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EMPAT RISALAH SYEKH MUKHTAR AMBAI: Pribumisasi Fikih Melalui Aksara Arab-Melayu di Kerinci nuzul iskandar
AL-SYAKHSHIYYAH Jurnal Hukum Keluarga Islam dan Kemanusiaan Vol 4, No 2 (2022): Volume 4 Nomor 2 Desember 2022
Publisher : IAIN BONE

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30863/as-hki.v4i2.2845


This study was triggered by the thought that the works of Syekh Mukhtar Ambai Kerinci were important to mention, in addition to the general reason that so far the ancient texts from Kerinci tended to only deal with traditional issues and very little about religious issues, as well as the specific reason that Mukhtar's works shows the tendency of fiqh indigenization towards the Kerinci community. This study aims to see how the method of writing fiqh materials in Sheikh Mukhtar Ambai's four treatises, and their correlation with the method of fiqh indigenization to the Kerinci community. This study shows that the works of Syekh Mukhtar Ambai very strongly represent the efforts to indigenize fiqh in the community. The indications of fiqh indigenization can be captured in three ways. First, writing that does not follow fiqh systematics, but is adapted to the needs of the community. Second, linking the discussion of fiqh with monotheism and Sufism according to the psychological needs of the community which requires strengthening the understanding of amaliyah in terms of monotheism and Sufism. Third, using local terms so that his work is easy to understand and familiar with people's daily lives.Keywords: Arabic-Malay Treatise; Indigenization of Fiqh; Kerinci; Mukhtar Ambai.
Philosophy of Ayam Jago: Researching The Values of Character Education in Customary Perbayo Sungai Tutung Village, Kerinci District Muhamad Yusuf; Nuzul Iskandar; Doli Witro; Ogi Sandria
Jurnal Dialog Vol 44 No 1 (2021): Dialog
Publisher : Sekretariat Badan Litbang dan Diklat Kementerian Agama RI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47655/dialog.v44i1.431


Perbayo is a speech delivered at the coronation ceremony of a local village leader that embraces three aspects, namely: the creation of human, the Kerinci’s natural history, and the leadership. As for the third aspect, the values are often analogous to a rooster having six characters: 1) langsing kokok (good crow); 2) sibar ekor (beautiful tail); 3) kembang sayap (wide wings); 4) besar paruh (big beak); 5) lebar dada (big chest); and 6) runcing taji (sharp spur). The six characters are metaphors of the values that a leader of Sungai Tutung Village must have. This study aims to explore the practice of character education among the people of Sungai Tutung Village. Using a semi-ethnographic design, this study found: firstly, the rooster’s six characters symbolize leadership values that have been preserved from generation to generation among the customary leaders of Sungai Tutung Village; secondly, the analogy of the rooster is maintained because apart from being easy to remember, it symbolizes courage, dignity, wisdom, and responsibility. Perbayo merupakan pidato saat penobatan pemuka adat desa yang memiliki penekanan pada tiga aspek, yaitu penciptaan manusia, sejarah alam Kerinci, dan kepemimpinan. Pada aspek ketiga, nilai-nilainya seringkali dianalogikan dengan ayam jago yang memiliki enam karakter: 1) langsing kokok; 2) sibar ekor; 3) kembang sayap; 4) besar paruh; 5) lebar dada; dan 6) runcing taji. Keenam karakter tersebut adalah metafor dari nilai-nilai yang mesti hidup dan tumbuh dalam individu pemuka adat di Desa Sungai Tutung. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menggali nilai-nilai pendidikan karakter yang terdapat dalam Perbayo Adat Desa Sungai Tutung. Dengan menggunakan desain semi etnografi, studi ini menemukan: pertama, enam karakter ayam jago merupakan nilai-nilai kepemimpinan yang dilestarikan secara turun-temurun oleh pemuka adat Desa Sungai Tutung; kedua, analogi ayam jago dipertahankan karena selain gampang diingat dan disebut, ayam jago menyimbolkan keberanian, kewibawaan, kebijaksanaan, dan bertanggungjawab.
Islamic and Cultural Negotiations in Endogamous Marriage in Kerinci Nuzul Iskandar; Indah Herningrum; Susi Susanti
Jurnal Hukum Islam Vol 20 No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Faculty of Sharia, University of KH. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28918/jhi.v20i1.6515


