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Analisis Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Pendapatan Pedagang Kaki Lima Di Kabupaten Kotawaringin Timur Sabirin; Ahmad Rizani
NYULI, Jurnal Pemikiran Sosial dan Politik Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): NYULI, Jurnal Pemikiran Sosial dan Politik
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Kristen Palangka Raya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56426/nyuli.v3i1.96


Analisis Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Pendapatan Pedagang Kaki Lima Di Kabupaten Kotawaringin Timur Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pendapatan pedagang kaki lima di Kabupaten Kotawaringin Timur. Variabel yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu modal awal, jam kerja, lama usaha dan jumlah pelanggan. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif yang bertujuan untuk membuktikan sebuah hipotesis. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara observasi, wawancara, kuesioner, dan dokumentasi. Sampel yang digunakan pada penelitian ini berjumlah 100 responden pedagang kaki lima dengan teknik sampel acak sederhana. Analisis data menggunakan pendekatan analisis regresi linier berganda dengan bantuan program SPSS. Dalam menganalisis data menggunakan uji statistik (koefisien determinasi (R2), uji F, uji T,) serta menggunakan uji asumsi klasik (uji normalitas, uji heteroskedastisitas, uji multikolinieritas dan uji autokolerasi). Hasil analisis data menunjukan bahwa variabel modal awal, jam kerja, dan jumlah pelanggan memiliki pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap pendapatan pedagang kaki lima. Sedangkan pada variabel lama usaha hasil yang diperoleh tidak memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap pendapatan pedagang kaki lima. Pendapatan PKL, Modal Awal, Jam Kerja, Lama Usaha, Jumlah Pelanggan.
East Java Economic Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 (2017)
Publisher : Kantor Perwakilan Bank Indonesia Provinsi Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (575.834 KB) | DOI: 10.53572/ejavec.v1i1.3


This study aimed to investigate economic growth, regional economic pattern and structure of East Java Province. Other than that, this study also identified anddetermined superior sectors in East Java Province to give an illustration on which superior economic activities to be developed to improve the economic potential in East Java Province. Data employed in this study was secondary data in six years’ time series form 2010 until 2015 about GDP (Gross Domestic Product) for Indonesia, RGDP (Regional Gross Domestic Product) for East Java Province, total population in Indonesia, total population in East Java Province, the number of people living in poverty in Indonesia, and the number of people living in poverty in East Java Province. Data was obtained from Central Statistics Institution Indonesia, National Planning and Development Institution, Central Statistics Institution of East Java Province, and Regional Planning and Development Institution of East Java Province. Analysis tools used in this study included economic performance analysis, ShiftShare, Location Quotient (LQ), Growth Ratio Model (MRP) and Overlay analysis. The results of the study showed that: (1) economic performance index of East Java Province was quite good because during 2011-2015 the province got average economic performance index 0.847; (2) shift-share analysis showed that East Java Province economic showed an improvement during 2010-2015 by 340.769,50 billion rupiahs. Those economic performance improvements in East Java Province could be seen from the positive value of 16 (sixteen) economic activity sectors; (3) according to Location Quotient (LQ) analysis, there were five superior sectors in East Java Province, they were processing industry sector, water procurement sector, waste and recycle management sector, wholesale and retail, auto car and motorcycle reparation sector, accommodation and foods providing sector, and information and communication sector; (4) Growth Ratio Model analysis showed that sectors which had dominants growth and big contribution were construction sector, wholesale and retail, auto car and motorcycle reparation sector, transportation and warehousing sector, accommodation and foods providing sector, information and communication sector financial and insurance service sector, real estate sector, education service sector, health service and social activity sector; (5) Overlay analysis showed that potential economic sector in East Java Province included wholesale and retail, auto car andmotorcycle reparation sector, accommodation and foods providing sector, and information and communication sector; (6) weighing result according to Shift-Share Location Quotient (LQ), and Growth Ratio Model analysis were five sectors based on the highest rank of the most potential weighing result, they were accommodation and foods providing sector, processing industry sector, wholesale and retail, auto car and motorcycle reparation sector, information and communication sector, and construction sector. JEL Classification : P47, O47, C02, C02, C02, C02
Jurnal Ekonomi Integra Vol 13, No 1 (2023): Jurnal Ekonomi Integra
Publisher : STIE 'INDONESIA' Pontianak

