Fitri Sepviyanti Sumardi
Faculty of Medicine Universitas Zhengzhou Cina

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Peranan Index of Consciousness (IoC) dalam Tatalaksana Total Intravenous Anesthesia pada Operasi Mikrovaskular Dekompresi Fitri Sepviyanti Sumardi; Iwan Fuadi; Sri Rahardjo; Tatang Bisri
Jurnal Neuroanestesi Indonesia Vol 6, No 2 (2017)
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Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (436.902 KB) | DOI: 10.24244/jni.vol6i2.43


Perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan tehnik operasi bedah saraf ini berbanding lurus dengan kemajuan keilmuan anestesi. Tatalaksana anestesi sangat mempengaruhi kualitas hidup dan kesehatan pasien pascabedah. Seorang laki-laki 58 tahun dengan diagnosis trigeminal neuralgia sinistra, berat badan 60 kg dan tinggi badan 165 cm. Pasien mengeluh nyeri wajah sebelah kiri yang terkadang disertai nyeri kepala. Riwayat hipertensi dan penyakit penyerta lain disangkal. Riwayat konsumsi obat-obatan seperti carbamazepine disangkal. Dilakukan induksi anestesi umum dengan tehnik total intravenous anesthesia (TIVA) menggunakan teknik target controlled infuse (TCI): propofol, dexmetomidine, fentanyl dan rocuronium, sebagai alat pantau/monitoring digunakan index of consciousness (IoC), lama operasi 2 jam dan lama pasien teranestesi 2 jam 30 menit. Pascabedah pasien dirawat di ICU selama 1 hari, lalu dipindahkan ke ruang rawat inap dan pulang ke rumah pada hari ke-6 perawatan. Mikrovaskular dekompresi merupakan operasi bedah otak yang minimal invasif menuntut para ahli anestesi untuk bertanggung jawab menyokong pascabedah yang lebih optimal, sehingga pasien cepat bangun dan penilaian neurokognitif dilakukan sedini mungkin. Penggunaan IoC sebagai alat pantau pasien/monitoring selama diberikan anestesi TIVA sangatlah berguna. Hal ini bertujuan untuk mencegah timbulnya pasien tetap sadar selama operasi berlangsung, dengan melihat kedalaman anestesi yang diberikan, agar tidak terjadi kekurangan atau kelebihan dosis obat-obatan anestesi yang diberikan.The role of index of consciousness (IoC) Total Intravenous Anesthesia Management for Microvascular Decompression SurgeryThe development of science and engineering neurosurgical operation is directly proportional to the scientific advancement of anesthesia. Management of anesthesia greatly affect quality of life and health of patients postoperatively. A man 58 years old with a diagnosis of the left trigeminal neuralgia, weighing 60 kg and height 165 cm. Patients complain of pain left face is sometimes accompanied by headache. A history of hypertension and other comorbidities denied. A history of consumption of drugs such as carbamazepine denied. Induction of general anesthesia with TIVA technique using TCI: propofol, dexmetomidine, fentanyl and rocuronium, as a means of monitoring / monitoring use IoC (index of consciousness), long operating time of 2 hours and anesthetized patients 2 hours 30 minutes. Postoperative patients admitted to the ICU for 1 day, and then transferred to the wards and go home on the 6th day of treatment. Microvascular decompression is a brain surgery less invasive and requires minimal bleeding anesthesiologists responsible for more optimal postoperative support, so patients quickly get up and neurocognitive assessment done as early as possible. The use IoC as a tool to monitor patients during anesthesia TIVA, it’s very useful. It aims to prevent the patient awareness during surgery, to see the depth of anesthesia is given, in order to avoid under- or overdosing anesthesia agents.
Tatalaksana Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis dengan Alkoholik dan Perdarahan Intraserebral Fitri Sepviyanti Sumardi; Rose Mafiana; Eri Surachman
Jurnal Neuroanestesi Indonesia Vol 7, No 1 (2018)
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Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (445.182 KB) | DOI: 10.24244/jni.vol7i1.30


Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST) adalah suatu sindrom seperti stroke, angka kejadiannya sangat jarang, sehingga dapat menjadi dilema bagi dokter di instalasi gawat darurat dalam menegakkan diagnosis. Seorang lelaki 25 tahun, 50 kg, tinggi badan 165 cm, mengeluh lemah anggota badan sebelah kanan sejak 12 jam sebelum masuk rumah sakit. Keluhan disertai dengan sukar berbicara. Satu hari sebelum masuk rumah sakit, pasien mabuk-mabukan dan mengalami muntah-muntah ± 3–5 x/hari. Riwayat kejang, konsumsi obat-obatan dan trauma sebelumnya disangkal. Tidak ada riwayat demam, hipertensi, diabetes mellitus dan penyakit penyerta lainnya. Dilakukan dekompresi evakuasi perdarahan sebagai tindakan penyelamatan jiwa setelah pasien terehidrasi, operasi dilakukan dalam anestesi umum. Lama operasi selama 2 jam dan lama pasien teranestesi 2 jam 15 menit. Pasien dirawat di ICU selama 2 hari, lalu dipindahkan ke ruang HCU. Pada hari ke-5 pascabedah mulai diberikan enoxaparin sodium 50 mg subcutan selama 6 hari. Lalu pasien dipindahkan ke ruang rawat inap dan pulang ke rumah pada hari ke-15 perawatan. Target pencapaian utama pada pasien CVST adalah untuk rekanalisasi penyumbatan, menjaga venous return, mengurangi risiko hipertensi vena, infark serebral dan emboli paru. Algoritma tatalaksana pasien CVST terkadang harus disesuaikan dengan kondisi klinis pasien saat tiba di rumah sakit. Pemberian low-weightmoleculer heparin (LWMH) tetap diberikan selama tidak terjadi peningkatan tekanan darah yang bermaknaCerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis Management with Alkoholic and Intracerebral HemorrhageCerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST) is a syndrome similar a stroke, the incidence is very rare, so it can be a dilemma for doctors at emergency departments to make the diagnosis. A 25 year old male weighing 50 kg and height 165 cm. Patients complained of right limb wekness since 12 hours before admission. Complaints are accompanied by difficulty speaking. One day before entering the hospital, the patient got drunk and experienced vomiting ± 3–5 times a day. History of seizures, previous consumption of drugs and trauma was denied. No history of fever, hypertension, diabetes mellitus and other comorbidities. Decompression by hematoma evacuation was performed as a life-saving action after the patient was hydrated, surgery was performed under general anesthesia. Operation duration was 2 hours and anesthesia duration was 2 hours 15 minutes. The patient was admitted to the ICU for 2 days, then transferred to the HCU room. On the 5th day post-surgery patient got 50 mg subcutaneous enoxaparin for 6 days. Then the patient was transferred to the ward and returned home on the 15th day of treatment. The main achievement targets in CVST patients were for clotting recanalization, maintaining venous return, reducing the risk of venous hypertension, cerebral infarction and pulmonary embolism. The CVST patient management algorithm sometimes has to be adjusted to the patient's clinical condition upon arrival at the hospital. Provision of LWMH is still given as long as the blood pressure does not increase significantly.
Tatalaksana Kraniektomi Dekompresif pada Pasien Cedera Otak Traumatik Berat yang Disertai Peningkatan Tekanan Tinggi Intrakranial Menetap Fitri Sepviyanti Sumardi; Hamzah Hamzah; Sri Rahardjo; Tatang Bisri
Jurnal Neuroanestesi Indonesia Vol 7, No 3 (2018)
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Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (430.096 KB) | DOI: 10.24244/jni.vol7i3.19


Tekanan tinggi intrakranial menetap adalah penyebab kematian terbesar pada pasien dengan cedera kepala traumatik berat. Pada cedera kepala berat, tatalaksana secara konservatif dan operatif dilakukan untuk meminimalisir terjadinya cedera otak sekunder. Peningkatan tekanan intrakranial biasanya disebabkan karena edema otak, hal ini sangat penting dan menentukan hasil luaran pasien/Glasgow outcomes scale (GOS) atau Extended GOS (GOSE). Data klinis menunjukkan bahwa kraniektomi dekompresif menurunkan angka kematian, meningkatkan fungsi pemulihan, menurunkan durasi perawatan di ICU dan meningkatkan hasil luaran berdasarkan Barthel Index Score. Kraniektomi dekompresif sering dilakukan sebagai penyelamatan empiris untuk melindungi kerusakan otak lebih lanjut akibat efek edema dan hipertensi intrakranial menetap. Konsep utama tatalaksana pasien dengan tekanan tinggi intrakanial yang menetap adalah menjaga aliran darah otak dan tekanan perfusi otak.Decompressive Craniectomy Management in Patients with Severe Traumatic Brain Injuries Accompanied by Refractory Intracranial HypertensionRefractory intracranial hypertension is the biggest cause of death in patients with severe traumatic head injury. In severe head injuries, conservative management and surgery are performed to minimize the occurrence of secondary brain injury. The increase in intracranial pressure is usually caused by brain edema, this is very important and determines the outcomes of the Glasgow outcomes scale (GOS) or extended GOS (GOSE). Clinical data show that decompressive craniectomy reduces mortality, improves recovery function, decreases duration of ICU treatment and increases outcome outcomes based on the Barthel Index Score. Decompressive craniectomy is often performed as an empirical salvage to protect further brain damage due to the effects of edema and refractory intracranial hypertension. The main concept of managing patients with refractory intracranial hypertension is to maintain cerebral blood flow and cerebral perfusion pressure.