This article discusses the negotiation of Islam and the culture of Kerinci, Jambi, which is reflected in endogamous marriage activities. This study aims to see how the influence of Islam on endogamous marriages in Kerinci, and how the pattern of Islamic negotiations and the culture in it. This study uses qualitative data obtained through interviews, observation, and document review. Data were analyzed using acculturation and cultural negotiation approaches. The results showed that negotiations occurred when Islam through the concepts of mahram and kafaah influenced the Kerinci people's perspective on the kinship line as a consideration of marriage, so that endogamous marriage became more loosely applied. Negotiations are still ongoing, because the Kerinci custom adds to the category of people who are forbidden to marry outside the mahram provisions. This research is expected to provide a theoretical contribution to understanding cultural diversity and religious practices in Indonesia. However, further research is needed to find out the elements
Penggunaan Kantong Plastik dalam Jual Beli: Telaah Fatwa Mejelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) Nomor 41 Tahun 2014 Rifqi Nurdiansyah; Nuzul Iskandar
Jurnal Mediasas Media Ilmu Syari'ah dan Ahwal Syakhsiyyah Vol 5, No 2 (2022)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (228.258 KB) | DOI: 10.58824/mediasas.v5i2.510


The Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) stated that Indonesia produces 175,000 tons of waste per day or the equivalent of 64 million tons per year. Of the total waste, 15% or the equivalent of 9.6 million tons consists of plastic waste. The events above prove that plastic waste is one of the causes that can damage the environment. However, the amount of waste generated should make people aware not to use plastic excessively and to dispose of waste in its place. One of the biggest suppliers of plastic waste is through the buying and selling process. Therefore, growing ecological awareness is urgent to do. This article aims to determine the ecological awareness possessed by traders and buyers and to find out the use of plastic bags in buying and selling MUI fatwas. This article uses qualitative research methods. This article is library research. The data in this study come from library sources such as books, scientific articles, internet websites, research reports, government regulations, laws, and so on. Then analyzed using qualitative data analysis techniques Miles et al. Namely data condensation, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of the study show that every Muslim has an obligation to maintain the cleanliness of the environment, utilize goods that can still be used to create benefit and avoid evil. Disposing of waste carelessly and disposing of items that can still be used, both for personal and other people’s interests, is haram.
Penggunaan Kantong Plastik dalam Jual Beli: Telaah Fatwa Mejelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) Nomor 41 Tahun 2014 Rifqi Nurdiansyah; Nuzul Iskandar
Jurnal Mediasas Media Ilmu Syari'ah dan Ahwal Syakhsiyyah Vol 5, No 2 (2022)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58824/mediasas.v5i2.510


The Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) stated that Indonesia produces 175,000 tons of waste per day or the equivalent of 64 million tons per year. Of the total waste, 15% or the equivalent of 9.6 million tons consists of plastic waste. The events above prove that plastic waste is one of the causes that can damage the environment. However, the amount of waste generated should make people aware not to use plastic excessively and to dispose of waste in its place. One of the biggest suppliers of plastic waste is through the buying and selling process. Therefore, growing ecological awareness is urgent to do. This article aims to determine the ecological awareness possessed by traders and buyers and to find out the use of plastic bags in buying and selling MUI fatwas. This article uses qualitative research methods. This article is library research. The data in this study come from library sources such as books, scientific articles, internet websites, research reports, government regulations, laws, and so on. Then analyzed using qualitative data analysis techniques Miles et al. Namely data condensation, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of the study show that every Muslim has an obligation to maintain the cleanliness of the environment, utilize goods that can still be used to create benefit and avoid evil. Disposing of waste carelessly and disposing of items that can still be used, both for personal and other people’s interests, is haram.
Actualization of Religious Moderation in Islamic Fatwas in Mainstream Online Media in Indonesia Asa'ari; Nuzul Iskandar; Hainadri
Jurnal Penelitian Volume 20 Nomor 1 2023
Publisher : LPPM UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28918/jupe.v20i1.7088


