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Pemberdayaan Perempuan Nelayan Bale Bungo (Oxyeleotriks Marmorata) sebagai Upaya Pengembangan Usaha Produk Oleh-Oleh Khas Wajo An Ras Try Astuti
Dimas: Jurnal Pemikiran Agama untuk Pemberdayaan Vol 20, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : LP2M of Institute for Research and Community Services - UIN Walisongo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (388.101 KB) | DOI: 10.21580/dms.2020.202.5833


This research aims to design an empowerment model that is appropriate to the character of the community in Wajo, South Sulawesi. The focus of this research-based empowerment activity is the development of the business of women fisherman Bale Bungo (oxyeleotris marmorata). This study uses a qualitative approach model with a participatory action research (PAR) method. The research subjects consisted of the head of the sub-district, the village head and the fisherman Women's Community. The data of this study were obtained by observation, interview and documentation techniques. The results of the study are as follows. (1) Identification of community needs through Brainstorming (2) Mapping of Village Potential (3) Planning and increasing the capacity of group members through a series of training and focus group discussions (FGD). Indicators of successful training include increasing knowledge and skills to process Bungo into value-added souvenirs. Fisherman women, as well as the increasing economic income of the surrounding community. In addition, it is expected that in the future there will be a Sustainability of women's empowerment program in developing business products in order to compete and compete at the national and international levels. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendesain model pemberdayaan yang sesuai dengan karakter masyarakat di Kabupaten Wajo, Sulawesi Selatan. Fokus pada kegiatan pemberdayaan berbasis penelitian ini adalah pengembangan usaha perempuan nelayan Bale Bungo (oxyeleotris marmorata) Penelitian  ini  menggunakan model pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode  participatory  action  research  (PAR).Subjek  penelitian  terdiri  dari  kepala kecamatan dan Komunitas Perempuan nelayan.  Data penelitian ini diperoleh dengan teknik observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian adalah sebagai berikut. (1) Identifikasi kebutuhan masyarakat melalui Brainstorming (2) Pemetaan Potensi (3) Perencanaan dan melakukan peningkatan kapasitas anggota kelompok Melalui serangkaian pelatihan dan focus group discussion (FGD). Indikator keberhasilan pelatihan diantaranya adalah bertambahnya pengetahuan dan keterampilan untuk mengolah ikan bungo menjadi produk oleh-oleh yang bernilai tambah ekonomis. Perempuan nelayan, serta meningkatnya pendapatan ekonomi masyarakat sekitar. Selain itu, diharapkan kedepannya akan ada Keberlanjutan program pemberdayaan perempuan dalam pengembangan produk usaha agar dapat bersaing dan berkompetisi ditingkat nasional dan international  
Persepsi Guru Pondok Pesantren Di Kabupaten Sidenreng Rappang Tentang Perbankan Syariah Terhadap Minat Menabung Pada Bank Syariah An Ras Try Astuti Nasir; Wildah Syawaliyah Kasman
El-Iqtishod: Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah Vol. 5 No. 1 (2021): Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah EL-IQTISHOD
Publisher : Program Studi Ekonomi Syariah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Penelitian ini mengulas studi empiris tentang perbankan islam dan berkonsentrasi pada persepsi guru pondok pesantren di Kabupaten Sidenreng Rappang dan menyoroti arah penelitian di masa yang akan datang. Kekhawatiran guru pondok pesantren telah menyebabkan pergeseran paradigma dalam sistem perbankan Syariah.Penelitian selanjutnya berfokus pada penyelidikan empiris tanpa eksplorasi analitis dan teoritis yang ekstensif di tiga pondok pesantren yang berada di Kabupaten Sidenreng Rappang, antara lain; Pondok Pesantren Al Urwatul Wutsqaa, Pondok pesantren DDI As-Salman dan Pondok Pesantren Nurul Azhar Talawe. Studi terbaru fokus pada minat menabung guru pondok pesantren tersebut. Data Kuesioner diolah dengan SPSS versi 16.0 dengan metode One Sample T Test (uji satu sampel), analisis koefisien korelasi, analisis regresi linear sederhana, dan analisis koefisien determinasi. Hasil t-test memperoleh Sig 2 (tailed) (0,00) < ? (0,05) maka H0 ditolak dan H1 diterima, hasil pengujian menunjukkan adanya hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara persepsi dengan minat menabung. Dibuktikan hasil nilai r hitung (0,446) > r tabel (0,334) dengan nilai signifikansi (0,00) < 0,05 dapat dibuktikan bahwa ada hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara persepsi dengan minat menabung dengan nilai 0,446 yang memiliki tingkat korelasi yang sedang. Persepsi berpengaruh secara postif dan signifikan terhadap minat menabung dengan pengaruh yang lemah yang dapat dibuktikan dengan hasil t hitung (2,864) > t tabel (2,034) dan signifikansinya (0,00) < 0,05, artinya H0 ditolak dan H1 diterima. Pada pengujian koefisien determinasi yang memperoleh sebesar 20% persepsi guru pondok pesantren tentang perbankan syariah.
Muamalat: Jurnal Kajian Hukum Ekonomi Syariah Vol. 9 No. 2 (2017): Desember
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20414/mu.v9i2.2018