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51195/iga.v13i1.261


Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji pertumbuhan ekonomi, dan mengidentifikasi sektor-sektor unggulan di Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah agar. Data yang digunakan data sekunder dalam bentuk runtun waktu (time series) selama 11 tahun mulai tahun 2010 sampai dengan 2021 berupa data PDB (Produk Domestik Bruto) Indonesia dan PDRB (Produk Domestik Regional Bruto) Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah. Alat analisis penelitian meliputi analisis kinerja ekonomi, Shift-Share, Location Quotient (LQ), Model Rasio Pertumbuhan (MRP) dan analisis Overlay. Hasil penelitian yaitu struktur perekonomian dari tahun pengamatan 2010-2021 Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah dibandingkan dengan Indonesia mengalami peningkatan sebesar Rp45.765,00 milyar, disebabkan beberapa faktor yakni pengaruh pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia sebesar Rp33.710,49 milyar, pengaruh bauran industri sebesar Rp–3.643,03 milyar dan pengaruh keunggulan kompetitif sebesar Rp15.697,55 milyar. LQ menunjukkan sektor unggulan yakni sektor pertanian, kehutanan, dan perikanan; disusul sektor pertambangan dan penggalian. Sedangkan MRP, sektor yang dominan pertumbuhannya adalah sektor transportasi dan pergudangan dan sektor unggulan/potensial adalah sektor pertanian, kehutanan dan perikanan
Jurnal Ekonomi Integra Vol 13, No 1 (2023): Jurnal Ekonomi Integra
Publisher : STIE 'INDONESIA' Pontianak

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51195/iga.v13i1.262


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Suku Bunga, Inflasi dan Tabungan terhadap Penyaluran Kredit Investasi dan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi di Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah jenis data sekunder. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Analisis Jalur. Hasil analisis menunjukkan suku bunga kredit investasi berpengaruh negatif secara langsung dan signifikan terhadap kredit investasi, inflasi dan tabungan berpengaruh positif secara langsung dan signifikan terhadap kredit investasi. Suku bunga kredit investasi berpengaruh positif secara langsung dan signifikan terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi, inflasi berpengaruh postif secara langsung dan tidak signifikan terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi, tabungan berpengaruh negatif secara langsung dan signifikan terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi dan kredit investasi menunjukkan pengaruh positif secara langsung dan signifikan terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi. Selanjutnya suku bunga secara tidak langsung berpengaruh negatif dan tidak signifikan terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi melalui kredit investasi, inflasi secara tidak langsung memberikan pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi melalui kredit investasi dan tabungan secara tidak langsung berpengaruh positif dan tidak signifikan terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi melalui kredit investasi
Investment Decision Making in Digital Business Using Tsukamoto Fuzzy Logic Muhammad Fuad; Fegie Yoanti Wattimena; Ahmad Rizani; Yuswardi
International Journal Software Engineering and Computer Science (IJSECS) Vol. 3 No. 2 (2023): AUGUST 2023
Publisher : Lembaga Komunitas Informasi Teknologi Aceh (KITA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35870/ijsecs.v3i2.1525


This research investigates the application of Tsukamoto's Fuzzy Logic in investment decision making in a digital business context. By integrating human knowledge and numerical data, this method seeks to overcome the challenges of complexity and uncertainty that often arise in the fast-changing digital business environment. Through analysis of case studies and interviews with industry practitioners, this study identifies the steps for implementing effective Tsukamoto Fuzzy Logic, including the formation of fuzzy variables, determination of membership functions, application of fuzzy rules, and defuzzification processes. The results of Tsukamoto's Fuzzy Logic calculations are applied to digital investment cases, providing an overview of investment quality based on various input variables. This research shows that this method can produce a holistic and informative approach in making investment decisions. In addition, the diverse participation of practitioners in various regions provides valuable insights in dealing with the uncertainties of digital business. In this challenging digital era, this research provides guidance for decision makers in dealing with the complexities of a dynamic business environment.
Effect of Capital, Labor, Hours of Work and Length of Business on Toll Counter Income in Palangka Raya City Ahmad Rizani; Karmen Marpaung; Ega Dwi Maharani
Journal Magister Ilmu Ekonomi Universtas Palangka Raya : GROWTH Vol. 7 No. 2 (2021): GROWTH : Journal Magister Ilmu Ekonomi Universitas Palangka Raya
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Palangka Raya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52300/grow.v7i2.8401


