Azwir Azwir
Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry

Published : 12 Documents Claim Missing Document
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Jurnal Ilmiah Didaktika Vol 17, No 2 (2017): Jurnal Ilmiah DIDAKTIKA Februari 2017
Publisher : Center for Research and Publication Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) of Ar-Raniry

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/jid.v17i2.1638


Learning the Quran is regarded as an essential activity in Muslim world in order to educate their young generations. However, in Aceh Besar district, many children and teenagers are not accustomed to reciting the Quran after the sunset prayer, but instead wandering around the street. Therefore, in 2012, the local government initiated a program of Beut al-Quran Ba’da Magrib in all villages in Aceh Besar district. This study attempted to figure out the effectiveness of the implementation of the program, strategy used, and impacts on the people in Aceh Besar. Held in Aceh Besar district, the study used cluster-based purposive sampling in Banda Safa, Lamcot, and Meunasah Karieng Lamlhom villages. The research participants were the Head of Islamic Law Office of Aceh Besar, teungku (Islamic teachers) of the program, santri (students) of the program, and community figures. In addition, the researcher had also collected some important documents reagrading this program. The data were collected by interview, observation, and documentation. The data were also triangulated. The findings indicated that the implementation of Beut al-Quran Ba’da Magrib program was not effective as expected. The strategy used was requiring school aged children to take part in the program. The impacts, however, were very good as the program has induced positive spirit of the young learners, as well as of the community and local environment. The positive impacts have encouraged other villages to implement similar programs. Nevertheless, there were still some obstacles that need to attention during the implementation of the program.
ضرورة التنظيم لتعليم مهارة الكلام Azwir Azwir
لسـانـنـا (LISANUNA): Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa Arab dan Pembelajarannya Vol 3, No 1 (2015): لساننا (LISANUNA): Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa Arab dan Pembelajarannya (Januari-Juni 201
Publisher : Fakultas Tarbiyah dan keguruan- UIN Ar-Raniry

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/ls.v3i1.3761


Maharah Al-Kalam salah satu skill bahasa yang tergolong susah dikuasai terlebih lagi bagi bukan penutur asli. Oleh itu perlu diperhatikan secara menyeluruh aspek-aspek yang mendukung untuk tercapainya hasil yang maksimal dari proses pengajaran. Tulisan ini untuk mengurai konsep yang perlu diperhatikan dalam rangka meningkatkan kemampuan Maharah Al-Kalam. Desain yang baik dan terencana menjadikan hasil yang diperoleh pengajaran akan baik pula. Hasil yang didapati dari kajian ini bahwa pengajaran Maharah Al-Kalam perlu memperhatikan aspek tingkat kesulitan setiap materi yang akan disampaikan sesuai dengan tingkat umur dan kemampuan para murid. Guru juga harus mempersiapkan diri dengan perbendaharaan Muhadasah terhadap topic yang disampaikan. Cerita dan ungkapan diantara metode yang diperkenalkan untuk diterapkan dalam pengajaran Maharah Al-Kalam. Pada tahap akhir pengajaran harus dilakukan evaluasi untuk mengetahui hasil proses pengajaran.
أسلوب التغلب على مشكلة التعبير لدى طلبة قسم تعليم اللغة العربية جامعة الرانيري Azwir Azwir
لسـانـنـا (LISANUNA): Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa Arab dan Pembelajarannya Vol 2, No 2 (2014): لساننا (LISANUNA): Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa Arab dan Pembelajarannya (Juli-Desember 20
Publisher : Fakultas Tarbiyah dan keguruan- UIN Ar-Raniry

