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Jurnal Ilmiah Elektronik Infrastruktur Teknik Sipil Volume 2, No. 1, Februari 2013
Publisher : Jurnal Ilmiah Elektronik Infrastruktur Teknik Sipil

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Abstrak : Condotel adalah suatu kegiatan yang bergerak di bidang jasa dengan menawarkan sebuah bangunan sebagai tempat penginapan yang memiliki fasilitas rumah, hiburan serta layanan yang mewah dan lengkap seperti hotel berbintang. Condotel The Jimbaran View dibangun di atas lahan seluas 4700 m2 yang dikembangkan oleh PT. Surya Arta Dana. Maka dalam  penelitian ini akan dilakukan analisis finansial selama masa pembangunan condotel The jimbaran view dan analisis capital recovery investasi dari pembeli kamar (investor). Pengolahan data sekunder menggunakan Metode Time Series/Trend, dengan proyeksi 15 tahun ke depan. Dengan analisis Discounted Pay back Period (PBP) dapat diketahui kapan pengembalian modal investasi. Untuk mengetahui kelayakan investasi digunakan kriteria penilaian investasi yaitu dengan menganalisis NPV (Net Present Value), BCR (Benefit Cost Ratio), dan IRR (Internal Rate of Return). Hasil analisis finansial selama masa pembangunan dengan tingkat suku bunga 14.10% pertahun diperoleh nilai NPV>0 sebesar Rp.15,560,043,685, nilai BCR>1 yaitu 1,23 dan nilai IRR>14.10%. Jadi, analisis menunjukkan Proyek Condotel The Jimbaran View layak direalisasikan. Sedangkan hasil analisis untuk pembeli kamar diperoleh Capital Recovery kamar standard sebesar Rp. 95,000,000/ tahun dan kamar suite sebesar Rp. 190.000.000/ tahun selama tujuh tahun. Dengan tingkat suku bunga 13.60% pertahun diperoleh nilai NPV>0 untuk kamar standard sebesar Rp 99,885,654 dan kamar suite sebesar Rp 199,771,308, nilai BCR>1 untuk kamar standard dan suite 1,17, nilai IRR kamar standard dan suite diperoleh sebesar 18,08%. PBP kamar standard dan suite pada tahun ke-11 bulan ke-9 saat pendapatan sebesar Rp. 592,417,211 dan Rp. 1,184,834,423, untuk PBP yang ditambahkan dengan free stay untuk kamar standard dan suite terjadi pada tahun ke-10 bulan ke-2 dan tahun ke-10 bulan ke-6 saat pendapatan sebesar Rp. 592,417,211 dan Rp. 1,184,834,423. Jadi, investasi untuk membeli kamar pada condotel The Jimbaran View layak dilaksanakan.Abstrack : Condotel is one kind of business in the services sector by offering a building as a place for lodging with full home facility, luxurious entertainment and complete services as the five-star hotel did. The Jimbaran View Condotel was built on 4700 m2 area that developed by PT. Surya Arta Dana. Therefore, in this research will be carried out the financial analysis during the construction period of  Jimbaran View Condotel and analysis capital investment recovery from the room buyers (investor). Data secondary processing used the time series/trend method, with projection 15 years ahead. With Discounted Pay Back Period (PBP) Analysis will be seen when the return of investment occured. Investment appraisal criteria will be used to determine the feasibility of investment, such as by analyzing NPV (Net Present Value), BCR (Benefit Cost Ratio), and IRR (Internal Rate of Return). The result of financial analysis during the construction period with interest rate 14,10 % per year obtained NPV>0 in amount Rp. 15.560.043.685, the BCR>1 is 1,23 and IRR>14,10% . Then, the analysis showed the Jimbaran View Condotel Project is feasible to built. And the result for room buyers obtained standard room capital recovery in amount Rp 95.000.000/year and suite room in amount Rp 190.000.000/year for seven years. With interest rate 13,60% per year obtained NPV>0 for standard room in amount Rp. 99.885.654 and suite room in amount Rp 199.791.308. The BCR>1 for standard room and 1,17 for suite room. And the IRR value for standard and suite room obtained 18,08%. PBP standard and suite room occured in the 11 year and 9 month when the income will reach Rp. 592.417.211 and Rp. 1.184.834.423, for PBP that added with free stay to standard and suite room occured in the 10 year and 2 month also in the 10 year and 6 month, when the income will reach Rp. 592.417.211 and Rp. 1.184.834.423. Then, the investment for buy room in Jimbaran View Condotel is feasible to made.
Kajian Pemanfaatan Ruang Kota Berkelanjutan (Studi Kasus di Kota Denpasar) Wiryananda, Ngakan Gd. A. Khrisna; Hasibuan, Hayati Sari; Madiasworo, Taufan
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 15, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Sipil Fakultas Teknik Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (716.641 KB) | DOI: 10.24002/jts.v15i1.3148


