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Pengaruh Metode Pembelajaran Musikal bagi Kemampuan Kognitif Anak Autis di SLB Negeri Manekat Niki-Niki Erli Njudang; Yulius Yusak Ranimpi; Iky Sumarthina Putri Prayitno
JPK (Jurnal Pendidikan Khusus) Vol 16, No 1 (2020): Jurnal Pendidikan Khusus
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (175.829 KB) | DOI: 10.21831/jpk.v16i1.31057


Cognitive ability is one of the important aspects for individuals who need to be equipped and developed since childhood, including children with autism. Children with autism have difficulty receiving and understanding learning material and information received in class because they have problems with cognitive abilities. Therefore, we need a new learning method that is expected to help children with autism in developing their cognitive abilities to support learning activities in the classroom. This research aimed to determine the effect of musical learning methods on the cognitive abilities of autistic students. The subjects were 3 autistic students who experience obstacles in composing language in communication, difficulty of concentrating, and behaving repetitively in SLB Negeri Manekat Niki-Niki. The research method used was pre-experimental design quantitative with one group pretest-posttest design. The data analysis technique used was descriptive statistical analysis. The results showed that musical learning methods were effective and had an effect on the cognitive abilities of autistic students who had limitations in concentrating and repetitive behavior, but were not yet effective enough for autistic students who had language development disorders in communication.
Perkembangan Ritual Adat Mangongkal Holi Batak Toba dalam Kekristenan di Tanah Batak Firman Oktavianus Hutagaol; Iky Sumarthita P. Prayitno
Anthropos: Jurnal Antropologi Sosial dan Budaya (Journal of Social and Cultural Anthropology) Vol 6, No 1 (2020): ANTHROPOS JULI
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/antro.v6i1.16822


This paper is the result of observations and analysis of religious sociology on the traditional mangongkal holi rituals in Pahae Julu, North Tapanuli Regency, North Sumatra. This paper aims to explore and explain the social and cultural values contained in this traditional ritual. This ritual survives and adheres to the Toba Batak tribe even though its implementation has been adapted to the teachings of Christianity prevailing in the Batak Land. Some of the social and cultural values contained in the ritual still survive and are important for the Toba Batak people. To approach this problem, theoretical references from Emile Durkheim and Max Weber are used. Data was collected through literature studies, interviews, and direct observations of these traditional rituals in the Pahae Julu area, as well as qualitative analysis. This paper concludes that this traditional ritual contains mechanical solidarity and the role of the charismatic ritual leader for the Batak people.
Permaianan Tradisonal Budaya Martumba Sebagai Media Pendidikan Karakter Bagi Anak di Batak Toba Friska Aritonang; Iky Sumarthita Putri Prayitno; Yurulina Gulo
Anthropos: Jurnal Antropologi Sosial dan Budaya (Journal of Social and Cultural Anthropology) Vol 6, No 1 (2020): ANTHROPOS JULI
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/antro.v6i1.16634


This paper aims to determine the effect of traditional Martumba games on children's character education. Martumba is a traditional game while dancing. Martumba was originally performed at night in page during the poltak of the moon, this dance is played adults, where men insinuate each other describing the introduction of the Toba Batak youth in ancient times to the woman he liked. But along with times, this game is no longer done at night but in accordance with the context of the activity and the players are no longer adults but children and adolescents. Given that children are the right media in maintaining the culture of the modern era. This paper uses a qualitative research method with a qualitative descriptive approach to children in Batak Toba through cultural memory theory and this study concludes that the Martumba Traditional game has an influence on children's character development because the game can be used as a teaching medium for children because in it there are activities to educate characters children who are disciplined, communicative, cooperate with groups, observations and as a means of interaction between humans so that children's creativity will emerge through movements and interpret songs to the message to be conveyed through song and movement in the game.
Strategi Pendidikan Agama Kristen bagi Remaja dalam Membentuk Konsep Diri guna Menghadapi Krisis Identitas akibat Penggunaan Media Sosial Jellyan Alviani Awang; Iky S. P. Prayitno; Jacob Daan Engel
KHARISMATA: Jurnal Teologi Pantekosta Vol 4, No 1: Juli 2021
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Alkitab Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47167/kharis.v4i1.64