This study is intended to explain the actualization of religious moderation in Islamic fatwas in mainstream media in Indonesia. This study uses a qualitative-descriptive approach, in the form of media text studies combined with field studies. The media that is used as the object of study is Republika online which is considered to be able to represent mainstream media that has an interest in Islamic issues. Data analysis uses the critical discourse analysis method developed by Teun A van Dijk. This study conveys that in general the contents of fatwas in Republika have actualized and supported the agenda of religious moderation in Indonesia, but when measured by each indicator, the contents of religious moderation tend to only appear in formal in national commitment aspect, tend to avoid diversity of insight because of the urge to always be moderate, and only convey the physical and manifest violence by disregarding that of non-physical and latent. Meanwhile, accommodative indicators of local culture tend to be overlooked in almost all fatwa content, even though many issues potentially can be linked to this. This study is limited to fatwas that contain state issues, while the content of religious moderation can be seen in a wider spectrum of issues. Therefore, this deficiency can be continued by future researchers. However, this study can contribute to providing a qualitative picture of the extent to which the mass media, especially the mainstream media, play a role in the agenda of religious moderation in Indonesia.
Negosiasi Adat dan Administrasi Perkawinan dalam Pengurusan Pengantar Nikah di Sungai Penuh Yumna Sakinah Lubis; Nuzul Iskandar; Hannilfi Yusra
USRATY : Journal of Islamic Family Law Vol 1, No 2 (2023): Desember 2023
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sjech M. Djamil Djambek Bukittinggi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30983/usraty.v1i2.7583


Artikel ini dimaksudkan untuk menjelaskan bagaimana pelaksanaan Undang-Undang Perkawinan bernegosiasi dengan aturan-aturan adat dalam suatu komunitas masyarakat. Lazim dipahami bahwa pelaksanaan suatu hukum positif tidak serta merta terlaksana tanpa berdinamika dengan konteks sosial-kultural di mana ia berada, terlebih jika objek yang diatur tersebut sudah diatur terlebih dahulu dengan norma adat yang lebih lokalitstik. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengisi celah kekosongan penelitian dalam menjelaskan bagaimana hukum positif memberikan pengaruh terhadap praktik perkawinan yang sudah lama dipraktikkan masyarakat, serta bagaimana norma-norma adat mempengaruhi pelaksanaan norma hukum positif. Studi ini menggunakan pendekatan grounded theory dengan mengandalkan data yang diperoleh melalui wawancara, observasi, dan studi dokumen, sedangkan lokasi penelitian adalah salah satu kecamatan di wilayah Kota Sungai Penuh, Jambi. Artikel ini menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat Kota Sungai Penuh tidak merasa keberatan dengan ditambahkan syarat dalam prosedur registrasi nikah di Kantor Urusan Agama, yaitu harus mendapat persetujuan tertulis dari tokoh adat yang disebut tengganai walaupun syarat itu tidak tertera secara formal dalam dokumen Undang-Undang Perkawinan dan peraturan turunannya. Justru masyarakat menerima tambahan aturan ini sebagai bentuk sinergi yang baik antara aturan negara, aturan agama, dan aturan adat.This article aims to elucidate how the implementation of the Marriage Law negotiates with customary rules within a community. It is commonly understood that the implementation of positive law does not occur in isolation but dynamically interacts with the socio-cultural context in which it operates, especially when the subject matter is already regulated by more localized customary norms. This article seeks to fill a research gap in explaining how positive law influences long-standing marriage practices within a community and how customary norms impact the implementation of positive legal norms. The study employs a grounded theory approach, relying on data obtained through interviews, observations, and document analysis, conducted in one of the sub-districts in the city of Sungai Penuh, Jambi. The article demonstrates that the community in Sungai Penuh does not object to additional requirements in the marriage registration procedure at the Office of Religious Affairs, namely obtaining written approval from a customary figure known as tengganai, even though this requirement is not formally stipulated in the Marriage Law and its derivative regulations. Instead, the community perceives this additional rule as a form of synergistic collaboration between state, religious, and customary regulations.
Actualization of Religious Moderation in Islamic Fatwas in Mainstream Online Media in Indonesia Asa’ari; Nuzul Iskandar; Hainadri
JURNAL PENELITIAN Vol. 20 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : LP2M UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28918/jupe.v20i1.1096


This study is intended to explain the actualization of religious moderation in Islamic fatwas in mainstream media in Indonesia. This study uses a qualitative-descriptive approach, in the form of media text studies combined with field studies. The media that is used as the object of study is Republika Online which is considered to be able to represent mainstream media that has an interest in Islamic issues. Data analysis uses the critical discourse analysis method developed by Teun A van Dijk. This study conveys that in general the contents of fatwas in Republika have actualized and supported the agenda of religious moderation in Indonesia, but when measured by each indicator, the contents of religious moderation tend to only appear in formal in the national commitment aspect, tent to avoid diversity of insight because of the urge to always be moderate and only convey the physical and manifest violence by disregarding that of non-physical and latent. Meanwhile, accommodative indicators of local culture tend to be overlooked in almost all fatwa content, even though many issues potentially can be linked to this indicator.