This study aims to determine the effect of capital, labor, working hours, and length of business on the income of the pulse counter in the city of Palangka Raya. The research method used in this research is a quantitative method. Data collection techniques in the form of a questionnaire (questionnaire) with sampling using purposive sampling as many as 50 respondents. The data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression analysis and hypothesis testing using the IBM SPSS 25 program. The results show that capital, working hours, and length of business have a partial effect on pulse counter income in Palangka Raya City while the labor variable has no significant effect. partial to pulse counter income in Palangka Raya City. But simultaneously all variables have a significant effect on the income of the pulse counter business in Palangka Raya City
Analysis of Labor Absorption in Small Industries in Palangka Raya City (Case Study in Pahandut, Jekan Raya and Sabangau Districts) Miar Miar; Ahmad Rizani; Desi Desi
Journal Magister Ilmu Ekonomi Universtas Palangka Raya : GROWTH Vol. 7 No. 2 (2021): GROWTH : Journal Magister Ilmu Ekonomi Universitas Palangka Raya
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Palangka Raya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52300/grow.v7i2.8404


The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of capital, labor productivity and labor wages in the labor absorption on small industries in Palangka Raya City partially or simultan. This type of study was quantitative study by conducting interviews and questionnaires to 100 respondents of small industry entrepreneurs in Palangka Raya City ( Case studies in the sub-districts of Pahandut, Jekan Raya and Sabangau) by using multiple linear regression analysis tool. The results of this study showed that simultaneously capital, labor productivity and labor wages have a significant effect on employment. Partially capital, labor productivity and labor wages have a significant effect on labor absorption
The Effect of Exports, Government Expenditures and Inflation on Economic Growth in Central Kalimantan Sabirin Sabirin; Ahmad Rizani; Desy Safitri
Journal Magister Ilmu Ekonomi Universtas Palangka Raya : GROWTH Vol. 7 No. 2 (2021): GROWTH : Journal Magister Ilmu Ekonomi Universitas Palangka Raya
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Palangka Raya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52300/grow.v7i2.8407


This study analyzes how the partial and simultaneous influence of the components of exports, government spending and inflation on economic growth. The method used in this research is descriptive-quantitative approach. The data used in this study is time series data for 2010-2019 in the quarter period in Central Kalimantan Province. The collected data is then analyzed using Multiple Linear Regression, the software used is Eviews version 9. The results of this study indicate that partially exports have a negative and insignificant effect on economic growth. Government Expenditure partially has a negative and insignificant effect on Economic Growth. Inflation partially positive and significant effect on economic growth. And overall Exports, Government Expenditures, and Inflation simultaneously have no effect on Economic Growth.
Jurnal Review Pendidikan dan Pengajaran (JRPP) Vol. 7 No. 1 (2024): In-Progress Volume 7 No 1 Tahun 2024
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/jrpp.v7i1.25844


Pendidikan kewirausahaan dapat mendorong perkembangan kemandirian di antara generasi muda. Mereka dapat memperoleh pemahaman bahwa mereka dapat mengambil kendali atas nasib mereka sendiri melalui usaha kewirausahaan. Perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi sangat berkontribusi pada kemajuan suatu bisnis, memberikan pelayanan yang semangat efektif dan efisien. Salah satu dampak yang paling dirasakan ialah bagaimana dengan kemajuan tersebut seharusnya dapat memberikan kesempatan bagi para pencari kerja untuk membuka seluas-luasnya lapangan pekerjaan baik untuk kebutuhan diri sendiri dan juga kebutuhan masyarakat luas lainnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pendidikan kewirausahaan dan mental kewirausahaan terhadap motivasi berwirausaha pada generasi muda di kelurahan Jodipan kecamatan Blimbing. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif, sedangkan pengumpulan data yang dilakukan dengan cara kuesioner yang dibagikan kepada 80 pelaku usaha di kelurahan Jodipan kecamatan Blimbing. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif dan analisis regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa secara parsial pendidikan kewirausahaan dan mental kewirausahaan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap motivasi berwirausaha pada generasi muda di kelurahan Jodipan kecamatan Blimbing. Generasi saat ini memasuki masa produktif yaitu pada tingkat usia tersebut dapat dibangun ambisi yang tinggi dengan tingkat kebebasan kemandirian dalam memutuskan sebuah pilihan untuk menggapai impian yang dinanti.