while practicality is since the prototype of the questions developed can be used properly by students, In addition, the prototype questions developed have the potential effect to improve students' mathematical thinking and stimulate students' enthusiasm for learning. There are 80.1% of students who use various problem-solving strategies in solving the existing prototype questions.
Pelatihan Penulisan Karya Tulis Ilmiah Bagi Mahasiswa Program Studi Ilmu Hukum UNIMA Fatimah Hs; yoan barbara runtunuwu; agustien cherly wereh; susi aryani manangin
Altafani Vol. 3 No. 2 (2024): Edisi April 2024
Publisher : Institut Syekh Abdul Halim Hasan Binjai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Menulis adalah wadah untuk menyalurkan gagasan. Karya ilmiah merupakan output tulisan yang merupakan representasi kehidupan akademik, Sehingga keterampilan menulis menjadi salah satu kemampuan dasar yang harus dimiliki setiap mahasiswa. Namun menyusun karya ilmiah masih menjadi Kendala dikalangan mahasiswa Prodi Ilmu Hukum Universitas Negeri Mando (UNIMA). Padahal Menyusun Karya Tulis Ilmiah (KTI) adalah bagian yang sangat utama dalam pengembangan mahasiswa Sebagai bagian dari kaum akademik. Pelaksanaan pelatihan ini dimaksudkan untuk peningkatan kemampuan peserta dalam menulis karya tulis ilmiah. Ceramah, metode pelaksanaannya berupa Diskusi, Praktik menulis. Yang dimulai dengan tahapan persiapan kemudian tahapan pelaksanaan. Adapun output pelatihan ini berupa artikel ilmiah oleh peserta pelatihan yang disusun secara berkelompok meskipun belum dipublikasikan pada jurnal ilmiah.