Ahmad Burhan Hakim
Institut Pesantren Sunan Drajat Lamongan

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Journal of International Relations Vol 2 No 1 (2022): Journal of International Relations (JoS)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Muhammadiyah Sorong

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Khasmir adalah salah satu wilayah di dunia yang berbatasan dengan India dan Pakistan. Sampai hari ini Khasmir belum menentukan untuk memilih bergabung ke India atau ke Pakistan. Wilayah Khasmir dikenal dengan wilayah yang subur dan indah yang berada di kaki Gunung Himalaya. Negara India dan Pakistan sering terlibat konflik apabila berkenaan dengan perbatasan wilayah yakni di khasmir. Yang memang wilayah daerah tersebut sebagian masuk wilayah teritorial India dan sebagian masuk wilayah teritorial Pakistan. Sebagian dari warga Khasmir ada yang berikeingan untuk masuk menjadi bagian dari wilayah India dan sebagian ingin masuk menjadi bagian dari wilayah Pakistan. Tentunya kedua belah pihak baik India maupun Pakistan punya motif tersendiri untuk bisa menguasi Khasmir sebagai bagian dari wilayah teritori mereka. Hal ini menyebabkan kedua negara tersebut sering terlibat konflik satu diantara mereka. Bahkan mereka pernah terlibat perang terbuka untuk merebutkan wilayah Khasmir. Hal ini menjadi penting untuk diteliti untuk mengetahui seberapa besar Khasmir menjadi faktor penentu terjadinya konflik terbuka antara India dan Pakistan. Kata Kunci: Wilayah, Konflik,Perbatasan, Perang dan Motif
Demokrasi dan Politik Biaya Tinggi (High Cost Politics) Ahmad Burhan Hakim; Muhyidin
JOSH: Journal of Sharia Vol 1 No 1 (2022): Januari : JOSH: Journal of Sharia
Publisher : Dikelola dan diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Syariah bekerja sama dengan Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LP2M) Institut Pesantren Sunan Drajat Lamongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (217.229 KB) | DOI: 10.55352/josh.v1i1.463


Democracy is a concept of state and politics which is considered the most ideal today. Democracy also has an important role in arranging the rules of the political and state game in Indonesia. So that after the 1998 reformation democracy became one of the important ideologies in Indonesian politics. The concepts of justice, openness, representation, transparency and accountability are a series of epic concepts in democracy. The basic concept is actually very noble. However, in practice, democracy is not just a raw concept. Electoral political events have resulted in a logical consequence, namely high-cost politics that cannot be separated from every moment of democracy. So do not be surprised if in political moments such as the Presidential Election, Legislative Member Election, Regional Head Election from Province to Regency and City and even Village Head Election requires large funds. Both in terms of implementation to the succession of candidates. The result is a widespread culture of corruption that occurs in our country. So this will certainly affect state politics in Indonesia. Democracy does have an extraordinary ideal concept, but the implementation of democracy requires a lot of funds.
Pengaruh Sistem Distribusi Bantuan Pangan Non Tunai dalam Mensejahterakan Masyarakat Tahun 2021 (Studi Kasus di Kecamatan Sukodadi Kabupaten Lamongan Jawa Timur) Moh. Sadiyin; Ahmad Burhan Hakim
JOSH: Journal of Sharia Vol 1 No 2 (2022): Juni : JOSH: Journal of Sharia
Publisher : Dikelola dan diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Syariah bekerja sama dengan Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LP2M) Institut Pesantren Sunan Drajat Lamongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (236.073 KB) | DOI: 10.55352/josh.v1i2.599


