Ikhwah Mu’minah.
Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto

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Jurnal Infokes Vol 10 No 1 (2020): Jurnal Ilmiah Rekam Medis dan Informatika Kesehatan
Publisher : Universitas Duta Bangsa Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47701/infokes.v10i1.841


Stunting is a chronic nutritional problem, meaning that this situation increase as a result of nutritional deficiencies that have accumulated over a long period of time. Age 0-24 months is a critical period in the growth and development of children, because this is the period of the most optimal period of child both for intelligence and physical. WHO / UNICEF recommends 4 important things that must be done, they are: first giving milk to the baby immediately within 30 minutes after birth, second giving only breast milk or exclusive breastfeeding until the baby is 6 months old, third giving complementary feeding (MP-ASI) since the baby aged 6-24 months and fourth continue breastfeeding until the child is 24 months or older. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between Exclusive breastfeeding and complementary feeding (MP-ASI), maternal income and education to the incidence of stunting in the Sumbang I Puskesmas Kabupaten Banyumas.This research is a descriptive analytic using cross sectional design. The population and sample are all children under the age of 12-36 months in the working area of the Puskesmas Sumbang I. Samples were obtained by purposive sampling method. Data collection methods by filling out questionnaires regarding the history of exclusive breastfeeding, MP-ASI and education and income of parents. Stunting data were obtained by measuring the height of a toddler using Microtoice compared to toddler age.The results showed no significant relationship between exclusive breastfeeding (p = 0.372), MP- ASI (p = 0.823), education level (p = 0.979) and family income (p = 0.13) to the incidence of stunting in the region of Puskesmas Sumbang I in Kabupaten Banyumas and all variables are not risk factors for stunting.
Program Kelas Ibu Hamil Sebagai Upaya Pencegahan Komplikasi Kehamilan Di Puskesmas Sokaraja II Ikhwah Mu'minah; Atika Nur Azizah
INVOLUSI: Jurnal Ilmu Kebidanan Vol 11 No 1 (2021): Januari 2021
Publisher : Stikes Muhammadiyah Klaten

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According to Law No. 36 of 2009 on health, one of the efforts to improve maternal health aims to maintain the health of mothers and children and reduce maternal mortality. The government's efforts to achieve this goal are to improve midwifery services and disseminate health of both mother and childbooks. One of the efforts to provide midwifery services is a class for pregnant women. Pregnant mothers class is a means of learning together about health for pregnant women in the form of face-to-face groups which aims to increase the knowledge and skills of mothers regarding pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum care, baby care, infectious diseases. In qualitative research with a phenomenological descriptive approach. The results of the study can be concluded that the participation of pregnant women in the class of pregnant women is strongly influenced by factors of education, knowledge and work. The occupational factor is the biggest obstacle for pregnant women where mothers who work as laborers rarely attend pregnant women classes because the schedule for carrying out classes for pregnant women and working schedules is not appropriate.
Journal of Midwifery and Reproduction Vol 5 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : LPPM - Universitas Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35747/jmr.v5i1.789


Peran aktif bidan sangat penting mempengaruhi pelayanan kesehatan ibu anak dan keluarga berencana. Pada situasi pandemi covid 19 bidan harus tetap melakukan pelayanan kesehatan dengan tetap menjaga protokol kesehatan untuk mencegah penularan covid 19 baik kepada ibu maupun bayi. Peran aktif bidansebagai salah satu tenaga kesehatan digarda terdepan tentu diharapkan tetap semangat tanpa pamrih dalam memberikan asuhan pelayanan kesehatan ibu anak dan keluarga berencana dan harus lebih berhati-hati serta waspada terhadap “high risk” terpaparnya penularan covid 19. Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif fenomenologis. Pengambilan informan penelitian dipilih berdasarkan kriteria atau tujuan tertentu yang telah ditetapkan sebelumnya. tekhnik pengambilan sampel dengan purposive sampling yaitu tekhnik pengambilan sampel berdasarkan kriteria tertentu. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian kualitatif dapat disimpulkan bahwa peran bidan dalam pelayanan KIA dan KB terdapat beberapa faktor pendukungnya adalah adanya kebijakan puskesmas terkait dengan penerapan protocol kesehatan. Faktor penghambatnya adanya keterbatasan sarana dan prasarana serta kekurangan sumber daya manusia terutama tenaga laboratorium
Journal of Midwifery and Reproduction Vol 3 No 2 (2020)
Publisher : LPPM - Universitas Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35747/jmr.v3i2.513