The main problem of adolescents in the social media era is The identity crisis. Adolescents who have an identity crisis need achievement identity to determine their self-concept. The phenomenon of social media that shows the illusion of the perfect lifestyle can make adolescents run into an identity crisis due to their inability to comply with social standards. Christian religious education is education to develop a Christian personality and will have a positive impact on adolescents to be able to solve their problems. The result of this study provided attempts to reconstruct the religious education strategy to form and improve a self-concept that shows a Christian character so that they can understanding their existence as a whole as God's creation. Abstrak Masalah utama para remaja di era media sosial adalah krisis identitas. Remaja yang mengalami krisis identitas memerlukan pencapaian identitas agar dapat menentukan konsep diri. Fenomena media sosial yang menampilkan ilusi kesempurnaan gaya hidup dapat menjadikan remaja mengalami krisis identitas akibat ketidakmampuan untuk mengikuti standar sosial. Pendidikan Agama Kristen ialah pendidikan untuk menumbuh kembangkan kepribadian Kristen yang berdampak positif dalam diri remaja agar dapat mengatasi masalah krisis identitas yang dihadapi. Penelitian ini menghasilkan strategi pendidikan Kristen untuk membentuk dan meningkatkan konsep diri yang dapat menampilkan karakter Kristen sehingga dapat memaknai eksistensi dirinya secara utuh sebagai ciptaan Allah. 
Scriptural Reasoning: Peran Kitab Keagamaan dalam Pendidikan Agama Multikultural di Young Interfaith Peacemaker Community Indonesia Gabriel James Angkouw; Iky Sumarthina Putri Prayitno
Al-Adabiya: Jurnal Kebudayaan dan Keagamaan Vol 15 No 01 (2020): Al-Adabiya: Jurnal Kebudayaan dan Keagamaan
Publisher : LP2M Institut Agama Islam Sunan Giri (INSURI) Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37680/adabiya.v15i01.410


Abstrak : Artikel ini bertujuan untuk melihat keberadaan Kitab keagamaan yang mampu menjadi landasan pendidikan agama multikultural bagi generasi muda. Peran kitab keagamaan dalam dialog lintas iman khususnya bagi generasi muda Kristen dan Islam, terwujud melalui Scriptural Reasoning (SR), yang menjadi kegiatan rutin Young Interfaith Peacemaker Community (YIPC) Indonesia. SR mampu menjadi ruang interaksi lintas iman dengan menjadikan kitab keagamaan (Alkitab dan Al-Qur’an) sebagai landasan yang juga didukung dengan nilai-nilai dasar YIPC, 12 Nilai Perdamaian, serta dokumen A Common Word (ACW). Hasil dari kajian ini menunjukkan bahwa, pertama, Kitab keagamaan mampu melegitimasi dialog. Kedua, Kitab keagamaan mampu membangun identitas bersama diantara generasi muda Kristen dan Islam. Artikel ini menjadi bagian dalam kajian menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan menyajikan data secara deskriptif-analitis terkhususnya berkaitan dengan pendidikan agama multikultural yang dikembangkan oleh Hope S. Antone guna menunjukkan peran kitab keagamaan dalam membangun solidaritas generasi muda lintas agama sebagai pembentuk identitas bersama serta sumber legitimasi dialog. Metode pendidikan agama multikultrual berbasis kitab keagamaan dalam bentuk SR ini, diharapkan mampu menjadi tawaran dalam penerapan pendidikan agama di Indonesia guna menumbuhkan rasa saling menerima dan menghargai perbedaan. This article is aimed at seeing the existence of religious Scriptures, that is able to be the basis of multicultural religious education for young people. The role of religious Scriptures in the interfaith dialogue especially for Christian and Muslim youngsters is embodied in Scriptural Reasoning (SR), a regular activity of Young Interfaith Peacemaker Community (YIPC) Indonesia. SR is able to be a medium for interfaith interaction by making religious Scriptures (Holy Bible and Koran) the foundation that is also supported by YIPC principles, 12 Peace Values, and A Common Word (ACW) document. The results of this study show that, firstly: Religious Scriptures are able to legitimate the dialogue. Secondly: Religious Scriptures are able to build collective identity among Christian and Muslim youngsters. This article is a part of qualitative research that shows the data with descriptive analytics method, especially on multicultural religious education developed by Hope S. Antone in order to show the role of religious Scriptures in building solidarity of interfaith youngsters as the shaper of collective identity as well as the source of dialogue legitimacy. This Scriptures-based multicultural religious education in the form of SR is expected to be an offer in the application of religious education in Indonesia to foster mutual acceptance and tolerance.
Pendidikan Kristen dari Orang Tua Berbasis Kesetaraan Gender bagi Remaja Suku Kayubatu agnes thilova makanuay; Iky Sumarthina Prayitno
Voice of Wesley: Jurnal Ilmiah Musik dan Agama Vol 5, No 1 (2021): J.VoW Vol 5. No. 1 (2021)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologia Wesley Methodist Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36972/jvow.v5i1.108


