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Natural Frequency Measurement of Modest Dwelling Houses Bambang Setiawan; Nafisah Al-Huda; Alfiansyah Yulianur; Nora Abdullah; Juellyan Juellyan; Athalya Khanza Permana; Jihan Indria Sawitri
Aceh International Journal of Science and Technology Vol 11, No 3 (2022): December 2022
Publisher : Graduate Program of Syiah Kuala University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (753.729 KB) | DOI: 10.13170/aijst.11.3.28765


Around 1000 to 4000 units of modest dwelling houses are annually built in Aceh Province. A modest dwelling house is a small type of house with limitations in space planning which is very suitable for small families with middle to lower incomes. This lower middle-class community is a group of people who are very vulnerable and will be very severely affected when a disaster occurs. A modest dwelling house is a one-story building with simple construction and structure in its physical form. On the other hand, Aceh is also one area that is very prone to earthquake disasters from along the subduction zone and Sumatran Fault. Therefore, measuring the frequency of a modest dwelling house is crucial to understanding all house elements' conditions. It is essential to estimate the integrity and safety of the house after an earthquake occurs. The method used in this research is using the field experiment method in the form of measuring the natural response of the building to vibration based on microtremor data. This study uses a seismometer. The data is stored in a data logger. The seismometer is placed on the floor of the house. Data collection is carried out when no major activities are around the house. Measurements were carried out for a minimum of 60 minutes. Computer analysis with specific parameters obtained using Geopsy software. The result of this study indicates that the dominant frequency of modest dwelling houses measured is around 2.99 Hz. The analysis results from the field experiment were validated using pushover analysis of the detailed engineering design data. The modeling results show that in the x-axis direction (parallel to the direction of the building), the frequency obtained is 7.14 Hz. Pushover analysis on the model with the y-axis direction (parallel to the side of the building) obtained a frequency of 7.46 Hz. This validation shows a huge difference between the frequency of field measurement results and computer modeling results. Many factors, including decreasing or degrading the concrete construction quality in the field, can cause this gap.
Natural Frequency Measurement of Modest Dwelling Houses Bambang Setiawan; Nafisah Al-Huda; Alfiansyah Yulianur; Nora Abdullah; Juellyan Juellyan; Athalya Khanza Permana; Jihan Indria Sawitri
Aceh International Journal of Science and Technology Vol 11, No 3 (2022): December 2022
Publisher : Graduate Program of Syiah Kuala University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.13170/aijst.11.3.28765


Around 1000 to 4000 units of modest dwelling houses are annually built in Aceh Province. A modest dwelling house is a small type of house with limitations in space planning which is very suitable for small families with middle to lower incomes. This lower middle-class community is a group of people who are very vulnerable and will be very severely affected when a disaster occurs. A modest dwelling house is a one-story building with simple construction and structure in its physical form. On the other hand, Aceh is also one area that is very prone to earthquake disasters from along the subduction zone and Sumatran Fault. Therefore, measuring the frequency of a modest dwelling house is crucial to understanding all house elements' conditions. It is essential to estimate the integrity and safety of the house after an earthquake occurs. The method used in this research is using the field experiment method in the form of measuring the natural response of the building to vibration based on microtremor data. This study uses a seismometer. The data is stored in a data logger. The seismometer is placed on the floor of the house. Data collection is carried out when no major activities are around the house. Measurements were carried out for a minimum of 60 minutes. Computer analysis with specific parameters obtained using Geopsy software. The result of this study indicates that the dominant frequency of modest dwelling houses measured is around 2.99 Hz. The analysis results from the field experiment were validated using pushover analysis of the detailed engineering design data. The modeling results show that in the x-axis direction (parallel to the direction of the building), the frequency obtained is 7.14 Hz. Pushover analysis on the model with the y-axis direction (parallel to the side of the building) obtained a frequency of 7.46 Hz. This validation shows a huge difference between the frequency of field measurement results and computer modeling results. Many factors, including decreasing or degrading the concrete construction quality in the field, can cause this gap.
Penilaian Kapasitas Struktur Bangunan Eksisting Sebagai Tempat Evakuasi Vertikal di Kecamatan Baitussalam Chresky Nofelri Karundeng; Yunita Idris; Syamsidik Syamsidik; Nora Abdullah
Journal of The Civil Engineering Student Vol 3, No 3 (2021): Volume 3, Nomor 3, Desember 2021
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/journalces.v3i3.17815