Pola penyapihan yang terlalu dini pada usia 0-6 bulan memunculkan masalah pada aspek hubungan sebab-akibat dimana pemberian MP-ASI yang kurang tepat mengakibatkan bayi menjadi gizi kurang atau gizi buruk. Pada usia 0-6 bulan, sebaiknya bayi hanya di diberi ASI secara eksklusif, karena produksi ASI pada usia tersebut sudah mencukupi kebutuhan gizi bayi untuk tumbuh kembang dan menjaga kesehatannya. Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi penyapihan dini diantaranya pengetahuan dan sikap orang tua . Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain studi cross sectional. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan tekhnik total sampling. Penelitian didapatkan bahwa adanya hubungan antara pengetahuan dan sikap orang tua tentang penyapihan dini terhadap kejadian stunting pada balita dengan p value <0,05.
Upaya Wanita Usia Subur Dalam Mencegah Permasalahan Kesehatan Reproduksi Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Kalibagor Kabupaten Banyumas Ikhwah Mu'minah; Reni Purwo Aniarti; Diah Atmarina Yuliani
INVOLUSI: Jurnal Ilmu Kebidanan Vol 13 No 1 (2023): Vol. 13, No. 1 (Januari 2023)
Publisher : Stikes Muhammadiyah Klaten

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Reproductive health is an important issue to get attention. It should be realized that reproductive health cannot be separated from health in general, so efforts to maintain healthy conditions in terms of reproductive health must be supported by knowledge and behavior of clean and healthy living. Women have a reproductive system that is very vulnerable to disturbances that can cause problems for their reproductive health. The type of research used in this research is quantitative research with a descriptive approach. The research respondents were selected based on certain predetermined criteria or objectives. The sampling technique is purposive sampling, which is a sampling technique based on certain criteria. The results of the research on the efforts of women of childbearing age to prevent reproductive health problems are carried out in ways such as breastfeeding for 2 years, using underwear made of cotton, using pads during menstruation, not sharing underwear with other people, early detection of breast cancer by conscious and conscious examination and early detection of cervical cancer by means of IVA examination, faithfulness to partners and not taking drugs, not smoking and not consuming alcohol
Program Kelas Ibu Hamil Sebagai Upaya Pencegahan Komplikasi Kehamilan Di Puskesmas Sokaraja II Ikhwah Mu'minah; Atika Nur Azizah
INVOLUSI: Jurnal Ilmu Kebidanan Vol 11 No 1 (2021): Januari 2021
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Klaten

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61902/involusi.v11i1.172


According to Law No. 36 of 2009 on health, one of the efforts to improve maternal health aims to maintain the health of mothers and children and reduce maternal mortality. The government's efforts to achieve this goal are to improve midwifery services and disseminate health of both mother and childbooks. One of the efforts to provide midwifery services is a class for pregnant women. Pregnant mothers class is a means of learning together about health for pregnant women in the form of face-to-face groups which aims to increase the knowledge and skills of mothers regarding pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum care, baby care, infectious diseases. In qualitative research with a phenomenological descriptive approach. The results of the study can be concluded that the participation of pregnant women in the class of pregnant women is strongly influenced by factors of education, knowledge and work. The occupational factor is the biggest obstacle for pregnant women where mothers who work as laborers rarely attend pregnant women classes because the schedule for carrying out classes for pregnant women and working schedules is not appropriate.
Upaya Wanita Usia Subur Dalam Mencegah Permasalahan Kesehatan Reproduksi Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Kalibagor Kabupaten Banyumas Ikhwah Mu'minah; Reni Purwo Aniarti; Diah Atmarina Yuliani
INVOLUSI: Jurnal Ilmu Kebidanan Vol 13 No 1 (2023): Vol. 13, No. 1 (Januari 2023)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Klaten

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61902/involusi.v13i1.553


Reproductive health is an important issue to get attention. It should be realized that reproductive health cannot be separated from health in general, so efforts to maintain healthy conditions in terms of reproductive health must be supported by knowledge and behavior of clean and healthy living. Women have a reproductive system that is very vulnerable to disturbances that can cause problems for their reproductive health. The type of research used in this research is quantitative research with a descriptive approach. The research respondents were selected based on certain predetermined criteria or objectives. The sampling technique is purposive sampling, which is a sampling technique based on certain criteria. The results of the research on the efforts of women of childbearing age to prevent reproductive health problems are carried out in ways such as breastfeeding for 2 years, using underwear made of cotton, using pads during menstruation, not sharing underwear with other people, early detection of breast cancer by conscious and conscious examination and early detection of cervical cancer by means of IVA examination, faithfulness to partners and not taking drugs, not smoking and not consuming alcohol