Abstract: The rapid development of tourism and the population growth of the population caused the problem on the spatial utilization of Denpasar City. The spatial utilization that occurred has not been in accordance with the objectives to be achieved. The fact is that the economy continues to grow, but ignores the existing environmental aspects. This study aims to analyzethe impact of spatial utilization on environmental and economic aspects as well as to formulate the sustainable urbanspatial utilization. This research uses spatial analysis technique and calculate sustainability index of environmental and economic. The results show that during the period of 2011 to 2015 the land use for settlements, tourism, and rice fields is not in accordancewith the spatial plan of Denpasar City 2011-2031. The impact of spatial utilization on environmental and economical aspects leads to unsustainable. This is evident from the environmental index value of the year 2011 that is 1.065 continues to decline to 1.056 in 2015. The economic index value which tends to decrease that is 1.012 in 2011 down to 0.992 in 2015. The formulation of sustainable urban spatial utilization should be done by planning the vertical building, implementation of autonomous traditionalrules, the implementation of perennial rice field, the utilization of vacant land and establishment of task control unit of traditional village. Abstrak:Pesatnya perkembangan pariwisata dan pertumbuhan penduduk menyebabkan permasalahan pada pemanfaatan ruang Kota Denpasar. Pemanfaatan ruang yang terjadi belum sesuai dengan tujuan yang ingin dicapai. Fakta yang terjadi yaitu perekonomian terus mengalami pertumbuhan, namun mengabaikan aspek lingkungan yang ada. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dampak pemanfaatan ruang pada aspek lingkungan dan ekonomi serta merumuskan pemanfaatan ruang Kota Denspasar yang berkelanjutan. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik analisis spasial dan menghitung indeks keberlanjutan lingkungan dan ekonomi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan selama kurun waktu 2011 sampai 2015 penggunaan lahan untuk pemukiman, pariwisata, dan sawah belum sesuai dengan RTRW Kota Denpasar 2011-2031. Dampak pemanfaatan ruang pada aspek lingkungan dan ekonomi mengarah pada tidak berkelanjutan. Hal tersebut terlihat dari nilai indeks lingkungan tahun 2011 yaitu 1,065 terus menurun menjadi 1,056 pada 2015. Nilai indeks ekonomi cenderung mengalami penurunan yaitu 1,012 tahun 2011 menjadi 0,992 tahun 2015. Rumusan pemanfaatan ruang kota berkelanjutan dilakukan dengan merencanakan bangunan vertikal, penerapan aturan adat secara otonom, penerapan sawah abadi, pemanfaatan lahan kosong dan pembentukan satuantugas pengendalian ruang adat.
Kajian Pemanfaatan Ruang Kota Berkelanjutan (Studi Kasus di Kota Denpasar) Ngakan Gd. A. Khrisna Wiryananda; Hayati Sari Hasibuan; Taufan Madiasworo
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol. 15 No. 1 (2018)
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Sipil Fakultas Teknik Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (716.641 KB) | DOI: 10.24002/jts.v15i1.3148


