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Journal : Construction and Material Journal

Construction and Material Journal Vol 2, No 1 (2020): CONSTRUCTION AND MATERIAL JOURNAL VOL. 2 NO. 1 MARET 2020
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Jakarta

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AbstractThe objectives of the research were to obtain the Marshall properties of asphalt concrete mixture mixed with variations of manual compact collisions and to determine the optimum number of compactions collisions in the asphalt concrete mixture using anti stripping additives. The independent variables in this research are variation of the number of compaction collisions of asphalt concrete as many as 2x50, 2x75, 2x100, 2x125 and 2x150, with optimum asphalt content of 6%, and Wetfix Be 0,3% to optimum asphalt content. Marshall test method used in this research was based on SNI 06-2489-1991. The dependent variables (research parameters) included percent of cavities in the aggregate (VMA), percent of cavities in the mix, percent of cavities filled in asphalt (VFB), percent of cavity to mix (VIM), stability, melting, and Marshall Quotient. The result showed that the optimum number of compactions of asphalt concrete was 2x100 with Marshall properties value fulfilling SNI 8198-2015 specification. In Asphalt concrete mixture with optimum asphalt content (KAO) of 6%, Wetfix Be level of 0,3%, optimum number of compactions of 2X100, could be obtained by Aggregate (VMA) cavity 17.50%; Asphalt filled cavity (VFB) 76.50%; Cavity to Mixture (VIM) 4,00%; Stability of 1800.00 kg; Melting of 3.75 mm; and Marshall Quontient 500.00 kg/mmKeywords: Anti Stripping, Collision, Compaction, Wetfix BeAbstrakTujuan penelitian untuk mendapatkan nilai properties Marshall campuran beton aspal dengan berbagai variasi jumlah tumbukan pemadatan dan menentukan jumlah tumbukan pemadatan yang optimum pada campuran beton aspal dengan menggunakan bahan tambah anti stripping. Variabel bebas pada penelitian ini adalah variasi jumlah tumbukan pada pemadatan pembuatan beton aspal  sebanyak 2x50, 2x75, 2x100, 2x125 dan 2x150, dengan Kadar Aspal Optimum 6%, dan Wetfix Be 0,3% terhadap kadar aspal optimum. Metode pengujian Marshall berdasarkan SNI 06-2489-1991. Variabel terikat (parameter penelitian) meliputi persen rongga dalam agregat (VMA), persen rongga dalam campuran, persen rongga terisi aspal (VFB), persen rongga terhadap campuran (VIM), stabilitas, kelelehan, Marshall Quotient. Hasil penelitian didapat jumlah tumbukan pada pemadatan beton aspal yang optimum sebesar 2x100 dengan nilai properties Marshall memenuhi spesifikasi SNI 8198-2015. Campuran beton aspal dengan Kadar Aspal Optimum (KAO) 6%, kadar Wetfix Be sebesar 0,3%, Jumlah Tumbukan Optimum 2X100, diperoleh Rongga terhadap Agregat (VMA) 17,50%; Rongga Terisi Aspal (VFB) 76,50%; Rongga terhadap Campuran (VIM) 4,00%; Stabilitas 1800,00 kg; Kelelehan 3,75 mm; dan Marshall Quontient 500,00 kg/mmKata kunci: Anti Stripping, Tumbukan, Pemadatan, Wetfix  Be
Construction and Material Journal Vol 1, No 1 (2019): Construction and Material Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 Maret 2019
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Jakarta

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Suhu pemadatan merupakan faktor yang sangat penting dalam proses pemadatan karena mempengaruhi tingkat kepadatan campuran beton aspal. Penelitian ini menggunakan bahan aditif Wetfix Be, yang merupakan bahan kimia anti stripping  berguna untuk meningkatkan ikatan dan menstabilkan campuran antara agregat dan aspal terutama pada musim hujan. Tujuan penelitian untuk mendapatkan nilai properties Marshall dengan berbagai variasi suhu pemadatan dan menentukan suhu pemadatan yang optimum pada campuran beton aspal dengan menggunakan bahan tambah anti stripping. Variabel bebas pada penelitian ini adalah variasi suhu pemadatan pada pembuatan beton aspal  yaitu 700C, 900C, 1100C, 1300C, dan 1500C, dengan Kadar Aspal Optimum (KAO) 0,6%, dan Wetfix Be 0,3% terhadap kadar aspal optimum. Metode pengujian menggunakan Marshall berdasarkan SNI 06-2489-1991. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan suhu pemadatan pada aspal beton dapat meningkatkan nilai kepadatan, % Rongga Terisi Aspal, Stabilitas, dan Marshall Quotient serta menurunkan  % rongga di antara agregat, % rongga dalam campuran dan kelelehan. Didapat rentang Suhu pemadatan yang masih memenuhi parameter Marshall pada suhu 120°C sampai dengan 160°C. Adapun nilai suhu optimum pemadatan untuk campuran beton aspal yang sebesar 140°C, dengan nilai VMA 18,10%, VFB 73,09%, VIM 4,88 %, Stabilitas 1228,28 kg, kelelehan 3,93 mm dan MQ 362,14 kg/mm, memenuhi spesifikasi Bina Marga 2010.Kata kunci: Anti Stripping, Suhu, Pemadatan, Wetfix BeCompaction temperature is a very important factor in the compaction process because it affects the density level of asphalt concrete mixtures. This research uses Wetfix Be additive material, which is an anti-stripping chemical which is useful to increase bonding and stabilize the mixture between aggregates and asphalt, especially in rainy seasons. The aim of the study was to obtain Marshall properties with compaction temperature variations and determine the optimum compaction temperature in asphalt concrete mixtures using added anti-stripping materials. The independent variable in this study is the compaction temperature variations in asphalt concrete manufacturing is 70°C, 90°C, 110°C, 130°C, and 1500C with optimum asphalt content (OAC) of 6%, and Wetfix Be of 0.3% against optimum asphalt content. Testing method using Marshall based on SNI 06-2489-1991. The results showed that the addition of the compaction temperature on concrete asphalt could increase the density value, percentage of the voids filled with asphalt, stability, and Marshall quotient; and reduce the voids in the mineral aggregates, % voids in the mixture and flow. The compaction temperature range obtained which still meets Marshall Parameters was from 120°C to 160°C. The optimum compaction temperature value for asphalt concrete mixtures were 140 ° C, with VMA values of 18.10%, VFB 73.09%, VIM 4.88%, stability of 1228.28 kg, flowing of 3.93 mm and MQ of 362,14 kg/mm which meet the specifications of Bina Marga 2010.Keywords: Anti-Stripping, Compaction Temperature, Wetfix Be