Assistance is one of the ways used by the government to slightly ease the economic burden of the community, especially the poor. The government as the executor of state duties does have a goal to carry out and improve the welfare of the community so that the government's functions and roles are clearly visible. In an effort to ease the economic burden on the community, the Indonesian government launched a non-cash food assistance program or abbreviated as BPNT. The aid was intended to ease the economic burden on the community, but in the field, conditions were different. The process of distributing the aid was hampered by an inaccurate data collection process by the aid distributor or the program. So that people who should be asking for help do not receive assistance, and vice versa. From these shortcomings, the final distributor, namely the village government, then makes improvements or updates the data according to the specified criteria. The research method in this paper uses a qualitative method with a case study approach in the Sukodadi District, Lamongan Regency, East Java. Furthermore, from the results of the study, it was concluded that the beneficiaries or referred to as beneficiary families (KPM) were greatly helped by the assistance program. It is the hope of the recipient community that the program can be continued so as to ease their economic burden.
Journal of International Relations Vol 2 No 2 (2022): Journal of International Relations (JoS)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Muhammadiyah Sorong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Perang Rusia dan Ukraina adalah salah satu tragedy Internasional yang menjadi beban banyak Negara saat ini. Negara yang terdampak peristiwa perang tersebut tentu adalah Eropa. Pasokan energi eropa hamper separuh lebih berasal dari Rusia, sehingga perang tersebut tentu membuat kawasan Eropa dan sekitar menjadi tidak stabil. Dalam persoalan lain sebenarnya perang tersebut juga melibatkan banyak Negara tidak hanya Rusia dan Ukraina secara vis a vis. Dalam kondisi semacama ini perlu ada tindakan nyata dari PBB untuk menyelesaikan persoalan tersebut sebagai organisasi internasional terbesar saat ini. Disisi lain Indonesia sebagai bagian dari PBB dan ASEAN harusnya mampu memainkan peran yang signifikan sebagai mediator. Indonesia sebagai anggota G20 bersama Rusia harus mampu melakukan tindakan yang diperlukan untuk sebagai penengah perang tersebut. Indonesia tidak hanya dipandang sebagai Negara merdeka, namun juga mitra strategis Rusia dan Ukraina dalam banyak hal sehingga Indonesia punya potensi yang kuat untuk menjadi mediator dalam perang tersebut. Walaupun perang tersebut tidak secara langsung berdampak terhadap Indonesia, namun secara perkembangan politik dan hubungan internasional secara jangka menengah dan panjang Indonesia tetap akan merasakan imbas dari perang tersebut apabali persoalan energi. Kata Kunci: Energi, Eropa, PBB, ASEAN dan G20
Soekarno dan Nasakom dalam Pendekatan Idiosinkratik (psikologi kepemimpinan Ahmad Burhan Hakim; Muhyidin
Conseils : Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling Islam Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023): April : Jurnal CONSEILS: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling Islam
Publisher : Institut Pesantren Sunan Drajat Lamongan, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (355.61 KB) | DOI: 10.55352/bki.v3i1.173


Orde Lama menjadi salah rezim politik di Indonesia dengan resistensi dan gejolak politik yang luar biasa baik didalam dan luar negeri. Kendali pimpinan di bawah Soekarno membawa Indonesia pada nuansa yang berbeda dari pemimpin setelanya. Pertarungan Ideologi yang terjadi didalam negeri memunculkan konsep politik nasakom (nasionalisme, agama dan komunisme) yang berarti secara tidak langsung memakomodir hamper semua ideology yang beredar di dalam negeri. Dengan keputusan tersebut maka dianggap bahwa Soekarno adalah pemimpin Indonesia yang nasionalis pada masa orde lama. Secara Idiosinkratik proses dan latar belakang watak ideologis Soerkano menjadi salah satu faktor dominan yang punya pengaruh besar. Diantaranya bahwa Soekarno adalah pemimpin yang revolusioner, visioner, parlente dan fashionable tentunya. Dalam artikel sederhana ini penulis mengunnakan pendeketah metodologi kualitatif dengan operasional studi kepustakaan. Hal ini mengingat kemudahan akses informasi yang hari bisa di dapatnya. Dengan penjelasan sederhana semacam ini, maka faktor personal punya pengaruh dominan dalam munculnya nasakom. Walaupun secara tentu faktor internal berupa politik domestic juga bisa jadi dominan. Lingkungan Internasional berupa gejolak Perang Dingin juga punya peran tidak kalah penting.
Busyro: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi Islam Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023): Mei : Busyro : Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi Islam
Publisher : Institut Pesantren Sunan Drajat Lamongan, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55352/kpi.v4i2.245