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/l.v2i2.824


إن المهارة الأربع الاستماع و الكلام و الق ا رءة و الكتابة يتعاون بعضها البعض فى ضوء اكتساب اللغة العربية للناطق بغيرها. فلكل منها خصائصها تتميز عن غيرها بنهجها المختلف المتمثل في توفير ما يكون أقرب إلى قدر إمكان استيعابها. فقد بذل العلماء قصارى جهودهم في ابتكار أسهل طريقة و أيسرها للحصول عليها مقابلين أي متاعب بهدف بث هذه اللغة فى العالم. إلا أن اليوم ما ا زل الناس يعانون بمشكلة اكتسابها و الأمر لا يحدث ببلادنا فقط إنما اتسع ليشمل بقية العالم الناطق بغير العربية مما نال اهتمام الجامعات الإسلامية في العالم بأن تضع لها تجاربات علمية تستهدف إلى معالجة هذه المشكلة الكبيرة. و قسم تعليم اللغة العربية بكلية التربية جامعة ال ا رنيري إحدى الشعبة تهتم في تأهيل و إعداد معلمى اللغة العربية منذ قديم الزمان قد واجه مشكلة كبيرة في تعليم هذه اللغة.و لا يدرك الباحث أي مهارتها أصعب منالا بالنسبة إلى جهالته عن بيانات تثبت مدى اكتسابها لدى طلبتها صغارهم و كبارهم. و لكن في هذا البحث المتواضع يود أن يتناول في مجال الكتابة باعتباره لقد انضم إلى أحد المدرس لها ا رغبا في أن تكون هذه المهارة - ما يصفه من أعقد المهارة اللغوية منالا- مطبوقة في الفترة الأخيرة للمرحلة الد ا رسية حيث إن الطلبة مكلفون بإعداد رسالة علمية باللغة العربية.
تأثير اللغة الإندونيسية في المحادثة العربية لدى طلاب معهد المنار الحديث للتربية الإسلامية Azwir Azwir; Muhammad Zaky Bin Abdurrahman
لسـانـنـا (LISANUNA): Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa Arab dan Pembelajarannya Vol 9, No 1 (2019): لساننا (LISANUNA): Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa Arab dan Pembelajarannya (Januari-Juni 201
Publisher : Fakultas Tarbiyah dan keguruan- UIN Ar-Raniry

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/ls.v9i1.6729


This study discusses the influence of Indonesian on Arabic conversation of Al-Manar Islamic Boarding school students. In order to help student to be able to communicate in Arabic thus bi’ah lughawiyyah is created to train students speaking Arabic in the Islamic Boarding School environment. It is aim to fulfil the demand of global era in which Arabic is not only about learing Nahwu and Sarf but also about mastering language skills. Commmunication ability in Arabic Fusha is the most important thing that must be mastered when interacting with people from middle east countries for various need. Such as education and trade. The Islamic boarding school student often face problem in practicing Arabic expression; they are very difficult to free themselves from mother tongue. This problem is also faced by others in the world, as a result the student of the Islamic boarding school often make a mistake in their Arabic speaking expression. For example some one uses “هُناَ” to call person, meanwhile the right expression is “تَعاَل”.
Kitāb Bahasa Arab al-Madrasī Li aṣ-Ṣaff ar-Rābi` al-Ibtidā’ī Wa Taḥlīluhu Min Ḥaiṡ Tadarruj al-Mādah Salvina Ulfa; Azwir Azwir
EL-MAQALAH : Journal of Arabic Language Teaching and Linguistics Vol 3 No 1 (2022): El-MAQALAH: Journal of Arabic Language Teaching and Linguistics
Publisher : The Department of Arabic Language Education, Pascasarjana Universitas Islam Negeri Banda Aceh of UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh, Aceh, Indonesia.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/maqalah.v3i1.1820


In the teaching-learning process, there are several components interrelated each other. These components include: students, teachers, objectives, materials, methods, media and evaluation. The criteria for the content of textbooks that are suitable for using by education units have been determined by the BNSP as stated in the Regulation of the Education Minister and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia No. 8 of 2016 concerning books used in educational units article 3 paragraph 5 that the content of the textbook of lesson must cover aspects of material, linguistic, material presentation, and graphic. Besides these four aspects, teaching materials also need to be considered in a textbook. Teaching materials in textbooks are not only in accordance with the curriculum, but also they must be of high quality. William Francis Mackey explained that the aspects in seeing the quality of language teaching materials in a textbook, namely the aspects of selecting, gradation, presentation, and repetition. The researcher found that the subject matter for the fourth grade of the elementary school was not in the order and the grammar presented in the fourth grade of the elementary school was more than the grammar presented in the fifth Arabic for the elementary school. Therefore, the researcher analyzed the "fourth grade Arabic textbook at the Elementary School" to find out the contents of the book, according to the level of material gradation and also to determine the suitability of the book content with the principles of good book presentation. In this study, researcher used a descriptive method with the type of Content Analysis. The data collection techniques were documentation and literature review. In short, the results showed that the textbook has fulfilled the criteria for a good presentation of a textbook in terms of psychological, cultural, educational and language principles. However, when viewed in terms of material quality, this book is not in accordance with the level of material gradation.
Taṭwīr al-Kitāb Ayo Belajar Bahasa Arab Bi Waraqah al-`Amal `Inda aṭ-Ṭullāb Li Tarqiyah Qudratihim `Alā Mahārah al-Kitābah (al-Baḥṡ Wa at-Taṭwīr Bi MIN 15 Pidie Jaya) Muharramah Muharramah; Hilmi Hilmi; Azwir Azwir
EL-MAQALAH : Journal of Arabic Language Teaching and Linguistics Vol 3 No 2 (2022): El-MAQALAH: Journal of Arabic Language Teaching and Linguistics
Publisher : The Department of Arabic Language Education, Pascasarjana Universitas Islam Negeri Banda Aceh of UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh, Aceh, Indonesia.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/maqalah.v3i2.2291


