Nazaruddin Umar
Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Sumatera Utara/Dr. Adam Malik, General Hospital Medan

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Anestesia pada Tindakan Dekompresi Foramen Magnum pada Pasien dengan Malformasi Arnold Chiari Nazaruddin Umar; Haryo Prabowo; Tasrif Hamdi
Jurnal Neuroanestesi Indonesia Vol 2, No 2 (2013)
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Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (200.862 KB) | DOI: 10.24244/jni.vol2i2.163


Malformasi Arnold Chiari tipe 1 adalah pergeseran tonsil serebellum kearah kaudal kanalis spinalis tulang belakang servikal melalui foramen magnum. Siringomielia adalah gangguan degeneratif progresif yang ditandai dengan amiotropi brakhial dan kehilangan fungsi sensorik dan secara patologi dengan kavitasi bagian sentral dari medula spinalis, siringomielia pada malformasi Chiari terjadi antara level servikalis 4–6. Seorang laki-laki usia 29 tahun datang dengan riwayat nyeri tumpul di kedua lengan atas. Dalam perjalanannya setelah 2 tahun terjadi atropi thenar dan hipothenar dan kehilangan kemampuan motorik pada kedua lengan atas. Pemeriksaan neurologis menunjukkan gangguan sensorik pada lengan kanan dan lengan kiri. Pencitraan MRI menunjukkan herniasi tonsil ke foramen magnum dan siringomielia dari medula oblongata ke level T4. Laporan kasus ini adalah kasus langka seorang laki-laki dengan malformasi Arnold Chiari tipe 1 dengan manifestasi lambat dan siringomielia yang sukses menjalani prosedur operasi dekompresi foramen magnum dengan teknik anestesi umum. Anesthesia for Foramen Magnum Decompression in Patient with Arnold Chiari Malformation The Arnold Chiari malformation type I (Chiari malformation) is a caudal displacement of the cerebellar tonsils into the cervical spinal canal through the foramen magnum. Syringomyelia is a chronic progressive degenerative disorder characterized clinically by brachial amyotrophy and segmental sensory loss of dissociated type, and pathologicaly by cavitation of the central parts of the spinal cord, syringomyelia is often associated with Chiari Malformation type I and is commonly seen between the C-4 and C-6 levels. A 29-year-male had experienced a history of dull pain in her both arm for 2 years. Additionally, after two years hipothenar and thenar muscle became atropi and the patient lossing his upper extremity motorik ability. The neurological examination revealed sensory disturbances in his right arm,and left arm. MRI showed cerebellar tonsillar herniation into the foramen magnum and syringomyelia from the medulla oblongata to the T4 level. This report is a very rare case of an middle age male with late-onset Arnold Chiari malformation type I and syringomyelia that was successfully undergo foramen magnum decompression under general anesthesia.
Penatalaksanaan Anestesi dengan TIVA Propofol-Dexmedetomidine-Fentanyl untuk Operasi Meningioma Frontalis Sinistra Rebecca Sidhapramudita Mangastuti; A. Himendra Wargahadibrata; Nazaruddin Umar
Jurnal Neuroanestesi Indonesia Vol 3, No 3 (2014)
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Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2431.73 KB) | DOI: 10.24244/jni.vo3i3.145


Meningioma merupakan tumor intrakranial jinak yang sering ditemukan. Berasal dari jaringan meningen dan medulla spinalis, tidak tumbuh dari jaringan otak. Pada kasus ini, pasien laki-laki, 46 tahun, 80 kg, datang ke rumah sakit dengan keluhan kejang berulang dan sakit kepala yang hilang timbul sejak 5 bulan yang lalu. Kesadaran composmentis, GCS 15, pupil isokor bilateral 2 mm, hemodinamik stabil, jantung dan paru tidak ada kelainan dan tidak ada kelumpuhan atau kelemahan pada ke empat ekstremitas. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) brain ditemukan masa hipointens yang melekat dengan meningen di frontal kiri ukuran 52x48x43 mm, kesan convexitas meningioma disertai perifokal edema dengan midline shift ke kanan sekitar 7 mm. Disimpulkan meningioma frontal sinistra dan dianjurkan kraniotomi pengangkatan tumor. Operasi dilakukan dengan anestesi umum. Tehnik anestesi menggunakan Total Intra Venous Anesthesia (TIVA) dengan syringe pump. Operasi berlangsung selama 7 jam dan tumor dapat terangkat semua. Jumlah perdarahan 1000 mL. Pasien mendapat 300 ml Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP) dan 500 ml Packed Red Cell (PRC) intraoperasi. Untuk mengurangi tekanan intrakranial, diberikan manitol 0,5 gram/kgBB dan drainase cairan serebrospinal 10–20 mL langsung ke ventrikel lateral oleh operator. Pascaoperasi, pasien diekstubasi dan rawat diruang ICU. Dengan data five year survival rate untuk meningioma jinak 70%, meningioma ganas 55%, diharapkan prognosis pasien pascaoperasi adalah dubia ad bonam. Management Anesthesia with TIVA Propofol-Dexmedetomidine-Fentanyl for Meningioma Frontalis Sinistra OperationMeningiomas are the most common benign intracranial tumors. These tumors originate from the meninges and spinal cord, not from the brain tissue. A 46 year old 80 kgs male patient, was admited to the hospital with recurrent seizures and intermittent headaches that occured since five months ago. He was fully alert, GCS 15, both pupils were isokor (2 mm), with stable hemodynamic, no parese in all extremities and normal heart and lung. Magnectic Resonance Imaging (MRI) result showed a 52x48x43 mm mass attached to the meninges at the left frontal with perifocal tumour edema and midline shifted to the right about 7 mm. The patients was diagnosed with the left frontal meningioma and suggested for craniotomy tumour removal. The surgery was performed under general anesthesia using. Total Intra Venous Anesthesia (TIVA) with syringe pump. The 7 hours surgery performed uneventfully with total bleeding of 1000 mL and the patient was received 300 mL Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP) and 500 ml Packed Red Cell (PRC) intraoperatively. To reduce intracranial pressure, a 0.5gr/kg mannitol was and a 10–20 cc of cerebrospinal liquor drainage through the lateral ventricle was performed by the operator. The patient was extubated after the operation and admitted the ICU for futher management. With the five year survival rate of 70% for benign meningioma and 55% for malignant meningiomas, the prognosis of this patient is dubia ad bonam.
Dexmedetomidine sebagai Terapi Ajuvan untuk Operasi Tumor Fossa Posterior pada Bayi Nazaruddin Umar; David Silalahi
Jurnal Neuroanestesi Indonesia Vol 2, No 2 (2013)
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Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (351.979 KB) | DOI: 10.24244/jni.vol2i2.162