Media sosial menjadi salah satu alat kampanye yang digunakan oleh pasangan calon Bupati dan wakil Bupati Lamongan Yuhronur efendi dan KH. Abdul Rouf. Melalui akun Facebook Yes Bro pasangan calon tersebut sering kali melakukan kampanye dan sosialisi tentang program kerja mereka apabila nanti terpilih sebagai Bupati dan Wakil Bupati Lamongan. Penggunaan media sosial sebagai bagian dari alat kampanye menjadi suatu keniscayaan hari ini, karena sebagai besar masyarakat kita sudah melek tehnologi komunikasi, sehingga hal ini menjadi penting adanya. Media sosial punya keunggulan yakni biaya yang relatif terjangkau dan mudah untuk digunakan. Maka penulis meneliti seberapa efektif media sosial tersebut digunakan dalam aktiftas kampanye. Dalam dinamika komunikasi politik masa kini, peran media sosial menjadi penting adanya. Selain itu kemudahan akses dengan biaya yang murah menjadikan media sosial punya peranan yang signifikan dalam penyaluran ide dan gagasan dalam politik. Hal ini menjadi marak terjadi dalam hampir di seluruh event politik demokrasi di Indonesia, mengingat banyak juga tim sukses yang mahir dalam informasi teknologi. Kota Lamongan sendiri menjadi salah Kota penyangga yang punya peranan ekonomi dan politik yang kuat di Jawa Timur. Sehingga kontestasi politik yang terjadi di Lamongan menarik banyak pihak yang punya kepentingan di dalamnya.
Demokrasi dan Politik Biaya Tinggi (High Cost Politics) Ahmad Burhan Hakim; Muhyidin Muhyidin
JOSH: Journal of Sharia Vol. 1 No. 01 (2022): Januari : JOSH: Journal of Sharia
Publisher : Institut Pesantren Sunan Drajat Lamongan, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55352/josh.v1i1.149


Democracy is a concept of state and politics which is considered the most ideal today. Democracy also has an important role in arranging the rules of the political and state game in Indonesia. So that after the 1998 reformation democracy became one of the important ideologies in Indonesian politics. The concepts of justice, openness, representation, transparency and accountability are a series of epic concepts in democracy. The basic concept is actually very noble. However, in practice, democracy is not just a raw concept. Electoral political events have resulted in a logical consequence, namely high-cost politics that cannot be separated from every moment of democracy. So do not be surprised if in political moments such as the Presidential Election, Legislative Member Election, Regional Head Election from Province to Regency and City and even Village Head Election requires large funds. Both in terms of implementation to the succession of candidates. The result is a widespread culture of corruption that occurs in our country. So this will certainly affect state politics in Indonesia. Democracy does have an extraordinary ideal concept, but the implementation of democracy requires a lot of funds.
Pengaruh Sistem Distribusi Bantuan Pangan Non Tunai dalam Mensejahterakan Masyarakat Tahun 2021 (Studi Kasus di Kecamatan Sukodadi Kabupaten Lamongan Jawa Timur) Moh. Sadiyin; Ahmad Burhan Hakim
JOSH: Journal of Sharia Vol. 1 No. 02 (2022): Juni : JOSH: Journal of Sharia
Publisher : Institut Pesantren Sunan Drajat Lamongan, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55352/josh.v1i2.163