This thesis is entitled "Development Book “Ayo Belajar Bahasa Arab” with LKS to improve students writing skills in Writing Hijayyah Letters (R&D research at MIN 15 Pidie Jaya)". The researcher found the problem that about 60% of the third-grade students at MIN 15 pidie jaya were not able to write Hijaiyah letters correctly, there were even some of them who wrote from left to right, especially when they wrote continuous letters in sentences. Based on these problems, the researchers wanted to develop worksheets to help improve their ability to write Hijaiyah letters. The LKS that the researcher wants to develop is the procedure for writing separate Hijaiyah and Hijaiyah letters that are connected to train them in writing so that they can write Arabic words and sentences correctly. The purpose of this study was to determine student responses to the development of worksheets. And to determine the level of effectiveness of the LKS development that has been developed. This researcher uses the R&D (Research and Development) method with the research instruments used are student questionnaires, expert validation, and tests. And the researcher took 15 third-grade students as samples. As for the data analysis technique, the researcher used the T-test formula from the SPSS program. And the results obtained based on this research are the development of worksheets based on valid expert assessments with a value of 93%, while the test results show that the use of worksheets is effective in improving their ability to write Hijaiyah letters. This is based on the results of the value of sig 0.00 <0.05.
Tahlil 'Anashir Al-Tarjamah Azwir Azwir
EL-MAQALAH : Journal of Arabic Language Teaching and Linguistics Vol 4 No 1 (2023): El-MAQALAH: Journal of Arabic Language Teaching and Linguistics
Publisher : The Department of Arabic Language Education, Pascasarjana Universitas Islam Negeri Banda Aceh of UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh, Aceh, Indonesia.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/maqalah.v4i1.2689


The most crucial fundamental Arabic linguistic elements to master are Nahu, Sharf, and Dilalah. This is crucial for the development of a decent phrase when translating Indonesian text into Arabic. This research objective is to investigate how Arabic Language Education students employ Nahu, Sharf, and Dilalah when translating Indonesian literature into Arabic. To identify useful phrases, the research model takes the form of a content study of the structure of Nahu, sharf, and Dilalah. This study revealed that the student's capacity to apply Nahu, Sharf, and Dilalah was seriously lacking. This is evidenced by their interactions with literature that cannot be translated into plain Arabic.
Kitāb Bahasa Arab al-Madrasī Li aṣ-Ṣaff ar-Rābi` al-Ibtidā’ī Wa Taḥlīluhu Min Ḥaiṡ Tadarruj al-Mādah Salvina Ulfa; Azwir Azwir
EL-MAQALAH : Journal of Arabic Language Teaching and Linguistics Vol 3 No 1 (2022): El-MAQALAH: Journal of Arabic Language Teaching and Linguistics
Publisher : The Department of Arabic Language Education, Pascasarjana Universitas Islam Negeri Banda Aceh of UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh, Aceh, Indonesia.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/maqalah.v3i1.1820