Dexmedetomidine, agonis reseptor α2 adrenergik-memberikan efek "sedasi kooperatif," ansiolitik, dan analgesia tanpa depresi pernafasan, efek simpatolitik dan antinosisepsi memungkinkan untuk stabilitas hemodinamik perioperatif. Kasus ini akan membahas neurofarmakologi dan neurofisiologi dari α2-adrenergik agonis dan penerapan dexmedetomidine sebagai ajuvan. Bayi 1 tahun,10 kg, didiagnosa hidrosefalus obstruktif oleh adanya tumor di regio fossa posterior (yang telah menjalani 3 kali revisi VP-shunt), GCS10: E4V2M4, tekanan darah 90/40mmHg, laju nadi 150 x/menit, laju nafas 30 x/menit, suhu 36,8°C, akan menjalani kraniektomi untuk pengangkatan tumor di regio fossa posterior pada posisi prone. Monitor non-invasif (tekanan darah, denyut jantung, SpO2, EKG, Kapnograph dan kateter urin). Premedikasi dengan midazolam 0,5 mg intravena. Induksi anestesi dengan ajuvan dexmedetomidine. Pemeliharaan anestesi dengan oksigen/udara, sevoflurane 0,6-1,0%, infus kontinyu dexmedetomidine dan pemberian selimut penghangat 370C. Pemantauan ketat dilakukan di ICU anak (PICU) dengan ventilasi mekanik dan diekstubasi pada esok pagi. Setelah hari ke-10 rawatan di PICU, pasien dipindahkan ke ruangan tanpa komplikasi neurologis perioperatif (GCS 12: E4V3M5). Manajemen, evaluasi serta pencegahan yang tepat terhadap kemungkinan komplikasi yang terjadi dapat meningkatkan luaran pasien.  Dexmedetomidine as Ajuvant Therapy for Infant Undergoing Posterior Fossa Surgery Dexmedetomidine, an α2-adrenergic receptor agonist offers a unique “cooperative sedation,” anxiolysis, analgesia without respiratory depression, sympatholytic and antinociceptive properties allow for hemodynamic stability at critical moments both for neurosurgical stimulation and emergence phase of anesthesia. One year infant, 10 kgs, admitted with loss of consciousness and head enlargement since 2 months of age, diagnosed obstructive hydrocephalus due to posterior fossa tumor and had underwent three VP-shunt revision surgeries. Preoperative with GCS8 E4V1M3, blood pressure 90/40mmHg, heart rate 150 beats/minute, respiratory rate 30/minute, temperature 36.8°C, underwent craniectomy tumor removal for posterior fossa tumor in prone position. Premedication with midazolam 0.5 mg intravenous. Induction of anesthesia with ajuvant dexmedetomidine. Maintenance of anesthesia used oxygen/air with sevoflurane 0,6-1,0%, continuous infusion of dexmedetomidine, insertion of subclavian central vein cannulation and temperature preservation with warm blanket set to 370C. Post operation, patient was mechanically ventilated and monitored in Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) and extubated on the next morning. During in PICU, hemodynamic was stable and no worsening complication of neurologic deficit (GCS11 E4V3M5). After 10 days, patient moved to ward. The proper management, evaluation and prevention the possibility of these complications may improve patient outcome