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Dedi Rizaldi Hippy
Universitas Muhammadiyah Gorontalo

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KERAGAAN USAHATANI LAHAN KERING PADA PETANI TRANSMIGRAN (Studi Kasus di Desa Saritani Kecamatan Wonosari Kabupaten Boalemo) Widiastuti Ardiansyah; Merita Ayu Indrianti; Moh. Muchlis Djibran; Dedi Rizaldi Hippy
Jurnal Agriovet Vol. 4 No. 2 (2022): JURNAL AGRIOVET

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51158/agriovet.v4i2.726


AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keragaan usahatani lahankering pada petani transmigran di Desa Saritani Kecamatan WonosariKabupaten Boalemo yang meliputi jenis komoditi, pola kombinasiusahatani lahan kering dan tingkat pendapatan usahatani dalamkegiatan usahatani. Penelitian dilakukan terhadap 73 petani yangtersebar di tiga dusun. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat 16 jeniskomoditi usahatani dan 21 pola kombinasi usahatani yang dilakukanoleh petani. Jenis komoditi yang diusahakan terdiri dari tanamanpangan (jagung dan padi), tanaman perkebunan (kelapa, kelapa sawitdan kopi), tanaman tahunan (cengkeh) dan hortikultura (sayur danbuah). Ketersediaan tenaga kerja tersedia dalam jumlah cukup banyak.Produktivitas lahan usahatani rendah, hal ini karena kondisi dantopografi lahan di sebagian besar lahan usahatani merupakan lahankering yang mengandalkan curah hujan dan kontur lahan berbukit.Tingkat pendapatan usahatani untuk tanaman yang banyak diusahakanoleh petani cukup baik dan menguntungkan namun harga jual ditingkat petani relatif rendah.Kata Kunci : Keragaan, usahatani, lahan kering, petani, transmigrasi AbstractThis study aims to determine the performance of dry land farmingon transmigrant farmers in Saritani Village, Wonosari District,Boalemo Regency which includes the type of commodity, thecombination pattern of dry land farming and the level of farm incomein farming activities. The study was conducted on 73 farmers spreadover three hamlets. The results showed that there were 16 types offarming commodities and 21 combination patterns of farming carriedout by farmers. The types of commodities cultivated consist of foodcrops (corn and rice), plantation crops (coconut, oil palm and coffee),annual crops (cloves) and horticulture (vegetables and fruit).Availability of labor available in sufficient quantities. The productivityof farming land is low, this is because the condition and topography ofthe land in most of the farming land is dry land that relies on rainfalland hilly land contours. The level of farming income for crops that aremostly cultivated by farmers is quite good and profitable, but theselling price at the farm level is relatively low.Key words: Performance, farming, dry land, farmers, transmigration