In the teaching-learning process, there are several components interrelated with each other. These components include students, teachers, objectives, materials, methods, media, and evaluation. The criteria for the content of textbooks that are suitable for use by education units have been determined by the BNSP as stated in the Regulation of the Education Minister and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia No. 8 of 2016 concerning books used in educational units article 3 paragraph 5 that the content of the textbook of lesson must cover aspects of material, linguistic, material presentation, and graphic. Besides these four aspects, teaching materials also need to be considered in a textbook. Teaching materials in textbooks are not only in accordance with the curriculum, but also they must be of high quality. William Francis Mackey explained the aspects of seeing the quality of language teaching materials in a textbook, namely the aspects of selecting, gradation, presentation, and repetition. The researcher found that the subject matter for the fourth grade of the elementary school was not in the order and the grammar presented in the fourth grade of the elementary school was more than the grammar presented in the fifth Arabic for the elementary school. Therefore, the researcher analyzed the "fourth-grade Arabic textbook at the Elementary School" to find out the contents of the book, according to the level of material gradation, and also to determine the suitability of the book content with the principles of good book presentation. In this study, the researcher used a descriptive method with the type of Content Analysis. The data collection techniques were documentation and literature review. In short, the results showed that the textbook has fulfilled the criteria for a good presentation of a textbook in terms of psychological, cultural, educational, and language principles. However, when viewed in terms of material quality, this book is not in accordance with the level of material gradation.
Taṭwīr al-Kitāb Ayo Belajar Bahasa Arab Bi Waraqah al-`Amal `Inda aṭ-Ṭullāb Li Tarqiyah Qudratihim `Alā Mahārah al-Kitābah (al-Baḥṡ Wa at-Taṭwīr Bi MIN 15 Pidie Jaya) Muharramah Muharramah; Hilmi Hilmi; Azwir Azwir
EL-MAQALAH : Journal of Arabic Language Teaching and Linguistics Vol 3 No 2 (2022): El-MAQALAH: Journal of Arabic Language Teaching and Linguistics
Publisher : The Department of Arabic Language Education, Pascasarjana Universitas Islam Negeri Banda Aceh of UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh, Aceh, Indonesia.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/maqalah.v3i2.2291


This thesis is entitled "Development Book “Ayo Belajar Bahasa Arab” with LKS to improve students writing skills in Writing Hijayyah Letters (R&D research at MIN 15 Pidie Jaya)". The researcher found the problem that about 60% of the third-grade students at MIN 15 Pidie Jaya were not able to write Hijaiyah letters correctly, there were even some of them who wrote from left to right, especially when they wrote continuous letters in sentences. Based on these problems, the researchers wanted to develop worksheets to help improve their ability to write Hijaiyah letters. The LKS that the researcher wants to develop is the procedure for writing separate Hijaiyah and Hijaiyah letters that are connected to train them in writing so that they can write Arabic words and sentences correctly. The purpose of this study was to determine student responses to the development of worksheets. And to determine the level of effectiveness of the LKS development that has been developed. This researcher uses the R&D (Research and Development) method with the research instruments used are student questionnaires, expert validation, and tests. And the researcher took 15 third-grade students as samples. As for the data analysis technique, the researcher used the T-test formula from the SPSS program. The results obtained based on this research are the development of worksheets based on valid expert assessments with a value of 93%, while the test results show that the use of worksheets is effective in improving their ability to write Hijaiyah letters. This is based on the results of the value of sig 0.00 <0.05.
Tahlil 'Anashir Al-Tarjamah Azwir Azwir
EL-MAQALAH : Journal of Arabic Language Teaching and Linguistics Vol 4 No 1 (2023): El-MAQALAH: Journal of Arabic Language Teaching and Linguistics
Publisher : The Department of Arabic Language Education, Pascasarjana Universitas Islam Negeri Banda Aceh of UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh, Aceh, Indonesia.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/maqalah.v4i1.2689


The most crucial fundamental Arabic linguistic elements to master are Nahu, Sharf, and Dilalah. This is crucial for the development of a decent phrase when translating Indonesian text into Arabic. This research objective is to investigate how Arabic Language Education students employ Nahu, Sharf, and Dilalah when translating Indonesian literature into Arabic. To identify useful phrases, the research model takes the form of a content study of the structure of Nahu, Sharf, and Dilalah. This study revealed that the student's capacity to apply Nahu, Sharf, and Dilalah was seriously lacking. This is evidenced by their interactions with literature that cannot be translated into plain Arabic.