Ishom Fuadi Fikri
STAI Darul Ulum Banyuwangi

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Paradigma Ahl Al-Sunnah Wa Al-Jama'ah dan Signifikansinya dalam Pendidikan Islam Multikultural Ishom Fuadi Fikri; Imam Fahrurrozi; Adib Habibi Habibi
Proceedings of Annual Conference for Muslim Scholars Vol 6 No 1 (2022): AnCoMS, APRIL 2022
Publisher : Koordinatorat Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam Swasta Wilayah IV Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36835/ancoms.v6i1.386


The discourse of Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jama'ah (Aswaja) in the Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) tradition has developed in a paradigmatic framework as the manhaj al-fikr (the method of thinking) to answer the challenges of heterogeneity in the Indonesian nation. This paper is a literature review using a descriptive-deductive approach in answering questions about how the Aswaja concept is a paradigmatic proposition in the midst of the plurality in the Indonesian nation and how significant it is in enriching the insight of multiculturalism in Islamic education. In this case, Aswaja as the manhaj al-fikr is a continuation of the madzhab diniyyah system (religious school) which stems from five main foundations, i.e. tawassut (moderate), tasammuh (tolerant), tawazun (balanced), ‘adalah (justice), and amar ma’ruf nahi munkar (encouraging good deeds and preventing evil deeds). In addition, Aswaja as the manhaj al-fikr contributes to multicultural Islamic education by providing a paradigmatic scheme as a weltanschauung or worldview in seeing and responding to all the diversity that exists in Indonesia. That is, performing Aswaja in a manhajiy manner means an ability to; 1) manage conflicts proportionally, 2) live side by side peacefully in the midst of differences, 3) seek improvement towards a better direction (al-ishlah ila ma huwa al-ashlah), 4) contextualize in responding to various problems, and 5) think methodologically. Thus, the Aswaja paradigm as the manhaj al-fikr has significance in enriching the concept of Islamic education with a multicultural perspective in the internalization aspect of religious moderating and strengthening national integration.
A Model of Modern Islamic Education: MAN Insan Cendekia in Indonesia and Imam-Hatip High School in Turkey Dedi Junaedi; Ishom Fuadi Fikri; Kusaeri Kusaeri; Evi Fatimatur Rusydiyah
Al-Tadzkiyyah: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol 14, No 1 (2023): Al-Tadzkiyyah: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24042/atjpi.v14i1.16069


Madrasahs in the perception of some people are still seen as lowquality education. However, the existence of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Insan Cendekia (MAN IC) in Indonesia and the Imam-Hatip School (IHS) in Turkey seeks to ward off this perception through institutional modernization. This study aims to reveal the model of Islamic education in MAN IC and IHS by comparing the two in several aspects. Where this study uses the method of literature review through data sourced from scientific articles, both indexed by Scopus and Sinta 1-2. The results of this study indicate that MAN IC and HIS: 1) are modern Islamic educational institutions under the auspices of government; 2) aims to produce graduates who are equally qualified, both in the realm of religion and science; 3) having a curriculum that combines Islamic religious education, culture, science, and technology; 4) have teachers who are professional and competent in their respective fields; 5) using the mechanism of the entrance selection test for prospective students; 6) implementing a boarding program with excellent standard facilities for students so they can focus on studying and take part in intensive international language training. Based on the results of this study that MAN IC and Imam Hatip are modern Islamic Education models that are quite ideal, especially at the higher secondary level, so it is expected to be a reference material for Islamic education practitioners in Indonesia in this modern era.
A Model of Modern Islamic Education: MAN Insan Cendekia in Indonesia and Imam-Hatip High School in Turkey Dedi Junaedi; Ishom Fuadi Fikri; Kusaeri Kusaeri; Evi Fatimatur Rusydiyah
Al-Tadzkiyyah: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol 14, No 1 (2023): Al-Tadzkiyyah: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24042/atjpi.v14i1.16069


Madrasahs in the perception of some people are still seen as lowquality education. However, the existence of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Insan Cendekia (MAN IC) in Indonesia and the Imam-Hatip School (IHS) in Turkey seeks to ward off this perception through institutional modernization. This study aims to reveal the model of Islamic education in MAN IC and IHS by comparing the two in several aspects. Where this study uses the method of literature review through data sourced from scientific articles, both indexed by Scopus and Sinta 1-2. The results of this study indicate that MAN IC and HIS: 1) are modern Islamic educational institutions under the auspices of government; 2) aims to produce graduates who are equally qualified, both in the realm of religion and science; 3) having a curriculum that combines Islamic religious education, culture, science, and technology; 4) have teachers who are professional and competent in their respective fields; 5) using the mechanism of the entrance selection test for prospective students; 6) implementing a boarding program with excellent standard facilities for students so they can focus on studying and take part in intensive international language training. Based on the results of this study that MAN IC and Imam Hatip are modern Islamic Education models that are quite ideal, especially at the higher secondary level, so it is expected to be a reference material for Islamic education practitioners in Indonesia in this modern era.