Assistance is one of the ways used by the government to slightly ease the economic burden of the community, especially the poor. The government as the executor of state duties does have a goal to carry out and improve the welfare of the community so that the government's functions and roles are clearly visible. In an effort to ease the economic burden on the community, the Indonesian government launched a non-cash food assistance program or abbreviated as BPNT. The aid was intended to ease the economic burden on the community, but in the field, conditions were different. The process of distributing the aid was hampered by an inaccurate data collection process by the aid distributor or the program. So that people who should be asking for help do not receive assistance, and vice versa. From these shortcomings, the final distributor, namely the village government, then makes improvements or updates the data according to the specified criteria. The research method in this paper uses a qualitative method with a case study approach in the Sukodadi District, Lamongan Regency, East Java. Furthermore, from the results of the study, it was concluded that the beneficiaries or referred to as beneficiary families (KPM) were greatly helped by the assistance program. It is the hope of the recipient community that the program can be continued so as to ease their economic burden.
Analisis Pelaksanaan Bantuan Hukum kepada Masyarakat Miskin oleh Lembaga Bantuan Hukum PEKA Tuban (Studi Penelitian di Kecamatan Palang Kabupaten Tuban Jawa Timur) Muhammad Ali Rofin; Ahmad Burhan Hakim; Ahmad Afan Zaini
JOSH: Journal of Sharia Vol. 2 No. 01 (2023): Januari : JOSH: Journal of Sharia
Publisher : Institut Pesantren Sunan Drajat Lamongan, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55352/josh.v2i1.172


Legal Aid Institutions have an important role in providing free legal aid, especially for the poor in undergoing the process in court, because the cost is not cheap when litigation. Therefore, it is necessary to know about the role of Legal Aid Institutions in providing legal aid for the poor, namely to provide justice rights for all communities, including the poor, because in the eyes of the law all are equal, how the poor always get the injustice they deserve. This thesis research on the Implementation of Legal Aid to the Poor by the Pejuang keadilan Legal Aid Institute Tuban uses a qualitative approach and an empirical normative legal approach, namely research that combines normative research and is supported by data or elements of empirical research, methods for data collection through observation,interviews and documentation. The research results obtained are as follows: all people can get free legal aid, there are no special requirements, only an identity card and a certificate of poverty, if any, This aid agency not only provides legitimacy but also non-legitimacy assistance. The obstacles faced in implementing legal aid are as follows: lack of public knowledge about legal aid, limited funds so that alternative routes use personal money, lack of support from the government for legal aid institutions that have not been accredited.
Politik Primordial dan Politik Identitas dalam Perkembangan Demokrasi dan Politik Lokal Di Indonesia Satryo Pringgo Sejati; Ahmad Burhan Hakim
JOSH: Journal of Sharia Vol. 2 No. 02 (2023): Juni : JOSH: Journal of Sharia
Publisher : Institut Pesantren Sunan Drajat Lamongan, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55352/josh.v2i2.533


Indonesia is one of the Muslim countries in the world that is able to gradually implement democracy in its political system. In the 25 years after the reform, Indonesia has tried various schemes to be able to carry out democratization so that it can be accepted by the Indonesian people themselves and even aims to get a positive international image. In the dynamics that occur, the development of political democracy in Indonesia gives rise to a social and political dynamics known as primordial politics and identity politics. These two approaches become true when we look at the conditions and dynamics of politics and democracy that occur in Indonesia. Moreover, the position of the regions has a significant role in contributing to the development of democracy and politics at the center. The region is an interesting area to discuss considering that the region is part of the political administration which has a strong influence on the center. This happened during the Indonesian reformation that occurred in 1998. Where the centralized concept became decentralized with the emergence of regional autonomy. In other words, the region has full power and authority to determine its political and economic direction. Of course, under other conditions it would be better. But on the other hand there are sociological consequences that must be accepted after the reform. The development of democracy in Indonesia actually produces primordial politics and identity politics, which are difficult to avoid. So it could be that Indonesia itself is aware that these two approaches are indeed taking place and cannot be avoided. Therefore, it is necessary for us to understand that primordial politics and identity politics today are a social reality and fact that occur in the dynamics of politics and democracy in Indonesia.