Kecamatan Baitussalam, Aceh Besar merupakan salah satu daerah terdampak bencana tsunami tahun 2004. Usaha mitigasi di Kecamatan ini masih berupa  jalur-jalur  evakuasi. Tempat evakuasi vertikal belum tersedia. Sehingga diperlukan tempat evakuasi vertikal terdekat untuk mengantisipasi bencana terulang kembali. Tempat evakuasi dapat dikembangkan dari bangunan eksisting. Sehingga penilaian kapasitas struktur dan fungsi bangunan eksisting sebagai tempat evakuasi vertikal dapat dipertimbangkan, maka tujuan penelitian ini adalah melakukan penilaian kapasitas struktur bangunan eksisting sebagai tempat evakuasi vertikal. Bangunan yang ditinjau yaitu Gedung A Yayasan Kesehatan Masyarakat dan Gedung SMAN 1 Baitussalam. Metode yang digunakan yaitu melakukan asesmen lapangan untuk mendapatkan data gedung kemudian dimodelkan pada SAP2000 v.22. Dari hasil pemodelan Pada SAP2000 v.22 dan persyaratan ketinggiaan fasilitas evakuasi, bangunan-bangunan ini belum memenuhi kriteria fasilitas tempat evakuasi sehingga perlu dilakukan penambahan tingkat dan perubahan penampang. Gedung yang telah ditambah tingkat dan diubah dimensi penampang pada  SAP2000 v.22 aman terhadap gempa dan tsunami serta dapat menjadi pertimbangan dalam perencanaan pengembangan tempat evakuasi vertikal di Kecamatan ini.
Validasi Parameter Pemodelan Struktur Dinding Bata Terkekang Terhadap Pengujian Meja Getar Menggunakan Aplikasi SeismoStruct Havidh Al-haqqi; Nora Abdullah; Cut Nella Asyifa
Journal of The Civil Engineering Student Vol 5, No 3 (2023): Volume 5 Nomor 3 September 2023
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/journalces.v5i3.27339


Dalam bangunan rumah tinggal, sistem struktural dinding bata terkekang (Confined Masonry Wall, CMW) sering digunakan untuk menghadapi beban gempa karena kemampuannya dalam menahan beban searah bidang dinding (in-plane). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis respons struktural CMW terhadap Gempa Pidie Jaya 2016 melalui pendekatan eksperimental dan pemodelan macro. Penelitian ini menggunakan perangkat lunak SeismoStruct untuk pemodelan CMW. Parameter pemodelan mencakup karakteristik material dan struktural, seperti modulus elastisitas, kuat luluh, kuat tekan, kuat tarik, serta panjang sendi plastis pada elemen kolom dan balok, juga karakteristik dinding pasangan bata. Pembebanan Non-linear Time History (NLTH) dilakukan dengan variasi Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) 0,3g, 0,6g, 0,8g, dan 1,0g. Validasi menunjukkan error terendah pada PGA 0,3g (0,14%) dan tertinggi pada PGA 1,0g (3,87%). Hasil analisis menunjukkan perbedaan respons struktur pada variasi PGA dan arah gempa. Output analisis lebih fokus pada arah horizontal dengan deformasi maksimum terjadi pada PGA 1,0g (1,05908 mm) yang tergolong dalam batas Deformasi Elastis. Penelitian ini memberikan wawasan tentang respon struktural CMW terhadap Gempa Pidie Jaya 2016. Melalui pendekatan eksperimental dan pemodelan, CMW menunjukkan potensi untuk mengatasi gempa dengan tingkat keparahan yang sesuai. Hasil analisis penelitian dapat dijadikan sebagai acuan dalam pengembangan bangunan tahan gempa di masa depan.