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The Role of Micro Small Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) In Halal Industry Enhancement (Case Study of MSMEs in Lhokseumawe – Aceh) Rani Puspitaningrum; Damanhur Damanhur; Falahuddin Falahuddin; Ahmad Fauzul Hakim Hasibuan; Selvia Agustin
Review of Islamic Economics and Finance Vol 4, No 2 (2021): Review of Islamic Economics and Finance : December 2021
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/rief.v4i2.39630


AbstractPurpose – This study examined the role of MSMEs in encouraging the halal industry and aimed to determine the problems of MSMEs in supporting the halal industry in Lhokseumawe..Methodology - This study used primary data of qualitative study with descriptive data analysis from five interviewees as an owner of food and beverage MSMEs sector in Lhokseumawe-Aceh. The research method used is a case study approach. Data collection techniques used were interview, observation, and documentation, and data analysis techniques used in this study with data reduction, data presentation, conclusion, and triangulation stages. Findings - The results showed that the role of MSMEs in encouraging the halal industry was relatively low due to the lack of knowledge and awareness of MSME actors in Lhokseumawe city about halal certification that provides services to MSMEs.Keywords: Islamic Economics, Micro Small Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), Halal Industry, Qualitative Method, Consumer Satisfaction
The Power Of The Acehnese Dinar And Dirham In Muamalah Transactions Hadi Arifin; Damanhur Damanhur; Anwar Puteh; Yulius Dharma
el-Amwal Vol 5, No 1 (2022): El-Amwal
Publisher : LPPM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29103/el-amwal.v5i1.6865


Dinars and dirhams, have been used by the population since thousands of years ago, which are known as the essential medium of exchange (thaman haqiqi or thaman khalqi). Islam has introduced the dinar and dirham as currency. Dirham, for the first time used in Aceh during the Samudera-Pasai kingdom, which was then followed by the Aceh Darussalam kingdom and subsequently the use of the gold currency, expanded throughout the archipelago. Dirham, which means money made of silver. But in Samudera-Pasai, dirham means money made of gold. This gold coin weighs 0.57 grams, 18 carat quality with a diameter of one centimeter. Dinar and Dirham in the true sense, namely the dinar is made of 22 carat gold 4.25 grams, and the dirham is made of pure silver 2.975 grams.Based on UUPA No. 11 of 2006, the Aceh government has the authority to set requirements for bank financial institutions and non-bank financial institutions, and the Aceh government can explore gold mines in the Leuser Ecosystem (KEL) for the need to innovate various types of gold currency and gold jewelry that can prosper, can establish dinar-dirham financial institution, making dinar-dirham money, creating e-dinar-dirham, Dinar-DirhamCard, utilizing the Dinar-Dirham as the basis for the Mobil Payment System (MPS); innovating the birth of various currencies for the cyber age under the names Mondex, E-Cash, DigiCash, CyberCash, GoldCash, E-Gold and E-Dinar, E-Dirham, by establishing a Qanun, aiming to invest in the future development of aceh. The institution was given the task of creating dinars, which were kept, monitored, and exchanged. This financial institution in the long term; can be used for safe financial planning, used for children's education funds, family health funds, retirement preparation, and other activities. Meanwhile, physically, the dirham can be used for savings, investment, muamalah, and even zakat, infaq and diyat
Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Bonus Wadiah Pada PT. Bank Muamalat Indonesia (Periode 2013-2019) Falahuddin Falahuddin; Damanhur Damanhur; Mukhlish Muhammad Nur; Sumiati Sumiati
el-Amwal Vol 4, No 2 (2021): Volume 4 Nomor 2, September 2021
Publisher : LPPM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29103/el-amwal.v4i2.5726


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi bonus wadiah pada PT. Bank Muamalat Indonesia periode 2013-2019. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data sekunder dengan metode analisis regresi linear berganda dengan bantuan program Eviews 11. Hasil penelitian secara parsial (uji t) menunjukkan pendapatan bagi hasil berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap bonus wadiah, pendapatan margin murabahah berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap bonus wadiah, simpanan wadiah berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap bonus wadiah. Sedangkan secara simultan (uji F) pendapatan bagi hasil, pendapatan margin murabahah dan simpanan wadiah berpengaruh terhadap bonus wadiah. Berdasarkan uji determinasi (R2), besarnya nilai Adjusted R-squared 0.8419 hal ini berarti 84,19% variabel dependen ada hubungan yang sangat kuat dengan variabel independen sedangkan sisanya 15,73% dijelaskan oleh variabel lain yang tidak dimasukkan dalam model persamaan regresi.
E-Mabis: Jurnal Ekonomi Manajemen dan Bisnis Vol 23, No 2 (2022): Volume 23 No.2 Oktober 2022
Publisher : Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Malikussaleh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29103/e-mabis.v23i2.861


Tujuan penelitian untuk menganalisis pengaruh fasilitas wisata, daya tarik wisata dan kualitas pelayanan terhadap kepuasan pengunjung wisata Pantai Ujong Blang Lhokseumawe. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi linier berganda. Jumlah Responden 85 orang menggunakan teknik Acidental Sampling. Uji hipotesis menggunakan uji parsial dan uji simultan. Secara parsial fasilitas wisata berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan pengunjung Wisata Pantai Ujong Blang, daya tarik wisata mempengaruhi kepuasan pengunjung Wisata Pantai Ujong Blang dan kualitas pelayanan berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan pengunjung Wisata Pantai Ujong Blang Kota Lhokseumawe. Diharapakan kepada Pemerintah Daerah lebih memperhatikan kondisi Daerah Wisata Pantai Laut Ujung Blang, melalui tata kelola wisata dengan meningkatkan fasilitas wisata dan pelayanan agar minat pengunjung wisata lebih tinggi sehingga mampu meningkatkan pertumbuhan Ekonomi daerah serta meningkatkan pendapatan masyarakat dilingkungan wisata Pantai Laut Ujung Blang Kota Lhokseumawe.