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The Approach of Islamic Studies In Mapping Richard C. Martin Nur Solikin
An-Nisa': Jurnal Kajian Perempuan dan Keislaman Vol. 14 No. 2 (2021)
Publisher : LP2M UIN Kiai Haji Achmad Siddiq Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35719/annisa.v14i2.63


Kajian ini berfokus pada pemetaan pendekatan studi Islam dalam salah satu karya Richard C. Martin yang disunting berjudul Approaches to Islam in Religious Studies. Penelitian ini mengambil bentuk deskriptif-analitis yang dimulai dengan mengungkap latar belakang penulisan hingga evolusi sejarah studi agama. Melalui penelitian ini, beberapa kesimpulan yang dapat dikemukakan terkait dengan kecemasan akademik Martin, yang diakuinya dilatarbelakangi oleh kelemahan antara pendekatan teologis yang mempertahankan pemahaman normatif agama, dan sudut pandang sejarah agama yang menekankan pada deskripsi analitis dan membutuhkan jarak bagi para penelitinya. Sementara terkait dengan evolusi studi sejarah agama, ia menilai perkembangan studi independen setelah studi sejarah, antropologi, sosiologi, teologi dan studi timur, dan oleh karena itu, perkembangan studi tersebut cukup berpengaruh dalam cara sejarawan agama bekerja. Pengembangan lebih lanjut dianggap perlu untuk memisahkan studi agama dari disiplin lain. This study focuses on the mapping of the Islamic studies approach in one of Richard C. Martin's edited works entitled Approaches to Islam in Religious Studies. This study takes a descriptive-analytical form which begins by revealing the background of writing to the historical evolution of religious studies. Through this study, several conclusions that can be presented are related to Martin's academic anxiety, which he admits is motivated by a weakness between the theological approach which maintains a normative understanding of religions, and the history of religion point of view which emphasizes analytical descriptions and requires distance for the researchers.While related to the evolution of the study of the history of religion, he assessed the development of independent studies after historical studies, anthropology, sociology, theology and the study of the east, and therefore, developments in these studies were quite influential in the way historians of religions worked. further developments are deemed necessary to separate religious studies from other disciplines.  
Praktik Poligami Masyarakat Kalisat Rembang Pasuruan Tinjauan dalam Perspektif Teori Behavior Nur Solikin
Islamika Inside: Jurnal Keislaman dan Humaniora Vol 7 No 1 (2021): JUNI
Publisher : Fakultas Ushuluddin, Adab dan Humaniora (FUAH) UIN Kiai Haji Achmad Siddiq Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (527.686 KB) | DOI: 10.35719/islamikainside.v7i1.149


Abstract: This study examines the practice of polygamy in the Kalisat community from the point of view of behavior theory. The two main questions to be answered in this paper are about views the Kalisat community about polygamy and the process of polygamy in the perspective of behavior theory which places the actor's actions as being affected by the stimulus and then it becomes a new stimulus for the continuation of the practice of polygamy. Through behavior theory as a study tool, this study concludes that polygamy in the perception of the Kalisat community is no different from the view of the majority of jurists who say that polygamy is permissible on the condition that there is justice in it, regardless of what justice is demanded, whether in the material or immaterial fields. Another conclusion, the practice of polygamy carried out by the Kalisat community, on the one hand as acknowledged by one of the informants is a trait that has been passed down from generation to generation, on the other hand, it is also closely related to the community environment which has considered polygamy as a normal thing and therefore they Those who do not have polygamy are considered as "husbands who are afraid of their wives".
Discussing The Problems Of Implementing Iddah For Career Women Nur Solikin; Amran Khaliqurrahman
Activa Yuris: Jurnal Hukum Vol 1, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Madiun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25273/ay.v1i2.10099


Every human being expects a lasting relationship with his partner, but often relationships fail either because of divorce or death. The failure of a husband and wife relationship has a legal impact on a wife who is left behind, the wife who is left behind is obliged to perform iddah, iddah is Islamic law which aims to ensure that a woman's womb is empty before remarrying another man. In the implementation of iddah, there are restrictions to do, including the prohibition of applying, marrying, leaving the house and ihdad. Ihdad is a prohibition on dressing up. This problem then becomes a problem in itself for a career woman who in her daily life is required to leave the house to carry out her activities in her role as a career woman. As a professional, career women are required to dress and look like a pro. This then becomes a problem for a career woman who is carrying out iddah. On the one hand, make-up is prohibited, on the other hand, they are required to do so. Basically, Wahbah Zuhaili mentions that the essence of ihdad is to break the path that can make other prohibitions done, namely the interest of people to propose and get married. From the essence of the ihdad, a pregnant woman can take a middle path, which is to continue to carry out her role as a career woman, and keep her behavior and style simple so as not to invite men to approach and propose to her. That way iddah as sharia and the essence of ihdad can still be carried out.