This article is an attempt to include Christian religious education as a form of gender equality learning for adolescents in the Kayubatu tribe. The Kayubatu tribe is one of the original tribes of Jayapura City, Papua Province. The Kayubatu tribe lives with a culture that has been preserved from generation to generation, one of which is an understanding of the Patriarchal culture. This understanding makes the people of the Kayubatu tribe live in gender inequality. Religion coexists with adat. Therefore, customs affect the whole system of life from generation to generation. Christian teaching patterns were first taught in family life and became very important to instill values Christian education in the form of equality for men and women. The author will discuss the views of women in customs and forms of Christian teaching that can be used as a form of gender equality for adolescents in Kayubatu village. During adolescence, children are considered capable of considering and having the will and awareness to act and be responsible, so gender equality education is expected to build awareness of adolescents so that they can practice equality between men and women in their environment. This research is a qualitative ethnographic research on the Kayubatu Village Community. Qualitative research is research that is used to investigate, discover, describe, and explain the quality or features of social influences that cannot be explained, measured or described through a quantitative approach.Keywords : Gender equality ; Christian education ; teneger
Dalihan Na Tolu Analogy as an Approach to Strengthen Men’s Ministry Role Rapina Ina Buana Habeahan; Iky Sumarthina P. Prayitno
Evangelikal: Jurnal Teologi Injili dan Pembinaan Warga Jemaat Vol 6, No 2 (2022): July 2022
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Simpson Ungaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46445/ejti.v6i2.415


Of all categorical ministry, men’s ministry are not as actively involved in the church ministry as others do. This article discusses the ways to strengthen men’s ministry role in the Batak Protestant Christian Church (HKBP) in present day through cultural approach. The research used cultural analogy approach. Data were collected by using observation and interviews. In analyzing the data, the researcher employed relevant literature sources such as books and journal articles. The research shows that the elements of Batak principles of Dalihan Na Tolu upholding a Batak person and his/her families of Hula-hula, Dongan Tubu, and Boru were found to be still relevant. The principle’s framework could be used as an approach to strengthen role of male church parishioners in the church by associating it with another three elements: the Church, Bibel (the Bible), and the family. Thus, Dalihan Na Tolu as a cultural principle is applicable to church ministry setting by association of: (1) the organized Church to Hula-hula, (2) the family to Boru, and (3) Bibel as Dongan Tubu
Peran Guru Sekolah Minggu terhadap Pendidikan Seks bagi Anak Sekolah Minggu Usia Dini Elista Simanjuntak; Iky Sumarthina Putri Prayitno
Fidei: Jurnal Teologi Sistematika dan Praktika Vol 5, No 2 (2022): Desember 2022
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Tawangmangu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34081/fidei.v5i2.324


Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi adanya fenomena kekerasan seksual terhadap anak di daerah Kabupaten Tapanuli Utara, Sumatera Utara. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi pustakaan dengan menggambarkan peran guru Sekolah Minggu terhadap pendidikan seks sejak usia dini bagi naradidik. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah teknik wawancara dan observasi dengan menggunakan  analisis teori pendidikan kaum tertindas. Adapun hasilnya bahwa anak Sekolah Minggu mampu mengenal, memahami tentang masalah seksual, Sekolah Minggu mampu mengenal identitas dirinya sendiri sejak usia dini dengan meningkatkan spiritualitas terhadap Allah dan sesama, Sekolah Minggu mampu menjadi generasi pemutus rantai kekerasan seksual sejak usia dini. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mencegah adanya kekerasan seksual bagi anak dan mencegah agar anak sejak usia dini tidak menjadi korban kekerasan seksual. Sehingga peran penting dari guru Sekolah Minggu sangat berperan dalam melindungi, mendidik dan membina anak dalam membentuk identitas karakter Kristus dalam dirinya yang memiliki cinta kasih terhadap Allah dan sesama.
Jurnal Darma Agung Vol 30 No 3 (2022): DESEMBER
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Darma Agung (LPPM_UDA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46930/ojsuda.v30i3.2140


Perkembangan zaman diiringi pula dengan perkembangan teknologi. Perkembangan teknologi memiliki dampak positif dan negatif. Salah satu dampak negatif dari perkembangan teknologi adalah adanya fenomena kecanduan permainan daring pada anak-anak dan remaja yang mana mayoritas masih merupakan usia sekolah. Kecanduan permainan daring membutuhkan langkah penanggulangan. Salah satu penanggulangan yang dapat dilakukan adalah melalui pendidikan karakter pada mata pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Kristen (PAK). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memberitahukan mengenai nilai-nilai karakter dalam Agam Kristen yang dapat berperan dalam penanggulangan kecanduan permainan daring. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif dengan pendekatan observasi lapangan dan telaah pustaka. Data yang digunakan adalah data primer yang diambil langsung di SMP Protestan Makassar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa cukup banyak pelajar di SMP Protestan Makassar yang masuk kategori pengguna permainan daring berlebihan. Hal ini berpotensi memunculkan adanya kecanduan terhadap permainan daring. Oleh karena itu, perlu langkah penanggulangan dari pihak sekolah melalui penerapan nilai karakter Agama Kristen. Beberapa nilai karakter yang dapat berperan untuk menanggulangi kecanduan permainan daring adalah karakter religius, disiplin, kerja keras, kreatif, gemar membaca, peduli sosial, dan tanggungjawab.
Perilaku Modern Adultery Warga Jemaat Dewasa GMIM Moria Wulurmaatus: Tinjauan Etika Seksual-Pedagogis Maria Mema; Iky Sumarthina P. Prayitno
Integritas: Jurnal Teologi Vol 4 No 2 (2022): Integritas: Jurnal Teologi
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Jaffray Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47628/ijt.v4i2.144


This paper focuses on the study of social and pedagogical ethics related to modern sexual behavior, adultery for adult congregations and the teaching of sexual ethics education for adult congregations by GMIM Moria Wulurmaatus. Sex is basically good, holy, and as a gift that has been given by God. As human beings who have been created, the noblest must have the right sexual ethics, so that sex is integrated within the scope of holy marriage. Based on the phenomenon that occurred in the congregation, adult members of the congregation who have a role and ensure the existence of the church have engaged in sexual behavior outside of marriage. To examine the sexual behavior of adult congregations and GMIM Moria Christian sexual education. Data collection was carried out using qualitative research methods with data collection techniques using observation and interview techniques. Sexual behavior of adult members of the congregation has become a modern style today, this is due to the lack of discussing and celebrating sex in marriage. It is through this that GMIM Moria Wulurmaatus realizes that it is the church that has the responsibility to provide education for the members of the congregation, because the church is capable of basing responsibility on the only right reason related to sex