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Analisis Klaster K-Means dari Data Luas Grup Sunspot dan Data Grup Sunspot Klasifikasi Mc.Intosh yang membangkitkan Flare Soft X-Ray dan H-alpha Jumaroh, Siti; Widodo, Nanang
CAUCHY Vol 4, No 1 (2015): CAUCHY
Publisher : Mathematics Department, Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University of Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (914.757 KB) | DOI: 10.18860/ca.v4i1.3166


Analisis klaster merupakan teknik interpendensi yang mengelompokkan suatu objek berdasarkan kemiripan dan kedekatan jarak antar objek. Pengelompokan objek dengan jumlah banyak membutuhkan waktu yang lama. Salah satu analisis klaster yang dapat digunakan dalam situasi ini adalah analisis klaster non hierarki, yaitu K-means. Pada artikel ini mengelompokkan data luas grup sunspot dan data grup sunspot klasifikasi Mc.Intosh yang membangkitkan flare soft X-Ray dan Hα. Untuk mengetahui luas grup sunspot dan grup sunspot klasifikasi Mc.Intosh yang berpeluang membangkitkan flare soft X-Ray dan Hα dengan intensitas ledakan yang tinggi dan rendah. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, diperoleh dua klaster yaitu klaster pertama yang tergolong mampu membangkitkan flare Soft X-Ray dan Hα dengan intensitas yang tinggi. Sedangkan klaster kedua yang tergolong mampu membangkitkan flare Soft X-Ray dan Hα dengan intensitas yang rendah
Aplikasi Dua Segitiga Sebangun pada Studi Venus Transit di Matahari Tanggal 8 Juni 2004 dari BPD LAPAN Watukosek Widodo, Nanang
CAUCHY Vol 3, No 1 (2013): CAUCHY
Publisher : Mathematics Department, Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University of Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (814.038 KB) | DOI: 10.18860/ca.v3i1.2570


Transit planet Venus di cakram matahari (jari-jari = 696000 km) merupakan peristiwa alam yang dapat dilihat secara berkala. Planet Venus merupakan planet kedua dalam sistem tata surya yang mempunyai orbit lebih dekat ke matahari (= 0,723 Astronomical Unit) dibanding jarak bumi-matahari (= 149.600.000 km = 1 AU). Sehingga pada suatu waktu tertentu ada peluang berada tepat di depan Bumi, saat menghadap matahari atau dikenal dengan transit Venus. Proses pengamatan fenomena transit Venus di cakram matahari tersebut dapat diimplimentasikan sebagai aplikasi dua segitiga sebangun, Dimana jari-jari planet Venus (jari-jari = 6051,8 km) dinyatakan sebagai tinggi benda dan jari-jari tinggi bayangan Venus sebesar 20880 km (= 3,65 mm pada cakram matahari). Dimana diameter matahari 1.392.000 km (= 240 mm pada lembar sket). Dengan pengukuran jarak tempuh Venus transit 72,4 mm (419 920 km di cakram matahari) terhadap waktu kontak pertama bayangan Venus pada jam 05.28 UT (12.28 WIB) di tepi timur hingga akhir transit pada 17.50 UT (14.50 WIB) diperoleh kecepatan bayangan Venus sebesar 49,286 km/detik
Sains & Matematika Vol 1, No 2 (2013): April, Sains & Matematika
Publisher : Sains & Matematika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Comparison of the two models aimed to get a representative model that can explain the movement of sunspot groups in southern latitudes on the solar cycles 23th. If the movement of the daily sunspot groups is projected in the longitude and latitude direction, then it can considered as vector Ri. The evolution of sunspot groups during n days can be implemented into n-1 vectors and total vector of Ri is the resultant vector, R. Commonly, the movement of sunspot groups shift to positive or negative latitude direction. If R divided by a long of evolution (= n days) obtained an average vector R= (± b°B, ± l°L) where, the magnitude of b is the average difference in degrees of longitude/day, and l is the average difference in degrees of latitude/day. Distribution of sunspot group position data from firstday until to n days can be approximated by a linear regression equation. In studying the trajectory characteristics of sunspot groups used sunspot data of classes H and J in the southern hemisphere of the disk solar observations BPD Watukosek from 1997?2008 (cycle 23). From the comparison of the above two models obtained the best linear trajectories of a sunspot group. This result accordingly to the properties of differential rotation at the solar surface. Where at the lower latitude sunspot group will move relative faster than higer latitudes. The results of modeling can be used to interpolate to data that is not observed and extrapolated to predict the position of a sunspot group on the next day. 
Perbandingan Model Linier Versus Analisis Vektor pada Gerak Grup Sunspot di Lintang Selatan dari Siklus Matahari Ke-23 Widodo, Nanang
Sains & Matematika Vol 1, No 2 (2013): April, Sains & Matematika
Publisher : Sains & Matematika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Comparison of the two models aimed to get a representative model that can explain the movement of sunspot groups in southern latitudes on the solar cycles 23th. If the movement of the daily sunspot groups is projected in the longitude and latitude direction, then it can considered as vector Ri. The evolution of sunspot groups during n days can be implemented into n-1 vectors and total vector of Ri is the resultant vector, R. Commonly, the movement of sunspot groups shift to positive or negative latitude direction. If R divided by a long of evolution (= n days) obtained an average vector R= (± b°B, ± l°L) where, the magnitude of b is the average difference in degrees of longitude/day, and l is the average difference in degrees of latitude/day. Distribution of sunspot group position data from firstday until to n days can be approximated by a linear regression equation. In studying the trajectory characteristics of sunspot groups used sunspot data of classes H and J in the southern hemisphere of the disk solar observations BPD Watukosek from 1997–2008 (cycle 23). From the comparison of the above two models obtained the best linear trajectories of a sunspot group. This result accordingly to the properties of differential rotation at the solar surface. Where at the lower latitude sunspot group will move relative faster than higer latitudes. The results of modeling can be used to interpolate to data that is not observed and extrapolated to predict the position of a sunspot group on the next day.Â