Abstract: The rapid development of tourism and the population growth of the population caused the problem on the spatial utilization of Denpasar City. The spatial utilization that occurred has not been in accordance with the objectives to be achieved. The fact is that the economy continues to grow, but ignores the existing environmental aspects. This study aims to analyzethe impact of spatial utilization on environmental and economic aspects as well as to formulate the sustainable urbanspatial utilization. This research uses spatial analysis technique and calculate sustainability index of environmental and economic. The results show that during the period of 2011 to 2015 the land use for settlements, tourism, and rice fields is not in accordancewith the spatial plan of Denpasar City 2011-2031. The impact of spatial utilization on environmental and economical aspects leads to unsustainable. This is evident from the environmental index value of the year 2011 that is 1.065 continues to decline to 1.056 in 2015. The economic index value which tends to decrease that is 1.012 in 2011 down to 0.992 in 2015. The formulation of sustainable urban spatial utilization should be done by planning the vertical building, implementation of autonomous traditionalrules, the implementation of perennial rice field, the utilization of vacant land and establishment of task control unit of traditional village. Abstrak:Pesatnya perkembangan pariwisata dan pertumbuhan penduduk menyebabkan permasalahan pada pemanfaatan ruang Kota Denpasar. Pemanfaatan ruang yang terjadi belum sesuai dengan tujuan yang ingin dicapai. Fakta yang terjadi yaitu perekonomian terus mengalami pertumbuhan, namun mengabaikan aspek lingkungan yang ada. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dampak pemanfaatan ruang pada aspek lingkungan dan ekonomi serta merumuskan pemanfaatan ruang Kota Denspasar yang berkelanjutan. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik analisis spasial dan menghitung indeks keberlanjutan lingkungan dan ekonomi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan selama kurun waktu 2011 sampai 2015 penggunaan lahan untuk pemukiman, pariwisata, dan sawah belum sesuai dengan RTRW Kota Denpasar 2011-2031. Dampak pemanfaatan ruang pada aspek lingkungan dan ekonomi mengarah pada tidak berkelanjutan. Hal tersebut terlihat dari nilai indeks lingkungan tahun 2011 yaitu 1,065 terus menurun menjadi 1,056 pada 2015. Nilai indeks ekonomi cenderung mengalami penurunan yaitu 1,012 tahun 2011 menjadi 0,992 tahun 2015. Rumusan pemanfaatan ruang kota berkelanjutan dilakukan dengan merencanakan bangunan vertikal, penerapan aturan adat secara otonom, penerapan sawah abadi, pemanfaatan lahan kosong dan pembentukan satuantugas pengendalian ruang adat.
Assessment of Surface Water Quality Status Using the Pollution Index Method in Tukad Badung River Kadek Diana Harmayani; Ni Made Pertiwi Jaya; Ida Ayu Rai Widhiawati; I Gede Andy Andika Parahita; Ngakan Gede Agung Khrisna Wiryananda; Ni Nyoman Dewi Supriyani; Daniel Rizal Mahendra; I Gusti Agung Gede Wiranata Baskhara; Debora Sofia Fransiska Hutagalung
Jurnal Presipitasi : Media Komunikasi dan Pengembangan Teknik Lingkungan Vol 20, No 1 (2023): March 2023
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/presipitasi.v20i1.175-185


This research proposes to find out the present state of the water's purity in Tukad Badung through an examination of the Pollution Index (PI) adopted from the methodology presented by the Water Quality Index (WQI), which was presented by the Indonesian Ministry of Environment. A series of water samples were taken at three river flow points in the Denpasar City area, representing the upstream, middle, and downstream areas. The water quality parameters were determined based on the characteristics of domestic wastewater pollutant sources that are identified in watershed areas. In accordance with Regulation 22 of the Government of 2021 concerning quality standards for river water used for drinking water, the average concentrations of Total Suspended Solid (TSS), Ammonia, Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD), and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) parameters have exceeded quality standards. Meanwhile, the oil and grease parameter, as well as detergents, still meet quality standards. The PI at three monitoring points was obtained at 2.41 – 4.27, categorized as lightly polluted. In the future, efforts to deal with water pollution are critical to meet the downstream water quality standards used as drinking water.
PEMBUATAN PERCONTOHAN KERAMBA JARING APUNG (KJA) RAMAH LINGKUNGAN DI PERAIRAN DANAU N.M.P. Jaya; K.D. Harmayani; I.A.R. Widhiawati; I.G.A.A. Parahita; N.G.A.K. Wiryananda; I.N.A.G.P. Putra; A.A.I. Praniti; N.P.R.S. Tara
Buletin Udayana Mengabdi Vol 23 No 1 (2024): Buletin Udayana Mengabdi
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/BUM.2024.v23.i01.p13


Cultivating freshwater fish using floating net cages (KJA) causes an increase in the nutrient content of uneaten feed and fish feces. Making a KJA pilot using aquatic plant biofilters capable of absorbing pollutants and of economic value, such as water spinach, bok choy, and red spinach, is carried out to socialize pollution from KJA activities and water quality management. The implementation of activities applies the Participatory Learning and Action (PLA) method by involving the Fish Farmers Group in Lake Batur in designing and installing environmentally friendly KJA. The KJA system consists of 3 (three) principal components, i.e., a watertight pond, a reservoir for leftover feed waste, and aquaponic plants. The community can understand the pollution and the importance of managing water quality based on the evaluation results. Besides that, through the direct involvement of the community, the design and application of KJA were produced following the conditions of the waters in Lake Batur. This relates to the layout of the components, namely the placement of a window for water circulation between the KJA pond and lake waters in a watertight pond, the order of a tank to hold leftover feed and fish feces as a result of suction from the bottom of the pond in the middle of the KJA, and the planting of plants in the planting medium pipe on the side of the KJA pond. Besides being helpful in environmental management, this KJA installation can be useful for increasing the economy through plant cultivation. Keywords: Aquaculture, Participatory Learning and Action (PLA), Lake Batur Waters, Environmentally Friendly Floating Net Cages (KJA), Water Quality Management.