Capitalism as an economic system that is implemented by most countries in the world today, in fact it gave birth to injustice and social inequalityare increasingly out of control. Social and economic inequalities are felt both between countries (developed and developing countries) as well as insociety itself (the rich minority and the poor majority). The condition is born from the practice of departing from faulty assumptions about the man. In capitalism the individual to own property released uncontrollably, causing a social imbalance. On the other hand, Islam never given a state model that guarantees fair distribution of ownership for all members of society, ie at the time of the Prophet Muhammad established the Islamic government in Medina. In Islam, the private ownership of property was also recognized but not absolute like capitalism. Islam also recognizes the forms of joint ownership for the benefit of society and acknowledges the ownership of the state that aims to create a balance and social justice.
Dinasti International Journal of Management Science Vol 3 No 3 (2022): Dinasti International Journal of Management Science (January - February 2022)
Publisher : Dinasti Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31933/dijms.v3i3.1091


This article describes the relevance of Imam Al Ghazali's thoughts to the context of the current consumption needs of Islam. The presence of Islam with its beliefs and principles in it, this belief is built on the foundation of God with the consequences of the birth of the principles of Nubuwwah, Khuluqiyyah, Justice, Insaniah, Help and Cooperation. All of these principles in reality affect economic activity, both distribution, production and consumption. Imam AL Ghazali as one of the Islamic economic thinkers participated in providing related ideas about Production in Islam that presents Allah swt in every production activity. On the other hand, according to Imam AL Ghazali, the factors of production include land, labor, technology, production management, technology and raw materials. Furthermore, regarding the classification of production, namely a discussion of the types of production, namely 1) basic industry, textiles for clothing, construction for housing, and state activities, 2) supporting industries (steel industry development, and forest resources), 3) complementary activities related to milling and burning of agricultural products. Finally, regarding the stages of production, Al Ghazali acknowledged that there are stages of production that require division of labor, coordination and cooperation. Regarding its relevance to production activities according to Imam Al Ghazali's view. Many phenomena are related to Imam Al Ghazali's thinking, such as the increase in UMKMs which are factors supporting the success of economic activities including production activities, but some phenomena that are not in line with Imam Al Ghazali's thinking are producers who do not heed the values ​​of virtue and justice in their production activities.
Dinasti International Journal of Education Management And Social Science Vol 3 No 2 (2021): Dinasti International Journal of Education Management and Social Science (Decembe
Publisher : Dinasti Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31933/dijemss.v3i2.1070


This research identifies the business activities related to the teachings of the Khalwatiyah Samman Order which are identical to Sufistic activities. So that it attracts the attention of researchers to find out about the history of the entry of the Khalwatiyah Samman Order, how is the relevance of business activities to the teachings and business activities carried out by followers of the Khalwatiyah Samman Order. This type of research uses a qualitative approach to phenomenology. The results of the study found that the teachings of the Tarekat Khalwatiyah Samman were the teachings of the tarekat which were based on sincerity so that it was solely to Allah swt that their followers cling to it. All teachings and activities, both social and non-social to their economic life, have been arranged in such a way according to their beliefs in carrying out and following these teachings. So that there is no reason for them not to be sincere in living their lives in the world and merely looking for provisions for life in the hereafter by always remembering Allah swt in dhikr